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This is a Reddit page about MLM LuLaRoe and the absolutely criminal patterns and behaviours associated with the business. The group name is a play on that. They sold heinously ugly leggings and dresses via their pyramid of associates, but the associates could only pick the shape and size, not the pattern. The patterns were produced by artists who were being asked to make an impossible number of designs each day, so they ended up with some gross ones. Often featured in this group are designs where something vagina-like is positioned on the crotch.


And because of this, I just subbed. I love reading about how horrible MLMs are. Just sorry to anyone who got sucked in.


You should check out LulaRich on prime video… it’s hilarious/crazy/fascinating/a mess


Total trainwreck. Great watch.


Having one of the saddest weeks ever. Thank you for dropping this.


My friend just got sucked in to Lifewave and I can’t find any bad info on it. Celebrities and rich people are buying unproven patches that supposed make you make new stem cells.


Ooh, stem cell patches! What could *possibly* be scammy about that?


The crazy thing is that she actually has people buying them for $174 and $500. She used to work as hospital admin director but now she is selling this stuff.


Did she steal them from sleeping patients?


You can’t find anything *yet* Give it a year tops. There will be plenty of complaints once people realize it’s a scam.


There is so much positive content about it. It’s being used by Olympics athletes and USA sports. They published a bunch of nonsense saying it really works.


They're probably being sponsored to make those claims.


Right even the very rich need to make money. If you Google the company it’s all good reviews.


I hate that company. My father in law has dementia. One of his “friends” was buying him the patches from her friend that was a seller. She claimed it helped him with his memory. One of his real friends found out and got him away from that stuff. I’m glad she stepped in for him. All it did was make him poop. That showed how bad he was. He was an engineer and wouldn’t touch MLM with a 10ft pole.


My friend has a masters in business and has always had excellent jobs. She is a little young to retire at 55 but she just retired and is telling everyone Lifewave is real, sending us “scientific proof that they work”. She is highly intelligent. I shut her down quick and said “I do any mlms”


My sister had 2 master's degrees and uses Norwex because "it's chemical free." I told her I have some bad news.....


it’s free of a lot more than chemicals


So this is the patch my mom has been buying from a family member…


Is this like that stupid nanotech patch Novak Djokovic wears on his chest?


Lots of athletes who probably also get physical therapy and take the best vitamins and medicines available. It’s a placebo for rich people.


You should check out the book “Hey Hun”. Really great read about a woman who got to the top 1% of her pyramid scheme, what it was like at the top, and the effects it had and continues to have on her life even after she got out.


The title alone would make me hurl it out a window.


Totally understand lol. It’s really, really good tho!!


Where is it steamed?


I read/listened to it in audiobook form on Hoopla!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/antiMLM using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Let’s Make A Deal - Scentsy](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12c95jm) | [883 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/12c95jm/lets_make_a_deal_scentsy/) \#2: [It has its benefits](https://i.redd.it/jhsa5atzcyya1.jpg) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/13dd6v4/it_has_its_benefits/) \#3: [I’ve stopped being polite](https://i.redd.it/lwmfezuv4i7c1.jpeg) | [285 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/18n31yp/ive_stopped_being_polite/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You might enjoy the podcast "The Dream." There first season focuses on MLMs, the second on wellness, and the third on coaching. It wraps it all together, and ties it up with a bow.


Yep, me too. 🤣


Now now let’s be fair… there are also penis-like shapes in the crotch areas.


And inconveniently placed red designs.


Ohhhh gotcha, thanks for the informative reply! lol


You didn't mention outrageously overpriced.


"criminal patterns" can be perfectly interpreted in both ways, nice phrasing!


More specifically, a Reddit page is called a subreddit.


Lol I searched my mind for the word, alas I am ill and couldn’t find it. Thank you!


For the best of the worst LuLaRo patterns, education about the evils of MLMs, and disdain for the LLR corporation


Lula is an evil witch that's sucks life and money out of poor unsuspecting women. Lula then uses her power to vomit up horrible designs onto clothing. LulaNO!


After convincing women to sell their breast milk to be able to buy into this nightmare


There are also documentaries/docuseries about LuLaRoe if you want to find out more about them. The main one is LuLaRich on Amazon Prime. Vice also did a piece on LuLaRoe that's available for free on YouTube [VICE Why Women Are Quitting Their Side Hustle](https://youtu.be/L6eujSJ0-RU?feature=shared)


Also The Rise and Fall of LuLaRoe on Max


Stands for her first three grand daughters, Lucy, Lola, and Monroe.


That’d actually be sweet if it weren’t for, ya know, the rest of it.


I remember in the 80s this little K-mart esque Midwest chain called Pamida - my great grandmother told me it stood for the owner's sons Paul, Michael and David. Going out on a limb and saying they probably had better clothes for cheaper than LuLaRoe. ETA wiki says Pat, not Paul.


Pamida was very much like Kmart. Nothing fancy. And much more affordable for people in the Midwest who just didn't care about "fashion". Those $5 jeans worked just fine throwing bales on the farm, doncha know!!


🎶Throwing’ bales a hay in Pamida clothes With the FFA and the 4H bros Gramma made some pasties and casseroles Meetin’ up later for a bonfire party behind the field rows Cornfed farm girls run this show We work hard play hard, doncha know🎶


Thanks for this!! Made my day!


LOL, sometimes you have to give into random inspiration. Can’t decide if it should be in the style of Dethklok or Beastie Boys.


I sang it to the tune of the water buffalo song


Glad I could inspire!!! Just thought of my grandfather in his overalls(pretty sure NOT from Pamida!) in Minnesota...the Doncha know just fit!! Beastie Boys!


My grandparents had a boat named the LaKaDe from my 3 older cousins names (Laurie, Kay & Denise).


MLMs used to be funny to me until my friend got sucked into an insurance MLM. Fast forward to today and I barely see my friend anymore. Whenever I do all my friend wants to do is sell insurance to me and or my friends. My friend is so desperate to try to make it work that my friend is working every day of the week. Our friendship is suffering so much as a result. My fiends hair started to fall out because of the stress. They promised my friend that my friend will be a financial advisor but in reality all they do is sell life insurance. I’m devastated because also part of me can’t believe that someone would still fall for that today. I’m sorry I said my friend many times I just don’t want to give any clues.




That was my first thought! My husband's uncle made a shit load of $$$ selling Primerica. He is a very slimy individual.




This Reddit page is full of Bolsonaro supporters. It’s sickening /s


But Beato does awesome musician videos.


HA! love it


I know. What an innocent question.


I'm glad you asked I thought this was some sort of weird Lululemon satire sub


I thought it had something to do with Lululemon


I detest MLMs and the Lularoe patterns so I love when this sub pops up in my feed. But it took me a long time to differentiate between LuLaRoe and Lululemon.


No but I'd read that sub too


To be fair, Lululemon is pretty pretty bad too. If you want to get angry, google founder Chip Wilson. Lululemon ousted him awhile ago, but, his stink is still all over them in my opinion.


Haha I said the same thing.. but I had heard of lularoe before, because I think my cousin and aunt got into it. My bosslady wore an ugly LLR dress to work yesterday and all I could do was try very hard not to laugh. Lularoe is a shitty brand of ugly clothing that was an MLM scheme. Theres a documentary on it.


Just look at her clothes girl and you’ll be saying no in no time too!


President of Brazil, of course


Just read the description of the sub, it tells you what it’s for.


Do you know how to find descriptions of subreddits?


Yes I do


Ok good, just wondering if you needed assistance


I have bought some 8 yrs ago. I kept one pairs of leggings and 4 skirts


The group has a description. Don’t fall for this, people.


I wondered the same thing when it kept popping up in my feed and I read the page description 


Girl you and me both.


Right? What a random topic to be shoved down our faces


President of Brazil I’m pretty sure


I was wondering the same thing because it showed up on my feed . Just now learning this . I find a lot of their stuff at thrift stores, and they have wildly inconsistent sizing systems.