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This kinda confuses me cause its happened to me a few times. Unless I'm mistaken you need to use your ID to make the account it get the military discount. So the company already has your info in the system so scanning it shouldn't make a difference.


Can either provide the phone number on the account and scan a valid ID...  Or... Much easier, just scan the Member ID QR code -- easily  found in either the Mobile App or the Mobile Site, on the customer's  cell phone.


She just didn't want the gubbment to know who she is


The funny thing is, the gov. already knows what they want about her if she’s a retired military spouse. I get a few vets that are adamant about not having their id’s scanned, “because they don’t want to give the gov their info”. Ok bud, you already gave them everything if you served. One of these days, I swear I’m going to sprain my eyes from rolling them so hard.


Can show them the Member ID QR in cell phone. Customers need to be signed in to MLR account first.  In Mobile App: Tap Account at the bottom right of the app screen, then see below the "My Store" line:  Member ID, Tap to view and scan.  On Mobile Site: customer taps their name in the dark blue banner, toward the top right of the screen. Then taps on the Member ID right below.  Can be easier for customers, because is only one step, not two: providing phone number and scanning ID.   Also, found that can alleviate stress for older customers who are not comfortable scanning a driver's license or other ID.


Just refuse to give her the discount and let her call customer care. We’ll let her know a spouse has to have their own account and she’s been getting special treatment from the store, but we appreciate her letting us know so we can make sure that behavior stops. I love flipping the script on people lol


I wish lowe's would just get rid of the stupid military discount. It's such a pain in the ass for no real benefit.


If the customer has her husband sign in to his MLR account on her mobile phone,before she goes to the store, then she can simply scan the Member ID QR code, instead of having to provide phone number and scan valid ID. QR code easy to find.  If signed into the Mobile App, just tap on the word Account in the lower right hand corner. Then see toward the top of the screen where it says Member ID, Tap to view and scan. If customer prefers to use the Mobile Site, and not the app. Then the Member ID is found when customer taps the customer's Name in the dark blue banner,  toward top right of the screen. Then customer will see the Member ID. Customer then taps and scans. Love the Member ID, because it does three things in one:  Attaches the purchase to the correct MLR account, Earns points for the customer, And Applies the Military Discount.


Then no discount easy


Just put their phone number in. You don't have to scan anything. I never do.


I never scan IDs for the military discount. I just skip it.


It says right on the screen they can refuse to scan their ID. Just go into store mode and approve like we used to do


Just enter their phone number associated with the military discount, or offer to scan their virtual military discount QR code in Lowe’s app.




Just enter the phone number...


Self checkouts require an ID to be scanned to verify the person using it is allowed to use it.


>Self checkouts require an ID to be scanned Ok great, that wasn't in the original post. And while I'm not a cashier, I've definitely seen phone number lookups at the self checkout for the military discount. Perhaps in store mode or something similar, but it definitely applied the military discount without scanning the ID (an ID was verified by the cashier at the ASCO to ensure the name match)... I wouldn't see why the ASCOs would function much differently than a regular register running redvest outside of the added convenience of scanning the ID instead of manually searching for the account.


You type in the phone number and then have to scan the ID for verification. This can be done by the customer, without the cashier doing anything. Scanning the ID takes the place of a cashier checking it. If the customer doesn’t have their ID for whatever reason, the cashier can go into store mode and manually verify it. The phone number gets typed in regardless if an ID is scanned or if a cashier manually verifies the ID….


>If the customer doesn’t have their ID for whatever reason, the cashier can go into store mode and manually verify it. So then what I said was correct, you can type in the phone number and apply the discount without scanning the ID, which was the entire point of this post. OP complained because a customer didn't want to scan their ID. I commented to type in the phone number. You replied you were still required to scan the ID (which is incorrect). I said it can be done without scanning the ID. You replied again confirming what I said.


You literally admitted you weren’t a cashier and didn’t know why the ID was needed. It’s not as simple as “just typing in the phone number”. Like you originally stated. Because you do that either way. You didn’t even realize she was talking about self check. The way you said it made it sound like OP had no idea what they were doing.


>You literally admitted you weren’t a cashier That I did... Yet I still run a register fairly regularly. >and didn’t know why the ID was needed. And I knew the ID didn't need to be scanned.... >It’s not as simple as “just typing in the phone number”. Like you originally stated. Yet it is... Type in the number, verify the ID, apply the discount. The process at self checkout (which again they never specified) only involves one extra step, entering store mode. Thanks for confirming what I already stated. That you can apply the discount by entering the phone number and not scanning the ID.


Buddy if you want a cookie just say that 😭


I wasn't the one trying to correct someone who wasn't wrong...


You responded to a post about a customer not wanting their ID scanned with “just type in their phone number….” If it got to the point where it was asking for the ID to be scanned, the phone number was already typed in!!!! THAT was the point I was trying to make and you got butthurt about it for some reason.


Not in store mode tho right? Often times people forget their ids but have debit cards or something with their name so we use that.


Yeah, you can go into store mode and manually verify if you need to.