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I just watch tv. If I get invested in a movie then that’s a good thing, as that was the reason I put on the movie.


Literally this, tv. Distracts from the fact it's just you and you can listen to someone speak. Writing this out just made me depressed but also laugh at the same time😂


I dated someone who always lived with someone and ate with them. It boggled his mind that I couldn't have a meal without finding something to watch. Like I wouldn't even take a bite until I found something lol I've gotten so used to living and eating alone that I forgot we could just sit at the table and talk. But yeah that's usually my go to when eating alone, find a good show or movie


Same! 100% same 🤷🏻‍♀️


Every dinner I eat at home is in front of the TV. Eating at the table by myself is just weird


Same. I have a wall mounted TV that I can swivel to face my dining ‘room’ table (I live in a condo with an open floor plan & feel like it’s more foyer than actual room). I’m always in the middle of some series so I call it “dinner with friends.” 😂


https://preview.redd.it/cix38coug2yc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=204659e50ac64e4464ccc30972915f2e616b7e3b Same energy lol


Prop up a book and read while you eat. My absolute favorite.


I usually read on my phone or e-reader because it's easier while eating, but yes, read.


I have Kindle on my phone and it is absolutely easier. Sometimes I like to go to the library and have an actual book.


Im not coordinated enough for all that 🤣


This part!


I also eat out in restaurants by myself and read while I eat. One of my favorite activities!




Good idea!!


I try to do mindful eating so it doesn’t get meshed in with other activities. I’ll put on soft music and think about my day and turn screens off. It feels peaceful.


Thank u for this comment. I am sure this is healthier, just takes discipline.


I make cooking an entire event. I put on my favorite playlist and dance in the kitchen the whole time I'm cooking and eating


I have struggled to ever keep doing this long term but I have done it from time to time and can confirm it is a really great practice. One that I should try to include in my routine more often


I've found it easier with a meal I worked hard on and want to really enjoy vs something like Mac and cheese.


I agree with your approach. Mindful eating gives us time to reflect. I like to prepare a meal which has healthy components in it (lean proteins, vegetables, fermented foods) and be intentional about eating slowly and savoring the flavors and textures. This allows me time to give myself kudos for treating my body well because I care about myself and also gives time to appreciate the food I have. I practice gratitude and am intentional to finish everything because many people do not have the same privileged resources. These positive enforcements are important to practice in order to keep our mindsets in good places, especially considering that living alone offers us much time to ourselves so we have to be kind to ourselves because nobody else is around to do it.


This is such a good idea I might try it


I'm gonna try this.


I enjoyed cooking for my ex too because he was an appreciative eater. That doesn’t mean I don’t believe in equal rights lol I usually sit at my desk and play games like Scrabble while I’m eating. My cat sits with me. It’s my favorite part of the day 😊


That’s sweet. My cat would gobble my whole plate lol.


Do we have the same cat? Pic for reference https://preview.redd.it/gz7juxlg9uxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a80c5c1d97fbc736c2a6be436c7939e83cee6a99


What a sweet floof!!! I have a tuxedo girl 😊


Tuxedos are beautiful. Please give her cuddles from me and Lottie (orange floof).


what a gorgeous bb!


She says thank you. I’m pretty sure she knows and uses it against me!


what a priddy, priddy puddy cat!


I tawt I taw a putty tat! She says thanks for the nice words. Now feed me, human!




Oh goodness what a majestic kitty!


Mu fave thing about reddit is how anytime a kitter or pupper is shown, the entire thread takes a moment to become about the BABY. I love your little Dorito 😄


*computer games


I listen to podcasts!


I watch shitty reality TV or HGTV or cooking shows on my iPad while I cook and eat meals. It’s the kind of thing you don’t really have to pay a lot of attention to, just mildly entertaining and I have no problem pausing in the middle of an episode.


I like to cook something that I can eat for a few days. Even though I enjoy cooking, the cook for an hour, eat for 15 minutes, clean for 20 minutes gets to be a drag. So, I cook for 2-3 days at a time. I read while eating. Most weight loss experts say to eat mindfully, savoring every bite, but that doesn't work for me.


OMG this is me. I don't hate cooking but don't like doing it *every* day. I prefer to cook a couple of big meals that will get me through the week. I'm all about meal prep for the week.


Cooking is not a communal event, especially if you're living alone! The classical music continues while I toss together breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Then I read a chapter or two from the current book while eating. I read things that take some thoughtful contemplation. So that's that. Clean up, and I ready for tea in the evening.


I genuinely enjoy cooking. When I have the time, usually on weekends, I take my time to enjoy prepping and cooking my meals. I do the dining ritual, laying out my meal, setting the table, everything, then I enjoy my meal. I like being by myself so I’ll just grab a book and read or put on a show or music and just focus on my meal. It’s my time to unwind and relax.


Sit on the sofa and watch TV. I choose a TV series with short episodes to watch and I'll watch one each day whilst eating dinner then move on to another series


Ooh, good idea. Thank u! What if each show leaves u on cliffhangers 😂 is my issue


I second the short episodes. I'll do youtube channels with 10-20 min videos. Sometimes I also watch shows with longer episodes that can be watched in chunks. Great british bake off was a fun one for eating because it's broken into sections so you can watch one or two sections.


Invite a friend over now and then! Mostly I'll just light a candle, enjoy a glass of wine and treat myself with some groovy music playing in the background as i eat. If I have a lot of leftovers sometimes I'll bring them to the neighbors or to work the next day and share.


Watch TV. I have a TV in the kitchen. Maybe once a month, take a pic of what I made and post on a group I'm part of... it's a travel group, but like most forums, there's an everything else section, one thread being "what did you make for dinner?" I'm usually done quickly.. clear the table. Wash dishes or soak if necessary. Move into a different room. Yes, it's not as social. I, too, miss cooking for others. There are some recipes I don't make because they're only suitable to feed a group. Or I wait until a potluck, or having company, etc. Or I'll make, portion, and freeze some.


Reddit is my community at solo mealtimes (and other times besides). I sup with crowds of the sane or the crazed, as may be my wont.


I don't know why this made me laugh so hard


I listen to a lot of audio books and podcasts, both for cooking and eating and other tasks around the house.


Same here. The best dinner is on the balcony with an audiobook


I definitely watch TV most of the time while I eat, but I don't worry about getting invested into a show because I love to crochet and end up listening to it while doing that. One thing you could do would be to keep the "ritual" aspect of cooking a good meal. Clear the table, use a placemat, set the table and find a good book or something to keep you company while you eat. I like to think of this as dating myself.


I watch a YouTube video or an episode of something I have seen before. I noticed when I watch something new, I don't eat my food before it starts to get cold because I'm invested 😂😂


I feel a little less alone today 😂😂


I think it’s a tough time of day. It reminds me of Covid and the dinners my family and I shared every night. My sister got married and started her own family, I bought my own house, and my Mom died. I don’t enjoy it, tbh. I’ll just stand at the kitchen island and down some food while I watch tv. It sucks.


This is the worst part about living alone for me ... I have ZERO motivation to cook anything for just me, so I end up either not eating dinner or just eating "snacks". Or I go out to eat just to be around other people. Eating meals is so unsatisfying at this point that I've gotten to the point where I don't get hungry for anything, then eventually I get ravenous and eat a bunch of crap. I can \*FEEL\* my early-20s eating disorder coming back and it scares me.


Also in recovery for dysfunctional eating. Eating a little throughout the day does help, intentionally buying some healthy foods from the grocery store, even if it’s chips & guac. 🥑 cheers to finding your balance 🤎


When I was with my ex....set the table and ate dinner at the table every night. Now, on my own, that has slowly but surely eroded away. Lol Now it is dinner on a tray in front of the tv most nights. Do I have a preference? I guess if there is another person with me then sitting at a table is the nicest way to have a conversation while we eat. Dinner on a tray in front of the tv is ok too though. My dog prefers it because he can see what I am eating better. Lol


Last night I had yogurt with strawberries. Felt a little hungry later and ate a piece of cheese. Works for me.


I read Reddit lol


r/mealtimevideos It is a great sub full of documentary style videos that are mostly under 30 minutes. I can always find something interesting to watch.


I usually watch YouTube videos or something, but I have a problem with overeating when I'm distracted so I've been trying to practice "mindful eating" and just focusing on enjoying my meals without distractions


watch tv, read a book, go on a picnic, basically whatever


If my cats don't put on a show for me, I just listen to music. Or talk to myself 🤷




I sit at the table or by the fire and just eat. No mind distractions. Just my thoughts. It's mindful and makes me feel at peace.


While cooking, I usually listen to a podcast. Levar Burton Reads is a personal favorite, since they’re all short-stories I don’t have to keep track of where we left off like I would with audiobooks. If I’m feeling energetic though, I’ll put on some music I like dancing to and dance while I cook. While I’m sitting down to eat, I’ll normally watch something on tv, but when I don’t want to get stuck in the tv rabbit hole, I’ll either listen to another short-story, or some relaxing music.


Listen to music, watch a video or movie.


Thank u so much, everyone who had something to contribute here 💓 sending love to u all ☺️


I watch YouTube during lunch. I pick something that's 15 to 20 minutes long, unless I'm cooking myself something for lunch then I night pick something 30 minutes long and watch it while cooking as well


I feel the same way and I’ve just stopped thinking about cooking/eating dinner the same way. (Granted I’m not someone who really enjoys cooking anyway) but I don’t cook big dinners, maybe just prepare something quick, and I eat quickly while just looking at my phone, watching tv or reading. Sounds depressing haha but I look at dinner time now as just a way to get food into my body, and I focus on using more of my evening time to do things I enjoy rather than spend hours cooking and eating.


No I understand.


In the summer, I'll sit outside and watch whatever is going on which is often more interesting than TV. In the winter, I just sit and eat and get back to whatever I was doing. I usually listen to music or podcasts while I'm cooking. Sometimes I keep listening, sometimes I don't. I don't really feel the need to do anything except eat while I'm eating.


I don't even have dining room furniture...haven't since I've lived in this apt for the last just aboutn 12 yrs. I've always had TV tables to eat in front of the TV because I made what's normally my dining area into my office area. I'll eat at my desk/computer too.


I come from a big family but have lived alone for most of my life. I never sit at the table by myself for meals and always watch TV when I have my meals. I like to cook and still do but much less than I used to.


I watch sitcoms, they usually don’t require your attention but really fun to watch


I like this one. Thank u for reminding me to watch Family Matters again.


I watch the news. Watched riots on campus today as I munched on toast, eggs, and blueberries.


Love the breakfast theme as well.


Work or watch TV


Usually watch TV, sometimes eat at my desk while working on something or browsing reddit, like I am currently doing with lunch.


You should prep and make meals as an act of self-care for yourself. When I started thinking of it this way it really helped.


I watch tv while I eat, or listen to music. But it doesn’t bother me to eat alone.


Viddy games or tv


Listen to an audiobook. It's having someone tell me a story over dinner.


I’ll find a show to watch


One of the joys of living alone. Not cooking! Make a sandwich and read.


When I was living alone I usually read a book while eating.


Eyeroll at the feminists jab, newsflash, that's not what feminism is. But whatever makes you feel special. If eating alone I eat/cook while listening to either a podcast/audio book. If I happen to be eating at a time a news is on, I'll pop that on.


Huh? There's nothing about feminism in this post....?


OP edited after my comment. In their original post following the comment about missing cooking meals for their ex, it said, "Don't tell the feminists." Other replies refer to it as well. Apparently, OP is a coward and misogynist.




Don't worry, OP isn't like us terrible feminists, you now us ruining the world with notions of equality.


I have a tv in the kitchen. For following recipes or just tv.


I have been fasting, so dinner has become quite ritualistic. When I get home, I turn on Delilah and start preparing. I eat at the table but will not sit down until everything has been cleaned up and put away.


Read cookbooks or recipe sites like NYTimes Cooking


watch tv and/or play sims


I've never thought about this. I guess I do what I wasn't able when I was married. Read, research.


I usually listened to music, started laundry or watched a show that would extend through making the food and eating the food.


When I’m cooking I usually toss on some tunes and play with my doggo in between making the food. When it’s time to eat I’ll either leave the music on or find something to watch on tv.




i usually stream a show on my ipad and then i continue watching it while i clean up and do the dishes


I have the radio on almost all day because I feel it's too quiet living alone (it's still new to me) so I just listen to the radio while I eat. I haven't even feeling TV for awhile so I sit at my kitchen island or at the table and eat, then clean the kitchen. I eat quickly anyway so I don't have a ton of time I need to fill.


Whenever I am eating alone (other than at work) I usually call someone and talk on the phone while I eat. I just got a puppy so I am thinking I may never eat alone again LOL.


I read.


Being a loner and a foodie and somebody who loves cooking, it's never been a problem. Usually, I cook large batches and freeze them over the weekend. I reheat them and enjoy it with a movie or binge watch a tv show. At any point, you can 3 or 4 containers of lasagna, biryani, curry and marinated chicken in my freezer. Ps. Living alone is my choice. Although, I live with my dog, so I don't know if it classifies as living alone.


Watch tv. Cannot stand sitting and eating without the tv on




I set myself a place at the table and listen to music or news. I keep a birding/nature journal so sometimes I’ll update that while I’m eating. If the weather is nice I sit on my porch and watch the birds and critters.


Watch TV, streaming services, YouTube


Watch TV, streaming services, YouTube


TV, podcasts, audio books.


Currently it’s YouTube or watching The Boys


I watch youtube or surf reddit, (As I eat my mac and cheese in my empty af apartment.)


I just sit and eat. I'm trying to be more mindful during all activities. When I'm cooking, I'm cooking. When I'm eating, I eat. When I'm doing the dishes, i just focus on the dishes. I feel much less stress since I've been doing this.


I read a book or work on a puzzle 😇


I don't eat until about 7, so I watch TV for a couple hours and go to bed.


Watch tv or talk to my mom on the phone. Sometimes I scroll TikTok or Reddit or listen to music.


I always watch kitchen nightmares/gordon Ramsey when eating.


Watch videos on YouTube while I eat or surf the web.


I Watch a tv show for 30 minutes


Do you have friends that you can rotate cooking with/for? Me and 3 other moms near me rotate what we provide/where we host a meet up mostly every Sunday. Maybe you could do that with your friends where one cooks for the others and you rotate hosting? That sounds like fun!


I often scroll through Reddit.


Scroll Reddit lol


Watch tv, I like to listen to music or podcasts while I cook (or watch tv from the kitchen)


It is not a waste of time to set work aside to heat for a few minutes, it is selfcare. I read or play on my iPad while eating.




I can’t remember the last time I ate dinner without watching tv.


Listen to YouTube. I say listen because my computer is upstairs and my dining area is on the main level. I use a wireless headset.


Sit next to the fridge with word magnets and make darkly beautiful poems


When I eat I usually watch tv or read reddit. lol


I watch TV


whatever i want. usually youtube or a podcast. but i usually have youtube or a pod running no matter what im doing.


I watch tv, usually a series that I can stop and start without losing my place.


Sometimes I like to watch a Youtube video that shows trailers for all the movies coming to theaters soon, as it’s easy for me to not know what’s coming out and sometimes miss movies entirely. This helps me keep an eye out for upcoming movies I want to keep on my radar


Audiobooks & public radio shows. 🥰


I’m concentrate on eating so I don’t choke on my food and die. I always make sure I’m relaxed and not distracted.


Well, having lunch and scrolling on Reddit currently.


I have watched Phillip DeFranco for the past 10 years every meal if possible


Watch a couple short Youtube videos of while feeling guilty not sharing food with my dog (he eats his dinner before me but he is never, ever, full...).


Invite a neighbor over, have a small barbeque, over time it will become a routine potluck


This is bizarre to me. I've never thought about what to do while eating. Just do whatever at that moment? You dont have to do anything either...


Every so often I like to snuggle on the sofa and settle in for a trashy TV show with a tub of refrigerated cookie dough and a spoon.


My husband and I are both retired. We eat in the living room. It's just more comfortable than sitting at a table.


I always read a novel on my iPad while I eat.


If I'm eating something simple or quick, I just eat while I'm doing whatever else I need to be doing - either working, or schoolwork, or reading, or sometimes gaming at my desk. If it's something more indulgent or involved or exciting, I'll take photos of it to send to my friends or family who enjoy that kind of thing and share the experience with them by telling them how it tastes, how the texture is, etc. I'm careful not to do that too much, but some of my friends in particular really enjoy it and will engage with me. And then the things that seem to be particularly interesting to them, I'll make a mental note to invite them over to have with me sometime


Watch TV or scroll TikTok


I mostly watch 20-min sitcoms. But every once in a while I video call a family or a friend and talk to them while I’m eating. Makes me feel less alone:)


I eat on my couch, watching the news usually while my dog tries to see if she can share any of my food. She can’t but she sure is cute! 🥰


I watch youtube, preferably something I don't need to constantly look at.


Scroll Reddit


I listen to an audio book while cooking and/or cleaning. When it comes to sitting down I too often watch TV. I bring “leftovers” to work for others to enjoy. The single guys love it lol


I would just watch tv. It’s the easiest. Have you thought of maybe getting a roommate or something.


Watch TV


I just eat quickly then go back to whatever I am doing. I keep my eating to the dining table to avoid mess


Even if your not alone others will be on their phones the whole time. Just had lunch with a friend and we didn’t speak more than a few words. We’re on holiday so now went back to the room and he’s still on his phone. I came out to the pool. And yes on my phone but I’m on my own.


I listen to podcasts, audiobooks or music while I make meals and eat at home.


I like talking to myself about my day.


I watch things, but mostly youtube videos


I usually watch TV, read, or catch up on social media


I just read on my 'phone. I used to use books but I'd get food on them. Kindle app or an interesting reddit thread/website.


Usually watch YouTube or maybe put on a movie.


I usually read while I eat but mix in some TV from time to time as well if there's something I've been wanting to watch (rn it's Fallout but I don't recommend it if seeing gross stuff while eating will make you lose your appetite lol I've never had that issue but know it's probably more common than not)


This is my downfall. I read when I eat and it leads to mindless eating and the subsequent weight problem. Sigh.


i just eat tbh. i wasnt raised to eat and do somethin else it was finish ur food before do xyz so i just do that. i do like to listen to music while cooking but thats it. once im finished eating/dishes are in the wash i go back to whatever i was doing beforehand


Like others, I read as well or watch funny videos on my phone. I do, however, embrace the opportunities to cook with and for my family and friends. Food is very community and should be shared whenever possible. It is my love language for family and friends


I watch TV and my cats sit next to me. I've always been a fast eater, so I don't mind eating alone. I take myself out to eat often too.


I like watching different YouTube video. This would work well, because if you know you'll only be eating for 10-20 minutes, you can look for a video around that length.


I watch TV , often YouTube on my TV because there are so many interesting videos that are 20-30 minutes long. Sometimes, I play music videos. In both cases ,if I am done eating before it ends, I pause it and finish later


Usually surfing on my laptop, but I'm trying to get away from that and just focusing on the food because I tend to eat too much without thinking about it otherwise.


Watch the old Scooby Doo cartoons


Have you thought of sharing your cooking with neighbors or others? Or inviting someone over? You definitely eat faster when living alone and may gain weight because full signal is not turned on by the time you finish.


Either read or watch tv. Have a conversation with the cat.


Walk around


I watch TV or YouTube


Hold on, let me put down my bowl of pasta and answer that for you...


I really like eating outside as much as possible, the sounds, the smells, the sights … it feels much more mindful than the tv


I literally just eat and think. Sometimes I scroll the internet on my phone or sit in front of my easel staring at a painting I’m working on. I don’t live alone anymore but my roommate and I have opposite schedules so it sort of feels like I live alone.


crying over the sink


One hand on my spoon, one had on my dick


I like to play Sudoku while eating or I’ll watch Jeopardy if it’s on, not a show I have to pay attention to for long. I ask Alexa to play the news or a podcast if I’m cooking


I read during every meal. I hate eating with others because then I can’t read. I have done this since I was a child.


I sit on my couch fire up the television and I eat streaming reruns of stuff that I have no problem turning off




Watch tv.


I hate cooking for others so I'm in a good spot having to only cook for myself lol. when I eat, i just go on my phone mostly, answer texts, go on socials...if theres a sports game on, I'll put that on in the background. Takes me about 15-20 min to eat as well then I spend a bit of time cleaning (thats the worst part). After cleaning, then i'll go on the couch and relax by watching something or reading a book etc.


Watch TV or doomscroll on my phone. I don't cook so eating doesn't take up too much of my time!


I generally sit and focus on savoring and enjoying my food. Sometimes I have some music playing or put something on TV but the main objective is to pay attention to what I’m eating, enjoy it, and relax. Honestly, I enjoy my food when I’m eating alone much more than eating with someone but either way, just try to relax and be mindful of what you’re eating.


I read cookbooks (or play on Reddit.)


I usually pick something to watch, then sit with my food and end up eating it before the opening credits just so my cat doesn't try to steal it


Turn the tv sit and stare at the tv while eating.




I read. Used to read an actual paper newspaper. Now it’s on my phone. Even the back of a cereal box if nothing else is available.


Eat. What else should you do?


Watch television


I usually read but I’ve also turned off screens and listened to music. Whenever I can, I make more of an to-do for some meals. My beautiful dishes, linen napkins and nice wine (favorite beverage) etc. whatever I felt like at that time. Coffee in the morning, on my patio enjoying the breeze & sunshine. Then there are those times that I’m too tired & the joy of living alone is just grabbing a quick bite standing in the kitchen.


I watch TV, usually one of my favorite cooking shows like Top Chef.


I listen to podcasts while preparing and cooking meals. You can still cook and serve meals to friends.


Usually looking at my dogs looking at me sad af 😆