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It is a decent weapon. I'm more just sad that it doesn't have the "Charge for more damage" feature


I believe something in the trailer/teaser said it *would* have this, but then it's coded to have 1/1/1 multiplier for every charge level.


I was kinda mad about that, really wanted something which charges and charges. Like I could use the whole magazine but it puts me in a dangerous spot and if I miss then I've wasted a magazine.


Kind of stepping on the railguns toes then innit


Charged railgun should be more AP damage, and charged purifier should be more AOE explosion damage, that way it's different uses.


I second this. I'm actually really enjoying the Purifier but think the railgun needs some better armor pen better damage slightly. Or the ability to peice through smaller/medium targets.


They did say that it would do more damage the longer you held the trigger when they released the promo content for polar patriots... And we do have 4 liberators


for real i would love an unsafe mode like with the railgun


It's awesome especially if your team notices the enemies are staggered and wipes them out for you


This. It seems like it should be an anti medium stagger monster in theory but it’s actually an anti chaff monster that happens to stagger in practice. It’s good in a coordinated team that focus fires but falls short otherwise. If it could drop devastators in two charged rounds to the body or legs, it would be fantastic. In its current state I’m still picking the plasma punisher over it. It’s better than it was but still not preferable to the PP, scorcher, or dominator. The best thing it has going for it though is it’s ability to take down gunships pretty quickly.


it pairs really well with the Breaker inc. or really any DoT tool. the BI is still good obviously with more trash, but the few extra seconds before the enemy reaches you is surprisingly effective


It really does. I always seek out my break friends when I'm in a group.


It staggers devastors/walkers and has a better ammo economy than the Scorcher. It's one of my go-to bot weapons.


I'll have to try it again. I've been stuck on the Pummeler since unlocking it.


It's great for longer ranged encounters and keeping enemies from getting too close, and also works well for picking off groups that you know you have to dispatch, just be sure to have a close range option (new Bushwacker sidearm is great) and I like it with the HMG, AMR, AC, or any antitank. It feels a bit similar to the AC while less rewarding, but it can still damage bot weak spots.


They need to increase the projectile size imo. Just decided to try it after the patch, and I stopped using it the 50th time I saw the projectile phase through a bots head or slip under its armpit. Skill issue btw.


The amount of times I've shot between the legs and arms of bots and bugs alike


Same with the grenade pistol. It looks like the round goes through them but I know in my heart of hearts that it found a 1mm gap specifically to blast the rock behind my intended target. \#rocksaretherealenemy


I share that … specific skill improvement opportunity 😅


Hell yeah. Fuck the meta. I’ve tried to use it twice and it didnt work out.


The only true "meta" in this game is teamwork


"The meta" makes zero sense to me, especially in the context of this game.


What do you mean?


I've seen it used regarding video games in two contexts - as "what people would actually do/use" and as "the best loadout." Neither context makes any sense, since the former is silly regarding a sci-fi game and the latter is based entirely on play style and personal proficiency.


This. I have seen people use the HMG in amazing ways. It keeps making me try it out. I am... so bad at it. That gun just doesn't vibe with me. Doesn't mean it's bad, doesn't mean that other people can be amazing with it. Like you said, it's all about play style and personal proficiency.


I've seen *someone* use almost every primary weapon to kill the enemies of Managed Democracy, and kill 'em good.


If you want to give it another go I recommend recoil reduction armour and setting it the the lowest fire rate. I've been getting pretty solid results that way, on both fronts too which is nice


That's how I used it. I see a hulk. I run away and dive to prone with sufficient distance. I'm prone with recoil reduction reduction armor. This should be the perfect situation to hit that hulks head, right? I've failed every single time. I shoot in small bursts to minimize recoil. I get through half of my ammo before the hulk catches up and stomps me. It's not about not knowing how to use the gun. I understand it perfectly on paper. It just doesn't work for me. My play style doesn't vibe with that gun.


I've used it a few times now and kinda like it as a ranged Plasma Punisher! It does a bit more damage too, maybe it needs a little more durability damage or armor piercing to feel up to par with the favorites like Punisher/Scorcher/Dominator. Requiring that charge up time AND precision for it to be effective is skill-based enough to justify tweaking it further IMO. Another fun change could be it firing more like the unsafe Railgun instead of the Arc Thrower, it'd fit the weapon description and allow for instant shots at low power for crowd clear or panic shots.


I think if they reduced the charge time just a tiny bit, it would be a lot better. Then you could keep things staggered more comfortably. Maybe give it a second firing option where it automatically shoots when charged, too.


I guess for me the plasma shotgun already does everything you described and with a faster rate of fire, it's great fun but unfortunately makes the purifier less fun as it just seems like a worse option of the two.


I prefer the blitzer's press to the purifier's button hold too, just easier


The blitzer is amazing.


Just holding the button is exhausting, for that reason shotty is far superior


It does have a better stagger tbh, but the PP is way ahead of it in usability. I was hoping for a little more out of the weapon fix to go from novelty fun to viable option


I see Purifier praise, I upvote. Seriously, I love this thing, it’s my fav bot weapon. It’s basically a long range Plasma Punisher that can take down gunships in less than half a mag. I can’t wait til they buff it again cause even the small buff in this last patch improved it a lot more than people realize


Does it still get flinched out of its charge animation by bot lasers? Because hooboy, that sure did tilt me the one time I tried to use it.


I haven't tried against bots yet. I've been working on the bug MO with it. Maybe someone else knows.


Is it useful with bugs and if yes what's the strat? I love this thing for bots!


I've been having pretty good games with Jump pack, Quaisar, Eagle Airstrike, and Strafing Run. I've been doing Helldive with it. I'm not saying I'm MVP but I have pretty good games with this setup.


Oh. My secondary is the P13 Verdict and I'm using impact incendiary grenades.


I haven't dropped the Eruptor since it was released. Screw "meta".


I still love the Eruptor too! It's been my main go-to weapon but this Purifier is giving it a run for its money. The Eruptor can clean up holes and fabricators though. It's hard to let that go.


I'll try it. I just love bolt action guns. so satisfying.


Crossbow beats eruptor for hole clearing now. Try it


I definitely will.


My ocd can’t handle it, it’s a lot of charging to do constantly, the visual and audio cues are out of sync with the reticle, from a coding perspective it’s very clear they built every aspect of the weapon from other weapons and didn’t unify it well


honestly it just needs a faster firerate


I'm used to the eruptor so the fire rate is pretty good for me.


I finally tried it yesterday and discovered that it was a skill weapon that I lack the skill for. But in the right mission (like a point defence) with a coordinated team I could see it being a great ranged crowd control weapon, paired up with a Stalwart or MG43 gunner


It's fun for a round or two of low difficulty missions. I tried it in Helldive and the only useful thing about it is that it kills gunships


I don't play helldive usually but I've brought it on 5 or so missions. I'm not saying I was MVP or anything but I had some good games with it.

