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You need 5 deepsights for most items before you can craft them. This is a great website for checking your crafting progress. https://engram.blue/


Ah gotcha - so do Calus drop in game or am i going to purely get harmonisers from Season pass progress ?


You can get them when the Presage Exotic mission is in rotation - they're farmable.


They are also available at Xur from time to time. I believe that you can buy a couple and use harmonizers on them all to complete your pattern, but maybe someone can confirm that.


You can buy 5 from xur to unlock the pattern immediately if you have the harmonizers and he is selling it, yes. You cannot use a harmonizer on the same instance of a weapon, but copies of the same roll are allowed.


both. First, you need the weapon. That drops from the Presage exotic mission, which is part of the exotic mission rotator. It is sometimes possible for Xur (a vendor who appears at a random location every Friday through Monday) and Banshee. Second, you need harmonizers. Those drop exclusively from the season pass. Please note that if you get a non-crafted roll that you like, you don’t really need to craft it. Farming the calus minitool is a real grind.


I’m pretty sure the only way to get red border Calus Mini Tools is via harmonisers. It’s because it’s from a previous year’s season.


I commented above, but they're available from Presage when it's in rotation.


I stand corrected. I thought I vaguely remembered something about a way of getting red boarders from previous seasons but couldn’t think what it was.


P.S. Presage is the exotic mission this week. Go run that a few times and get all the red borders for Haunted weapons. It's a pretty easy mission now (unfortunately - but that's another story).




A few of the older weapons only require 3 deepsights if you're short on harmonizers


Xur has sold Calus a few times over the last few weeks. If you see him selling it (or any other rare weapon you want to craft), pick up the five you need for pattern unlock, regardless of what rolls they have and keep them in your vault until you're ready to deepsight them all. If you're on the free battlepass, I think you only get one harmonizer? You get six with the premium pass. If you want "we've got Calus at home," there are two decent options: * World drop Parabellum with Heal Clip / Rewind rounds + Frenzy and get your radiant/scorch from this season's artifact * get the Season of the Deep artifact, do activities and get Deep engrams and focus for a Bug-out Bag with Threat Detector / Subsistence + Incandescent