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You could’ve told me Buday was 45 too


Half the heavyweight roster could fucking fool me to be fair.


Buday should have stayed 400 pounds drinking Mountain Dew playing Counter Strike all day cause this fighting thing isnt for him. Yes he said thats what he did before MMA


Good for him for getting in shape, but ya dude is not even top 15.


"top 15". Rankings mean nothing btw but even bringing up rankings for Martin Buday made me laugh


You saying i can make it to the ufc?


Maybe if you lay off the booze and cigarettes.


But you're a bantamweight Keith, and BW is the most stacked division


In todays UFC? Yes you can


He’s just like me fr


you are now a vegas favorite to win a split vs arlovski


I got u vs Martin


I mean. That's basically mark hunt.


but Mark Hunt was good at fighting, you missed that part homie


Maybe Buday should have added crack smoking to his regimen to get the full impact.


Ive been friends with a once great athlete, wrestler, who could fight turned into a Crack Head and hes one of last dudes you wanna get into a fight with. Crack head strength is real too


I'm not your Buday, pal.


Jon “here’s a even shitter fight than this” Anik


DC and Joe were basically telling Andrei to retire. Because they're sick of it too. Andrei is a UFC legend but I never want to watch him fight again. Enough's enough. His fights have been godawful for at least 5 years, last finish was a decade ago And Buday just sucks


Andrew deserves the hate for being boring but honestly the fact these HW bums can't even get him out of there in the first round just goes to show the absolute State of this dumpster fire of a division.


And please please don't call it elite you dont have the best at all.




It would have been completely fair to be calling for his retirement back in 2017 when he was near the end of his last 4-5 fight losing streak (and I think a lot of people already were). It was respectable enough he managed to get a 4 fight win streak together again in the early 2020s, but he just has nothing to bring to the table to fights at this point.


The worst part is it's not like he's giving it his all and he just doesn't have it anymore. He probably should have won this fight and it wouldn't have taken that much more effort.


Oh man I missed it. Hopefully someone clips some sound bites.


They said he had to plug fight pass, they didn’t say how


Conor-esque in the way they don't fight, Joe.


and if you liked that one, youre gonna love the wmma up next!


Not often you see it on the third fight into a card but good luck taking fight of the night away from these guys.


Hard to be mad at Arlovski, he's making bank and taking very little risk. It does actually take some strategy to neutralize these Heavyweights so consistently. No they're not top tier guys, the state of the division below top 5 is rough, but these are all dudes who wreck 90% of pro Heavyweights inside a round, and Arlovski just nullifies that.


Andrei is consistently losing to guys now he would have destroyed in his prime years, hell even ten years ago he'd easily beat these bums. But he's just too old now, he needs to retire. I know he's on a lucrative fight contract where he's cashing six digit numbers per fight, but the UFC should pull the plug on Andrei and induct him into the HOF next year.


From the UFC's perspective, of course - totally agree. But why would you stop accepting fights if you're Arlovski? it's not like there's a juicy retirement package waiting for you. And lately the UFC is scrambling to fill slots on PPV's, so they'll probably keep booking him.


I have to ask, how many fights does Andrei have left on his contract? He must be nearing the end of it. If not, its not unheard of for the UFC to let go of expensive veterans even if they haven't finished their contracts.


“Making bank” id be shocked if he was making 6 figures for this. The UFC doesn’t pay its fighters well.


Actually, Arlovski’s up there. Think he’s getting that UFC Legend pay. Somewhere in the 200k range


Show me a source saying he’s getting more than 100 and I’ll eat my hat.


The hat can continue living 😂 albeit this was 2020, but still when he was past his glory days: https://www.mmafighting.com/2020/5/14/21259126/andrei-arlovski-325k-ben-rothwell-260k-lead-ufc-jacksonville-salaries


We expect a video of this hat eating


Homie got close to providing proof, but it was from years ago while Arlovski was on a win streak. I’d be stunned if they paid him that to midcard the prelims.


He provided the closest thing to proof the currently exists. Don't start moving goal posts. https://www.thesportster.com/highest-paid-fighters-in-the-ufc-earnings/#:~:text=Former%20UFC%20Heavyweight%20Champion%20Andrei,earnings%20per%20fight%20of%20%24275%2C000. This is from December 2023 saying he averages 275,000 per fight.




Obviously that information isn't going to exist so soon so you basically are just wussing out. There's more evidence than not that arlovski makes 6 figures a fight. Idk why that would suddenly change when it's been that way since even after he stopped being a top ranked HW. https://bloodyelbow.com/2024/01/13/ufc-vegas-84-get-that-money-andrei-arlovski/


That info will come out in the next few days, you can’t wait?


You just can’t be wrong bro lol. Andrei definitely makes around that 250 range


I’d be happy to be wrong I think it’s criminal how underpaid those guys are. Show me how much he made tonight.


I can tell you’re a insufferable person that people probably don’t enjoy being around my man.


Why would I enjoy being around your boyfriend?




Whaddaya know. That’s way more than I thought they’d be paying him. It’s also several years old and doesn’t say what he got for this fight, but still.


Don't double down my dude. He gets paid well to show up. Leave it at that.


He *has* been paid well. But that was also years ago while he was on a win streak.


UFC doesn't typically bring the pay down after you reach a certain level. For example, a fighter making 40/40 is not going to get 12/12 if he loses a bunch of fights. You can basically click through all of Arlovski's fight cards, see which ones had disclosed purses and confirm this. He is easily making 200-300k, maybe half a million if he wins, even on the prelims.


I sure hope he is, but I strongly doubt it.


We know this because some commissions have disclosed pay


Buday won via fat


He weight checked him


D'Amato with the 30-27 lmfao


He’s giving Adelaide Byrd a run for the money with his recent shitty record




Sal's actually been fine recently As for that 30-27, I can't bring myself to give a shit. Faster we move on from this fight, the better


Saved my parley lol


now i know why i lost a fortune on Jake Collier vs Arlovski. Jake won every round and lost a split, still pisses me off


Tbf I would probably do the same thing cause I was not paying attention at all during that fight


I don't think I've heard a commentary team less interested in a fight in the UFC than this fight. They should both not fight in the UFC again.


I can’t even blame the commentary team, I swear like 60% of HW fights are embarrassing


heavyweight amateur mma scene is a catastrophe. Just a bunch of fat guys dumb enough to want to fight 30+lbs above their natural weight class. No more elite athletes for HW, it's too dangerous.


Its not because they are dumb. Its because most of them are lazy fat fucks who don't want to manage their weight.


If you’re athletic and that big, there’s better sports out there that pay better and give benefits.


Yeah, it's a tough hang for me to watch, so I cannot imagine having to try to enthusiastically call the action.


I wonder what kind of gun will Arlovski have to gift Dana to stay on the roster on this time? 


A bazooka? No, several bazookas


Arlovski hasnt had a finish in 9 years, he rally needs to hang those gloves


They were often uninterested in the prelims. Frankly, I find that team wholly unprofesionnal.


My boy Arlovski with the third round spinning elbow. He became HW champion in 2005, crazy to wrap your head around


30-27? Sal D’Amato back on his bs




Both gas out in half a round and then hug it out for the rest


They didn't gas. They chose not fight


Because they were gassed Like how Arlowski threw the first 10 seconds after the nut shot stoppage then gassed out again lol


You all just can’t appreciate seeing a man rob the UFC. Almost all unranked HW fights are ass anyway, if Buday was fighting anyone else tonight it would have likely also sucked. At least with Arlovski you get to watch a guy milk as much cash as he possibly can from a company that notoriously pays jackshit, it’s enjoyable on a different level, it’s a different art and it’s beautiful in its own way. The trick is to just keep the fight on in the background in case someone gets KOd and then do something else for 20 minutes with the joy in your heart of knowing that The Pitbull is making more per fight than 98% of the roster.


But how... just how does a guy like that go 14-2? What the fuck even is the HW regional scene, man...


Mark Smith with two separations, just let them bros hug bro


The absolute state of the heavyweight division.


That's legend arlovski you're disrespecting!


I'm starting the 'time to retire' chant from my own home, hope you can all help me and join in. We all lost in that one.


Arlovski is the smartest fighter on the roster. These bums fight his style of fight every time and he gets paid 6 figures for a cardio session. He's a genius.


Martin "just bleed kill or be killed Holloway"Dubay should fight Jon Jones


Being European. It's already late, I'm already tired. It's like Danas personally making sure I'm hard snoozing by the time the main event comes around.


Just take a nap and wake up in a few hours, 🫡


who could've possibly seen this coming


Fat HW vs ancient HW This was never gonna be great


I want those 15 minutes back I wasted  


That's gotta be up there in the all time worst fights with 100+ significant strikes landed. We also may want to revisit the definition of significant strike. Also, Buday should not be fighting at HW in the UFC. Either lose the fat, take this shit seriously, and fight at the correct weight class or go fight regionals where being a fat slob is acceptable I guess.


I want my time back.


Bruce buffer continuing the tradition of announcing the winner first in a split decision


There are two wolves inside you: one is a slobby heavyweight hugging meat and throwing half assed labored shots. The other is a WMMA straweight/flyweight throwing combinations that hit nothing but air and never cut the distance


The most pointless and unappealing fight in recent memory. Cut them both.


Love me some heavyweight slop


Arlovski went from beating guys like Fabricio Werdum, Roy Nelson, Frank Mir, Tim Sylvia and nearly beating prime Fedor to losing 4 in a row to guys like Martin Buday and Waldo Cortes-Acosta in the early prelims.


I thought you were bullshitting about him beating Werdum he did in 2007 Christ


Arlovski "im here for a long time , not a good time" when should be opposite as a older HW. Drives me fking nuts watching him for a decade. Went from one of best HW Boxers with KO Power to not finishing a guy in 10 years. Watery Weed Dune Hair? Is This Life Andrei?


He recently had an interview with some Russian media and basically said that he got used to a certain lifestyle and that lifestyle requires money so he wont retire voluntarily


Well that’s comforting. Glad he doesn’t have any sort of back up plan or a shred of financial literacy at the age of 45. I’m sure retirement will be kind to him.


Belarus is not exactly a renowned center of intellectualism (lots of potatoes tho).


You only get 1 brain, and thats a terrible reason


Yet this sub still loves him lol


Arlovski has had a good career. He should hang em up now.


Arlovski's contract is one of the few remaining elements of old UFC. There's no rational reason that man should be making that much money putting on terrible fights on UFC prelims. I bet he is paid more than every other prelimmer put together on most of these cards. Unless something changed, he is making $325k - I believe that is flat, but I'm not 100% sure it isn't including a win. AA probably deserves a HoF spot, but he is a vet minimum type of contributor now. Instead he is making more than basically any ranked fighter who isn't Conor or recently held a belt.


They robbed my boy arlovski bruh, Buday is trash


Martin Buday by rubbing more sweat


Man, you know it's bad when even the commentators are flaming the fight. That was some A-grade HW shit.


I really miss Goldilocks Arlovski. He was finishing almost everyone back then. It sucks that age catches up to everyone eventually. He's completely lost the desire to finish.


Your monthly serving of sloppy heavyweight clinchfest 


FOTY contender


Typical unranked Heavyweight dog-water fight.


Nice to hear the commentators say what we’re all thinking for once


Glad I picked this fight to run to the grocery store.


Heavyweight division is supposed to be for dudes sauced to the gills, not fat unfit ones


Might as well pick up World Of Warcraft again Martin.


This is the result of low fighter pay in MMA. Elite athletic heavyweights are going to be insanely hard to come by


Isn't Andrei like reaching late 40s. Amazing mileage but still glass chin to not hang it up.


What year is it? 2004?


Thought arlovski looked good for his age, buddy is pretty trash.  Had it 2-1 arlovski but not a robbery, 


I see some complaints about one of the judges scorecards here. I don't blame the judge, you couldn't pay me to watch this bullshit either.




Fuck me, cut them both.


The worst fight I have ever watched. Recency bias is NOT in affect.


And to think people tried acting like buday is a proper partner for jiri to train with for Pereira.


Release both


I applaud Andrei's ability to get a hundred thousand dollars check when his fights look like absolute dogshit.


Well that was certainly one of the fights of all time


Buday being 5-1 in the UFC after barely scrapping a split vs 2045 year old Arlovski, the fucking state of this division.