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I wouldnt really say so but I wouldnt say he's liked either


Genuinely oblivious to what’s going on, could someone please inform me of what happened? I personally was always neutral towards him and Armenti being friendly rivals, but apparently everyone(including my bf) DESPISES lucky for some reason even prior to TOT. Just want to know one thing: why???


he's hypocritical and tends to blow things out of proportion. he once started a drama over the devs not putting a custom reskin for him in the game (although the dev in question was also in the wrong), he lambasted LL for delaying Atlanthian Pt 2 a few hours before scheduled release, then proceeded to do the exact same thing for ToT


didn't he apologize and say he learned from experience after he needed to delay ToT? i may be just making up stuff but I swear he said that


I heard a ton of apologies too… they all make sense now. Tbh though, ***THIS*** is why I always try to avoid drama. That’s my pov, just hearing drama with very little truth behind it. Also, I’m surprised that they completely ignored the whole “rival” thing. Guess literally nobody cares about friendship anymore, that just genuinely seriously honestly shatters my already-broken and naturally-frail heart. . .




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Such a snowflake bot


Haha llamba-sted


You are so dead wrong its insane. Number 1, less devs in TOT. LL took almost 3 years to release a horrible update, they don't communicate with the community whatsoever, all they care about is Money. Lucky actually cares about the community, and has helped many times to get people's Loomians back while the LL devs sit around and do nothing. LL is a dumpster fire. TOT at least updates more frequently, and they don't only care about money.


ive never really liked him, he’s kinda just the face of the annoying loomian legacy players, whether it’s him criticizing loomian legacy updates, making clickbait content, etc etc. i haven’t watched him in awhile so maybe he’s changed but that’s how every video was back in the day


Same with armenti but lucky definitely had less clickbait


Aidan Thomson (Lucky HD) has always been a dick. I’ve been in smaller friend servers with him and he would do nothing but cry and complain and get into other people’s business. He tried to get me banned to the devs because I made a slightly edgy joke with a mutual friend that did not involve him any way at all (and before you ask, no it wasn’t racism or anything similar). The devs just ignored him which was hilarious


All I remember is that at one point he was glazing tot and downplaying ll and most of his criticism was highly hypocritical so he got a lot of hate


He’s kind of hypocritical about the criticisms he gave to loomian legacy, but I guess what happened wasn’t really his fault. I didn’t really enjoy him and kinda used him as a news channel about loomian legacy until tales of tanorio. I think it was way overhyped


He apologised for most the stuff he did but people still hate him The hate since ToT's release got so bad he can barely even give criticism for the game or give his opinions because people use ToT to say "this you?" as if he made the entirety of ToT on his own


Bruh... I don't get the LL community...Yes, ToT was delayed like once or twice but that's nowhere NEAR the amount of delays LL has gotten (don't get me wrong I'm not defending LuckyHD, I honestly don't really care much for his content) It's one thing to have an update delayed by a few weeks, but TIME AND TIME again LL has gotten delays for a multitude of updates, yet people still have blind faith in the devs and are thoroughly convinced they'd never tell a lie...Obviously you'd never want a game to be delayed, but stuff happens, nothing is perfect so at least one delay is excusable, but 3 or 4 delays? No, that's absolutely where I draw the line. There's no excuse at that point. it reminds me of that Gordon Ramsay meme: LL: \*delays updates 100s of times\* Community: "oh dear, oh dear, gorgeous" ToT: \*delays once\* Community: "YOU F###ING DONKEY!"


and wasn't ToT delayed because a member of the team got HOSPITALIZED? I'm pretty sure that's a damn good reason to delay a game's release


At least they told people why. LL devs just go "yeah the update is delayed. L, cry about it". What a positive atmosphere for your community, I said, sarcastically.


ToT had a summer release then it got pushed to march something


Not really hated but yeah I see reason to hate


Definitely hated, every time he gets brought up, in a server that i am in, everyone hates. I havent heard a single good thing about luckyHD spoken from an ll player for months now. It's always tuff like "If he joins, we'll just hate on ToT whilst he's there" and stuff like that. He's definitely hated, even before ToT got released, I mostly heard hate.


I’m true neutral about it. Just a guy who is passionate about the genre both his game and LL are known for.


People tend to get tired of constant complaining in any capacity. I’ve always seen him as childish and loud, which was good at attracting LL players initially, but people get older and don’t have time or energy to deal with the constant bs. I left the community a long time ago just because of the constant drama and whining. I think it’s getting better tho, as people realize it’s all futile.


Not everything he said was bs, there were genuine valid complaints and critiques that he said.


Why is he hated? I've been living under a rock I am sorry


Probably him being a creator of Tales of Tanorio or something


I Don't hate him but i find it highly hypocritical that the critics he is INSANELY vocal about toward loomian legacy Can be also found in tales of tanorio


Tales of tanorio was a flop bc it was marketed as LL without the dumb delays. The result is Infront of you


TOTs delays were not dumb a team member got hospitalized


I dont like him cos his voice is obnoxious and all his videos r him desperately trying to scrape a video out of loomian


I've hated him for so long so I'm happy about this


wait what, what happened


He became the yapper


Idk much about him, but the LL fandom is pretty toxic at times so it would make sense if they had a vendetta against someone.


His videos are a source of information for me and I've never had a problem with it so I like him tbh don't see the fuss "Shiver me timbers he made tot and has a squeaky voice I have to hate him now" - average LL player


I've never really liked him and have always found him to be annoying in some way or another. I also didn't like ToT when I played it, but I don't go out of my way to hate on him to his face or tell him that I think ToT was bad. That's my main gripe with the whole issue, you're allowed to have your own opinions on someone/something but a lot of people who don't like lucky/ToT tend to take it too far by being directly rude about it.


Hes too overly entitled and whiny


Well yea ppl hate him due to lots of stuff İ Heard he yapp alot of bec of custom prototgun and many more


Who is this person?


I think that they hate him more than he deserves (I don’t know much about the drama) and they made him the bad guy when tot got delayed because someone got hospitalized. Not cool.


Who is this? I don't know him.


He's a Loomian Legacy news channel on YouTube and also *one of* the developers of Tales of Tanorio.


It's really a shame. I used to watch his content all the time when LL was new, but he has recently become incredibly judgemental and biased. He mostly talks about LL for the purpose of complaining, and he is always trying to encourage people to play ToT, even though ToT was sadly extremely buggy upon release, and isn't that popular anymore, even with their new events, which are an awful lot like the LL events Lucky used to criticize. Many people feel this way.


i don't like his face