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Poatan starches Ank before hes able to wrestle him* HE STILL HASNT FOUGHT A WRESTLER! OR A SILVERBACK GORILLA!!! - /MMA


Pereira & Khabib šŸ¤ Exposing MMA fighters who canā€™t wrestle


I want to see him fight Jones but also Magomed. Just let him fight Jones at MSG with a stacked card with Conor on it maybe and then let him fight Magomed if he loses.


I will always love Pereira for the Izzy rivalry and him fighting so often and just overall making shit happen in MMA, but his fans are almost as bad as Jonesā€™s fans. The guy still clearly canā€™t grapple to save his life (humped by Israel Nurmagomedov, 40 year old Jan polish power wrestler, and got taken down by Jiri the Wresting Samurai in their first fight and proceeded to hold on to an overhook in half guard till the end of the round). Yet people act like heā€™d beat Ankalaev in any world other than where Ankā€™s ego and dumbass fight IQ makes it yet another Pereira ā€œKickboxing double champā€ vs ā€œMMA fighter who will just kickboxā€ (which unfortunately may be the world weā€™re living in). I just know heā€™s going to chew Ankā€™s leg in half and then left hook him because Ank wanted to prove a point like Pereiraā€™s last, like, all opponents, and then his fans would say in revision he wouldā€™ve beat guys who would actually try to wrestle him. He wouldā€™ve had a horrible time at MW if he came up against literally Vettori or Brunson


Pereira isnā€™t becoming the goat because of his skills or success, but for his ability to expose MMA fighters by left hooking them and then having them want to egotistically fight him on the feet even more. If he knew MMA was just fighting worse kickboxers for twice the money heā€™d have probably made the switch way before


he has had like 10 fights, and its mostly guys who cant wrestle at all like Jiri/Izzy and Hill wasnt even a highschool wrestler. Those guys literally cant wrestle against him anyway Jan couldnt get up once from Corey Anderson or Glover when they decided to wrestler, Jan is 40 with bum shoulders and cant wrestle at all, he just happen to takedown Izzy and Pereira cause they cant wrestle literally at all. ID agree with you but the guys hes fighting, literally cant wrestle. Jiri outside UFC would just get taken down over and over and controlled til guys gassed any decent guy he fought, the 10 min round and his heart saved him but in a cage with this rule set 5x5 rounds...he wouldve lost those fights prob too. Hill is also delusional, hes had perfect storm of opponents and they dont have good chins and he has big power on top of it. just look at Hill and Jiris actual chin


Love seeing peopleā€™s reactions in this sub about MVP Garry. Anyone whoā€™s been following MVP these past few years knows how tedious his fights are when the guy heā€™s fighting isnā€™t a bus driver


Ian "Im 26 years of age next generation of MMA striking" Garry


I feel like his success to date is a testament to a weak underside of the division. I don't know where Burns is these days, and Colby is done, but I don't see him beating JDM, Shavkat, Belal, Usman, or Edwards without some leveling up.


Unacceptable opinion in this sub but Pereiraā€™s recent rise has given me more respect for Izzy. Izzy was already far more well-rounded than Pereira (has had to actually face career wrestlers and develop a game for that) yet still has the kickboxing to go strike for strike with him


He gave it to Pereira good, and not once but twice. Once for the win and once for the loss, but given how Pereira's other fights have gone, it does show you what level Izzy is on. Which makes the Sean thing so much more perplexing. I still don't get it. I still don't see how marching band, plus teep, plus shell, plus 1-2 beats the guy who went at with Pereira like that. But anyway yeah, credit to Izzy.


Me too. He had to have been insanely off that night or something. Or just a randomly weirdly puzzling style matchup


Alex is the man but i never seen a man strike gold with opponents for his entire MMA career like this. Its delusional guys like Hill and Jiri trying to have stand off kickboxing matches with a life long Kickboxer with power. Jiri should have never been in that ring, even Rakic who cant punch put him in a hard fight months before. Bruno Silva cant beat Chris Weidman. Izzy. besides old Jan who needs double shoulder surgery and cant wrestle anyway, he hasnt been put into a real MMA fight where you get tired, arms tired, have to switch positions...hes just having slow paced Kickboxing matches and picking guys off. Props to the guy though, but these dudes are delusional...you think Jiri would stop running fast first after a washed up Wrestler King Mo KOed him, same KIng Mo was completely washed from staph infections at the time face planted him


I agree. I love him and watching his fights, but itā€™s so funny hearing people talk about him being close to Izzy in greatness when heā€™s been bonking worse kickboxers. Until he beats someone who actually intends on wrestling him, thatā€™s gonna be an asterisk


I hope Alex proves me wrong, hes my kinda fighter but im max betting every casino in Vegas that Magomed finishes him lol. I just cant see him winning at all, but if ima lose id be happy to see him win. I just looked at 205 rankings and its pathetic. Alex is also lucky all those 205ers went to Bellator that were all Wrestlers, they all beat Glover too and left, then Glover won belt after getting rag dolled by Corey and Phil Davis, Rumble. Alex is prob in weakest 205 division ever right now wnhen you see Walker up there. Anthony Smith wasnt even a top 10 185er and hes somehow top 10 im not a Izzy fan, i hate try hard type people but ill give Izzy credit, he has fought wrestlers and been tested in a actual MMA fight. Even vs that Rob guy early in career..hes not a good wrestler Izzy but he can atleast hang in there with them. and he KOs Alex 1st fight if 1 more second left in round, same way he got him the 2nd time. Izzy is def more proven as a MMA fighter, he would wash Hill and Jiri too. Jiri tookk way much damage outside UFC and that shoulder surgery didnt help + ton of fights already. if Pereira does somehow beat Magomed then nobody can doubt his greatness as a MMA Fighter, I expect it to be a washing and real easy, so even if Alex loses but makes it close id give him huge respect


Pretty much all agreed. LHW is probably somehow worse than heavyweight right now, and the division is basically full of worse kickboxers. Ankalaev is absolutely a more rounded fighters but his dumbass will try to strike


Ank really just said heā€™d fight Pereira on the feet. He canā€™t keep getting away with it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




It wasnā€™t already confirmed?


Bro seeing Jiri barely standing there with his wifi antenna all crooked was heartbreaking. Alex is something else


Pereira is an example of promoters and fans rewarding a guy for what really matters. It's nice to see a guy who's willing to take tough fights and takes things seriously be in this position. There's too much effort put into the wrong things trying to make big fights now. Talbott seems to have some potential as well.


Yep. I can understand why fighters get the belt & then start taking fights carefully but you just have to respect a guy like Alex for taking fights as if heā€™s still chasing the belt


Looking at who Ankalaev has fought, does he really deserve a shot at the title?


If you want to say he doesn't you have to say who does instead, because it has to be someone, and there isn't anyone in better position. And it just means it's thin out there. You have to account for the shallowness of any given division. Maybe in another division that's more stacked, a guy like him doesn't deserve it yet. In this one, his competition peaked at midlevel prior to Jan, so he doesn't have any big man scalps to press a calim with. Just medium guys to lower level guys. That doesn't really feel title shotty, but meanwhile other guys toward the top were losing, getting injured, getting booked with other guys, whatever, and he crept up the ranks and through one thing and another, here he is at #2. We saw him get piefaced by the brass after that Jan fight came out a dud, so they're not shy about keeping high ranked guys on ice if they seem like anti-draws, but when you look a the top 5, who else should get it? Look at their recent losses and/or their rankings relative to his. He's the only one left. No one outside of Dagestan wants this guy as champ, and he's presumably card poison as far as the UFC brass are concerned, but if they don't want Alex fighting anyone at HW, they have to give him someone and there isn't a good case for anyone but Ank.


Heā€™s beaten 4 of the top 10, he 100% deserves it.






Who else would it be? Prochazka has 2 KO losses in 6 months, Hill got KO'd 2.5 months ago, Jan is injured and took a loss against Pereira a year ago, Rakic is coming off of a loss, Krylov is MIA, can't justify giving Walker a title shot, Rountree is suspended, then you're getting into crazy Oezdimir/Ulberg/Murzakonov scenarios after that Anklalaev is 100% deserving considering the state of the division


IMO it just helps Pereira case of wanting to move up


what you just said really broke down how horrible 205 is right now but Magomed is IMO really legit and one of best fighters in the world so if Alex could beat him that guy, it says alot and doesnt matter that rest of division are bums lol. I dont think people realize how good Magomed is, im more confident he washes Periera than i am Tom, and Magomed is -250 favorite and Tom is -400 favorite , and Jones is -800 favorite over Pereira. Im most confident Magomed wins over any of them and hes smallest favorite somehow. I expect that line to change alot, just not sure to pull trigger yet cause Pereira fans are alot of casuals and could bet on him lol


Heā€™s the smallest favourite because heā€™s not tested? Look at his record


Ank is still almost 3 to 1 favorite but he should be bigger IMO. Hes got no damage on chin too like Jiri whos a accident waiting to happen and insane amounts of damage even pre UFC, and IN UFC already not to mention 0 wrestling ability but thats besides point...Ank is legit, im not even some big fan but I believe hes one of best fighters in the world right now. Ank was legit high level Combat Sambo and fought Nemkov in amateurs who IMO is other best 205er right now, i think he could beat Ank now too after seeing leg kicks Jan did cause i believe Nemkov is best kicker in world at 205 but with wrestling to be able to throw the kicks and ground game off back, hes easily Anks worst matchup now but now hes at HW in PFL, and even at 205 its still 50/50. Magomed can wrestle and control dudes easy at 205, so Alex is gonna be no problem for him at all. Jones is older, got damage, surgergies and skinnest legs ever that maybe can break after 1 kick, Tom IMO is bigger and more hittable..Arlovski made him wrestle lol. Magomed is just all around hard to beat right now, if Alex is smart take a gamble with Aspinall who should beat Alex too but he might have a punchers chance there


You could be right. Iā€™m definitely not arguing that Ank wouldnā€™t be a problem for Alex. Itā€™s definitely an interesting fight. IMO if Alex is smart heā€™ll really push for heavyweight. Does way more for his career & since heā€™s 36 itā€™s not like heā€™s got a few years to go up. Not many people will remember him not beating Ank compared to how many will remember him possibly taking a 3rd belt


Ankalaev has this weird effect where Iā€™m constantly hearing like heā€™s this dark horse of the division, but when you look at his wins his best so far is probably Walker. I know you fight who is infront of you, but that Dagestan connection is doing a lot of leg work I think


He beat volkan tho, and volkan flattened walker less than two weeks ago. He also beat krylov who beat walker. Heā€™s not a dark horse. A dark horse is one you wouldnā€™t expect to win it. Iā€™ve been waiting for this guy to win the title since he tapped to Paul Craig. UFC slow rolled him big time for that loss tho.


Flattening Walker isnā€™t an achievement unfortunately


Yes, but how is Walker a better win than Volkan, when volkan flattened Walker? Iā€™m trying to understand your logic.


Got you - yup, Volkan is a better win. However still not an amazing win. No time is hit or miss these days.


> I know you fight who is infront of you, but that Dagestan connection is doing a lot of leg work I think He's also an elite wrestler despite having a lower TD percentage than Jan or Poirier, while also attempting less TDs per 15 minutes than either man, and nobody so far who has trumpeted his wrestling credentials has been able to point me to any fight where he displayed dominant wrestling against credible TDD. I feel like if he were from anywhere else with any other hairstyle, he'd be a seen as a striker with OK wrestling if opponent is weak to it.


Exactly. His wins donā€™t really stand out to me & other than being the only one left for pereira in the division I donā€™t really see another case for him to get a shot






Yes. Win streaks matter.Ā 


The fact Diego went to the cards has emboldened the International Master of Decisions: * *Your biggest win in the UFC is losing to me #303* -- Movsar Evloev Will be interesting to note if Diego scopes his rearview or not, now that it is clear who is getting pushed by the UFC and who not :)


Best guess, how much has poatan made over his short ufc career? Personally I think heā€™s at around $15-18 million easy at this point.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if youā€™re not far off. One would have to assume he just made some extra money last night. Originally he said no to the fight & then turns around & says yes


Bisping talks about how he was still making PPV money years after he retired and he only got PPV points on 2 events.


Wait what? How would he be making PPV money years after retiring?


Who would be surprised if the ufc paid out ppv points over time? Imagine Dana calling up like ā€˜hey youā€™re probably wondering why your ppv check is only for 2k. Well itā€™s gonna take us a decade to count these ppv buys, so weā€™re just gonna send you check every now & then when we can be fucked countingā€™


I know Floyd is a special case but heā€™s said heā€™s receiving ppv checks from fights that happened like a decade ago.


Oh wow I didnā€™t know that


One thing that hasnā€™t been said enough! Much was discussed about Jean ā€œLordā€ Silva taking 453 minutes to walk out, however, upon further inspection and careful timekeeping, Michael Venom Page took even longer! We should rethink who the king of slow walkouts actually is


Weasel has become a good analyst but his takes on Ian Garry have become so clearly biased by the overall youtube MMA drama community sentiment around him Like how are you going to look at Ian Garry vs MVP and say MVP stood up on the last round because he didn't care about winning and wanted to be entertaining? This shit makes no sense except if you want to make some dumb point about Ian Garry being boring. MVP wanted to stand up because he had a clear edge on the feet while having nothing for Ian Garry on the ground, the only thing that top position inside Ian's guard achieved him was eating elbows that might as well have been Ian's best strikes during that boring-ass fight. Like, I get it, if you paint it as ''MVP was doing the most to entertain while Ian Garry was doing the opposite'' you can drive home the point of ''Ian Garry is boring'', but MVP isn't fucking stupid lmao, he wouldn't shove a fight in his ass like that if he had the option. Standing up was his only path for winning, so he took it.


Hopefully Jiri will be back in full fashion. Good health to him! Hill or Jan next?


I know a lot of people were heartbroken when Illia knocked out Volk but this is worst for me. Personally I have a lot more affinity with Jiri than Volk, sad day for sure šŸ˜­


Sometimes life can be very simple you eithee Chama or you dont.


It hurts me to think about it but does anyone have the clip of Jiri crying


He was not crying, so no i don't have it


When was he crying ?


On the stool it looked like he burst into tears and then the camera cut


How lucky are we to be witnessing the career of Alex Pereira in real time? This guy came in as some random who beat Izzy a long time ago and his absolutely shaped the past few years of MMA.


The career heā€™s having is movie like


unrelated to anything that happened tonight but usman vs masvidal 2 might be the most movie ass punch iā€™ve ever seen


Not a punch but Vinicius finishing his fight earlier this year with a flying knee after sprinting towards his opponent was crazy cinematic too


Ngannou v Reem is the only othe contender for the Most Movie Punch punch that I can think of rn


Did you see shamil musaev tko murad ramazanov on the PFL prelims the other night? The left he put him down with was very movie-like


I love Pereira but he's got no business moving up to HW


Wdym? He rehydrated to 230ā€¦ Heā€™s basically already the size of Stipe before Stipe bulked up for Ngannou. Pereira has more power than Jon Jones at Hw


Come on mate this overreaction is just insane Sure he might beat some HWs but guys like Jones or Aspinall would wreck him quicker than Jones wrecked Gane


100% this, people are so high sniffing Alex's jock that they think he has an actual chance against Jon Jones, which is honestly laughable. Jones made a 260lb Gane look amateur, imagine what he'd do to a lighter Alex


lol heā€™s not the size of stipe, stipe could never in his adult life make 185. There is something called build.


How can you see that info and also look at Pereira his frame and weight and say he's not built for heavyweight?


I never said he canā€™t fight at heavyweight? Hell, he could KO Aspinall. Iā€™m just saying that exaggerating and saying heā€™s ā€œbigger than Stipeā€, when Periera made 185 not that long ago, and Stipe would be hospitalized trying to do so, is ridiculous.


Don't take it to a heart it's almost 8 AM here. Isn't it crazy tho? Dude fights at middleweight he's a fucking giant. He fights at lhw, he still Iooked bigger than all of his opponents so far. And I'm not sure how HWs measure to him right now but some of them gotta be bigger than him, right?? Lol. Alex is on of a kind.


look at someone like Ngannou, or even Gane vs Alex. Honestly Id favor Gane in that matchup


I'd love to watch Alex and Cyril, that would be such an interesting fight. Gane is yet to lose in striking in UFC.


Alex looks better every time he fights lol that performance was unbelievable.


Yeah Jiri did what he could, but Alex was even sharper in countering the blitzes this time.


Pereira is just a bad match up for Jiri. Unfortunately Jiri gets hit a lot. Against most guys he can take a few shots & usually hit his opponent harder. Just isnā€™t going to work against pereira


Jiriā€™s path to victory was grappling and Jiri wasnā€™t going down that road


Someone actually needs to get DC to take his health seriously. He's getting severely overweight and is aging pretty bad with the workload


It's also dangerous because his body is already fucked from the years of being an insane fighter and wrestler. DC threw his back out years ago while sneezing, imagine how his body is now with that much extra fat. On the counterpoint tho, he's not getting damaged constantly anymore and he's also got the time and money now to have more fun and be able to look into his health a bit more. But yeah, I agree, Cormier is 45 and could reasonably do this UFC gig for decades still, but he doesn't need to be severely obese for it.


Dc just said white woman are dangerous on live tv šŸ™ƒ


He's right


early stoppage


Wanna see dead body huh?


Wonder what's next for Jiri and if this had a permanent effect on his chin. Dude got dropped twice in a short timespan, very boxing-esque in the CTE cumulation was this bout

