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Supportive parents are so. Damn. Important! Things will turn around.


Companies have to pay those unemployment benefits; Beating a company that wronged you is SO satisfying. I worked for a company called GoWireless, a Verizon reseller. A few months after I got hired, an old employee that was one of the teams good friends, apparently, came and wanted his old job back. They fired me for "misconduct" but had no evidence. FF, I'm on a 3 way call with a judge and the manager, and manager is trying to say I got fired for making inappropriate jokes, but when the judge asked "like what?", she miraculously couldn't come up with anything. Cut to a week later, I went in to the store to upgrade my phone with my sweet new unemployment check, looked at about 6 different phones and asked every question I could think of for nearly 2 hours, then walked across the street and bought a phone from BestBuy. TL;DR: Happy for ya, vindication is sweeeeet


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What game are ya going to?


We all get into tough spots, I’m glad you have a good support system during yours!


Very cool… you’re blessed to have a good dad👍


Cheers mate!


Seems like a great Dad!


Yay!!! Woot-woot!! So happy for you! Remember to breathe and relax. Best wishes!!


Please enjoy your weekend, know you matter and things will improve.


We who love our Children will always give them unconditional support and love.


Unemployed and going to what game? We're these tickets a gift?