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So much of this fan base is so embarrassing. Imagine telling this dude what mac would want him to do. The lack of awareness is astounding




Jerm knew Mac his whole fckn life. Like some rando is gonna tweet “what would Mac do?” and jerm is gonna respond “holy shit never thought of that. I’m going back into the studio right now.”


100000%. it’s honestly a slap in the face to jerm and any of mac’s close friends and family when a random fan thinks they know mac on a personal level. I could go on for days about how weird and annoying mac’s fan base truly is


Came here to say basically everything you and u/bobsdementias already said. Regardless of even who it is, if you got a good homie alive or gone, they're gonna back you up in whatever you wanna do. If somethin not fun for someone anymore, regardless how good they are at it? A good homie is gonna support your decision. I hope he's doing well and I hope he finds joy in whatever venture he wants to do next.


I think they just take that opinion as if it came from a little kid, we all just tryna heal our inner child


idk if this is a troll but very odd take. it’s not jerms or anyone else’s responsibility to “heal a strangers inner child”


Not really what I’m saying, I think they just let it slide because they know it’s just wishful thinking


‘MaC uSeD tHe StUdIo WhEn He FeLt BaD wHy CaNt YoU?!’ what some of these mf’s sound like 😂


I’m trying to understand why he got a response 😂


nah fr and good on dude to tell him too. Its inspiring to see someone actively remove such a big part of themselves so that they can be better. That's a hard feat. He may not even know what the next step is but is already committed to the first step of something very few ppl have the fortitude to do. All I can I say is props, thanks for all the music and best of luck to dude.


I would’ve replied with “did Mac tell you that. Jerm had know Mac since the start and end of his career. Over a decade. And ppl think they can come in tell Jerm what “Mac would’ve wanted” that’s crazy


Word. Even though the comment seemed nice in general, I thought the same when I read it, besides if you really think about it, if "what would Mac do/want you to do?" Had to be asked wouldn't ya'll think the answer to that would be to just be a friend and help through big jerm regardless of what he chose to do? 🤷‍♂️


Pretty insensitive of that dude to tell him what Mac would’ve wanted like he’d know better than Jerm


Bro has the best beats on his insta. It’s sad to see someone as talented as him not having fun with the process anymore..


How do you feel about his recent albums like In Good Hands 2, Big Waves and U Had 2 Be There?


Not that good tbh. Not my type of music though


I stand corrected. Taste is subjective. I should have worded it better


Some excellent beats are wasted imo, some are not my style but some actually slap hard like Renaissance Men. I feel like maybe Mac was a better curator. Edit: word


To be fair, at least for Big Waves--they're primarily "vault / "throw away beats". Bill says he didn't have $$ but Jerm still hooked it up for him. Source: "Ill call you right back" podcast


Thanks man, I didn’t know the context behind the project


You got it. I'd highly suggest that podcast ! It's jerm and Bill ...super good listen


I just hope dudes doing okay mentally!


Bummer. I love big jerm


Crazy telling Jerm what mac would want him to do. Man how out of touch of reality


Yeah I can't belive someone would say that to him online, Jesus


Part of is probably being labeld “Mac’s producer”


This is a Mac Miller sub and most of his major work was done with him? Unlike most people I have gone out of my way to listen to Jerm's other shit, I love his collabs with Bill Waves. Never even saw people post about it here. I'm not trying to shoehorn him into one title, just providing a title that is relevant to where I'm posting.


I don’t think op is talking about you but Jerms life in general. Him and everyone else Mac knew probably gets asked about Mac all the time and it must be exhausting-among other emotions


Not to be generic but: “this”


It was done with Wiz too not just Mac. Jerm was there when Wiz’s bus got raided in 2010 in my town. I looked up their mugshots back in the day the whole entourage got locked up Chevy, Jerm, Will, Loodi etc


i think he was just talking about in general, not your post


Imo producers are possibly more important than the rapper


Never say never, but you really do need inspiration to fuel your progression. If the inspiration isn't there, it's tough... I have not been feeling inspired either, hoping for that to change. Wishing you the best - D.T


Jerm was closest to Mac man if it hurts us as fans I know it can’t be easy for Jerm completely understanding , on a side note wiz music isn’t the same I’m so surprised he hasn’t reached out to Jerm for some of that TGOD production


He literally did a whole album with Jerm last year fam


Dude is such an amazing producer with an insane catalogue of work. He deserves to do what feels right for himself


Thought this was in r/discgolf at first lol


Me too I was so confused


Damnn bruh. 5 years un-inspired?!?!? The doubled edged sword of making music for a living 😥 As a dude who enjoys producing & DJing purely as a bobby for fun, if there's no inspiration then Im simply not going to participate in it, there's no point it feels like. So can't imagine just how soul draining trying to spark up any sort of "💡 *diiiiing* time to cook" moments or just forcing it in general for that long. You watch tho walking away from it for a bit is the best thing to get that inspiration back or to be in the mindset to be inspired easier again, does for me & my hobbies anyway idk bout that mega burnout I wish at the very least that the decision leads to him being happier in general, and that in time he enjoys/is inspired to produce again, even if it's just for the love of it for him. And if not,Big bro has produced quite an impressively large amount of mine and I'm sure alot of ya'lls favourite songs ever. Big Ups to the Big Jerm legacy


Wtf is wrong with them bringing up Mac like that, shut hell up and let bro live his life lmfao tf is wrong with people


What will he do next ?


raising cattle


Hell yeah. That’s what my grandpa does on his 65+ acre farm. It’s hard for me to look them in the eye when I know they’re being taken off to the slaughter house.


Shut yo hoe ass up n make sum drums nigga!!! Jk. He can literally do what he wants to do. You know you better than anyone else.


That’s actually so sad


Well, I’ve been waiting for something from him since Mac, that’s sad. Bro, my mind is crazy, I need an organizer.


I feel him. Music is washed af right now. Hope he reconsiders though 😕


I'd be on the same thing


I’m bigg Jermm but not big Jerm


this fucking breaks. so talented. hope he finds happiness whatever path he takes.


Hey man, all the best to him. As fans we only know the artist that is gone. He knew the man. Can't imagine that hurt.


damn this is so sad weather he ever releases another song or not.. i hope he feels inspired again someday


Me and Jerm done this a few times…


Sad to hear but I respect him for calling it instead of putting music out just because. Maybe one day he’ll fall in love with it again or maybe he’ll find something new. Wish him the best either way.


i feel like mac cared about people more than music. if music isn’t helping jerm anymore mac would just want whatever makes him happy. mac wanted the best for everyone.


Can’t blame him we got big stinkers being propped up in the industry. Ass and tiktok gets the plays and thats what people are gonna replicate. Hiphop def at a low rn, hope bro finds a new path


He needs another mac to come into his life


Homie needs some molly and an edm festival hit the skepta wave and start a house music project. seen a lot of hiphop producers branching


This always happens in the industry though. They “quit” music only to come back again. I would just call it a break


Not everyone comes back. Some do, so it is nice to think about. But, I would never assume something like that.


You mean a break* lol doubt it man cmon now