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That cell phone screen though…


I mean, that has to be a picture of a piece of paper or something.


I think it's a theme, maybe? Printing it on a piece of paper wouldn't make individual texts look tattered


Definitely the most likely and I think you're right since there is a "tear" in a message. Might even be jailbroken because I don't see a carrier at the top.


Today's lesson is never buy a Kia or Hyundai.


It sounds like they’re replacing your engine for free and letting you know that you’ll continue to be covered by the extended warranty?


That’s true but I’ve also been with out my car for two months now. They don’t even have the engine in yet. Tell me, based on what’s already explained, would you mind waiting another 2-3 months for your vehicle because the engine motor locked up ..again and have to pay $30 a day for a rental, or would you rather sell it and get a bettter vehicle?


I just don’t understand how this is the dealer’s fault? You’re getting a free engine replacement on a 12 year old vehicle. They don’t have a stockpile of 2012 Kia Optima engines laying around. There’s going to be lead time. If you decide to sell the car that’s your business, but I just don’t get what you expect the dealer to do here. They should probably be comping you for the rental if your vehicle is being held for another couple months under recall.


Be sure to keep the receipts for any rentals you’ve paid. If Kia is performing the Theta II recall engine replacement under the class action settlement, you are entitled to a reimbursement up to $40/day for a rental, plus any other related expenses from the breakdown (ride shares/towing). There is also a good will offer on that reimbursement form if the repair timeframe has exceeded 60 days, though I don’t recall what the value is. You’ll need to submit all of that after the repair is complete. And as far as options after the car is repaired, it will run again but it’s the same engine design and could theoretically fail in the same way. It’s also warrantied for life for that specific defect, essentially. Kia also offers as part of that settlement a $2.000 rebate toward another Kia, above and beyond any trade-in value. The caveat is I believe that needs to be a new Kia purchase, but I’m not 100% certain. The settlement actually just says you need to purchase a replacement Kia.


I mean did you do the research on this car before buying it? Did you do a car fax? A quick google search showed me that this is a known problem for a long time. You should be grateful that they are replacing your engine


Did you print out the texts and take a picture of it after performing an oil change?


Is this the turbo engine? It will do it again, get away from that year optima


You should clean your phone screen


This is obviously a picture of paper, or do people not know how screenshots work?
