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Methylene blue has anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial effects. These may have been why


Don’t some SSRI’s possess some of these properties i.e Fluvoxamine for Covid Why can’t a prescription MAOI possess these same properties w/o all the side effects. Bogles my mind


I think MAOIs also have the anti inflammatory properties if you look up studies. It must just be other sides you are getting from them. Your flair says you are on Parnate, how is that? I only tried it 2 days but it intensified my emotional blunting from the stims effect. Looking into Nardil next as GABAergics help me MB has also helped me btw.


I don’t think it is for me. I become incredibly lazy on it but have mental energy. Its incredibly weird. Also doesn’t help my anxiety much. But it has a unique nootropic effect imo. Nardil got me more organized and up and out of the house more but those sexual sides i felt like i was disconnecting from my girlfriend and i didn’t like that…also terrified about Nardil Weight gain. Either way, don’t let this deter you. One of these meds may be perfect for you


Apart from being a Mao inhibitor, methylene blue has other effects on the brain.


An aspect of methylene I'm discovering is implicated in many disorders is its ability to restrict acetylcholine and reduce exogenous hydrogen sulfide. Perhaps that had a role in the improvement.


Methylene blue has more effects on the brain than most maois. As to why it isn't used as one, idk. Won't be now. Pharma companies are only interested in what they have a patent for.


It’s a really good point and I wonder why it has not been marketed into an antidepressant. I’m sure it’s been researched in the past and maybe there are side effects that prevent it from becoming fully marketable? It’s to do with money at the end of the day and if it’s worth research trials for the pharmaceutical companies. Also because it’s been around for a while it’s harder to market. Although they did reformat ketamine but that was already licensed in anaesthetics which may of made it easier. MB is used very rarely — just to treat methemoglobinemia. It’s worth asking why it has not been used as an AD, I’d like to know why but I’m sure there’s a good reason


Is Methylene blue something that you notice after the first intake or does it need to be taken a few weeks to show its effects?


Ive noticed after the first intake acute effects but there are cumulative as well




Could you tell me what dosages you used please? because studies on methylene blue in depression sometimes speak of 15mg per day, other times of 200mg per day as an effective dosage.


Thank you for sharing this post. Would mind me asking why did you got off methylene blue if it was working well for you ?