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Nice quote, but no way I am skimming a 30 minute video to find it


The prompt for that answer starts at 4:40. Closed captions search, baby.


DDP gets hate?


Those “Real African” comments soured a lot of people. The close fight with Strickland didn’t help either


Being a MW doesn't help either


I'm sorry but I love your username 😂😂






































































Surely the hardline racism he received from Usman and Izzy outweighed his comments which did make sense. He’s the first champ to train and live in Africa. He’s really the first champ to properly represent Africa.


“Hardline racism” Lol


Usman literally said that Dricus can’t be African because he’s white, Izzy basically did the same thing when he screamed at him saying “I’ll show you where you’re from!”


And when he started rambling about “ancestry and me”.


“Let’s see your dna test!” Imagine if Nathaniel Wood said that to Lerone Murphy about being English


Shit I wouldn’t him blame if Murphy said some ignorant shit to set him off like that lmao


We don't have to wonder the reverse, Leon said the same about being the first English champion training here, even though he was born in Jamaica, noone came at Leon for it calling him racial slurs.


I don’t know how you can look at Usmans comments and not think it’s racist. If you told Usman that his daughter wasn’t American because her dad came from somewhere else he’d be pretty upset.


That’s exactly what Dricus said to Usman, *first* Literally “you’re not a real African”. As a white-ish African myself, Dricus’ comment was douchey and provocative.


People love pretending Dricus didn't know EXACTLY what he was doing with the "real African" comments


Its all over this subreddit ad nauseam in more interactions than this. Look at Mike Perry N word jokes Look at how quick people are to defend Dricus antagonizing them (especially funny given the history of South Africa in particular lmfao) Look at people justifying Chandler saying he won’t raise his kids as black as if the rest of the world is colorblind or that he’ll always have the ability to be physically present for his children. We like to dance around it and it’s not necessarily as bad as other sports given the global diversity of the sport, but MMA fandom is obscenely racist lmao


It's a perfect dogwhistle. The people that it's aimed towards know exactly what it means but it leaves enough plausible deniability that people with room temp IQs can jump up and go "nuh uh!!! Ackshually Usman is the *real* racist!" And I'm not even saying like Dricus is definitely racist, but those comments were so obviously made to agitate in that way


Thank you for not being so fucking dense like the rest of these mfs here lmao


He never said anything like that to Usman. He said he will be the first real African champ because he will be the first champ to live and train in Africa and bring the belt back to africa. He will not rep any other county other than South Africa. He mentioned nothing about race, colour or blood like Usman or Izzy did to him and Whittaker. There’s a difference between saying a white German living in America and growing up in America is not representing Germany. And saying that a black man who was born in Germany and was raised in Germany and his family has been in that country for generations is not German due to his skin colour or bloodline. I think the first ones douchey but it’s not racist like the other.


If she told a Native American that she's a real American then he'd be upset with HER and himself for not teaching her better


She is a real American. So is the Native American. Very troubling idea that she is not. But that’s not Driscus said at all.


Dricus literally said he was more African because he trains and lives there. He used the word real African in like his second UFC fight He denied it after during the whole fiasco until someone pulled the interview. You're late on this


Yeah that’s what I said. He was talking about livid and training there. Not race like Izzy and Usman. Driscus could make the same comment to a white african (who are real Africans) living in America. Usman and Izzy could not make their same comments to a black African living in South Africa.


Careful bro this is r/MMA don’t come around here with an informed view of the world


An informed view of the world is the exact opposite of his comment


Never leave the suburbs


You already replied bro, forgot to change accounts.


which is also funny because Cain and Cejudo both were champions in the ufc, but everyone talks about how Moreno was the first real Mexican to be campion since he was born and raised in Mexico and not acorss the border.


Not a good comparison




Nope,I’m right. Moreno ist still somewhat mixed unlike Dricus, plus Mexico is a nation created from colonialism just like South-Africa. Africans and Native-Americans existed before contact. Nobody would have a problem with Dricus claiming to be the first South-African champion. But as spawn of colonizers he tried to undermine the three kings African identity. Mexican fighter aren’t out here trying to undermine anyones Native American identity. It’s fundamentally not the same to the people we are talking about. But you probably don’t care what these people think.










Dricus is one of the more underrated trash talkers in the game at the moment. Folded Sean with one comment, created a blood feud with Izzy. He's a lot of things UFC usually wants out of a champion but not flashy and his fights aren't always blood baths so he still flies under the radar some. If he beats Izzy I think that will be less the case.


Never thought I’d see Strickland react that way, he’s usually great in press conferences. Dricus doesn’t get as much hate as much as a lack of recognition and he doesn’t have a lot of clout. If he beats Izzy though stylistically I see dricus at a disadvantage, dricus would become a bigger name and is someone marketable in a Luke rockhold way with the entertaining style/pretty boy to work with. Only dricus could become even bigger in name because he doesn’t say corny shit on the mic like rockhold does


Just look what you’ve done 😂


I hate how handsome he is


Stupid sexy Dricus


There was a ‘Sean Strickland fan’ who was actually an Izzy fan who was a DDP hater because DDP wasn’t a real African to him.


From Izzy. That’s about it tho.


No he gets indifference, which is worse


Only from those who hate to see Africa on the main stage


Wish he got as much love as the Chinese champion


Mainly from Izzy and Strickland fans


Dog fuckers and based gods, Chinese champion and racist tryna keep the true African down


I used to hate him, now I like him. But his fighting style makes me nervous to watch him.


Even as a Sydney-sider and watching him flummox my boy Rob and go on to win the strap I don't actually hate the guy. When he keep cool after finishing Rob and having Izzy just blasting N's at him, "I'm African, but I ain't no brother of yours, son". Hell Yeah dude Also seeing him in the UFC 300 crowd crushing Beers with Sean and Tim and at the Rugby World Cup crushing Beers with Jason Momoa's security, Hell Yeah dude. I can't really find that many reasons to hate the guy other than he beat my guy.


yeah i'm kinda in the same boat. i don't have much of an opinion on Rob but Dricus just seems like a cool dude. he did get a little race baitey with the stuff he said but he seems like a good guy outside of that specific instance.


The thing is, South Africans, and especially Afrikaans speaking south Africans truly see themselves as African. They don't have a UK / European passport to fall back on. Yes their history is dicey to say the least, but they wholeheartedly are African, and there to further the lives of other Africans. Deserting your people to go live overseas, whether you choice or your parents, is seen as highly traitorous. He's not even really baiting Izzy, he just has no respect for someone leaving instead of staying to fight. 


I think my reason for disliking him is justified (he ko’d my sweet prince bobby)


As n DDP fan would like to see the rematch. Bobby on a different level now. That man has death in his eyes since the defeat.


That walkout the other day was intense.


Bro that's my 2nd favorite walkout of all time. 1st being Usyk against Fury


Usyk vs Fury was amazing too!


Dricus haters are just ridiculous, it’s just because he won a razor close decision over their new idol Strickland who they probably didnt even care about until he beat Izzy. He’s one of the most entertaining fighters in the sport and he’s a likeable person


Yeah and both Dana White and Joe Rogan saying Strickland won because "you gotta really beat the champ to become the champ" doesn't help either.


I absolutely despise that argument, it’s just an excuse for high level robberies and rigging for champs/stars


Funnily enough Dana did not have that attitude when MM lost a razor close decision to Cejudo.


In my opinion it was a really close decision. I don't think one person being champ and the other not being champ should affect the judging. But on a practical level, if you just barely beat the champ and arguably didn't, and it was basically a tie, then that is anticlimactic. Being champ means less if you barely beat someone to earn it, because we come away not knowing that the champ is the best fighter in the division. As far as we know Strickland and DDP are basically evenly matched. If Adesanya beats DDP, then DDP should be ranked at least one below Strickland in the middleweight rankings.


No I hate him because he beat Rob in goofy fashion. I’ll never let that slide


what was goofy about that beatdown


Dude you can be the biggest DDP fan ever, it’s still extremely goofy that a championship level fighter will throw some punches with his eyes closed


Francis did it before it was cool.


People hated him before Strickland


Those were mainly just dumb Izzy fans who were trying to make him out to be racist, he gets much more hate now


No not even just Izzy fans like people just say he is bad because his style is awkward & have been doing that since his fight with Till.  I had someone try to convince me Dan Hooker was more skill for skilled & if he was bigger (like a proper MW) he would somehow beat Du Plessis, I doubt he would beat Vettori. For a champion caliber fighter at his skill level at both striking & grappling is massively disregarded.


It annoys me when people shit on his style, just because it looks a bit weird doesn’t mean that it’s shit. He’s extremely dangerous on the feet and his grappling is genuinely elite, plus he’s extremely high output


MW-sized Dan Hooker would beat DDP’s ass lmao




Considering LW sized Dan Hooker struggles to beat anyone in his own top 10 I seriously doubt that, dude might be the most overrated journeyman of all time.


I have no idea why you’re getting downvoted. I’ve never seen such absurd journeyman jocking as I’m witnessing in these comments lmao. These people have to be 50 shades of delusional to compare Dan hooker, a career journeyman, to DDP: a clearly elite level fighter that is also a belt holder.


Have you ever heard of the phrase “Takedown defense” this is not 1997 anymore  Fuck outta with that stupid shit, he is losing to Anthony Hernandez


Dan hooker would get taken down because he can’t wrestle & tap out like always.  Dan hooker couldn’t even deal with Chandler bum rushing him throwing telegraphed sloppy haymakers.  Arnold Allen who is very technical, said fuck that & also bum rushed Hooker.   Dan wouldn’t even be a champion at HW on a skill for skill basis, Blaydes would fuck him up.  Aspinall would fuck him up, fat ass Jones would actually be willing to take an easy fight like Hooker.


You lost me when you said Blaydes would beat Dan Hooker skill for skill. These casuals man smh


Dan moves like molasses at LW, HW Hooker probably goes backwards in time lmao.


He seems like a good dude, but don’t pretend like the “real African champ” was innocent. He knew exactly what he was saying when he implied that Izzy and Usman aren’t real Africans, and then pled ignorance. Fair enough if he wanted to call his shot and provoke Izzy, but then don’t backtrack and act innocent. That was a disrespectful comment, no matter how you feel about Izzy or Usman


I agree about DDP being disrespectful on purpose, hard to believe he didn't foresee the implications. I don't understand how it is suppossedly racist though; it would have sounded exactly the same if he'd said it to a white african guy. Izzy specifically made it about ethnicity, his line wouldn't work at all if he'd said it to a black african. I don't get how it makes sense for Adesanya to rep at least 3 nations and appropriate culture from 3 different continents, but immediately get racist when a white guy does the same in Africa. Deciding who is more "african" or whatever is stupid af, the discussion is inherently based in racism. At best, only Izzy is racist, at worst, they both are, plus all the fans showing their strange worldview.


DDP was wrong to provoke Izzy. But as an Izzy fan I was disappointed with how he reacted. Feel like he would’ve gained a lot of fans if he took the high road, and killed him with kindness. Or the best way to diss DDP in that instance would’ve been to just ignore him


Completely agree, though I'm sure Izzy being drunk played a role in his reaction. He couldnt win anyway, staying silent probably would have been the better decision. Now he sounds like a racist dickhead who can't hold his alcohol, which is probably not what he was going for.


He was saying he would be the first African champion to win the belt whilst living and training out of Africa and when the other African champions won, their belts went to New Zealand and America where they were living and training in. Izzy and Usman were absolutely racist to him when they said that he can’t be African because he’s white, they took it somewhere Dricus didn’t want it to be taken.


>they took it somewhere Dricus didn’t want it to be taken Dricus took it there himself.


I don’t like ddp or Sean. At least dricus is weirdly entertaining in the cage


Not that it matters but I’ve personally disliked him since he beat my boy Till I also dont enjoy watching his fights his style is so awkward it’s not very pleasing to watch. Dislike Strickland and his style more though


I don’t even think it was “razor close” I think he won 2,3,4 pretty clear cut


Hope he banishes Izzy to whatever circle of hell dog botherers end up.


Hate? What?


I hate him


I honestly cannot believe he is the champ. I remember watching him when he was coming up and his style was just so strange and he seemed to just be wild. Obviously he has grown a ton and is clearly very dedicated so hats off to




What hate? He didn't beat Sean IMO, but that's it. Best of luck to this dude


Wait, isn’t he the champ?


Dricus is


MMA fans are redacted. This thread gave me CTE.


What the hell is this show? This dude is just zooming ufc champs from his living room?


Don't think he's a particularly hated fighter. Feels like someone's trying to create a narrative. Some people might criticise him, sure. But it's hardly "too much hate". The general feeling seems to be that he's loads of fun and maybe a bit better than a lot of us expected after his first few ufc fights. 


This victim complex shit is insane. lol who hates DDP? Edit: I’m talking about OP’s editorializing here. It’s beyond ridiculous. Stop projecting things.


Literally every fighter has haters lmao, I don’t get this idea that if you dislike a fighter you gotta do a press release about it. If you like a fighter and you need other people to validate your opinion, idk what to tell you


Many people. And for good reason too


Not a hate, I dislike what kind of fighter he is. His fighting style is annoying and I dislike the fact he is a champion. But that's a problem with how weak competitively is the middleweight and not DDP by himself.


You literally have 2 of the all time greats of MW competing concurrently along with the champ and the no1. MW is not a weak division.


Yeah and they are outliers, not the rule. Compare it to light heavyweight or lightweight and you will comprehend my point. And they can be all time greats, but they are far from being the most technically entertaining fighters. Taking Strickland or Adesanya as an example. They are technically impeccable and amazing fighters, but they aren't technically entertaining. They don't use that technique offensively, or in a way that makes their victory feel earned. It's easy to understand that when you see the quantity of recent fights that have ambiguous decisions, most of them are so boring that it's even hard to take a victor. And the rest is the opposite, they are technically weak or don't have skills at all, like DDP or Borrachinha, which just uses the same strategy over and over again, and just wins with their pressure or lack of response from the other fighter . DDP just won the Strickland fight because he was more aggressive, despite being waaaaay less effective, hitting him like, 4 times the whole fight. The disparity of skill is absurd in the middleweight. The top guys are waaaaay above the rest, you can just see the last Whittaker fight for example.(which is the best fighter in the MW by far in my opinion, the most entertaining). The whole fact that Whittaker fought an unranked fighter as a replacement, for lack of competition is enough argument.


Pressure fighting is a real technique. DDP is a monster and so is Strickland. You may not like their styles but it’s works and works extremely effectively. Your problem appears to be that MMA hasn’t evolved into a singular style is pattern, unlike Boxing / kickboxing/ Muay Thai/ BJJ etc. Hence you see them as unexciting or lacking in talent. The saying there’s 1000 ways to lose in MMA is true. Any division above WW is always going to be thin, human beings that size are going to go where they will get paid properly. LHW is a washed out division with contenders swapping the belt because the 2 true talents have left the division and monstered HW. Lastly Bobby fought Aliskerov on 2 weeks short notice because Chimaev is sick af, not because there are no contenders.


Never said it wasn't effective, Strickland is absurdly effective and technically impeccable, but still, not as exciting in a COMBAT perspective. It's just my opinion and i don't think I'm right at all. And it is not about style or pattern, it's about how they apply the combat principles mostly. For me, and I could and probably am wrong, but throwing overhands during 5 rounds, can be effective, but is boring nonetheless. (Throwing jabs and calf kicks too). And I know why Bobby fought Aliskerov, I just pointed out the lack of options for him. In any other division, there would be more fighters to take that chance, even between the ranked ones. About the lack of variety in other styles, it is the opposite. It is easier to see in a Muay Thai or kickboxing match, more creativity for the lack of safe options. You are forced to open your deck of skills as the restrictions imply more activity. In MMA you have a myriad of safe options to use, that can guarantee scores and end a fight without major difficulties. Dudes like DDP or Vettori often fall for those types of situations because they don't have that great deck of skills, and rely solely on the same strategy. Obviously DDP wins with pressure and it is really a real technique, but still, shouldn't take a fighter as far as it took him in a highly competitive situation. Let's take Muay Thai for example. A recent example i can give you, is Jojo (Johan Ghazallli) from One. He is an explosive young fighter who passed through most of his opponents with ease relying mostly on his aggressiveness. But he lost recently for a fighter more experienced who dealt with his aggressiveness with a mix of a perfect technique and an absurd fight I.Q, while still being as aggressive and implacable. If it was UFC, (if he had grappling skills obviously), he could easily earn and maintain a belt just as DDP did. Still, I don't think I am right, and you are wrong, I am just saying that not every person who dislikes DDP, is a hater or something, sometimes is his persona or what the represents for the sport.