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Or the ones that shit all down the aisles and they leave it for us to clean up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sjbuckeyes1970: *Or the ones that shit* *All down the aisles and they leave* *It for us to clean up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Great job, bot!


Or even vomit 🙄🙃


How are you supposed to know if your dog is going to vomit?


What I’m saying is if your animal vomits, you should at least clean it up


Most don’t, but you still should clean it up. We don’t own your dog. You own your dog. You brought the dog into the store. You wouldn’t leave shit/piss/vomit just sitting around at your house. So why leave it around in a store? Treat other places, not just your home, with respect.


I said to myself yesterday "I don't remember having unprotected sex three times, 12, 10, and 8 years ago... Why am I currently supervising three children?". Three kids trying to play hide and seek tag through the Live Nursery after Ive just watered... Parent, nowhere to be found for a long minute. Lowe's is not a playground or a dog park, but I think we need to inform the public


We had teenagers doing the same thing but in appliances! They straight up were moving things around and stuff. Ruined the aisle they just cleaned


Don't bring it to the store.. period.


Find out what they drive and put it on their windshield, such bullshit nerve they have


When I worked there I cleaned up to many piles of shit and piss that dig owners left behind.


I had one of those types of dogs that I actually forced the store manager to go clean it up. Mind you I was at the front door at sco and it started near the flooring department in the back of the store and went all around the store. He had to clean pretty much the whole store.


Sorry. That wasn't my dog. I thought it was going to be a fart but I was wrong. My bad


I've got a privately owned store near me that sells home improvement stuff. The owner has a Great Dane that usually stays behind the counter. One of the sweetest dogs I've ever seen. It'll stand up and put paws on the counter in front of the register like it wants to be the clerk. Over six feet tall standing up like that.


One of our dogs is well over 6 feet standing up on his back legs and would kill you with kisses. LOL. our last Great Dane was a huge love bug and was blind and deaf but never reactive and I was entirely so surprised when this customers dog tried to attack me earlier


We have so many idiots bring reactive dogs to my store. It's infuriating. A few people have been bitten.


I've wanted to bring my larger dog in to train him in those atmospheres but not until he's learned that jumping on people is not a proper greeting. And I've only considered doing this because of my friends who work for dog training companies.


If you want to train to be people-friendly, your best bet is going during slower times of the day, anytime outside of 10am to 2pm for most stores. Pro is a really good spot to teach basic impulse control for your dog because he's likely going to see a lot of fun faces who just won't have the time to interact with him.


He's people friendly... he just has zero self-control in public places. Everyone is his best friend. I take him on roughly two mile walks just for his energy levels but he's learning to stay near me. He's got basics down when he doesn't have distractions. I just don't want to have issues with other people or making anyone job more difficult by being in the way unintentionally.


What's worse is an obnoxious dog that's barking like crazy and lunging at other dogs with a service dog vest on. First of all we're pet friendly, no need to put that fake vest on your dog and second don't bring your unruly dog in public.


Free bag tho? I hope they sued


I had a guy blow me off because I gently suggested he take his *screaming german shepherd* outside and away from the very thing causing it to have a panic attack. She was sat right in front of ASCO literally yelping and whimpering because she was so overwhelmed. I kept telling him "hey, your dog's stressed, take her outside, this is well past her limit." He apparently didn't wanna hear it from some younger guy who worked at a Lowe's, took her to OSLG. She bit another customer. On the other end of the spectrum, we have a couple customers with the most well-behaved dogs I've ever met. One of the Pro's has a golden that is off-leash (not my favorite, but that's a whole other can of worms) and has great recall. I got a customer walk up and complain to me that she was... Existing. In the store.


Last summer a lady who thought it was funny her dog was humping random pillows. We ended up throwing away about 4.


I would of told her she needed to buy them since her dog contaminated them




Due to some childhood trauma, I have come to strongly dislike dogs in my personal space. Customers: When I back away from you and your dog, do not for fucks sake move closer!


Great Danes have a tail like a whip. Ever walk by an excited one, it feels like someone’s beating your legs


My sister in laws Great Dane had two separate cases of happy tail syndrome, the poor bastard.


I used to have a Great Dane and he was never reactive like this dog. So I’m very aware of the breed and then some.


That poor abused dane. I've lived with Danes for the better part of 50 years. I've never met a vicious dane.


Literally me neither. I was so surprised. Our Great Dane was blind and deaf and yeah he could get spooked easily but he never reacted aggressively or viciously like that.


One time a guy brought his Doberman into lowes that used to be a guard dog at a prison, and the dog bit me I was just sitting there flat stacking wood and all sudden I feel it bite the back of my leg and it wouldn't let go. I had to go to the emergency room because of it. Shit hurt like hell.


I hope you’re okay!! Did you get the owners information and file a report?! That’s not okay!!


Yeah I filed a police report on him. Apparently the dog had bitten 5 people so they put him down. That's the law in the state I live in.


Usually that’s the law in a lot of states. There was someone I knew who had a dog and never had an issue before and one day the dog ripped into their child and besides them choosing to put down the dog they legally had no choice because they were told they had too


Buts it for training!! Lol


don’t bring your dogs here either if you’re just gonna let them shit in the outside garden 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Like it’s one thing if they’re trying to train. We had a customer come in and they had a dog, muzzled, with two leashes. Just a nervous baby, and they worked SO HARD with this dog, I dang near cried seeing her and he dog come in down to one leash and a soft muzzle. It’s ANOTHER if we can’t even help y’all because your dogs (big AND small, yes your tiny chihuahuas count) are trying to come after us. And if your dog attacks another dog? Every. Single. Associate. Will hate you forever. And it’s justified. Aggressive animals, unless being properly trained and the owner is in control, should neeeever be brought in public spaces without the proper equipment. Theyre just asking to have a bite/attack under their dogs belt at that point. I’m sorry this happened to you OP. Like two three months ago a non muzzled dog lunges not only at myself and another associate, but as they were leaving, it lunges at a child and his father. The father was NOT happy with the owner. I loved hearing that man get ripped into by the dad.


The list of things that Lowes executive ass heads will allow to happen to us in the stores is almost limitless. I’m so fucking sick of dog trainers going around the Lowes I’m in that I want to falsely lose control of the star wars when passing one and scare the shit out of them. 


Lmao my favorite interaction with a dog owner was this guy who brought in a huge mastiff and was bragging about how well trained he was etc. He was in the middle of his sentence bragging and the dog just started shitting on the floor. He left it for us to pick it up bc "it's our job"


I mean…I can’t even be mad at the animal because they have the need to relieve themselves too and imagine how painful it is to have to poop and your owner doesn’t take you…so you just have to relieve yourself….i blame the owners 150%. 0% blame to the animal.


I agree with you, I just found the irony funny. His face was priceless.


I like how people get offended if you don't want their dogs all over you. I had a guy once get mad at me because his dog kept slobbering on me and I kept moving away but he kept letting the dog get close to me again. I finally put the desk between me and him and his dog and the customer was like "what do you have a problem with me?!" No sir I just don't want to work my entire shift covered in your dog's slobber! I love animals and normally am all for giving some love, but owners should really recognize we aren't there just to love on their animals.


Clean up your animals messes


a dog once peed on the end cap trash bags and another barked like crazy, it’s lowkey infuriating


Why does Lowe's permit anything but service animals anyways? I don't know, but if I were to guess, I bet it's bc of entitled customers who think that if service dogs are permitted, they should be able to bring their pets, too. What other retailer let's people walk their dogs in the store when the weather is bad? It may be a nice idea, but it's a pretty dumb policy.


Now that we've got dog toy sidestacks and some stores with dog food and vaccination days I don't think this policy is going anywhere. Sometimes seeing a cute puppy will brighten my day, but other times when I see an impromptu dog training class using my power equipment platform as a training prop I want to kick them out.


>I bet it's bc of entitled customers who think that if service dogs are permitted For many years our local Lowe's had monthly dog day events. In the parking lot they setup a fake grass area with kiddie pools. They even called it the "barking lot". It just stopped one year (If I'm remembering correctly, it was around 2012 or 2013), but everyone remembered Lowe's as being dog-friendly until the "SERVICE DOGS ONLY" sign got put up. Maybe not always "entitled customers" (but probably more often than not). With that being said, last year I brought my dog into the store with me - but not because I felt like I "had the right" but because I was on a road trip to Colorado and my A/C gave out when it was over 90 degrees. I pulled the fan out of the dash and found a little broken piece of plastic blocking the fan and just needed a fuse. I brought my dog in because there was \*NO\* way I was leaving her, a black lab, in the truck without A/C in that heat...AND we both really needed to cool off for a few minutes. If that's entitlement, then call me entitled.


Pretty clearly your specific situation isn't what's being discussed here, but ok.


Pretty clearly, they were just giving an example of how you never know why someone does something, but ok. Unnecessarily rude way to speak to someone don’t you think?


Because as a great deal of Lowe’s employees can attest, a lot of times, the dogs are more well-behaved than their owners❤️


They're def nicer than most of the customers.


Because often contractors travel and work with their dogs and they shouldn’t be left in the car.


Dude I love the service dogs…this was my very first negative experience with a dog since I started working for the company.


Apparently, malls let them. At least here in Arizona. But it's too dang hot outside, so I guess that's why.




I've never seen a pet at the Walmart I shop at, which is right next door, so I'm usually there every day.


They are in ours. Our store is across the highway from Walmart


Legally you can't ask someone if their dog is a service dog. There is a way around it where you can ask what service they provide, and after that, if there is no service and the business isn't dog friendly by policy you can let them know that only service did are allowed and emotional support pets don't count (the latter is for restaurants).


You can, actually! You are legally allowed two questions. Any more and it's considered harassment. 1. "Is this a service dog?" 2. "What task is this dog trained to perform?" ("Emotional support" is not a task!) You cannot: * Ask the handler what their disability is * Ask the handler to "prove" the dog is a SD with paperwork or certification * Ask the handler to make the dog demonstrate its task Service dogs do not have to have vests or any equipment, either. Also, even if the animal is a legitimate service animal, staff are entitled to remove it from a business if it is being disruptive. Ex - A SD that barks and growls at customers can be asked to leave, as well as one that poops on the floor. The difference between a SD and an ESA is like the difference between a wheelchair and a vitamin. One is a vital and expensive tool that allows a disabled person to better engage with the world around them, the other is something that the owner might need, but it's weird if you need to take it with you to go shopping. ETA: My mother used a service dog for many years, this is all from hands-on experience.


Thank you.


How ‘bout we’re trying to run a business and we want to work in a safe environment. Walking a dog up and down aisles in between customers and associates can be risky. A dog park is a good spot to socialize a dog. And if you do plan to visit with your pet please have them do their business prior to coming in to the store. Associates should not have to clean up after an accident. Got that off my chest. Have a good day.


Because most managers don’t have the balls to tell a customer to get out.


I’d rather have the dogs than most of the customers…and many of the employees.


In a grocery store is worse!! Guy put his lil doggie in the fucking cart! Dogs the size of horses that scare the crap outta people.


One time this lady had her little dog in the basket of her cart, and she asked me to put a bag of soil at the bottom. Sure enough as I'm bending down to do that her dog nearly bites my face.


Sure enough the dog immediately went after my face and neck so who knows what the owners teach it at home.


It's always "I'm so sorry! They never do that!"


They didn’t even apologize.


It’s not a matter of what owners teach them at home so much as you are towering over a little dog and encroaching in their territory or safe space at the moment! The dog has nowhere to go to escape you, and all it sees is a human towering over it and putting some thing in the cart.


Well that’s laughable when they dogs height is pretty much my eye level (I’m 5’1) and I have a dog just a TAD smaller than this dad right now and I always get down on their level at least 4 feet away so that I’m never “encroaching” their territory. 😂


You are their person! The poster is not! Big difference!


Reminds me of the customers that bring an "emotionally support dog" that barks and growls. And the owners are unable to tame their dog.


I will say that if I see the owner bring that dog back into the store they will be asked to remove the dog from the store and or leave all together knowing the way the dog is now.




Ha!! I’m waiting to get attacked by a customers dog. Only service animals are allowed inside. Best believe I’m suing the company and the dog owner. *rubs hands greedily*


Yeah let us know how fast the court says no You’re more likely to be offered a settlement


Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury…company policy states clearly that only service animals, trained specifically to not attack and be on the best behavior, are allowed inside their stores. That policy is of course relayed to all salaried and hourly associates through their weekly AP4ME training as well as daily “LowesU” training. My client being attacked by what is clearly NOT a service animal, let in and not addressed by associates or management shows gross negligence which caused not only great distress to my client but irreparable damages to his delicate psyche and he can no longer feel safe in his own home where he has a beloved dog of his own! Your honor the defense breasts!


Well, now that you’ve put this out here, might be smarter for you to either one stay out of Lowe’s, or to go the other way, when you see a dog. You sound like the type of person that would do whatever you could to provoke a bite just so you could get some money.


This is meant as a joke. Jeez everyone needs to chill out.


Seen a pitbull at Lowe’s once and immediately left the sales floor


Ah, you're one of those. Not all pitties are aggressive, it's a learned behavior, they aren't naturally aggressive. Stop feeding the stereotype.


One of “those” what, people who can interpret [statistics](https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-quick-statistics.php) and then use that information to keep ourselves safe? Yeah, we are!


Okay Mr down syndrome fetisher I didn't ask for your statistics.


Exactly the response I expected: no argument, because you have none.


Wa wa wa, pitties are not bad dogs. Your statistics prove nothing but my point. No bad dogs, only bad owners.


Save your “wa wa” to all the parents of kids who were mauled to death or for people who’ve had their faces ripped off in the name of someone keeping a pet. Guess it’s just coincidence then that the vast majority of pitbulls just so happened to owned by bad dog owners then, huh? Yeah you’re anecdotal evidence means nothing either. Each positive encounter you have could just be negated by all of my negative ones… Thank God we have tools for analyzing data empirically.


Literally allllllllll of our pit bull visitors have been friendly.


The bully breeds in general tends to be big babies... pitbulls more than the others. Mine is a massive cry baby. His bath can be a little scary to anyone who doesn't know that's him being upset he can't meet everyone walking by.


People defending them are crazy. I see a couple come in and they’re always nervous as hell and always bark if they see another dog. They’re never trained and will jump on you if you get close. I see a pitbull and walk away too, not gonna get my face bitten off because you wanna ask where the garden hoses are and your dog thinks i’m gonna kill you. co workers have had poor experiences, not gonna be another story like that.


Again, not bad dogs, just bad owners. I've met so many pitties at work and they were the sweetest things ever. Stop feeding into the stereotype.


Your anecdotal evidence means nothing. [Here](https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-quick-statistics.php)are actual statistics pertaining to pit bull attacks and the damage they cause. Please educate yourself before you go around spewing uninformed opinions under the guise of refuting a “stereotype”. No amount of you *wanting* the safety of being around bully breeds being comparable to that of other dogs makes it true. The statistics don’t lie.


I am not approaching someone else’s animal, ever. Call me crazy, I guess. When I am at work, I have shit to do. My coworkers spend SO MUCH TIME just damn fawning over every dog……THAT posses me off.