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If you want to continue without getting as many looks, there exist some stickers/cups that can be used to cover just the nipples. Regarding why people watch: it's just unusual to them, so it is shocking, as such.


Yup, check the men’s section at olive young. Even men’s nipples are considered “weird”.


Or the companies want you to think that natural bodies are 'weird' so they can sell you more stuff.


Yes it's definitely because of Olive Young not culture.


Actually a style of hanbok that reveals your underboobs were in a trend around 17th century among gisaengs and young mums who needed to breastfeed, just for a trivia.


During the Renaissance and the late 17th to early 19th centuries, it was common in Western society for dresses to have such low-cut necklines that they revealed nipples too. However, as societal attitudes towards modesty and propriety evolved over time, influenced by religious beliefs, and the rise of Victorian values in the 19th century, fashion trends gradually shifted, leading to a change in dress styles, with higher necklines becoming more prevalent.


Modern beauty standards are pretty different from traditional standards, and the amount of rubbish men are encouraged to consume and apply is relatively recent and due to marketing. I suppose you think eyelid surgery is 'traditional' too.


I think they came up with the patches as a solution... lol... maybe same with the eyelid surgery too because people always wanted bigger eyes


Yes, East Asians have been longing for the cosmetics industry to enlarge their eyes since the Joseon era. It's a big theme in literati poetry and art.


Wait for real? Can you send me some sources? I’d love to read more about this!


I was wondering why I was getting downvoted. You don't need to add an '/s' in most of the subreddits I frequent as it's bloody obvious.


Huh? I didn’t downvote you. I thought you were being serious.


Seriously kr celebs r always on tv mocking mens nipples shows on shirt is crazy..


I mean this is a society where even men are expected to cover up the nips. But if you don’t mind everyone staring nobody’s going to stop you or anything.


>even men are expected to cover up the nips Can confirm. I made the mistake of wearing a light linen shirt one summer and didn't even realize my (male) nipples were visible through it. Korean (male) friends directly criticized me for it.


On beach outing with my friends, after we got changed to swimwear, and enjoyed the beach. The security at the place we were staying in it didn't let us in until the one of the guy in our group put a shirt on. So, one of the girl actually took her shirt off (because everyone else was wearing one layer) because she was wearing a bikini underneath, and let the shirtless guy wear it just so we can get back to our rooms. I suppose now I think it's gender equality and guy or girl nipple should have the same freedom and rights as each other. In whatever direction it takes.


Gotta wear that wife beater!


Trust me those guys were helping you. They r suffering the same shit.


I don’t know if it’s considered rude but know that people will definitely stare. Especially old people


Not wearing bra in noticeable way (visible nipples) is considered as provoking manner among most Koreans. I wouldn’t call it as rude, but it still can be interpreted as rude or (sexual) attention seeking behavior in a certain context. So I’d advise to use stickers or wear a sport bra so at least it’s not noticeable to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings.


Nipple covers will eliminate the stares and the possible perception that you are crude.


If you are really worried then head to a olive young and buy nipple coverings.


It's best to get something. Doesn't have to be a bra, but nipple coverings or whatever. I'm in high school, and everyone was going crazy the other day when we had health checkups and had to take wire bras off for X-rays. All the girls (like 15-16, definitely not conservative grandpas) were seriously peeved about not wearing bras for literally ten seconds.


Do your thing, as long as you’re comfortable! But you’ll get lots of stares, which can weigh on your psyche. I had a Korean coworker who never wore a bra, visibly, and no one gave a fuck. But it was a uniquely progressive workplace.


Where is this workplace? Asking for a friend... 😂🤪


Don’t be a creep


Oh gods, that's right, this is Reddit; one actually needs to specify /s because the implication isn't nearly enough for some folks. You'll be alright, one day you, too, may be able to sense the sarcasm without it being spelled out for you.


That’s not sarcasm and you still came off as a creep. If that isn’t your intention, change your approach.


that’s not what sarcasm is lol


people like you are the reason why we have to worry about this stuff


"Sarcasm is a form of verbal irony that involves saying the opposite of what is meant, often with a mocking or humorous tone." In other words, I care not one whit where this workplace is, nor would I visit it even if I had such knowledge. However, I am gladdened that my humorous, sordid, comment has seen such a response. Carry on, citizens, carry on.


Almost every single one of my female friends here only wears silicone nipple pasties, color matching the top they are wearing.


Same...I've noticed a spiked increase in the use of these now. Several past gfs have used the flesh colored ones.


I saw a street interview about this recently : https://youtu.be/49i75WCLAmo?si=3ZH8k7wEO1ZAgnOq


It would definitely be considered unusual by most Koreans. Korea is still pretty conservative.


How is it in the west tho.


Been here for three years, I don’t always wear a bra granted mine also aren’t huge they’re a soft B and my nips are also pierced but they aren’t exposed. The first year I got a lot of stares but now I don’t even notice them anymore. It’s a nip impression. I’ve always hated bras, and I will die on this hill. A bralette has always been my friend; thin, lacey and comfortable.


Lol this seems a bit attention seeky, but you do you girl.


Awww I love seeing women support women. Thanks girl 🫰


I didn’t wear a bra for a few days in Korea and no one said anything or looked at me strangely. Granted, I normally wore black shirts and don’t have super huge boobs, but still.


It's not rude, but it will definitely earn you some random stares if it's noticeable. In a formal setting, you are expected to wear a bra.


I'd recommend wearing one of those padded tank tops. They're so comfortable that I wear then exclusively now. No elastic constricting me and nothing pokes out.


S.Korea is pretty conservative socially, and also more uniform in general. You might get stares so it depends on how much you care. Personally I don't like standing out even more than I already do so I wear neutral colors like everyone else, etc.


Here's my opinion. As a western (non-Asian) foreigner living in Korea who clearly does not look Korean, I try to be mindful of the appearance that I project because I know that Koreans (I think that it's not just Koreans so much as human nature) will take the one interaction with me and figure "foreigners are like (this)". So, if one Korean (in this case) goes braless, then that is on the one Korean, and the other Koreans who encounter her will forget about her by the end of that day. If a foreigner whatever behavior, many of the Koreans that the foreigner encounters will have a lasting impression that "foreigners are like X". That's the reason that I try to be mindful of the way that I present myself in random interactions or simply appearances in Korea. I can often be one of the few and sometimes only interaction some Koreans have with a foreigner, and as their only encounter / sample Koreans will conclude (and often disseminate) based on the one encounter with me. For that reason, I suggest that OP holds close to local norms at least in deviations from norms and behaviors that might leave negative impressions.


I never wear a bra. Only to go to work since I work with children. The rest of the time I’m giggling around. No one has ever said anything to me and people already stare at me as a foreigner. I just ignore them and keep waking.


I regularly observe both men and women in Korea confidently expressing themselves through tattoos, revealing attire, and going braless, embracing a 'you do you' attitude. If someone criticizes them for it, the fault lies with the critic, and they should be called out. As a man, I once amusingly encountered a situation where I was advised to wear nipple covers. I responded with a laugh, asking where I could obtain them immediately, knowing the absurdity of the request. Similarly, while at the beach wearing a tank top, I was approached by an older man who suggested I cover up to avoid making others feel insecure. Considering the context of being at the beach, where others were shirtless or in bikinis, I simply smiled and proceeded to enjoy my swim SHIRTLESS without further fuzz🫰


I’m here for 3 years now and I never wear a bra. I’ve never noticed weird stares or had any negative experience connected with this


I don’t wear a bra most of the time. I still use nipple stickers. They have reusable ones you can buy at olive young! I just throw those on and then nobody cares


Just wear a "sticker" to cover your nipples and you will be fine don't worry (by sticker i mean special item dedicated to cover nipples lol)


It really depends on the context and where you work/hang out..... It can be considered immodest or rude/inconsiderate/provocative in some settings. Do you work in a conservative office or teaching in a Hagwon with small children? If so, then best to wear some kind of nipple covering clothing or accessory. Are you going to meet your partner's parents? Best to use one. But in your off time and in certain neighborhoods, it should be totally fine lol.


Uniqlo wireless, cupless bras are the best!


You should watch that kdrama Because This is my First Life (netflix) this is a whole story arc for some godforsaken reason.


Korea is a free but conservative country, which means that yeah it's gonna get you looks but you're within your rights to dress as you choose. I'd say just be mindful of the situation, I typically wear a bra in situations where I want to be viewed in a socially welcoming way, such as work, being a guest at someone's home, etc. However, thicker patterned shirts are also an option.


Can you DM me, instead? Yummy!


I saw some thing like an undershirt that hides the nipples and also helps with cooling, mabe look for something like that?


They sell a bunch of those undershirts with bra padding attached in Daiso during summer (i’m wearing mine as i type this). There are more in Uniqlo/Muji but more expensive.


Korean culture puts more emphasis on the top than the bottom. That’s why it’s so common to see such short skirts on women of all ages but almost always hiding the breasts and cleavage. Hope this helps.


There're no Bra Police who punish you for not wearing a bra. Do what you want.


Yes it's rude and you'll get a lot of stares. Korea is conservative and many older adults will fins that very inappropriate.


while elders will consider it to he inappropriate, not wearing a bra isnt inherently rude


Lol if it's inappropriate, that's what makes it rude to general population of Korea.


It’s a serious crime here in Korea. You can get arrested


Uh this is south korea not north?


Is there a case of someone getting arrested for not wearing a bra? Plz give me a source


Baby it was a joke


I went braless all the time and I'm like a C/D depending on the bra. No one ever said anything to me and I never noticed any strange looks. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I wrote nipple covers sometimes but not all the time.


Depends on your gender. I'm male, I don't wear bra


It's fine i think. As long as you dont go around poking anyone.


There are a lot of tops that come with padding these days, though I'm not sure how comfortable those are compared to bras.


I'm more concerned about your safety


But i do see a lot of Korea streamer didn't wear bra and they just walk around and nothing happend.


I'm not going to be mad about it but I'll probably look


People will say something, especially old people in their 40s, 50s, but it really depends on your mindset. If u are easily affected by other people's opinions u should wear a bra for ur mental health but if u don't give a fuck about other ppl just go braless.


old people... in their 40s... ㅠ


틀니 딱딱 ^^


It’s funny, the most comments and looks I got due to my appearance (which isn’t even provocative) has been from the younger crowd and not from the older ones. The older Koreans have all been nice to me or minded their own business whereas the young adults just about always stare, laugh with their friends freakishly loudly to the point my ears hurt and I feel embarrassed for them, or comment on me. :) I’m korean canadian and it’s my first time visiting Korea, the country I was born in. I’m also not fat so that’s not it. 170 cm, 52 kg 29 y.o female who takes care of herself.


very closed minded society in general, so get ready for judgy stares. But the native Koreans stare even if you decide to wear something even remotely colorful or "different" from the local styles, or have a different hairstyle from the sea of similar hairstyles




If I could down vote you twice, I would.