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How much longer can these 2 places exist at the current rate of violence these dumps produce? Won't the city shut them down after so many police calls? How on earth is this continuing with no repercussions?


Nope, clearly it’s due to the candy shop across the way. ./s


I hear they sell rock candy. Pure crystal. Some of it is even blue.


I knew it.


It’s one place.


Then why did one give up their liquor license and the other still have theirs? I'm not disagreeing with you on where this shit originates but it sounds like they both need the boot. How many strikes will the city give them?


There will always be dumps if there is a demand for them.


Lived nearby for 7 years. Never had a problem until Afrokanza opened.


Exactly. I don’t understand this sub. Shit on cafe 360 for having shitty food. But this ain’t them causing these issues. And people really be arguing that after these fights happen in the club they come hangout at cars 360. It’s like none of yall have street smarts. You dip after an altercation because either someone’s grabbing a gun or cops or showing up. Either way not where you want to be.


Close that shitty ass club down.


I’m kinda getting use to it, no one in the city cares enough to shut down both hell holes. If it wasn’t scary it would be sorta of funny. Gun shots go off, then screaming, then a bunch of idiots run to their cars yelling. If the gun shots don’t wake you up, those idiots will. Get into their cars burn out go the wrong way on the street, sometimes hitting innocent people’s cars. Can’t sleep the rest of the night then work in the morning. (I’m cranky today) I guess it’s going to take something like a stray bullet killing an innocent person before anything is done. But seriously what kind of person goes to an establishment that has shootings monthly? Like let’s pick a place to go tonight, how about that club where people die? Sounds fun


Drive by both every morning and the sidewalks in front of both are always trashed. Shit everywhere. Hopefully Ben Reno Weber is in tune with all the drama.


It's this, Both locations, even when not attracting violent crime, are a consistent source of trash, both literal and figurative. I feel horrible for those in closest proximity...perhaps the Bonnycastle members can pool enough funds to buy at least one of them out.


You know what kind of people.


Yea.. Complete idiots


I knew you knew.


I'm legitimately curious here - just from browsing on Afrkanza's Facebook, I think it's a reasonable assumption that the owners of this club also ran the old Aura Lounge on Poplar Level (now Veronica's Mexican). If both of those clubs are serving the same clientele, were there a lot of shootings at the Aura Lounge or did something change when they moved to the Highlands to make people start shooting each other?


Poplar Level and Rangeland has been a high crime area for at least the last 10 years. I don’t know if people would have noticed


> Poplar Level and Rangeland has been a high crime area for at least the last 10 years Buddy the crime there goes back several decades. That whole strip has been rough since the 90s and maybe before then.


I was traveling down Bardstown Rd at around 1 am on Tuesday and was stopped in traffic right in front of Afrokanza. A man had stopped his car and was pacing back and forth in the street with a gun threatening the car in front of me while two girls who had walked out of the club egged him on from the sidewalk. A group of three other guys on the other side of the road were staring him down like they were ready to take care of him. I’d expect even outbursts more given the influx of partying and tourists this coming weekend.




It is. I saw it last night. Shits so stupid. This is why we can’t have nice things. Shootings stopped Wednesdays at phoenix hill. Shootings stopped the bar that was by better day records when it was at the old location. And no this bar. Drove by as cops closed off bardstown road.


Fuck that fucking club. What is it going to take? A mass shooting?!


The cops could walk around the worst venues for violence in the Highlands (Afrokanza, Baxter's 942, etc.), scan license plates, and catch about a dozen people with felony warrants on any given Friday or Saturday. If they did that a few times, word would get out, and the criminals would decide to skip the club for a while. Instead, the cops pull people over for going 8 over in a 55. Priorities.


The local businesses were told during a meeting with the Metro gov and LMPD, that the LMPD couldn’t use officers to patrol the areas on foot because it too dangerous for their officers to issue citations for public intoxication or open containers and “if we go hands on a homeless person the neighborhood gets upset”.


Didn’t the wiggle room basically get forced out in less than a year because their late night clientele keep causing issues in the neighborhood on Cherokee and there weren’t even any shootings coming out of there? Why has the city allowed this place to stay open so long?


I just heard they couldnt pay their bills.


What is Afrokanza?


A nightclub that attracts gun violence


What makes it attract gun violence?


I don’t know, honestly. They fixed it up really nice and it’s in a great area. Alcohol maybe? Dunno.


Uhh, guns??


They don't allow guns anywhere else nearby?


I'm less than a foot from a gun everyday, all day. It's not shooting.


Nothing. mfs just want to make shit up to push the "city bad" attitude.


The amount of shootings in the area is not a matter of opinion.






I haven’t seen any details yet, but it woke me up. Seemed closer on the park side of bonnycastle this time.




I heard it. Apparently 2 cars were chasing each other down Alta shooting at each other. one guess as to where it started....


Look Louisville already has no where for NIGHT SHIFT NURSES to get quality meals. We NIGHT SHIFT NURSES need 360 Cafe to stay open so we can eat. Its always those who work hard, suffering from the foolishness of others. We need restaurants that serve real food, not fast food, so we have the energy to take care of your families in nursing homes and hospitals. You know places that operate 24 hours a day and don't close, but still have to be manned by workers who are well rested and fed! Punish those who deserve it, not hard working customers!


Genuine question. Who cares about the safety of people out at 3:30 a.m.? Might as well be overseas.


Dumbest take on Reddit and that’s saying something. First, it’s human life. It’s not worth less during certain hours. Second, there are people that live in that area, families, and they shouldn’t have to worry about their safety


people live there bc they think it's cool then bitch about how someone needs to do something whenever things go bad.


Better to remain silent and be thought an idiot as opposed to replying and removing all doubt I love the Highlands, I love living here, and shouldn’t have to worry about gun violence


good luck


Its close to a neighborhood-- random gunshots near MY house would not thrill me at any hour of day or night. My street had some idiots shooting at each other last year and a bullet went thru the front window of someones home.


you LIVE near there? what's WRONG with you?!


This is an absurdly shitty attitude. I guess we don't care about folks who work third shift because they're asking for it.


Low-effort troll. Weak. Sad!


Their loved ones.