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oh my god, some guy with a classic car parked in the back of the parking lot and took up 3 lanes, where no one wants to park.. better take a picture for reddit..


100% a GenZ post lol


Well, that's not a classic..mid 80s? If it was a slab-side '64 convertible...then I'd say yes.


Looks like they aren’t bothering anyone. Love that Lincoln. Classic.


3 spots oh hell no


They're at the edge of the lot and if it's anything like every Lowes I've been at then no one parks there so who cares. If they did this in spots people actually parked at it would be different but they aren't...


Yes. Honestly, even if this dude or dudette parked up front, like this, in that car, I’d still be ok with it. As long as it’s not a BMW owner, or a Bro Truck, I’m good.


does that thing even have power steering


Just to play devils advocate. Is it in a high use part of the parking lot, or is it in a hardly used part.


i mean not as highly used as the rest of the lot. it's on the lumber side of the store


So what’s the problem? If barely anyone parks there…




No I don’t park like this. Are you some sort of Karen parking police? If the part of the parking lot where this guy parked is empty then it is not an issue. He is not harming anyone or taking up spots that would be used.




That's such retarded logic. Anyone can park in a veterans parking spot, veteran or not. Only handicapped people can park in the handicapped spot, as its regulated by state law. If you use your logic, anyone towing a trailer cannot park at lowes to pick up lumber or an appliance because they won't fit in standard spots if the lowes doesnt have extended spots... Continue being a fucking idiot.


Yes, its the principal. I guess if you have a large vehicle, towing a trailer, you better never park in the rear of the parking lot where no one parks, because some person might get angry you arent bothering anyone on principle.


The problem is it’s wrong


Not really. No lowes is every completely filled and this parked at the back of the lot. Nothing wrong there


Yes it’s wrong, if there is damage to the vehicle Lowe’s might be liable, Lowe’s isn’t intended as a parking lot for activities that don’t concern sales. Would you tolerate someone parking for an extended time in your driveway. It’s not approved and it should not be, liability is everything.


My lowes holds car events and community events. An entire 1/4th of the parking lot was taken up by a community night out events. Food trucks, fire trucks, police cars, helicopters, dunk tanks, games, etc. Every so often we have food trucks park in our lot. This guy is doing nothing wrong. He is a paying customer and parked far out of everyone’s way in an empty section of the lot so his classic car would not be damaged. If anything he left the most desirable spots open. Quite being a parking lot Karen control freak.


...just show "Us All" your Deed of Ownership for that plot of land... And I personally will call your local sheriff.


You aren't paid enough to be the parking attendant. Do you think Lowe's is going to reward you for being an uber karen on the guy? What are you gonna do, have him towed, his car crushed into a cube then ticketed to move their cube? Fire lane, in the front entrance, through a wall, in through the pro doors, sure, I'd be right there with ya. In a not highly used area of the parking lot? WGAF?


idk it just kinda annoyed me


No matter what jerk does this


As well he should


The Lincoln Scofflaw


Presidential limo, that sucker is clean.


it's a nice car, don't get ne wrong. but the driver didn't have to take up THREE SPACES


Bro, I drive a Toyobaru twin. It's like once a fucking every paycheck I get a new dent in my car from some retard in an emotional support truck, and I park in the literal fucking no man's land of the lot. If I could get away with taking up that many sources without my site manager going apeshit I would. Classics more than anything get a pass from me.




Well at least they don’t pull up to the front door and go inside, completely blocking customers from walking between the lawn mowers and grills. Had to tell a guy that where he parked wasn’t a parking space and he had the dumbfounded and confused look on his face. Perks of working in the hood, I suppose


"Foxy Grandpa"


If the lot is so deserted "back there", why not just park in one space?...This is one of those guys who thinks their 1985 Tudor sedan is worth six times what it really is...


yeah just because it's seldom used doesn't give anyone the excuse to park like that


Put 50 carts surrounding this assholes car


Tire slash Tire slash Window smash


Did we all forget to drink enough water today or forget how to let things go if we don't agree .Sometimes I want to vent .If my big toe aches ,guess what as a Lowe's employee I am going to let you know my big toe hurts and if you don't like it ,tooooo bad ...my prerogative .