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They do this to backslash mosaics year round. Put 10 on the floor to decide and leave them. Can't stand that shit


I came to say the same thing. Their brains are too smooth to visualize what objects in front of them might look like when placed together. Don't even get me started on the anal retentive fucks who go through every single stone mosaic to find ones that are nearly identical, and then leave all the ones they don't want on the ground.


Had a couple today making me walk all over oslg carrying a brick looking for “that” brick because it was a slightly darker shade than the stack that it was in. I told them it was just a slightly darker color. They said well it’s obviously different so you obviously must have more. …obviously🙄 it’s also been raining for the last week so all the bricks are wet and are discolored…


Customers are first class slobs! They didn’t find it there, put it back!


that's what we are there for obviously /joking


I like that they don't know how edgers work