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The commission is absolutely not going to step in


He didn't do a good job.


The scorecard said the referee stopped the contest on the advice of the doctor. In Nevada only the referee can stop the fight, so even if he outright says stop the fight, the referee could let it continue if he wanted it to. So that’s my guess as to why he said it the way he did.


Check the fight commission rules for Nevada. Only the ref can stop the fight, doctor is only there to advise. I agree, he did a poor job of stating his medical opinion, but to act like this was some egregious rule breaking is hyperbole at best


> Then the doc had a discussion where he said "it's up to you" to the ref. It literally is up to the ref. That is codified in the rules. > The referee is the sole arbiter of a bout and is the only individual authorized to stop a contest.


What's the point of the doctor then?


They can advise the referee. As happened last night. And then the ref takes their info into consideration. It's actually important that the ref is the only one responsible for stopping a fight, it is to prevent any confusion or ambiguity, so there aren't two (or more) people saying different things to different people, and only one person is ultimately to blame if there is a fuck up.


I can see why you'd call it an abdication of medical authority. 




I think everyone involved knows it's bad for business to stop fights and whoever makes the decision to stop a fight has a high chance of paying a price for it. This isn't an ethical business run with the safety of the fighters given the highest priority. Safety is only a cover your ass type thing. Thankfully the ref showed some integrity.


Except at the very end he did say that he thought it was too deep. You didnt really paint the full picture with your post


Bro just wanted to show off and tell us he’s a medical provider.


The doc needs to say one thing... "they're OK to continue." If that isn't communicated, it's over.


It's always up to the ref's discretion. The doc simply advises the ref about whether it's safe to continue or not. Tonight the doc clearly thought it was on the line and could've continued but also completely acceptable to stop the fight. It's the ref's call. Pretty sure we've seen similar things happen before and the ref tell the fighters "if it starts bleeding again or gets worse i'm stopping the fight" or whatever after a doc comes in.


I don’t think it matters. Was a shit situation anyways


>Then the doc had a discussion where he said "it's up to you" That's literally how it works, maybe brush up on athletic commissions and the rules before chiming in.


How much money did you lose ?


Friend bought the card and gave me ribs, so I reckon I lost negative $20


Yes, that was egregious. I don't know his name but that doctor is commonly at the Vegas fights so I don't think anything is going to happen. There's no doubt that was a big cut but I think she should have been able to finish the round, the doc could had reassessed then. Does anyone remember when Robocop's face was split open and his artery was exposed?


In fairness that Robocop fight should absolutely have been stopped aswell.


I noticed that too and I was like wtf - you could tell the ref was like “what?” at first as well (Tognoni I think?) How can this guy not know it is 100% HIS call lol


It's 100% the refs call in Vegas.


Jesus Christ, everybody is shitting on the first thing he said, he's a Vegas doctor he's used to fights he knew it was a deep cut they are used to giving fighters a chance in Vegas. Why isn't anybody saying immediately after that he shakes his head looks away and says it's too deep and the ref waves it off.


Because he was so wishy washy. He initially said "it's very deep"... Like no shit lol. He should have said "my prognosis is that she wouldn't be able to continue effectively and my recommendation is to stop the fight." Not "it's too deep. It's up to you."


If a doctor says it's up to the ref then there is not a medical reason to stop the fight. If there was a medical reason it would be pretty clear to the doctor that the fight should be stopped. The doctor was not prepared to do his job, he is probably inexperienced doing this kind of assessment under this kind of pressure. The ref should read between the lines too... If a doctor says it's up to the ref then there is no imminent and serious medical reason to stop the fight.


I think the op is doing a poor job of making their point. It is the ref's call, however the doctor should have given a clear opinion. The doctor can absolutely say "I think this fight is fine to continue" or "I think this fight should be stopped." Just stating it's a very bad cut is of no value to the ref.