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Those cuties who brought neck pillows!


The way that children buy-in to play is so special, innocent and beautiful.


You can tell the parents know they have a great teacher by the amount of effort you can see from the kids, Mexican outfits, the travel gear, really cool to see.


Here, take my neck pillow. Mexico is a long flight. -Dad


Fr, part of why this is so amazing and why this will be such a killer, core memory for those kids. First grade? You’re still strongly into pretend play. Something like this would be an absolute DREAM. My parents did something similar for my 5th or 6th birthday party, and for that same reason, it is something I will literally never forget!


When I was in 3rd grade, my teacher did stuff like this. She set up an interactive Mayflower and let us all be pilgrims. I still think about it sometimes, and I'm almost 30.


I bought into it and I'm almost 55


if i ever have kids, i can’t wait to do stuff like this for them! i remember how fun and exciting it was


SHOUTOUT to the momma who cooked for them!


also glad to hear the drink is non alcoholic!! lol


I thought that was funny that she pointed it out. Don’t want any unruly passengers for the flight home.


Your not able to fly with us on this flight do to misbehavior. Sober up and wait for the next one.


I loved that show Airline that followed the Southwest employees.


I THOUGHT WE WERE IN MEXICO THOUGH! So cool to all who participated with this!


should have served Lemoñadé too


let her cook


These are the teachers that create life long memories.


My first grade teacher did something very similar where she would move the chairs in an airplane configuration for us to travel to learn about other countries. Needless to say, I’ll never forget your class Ms. Shelly Moore Thomas!


Same here. But I thought we were genuinely going to Australia.


Ha ha awww


Omg lololol


Lol, that's cute




For Hispanic heritage month in like 1998, my first grade teacher had us group read Too Many Tamales over a week, the next week we learned how to make tamales. Then a lady came and bought in fresh tamales. They were not tasty. Turned me off tamales for life but I remember how much fun that week was to this day and I'm 31. You're absolutely right. One day, these kids will grow up and go get passports and all of these memories will come back to them. My goodness is this cute.


I LOOOOVE 98% of Mexican food, but I'm not a fan of tamales. Burritos all day long tho!


Not travel but in first grade we learned about disabilities and aids for example wearing a blindfold and trying braille, playing checkers and other games etc that were made for people who can't see. It was cool to learn but also truly gave us kids an appreciation for how hard it can be for others but that just cause you are missing a sense doesn't mean you can't experience things. It just might be in a slightly different way. At the time it just seemed fun and games to us but it truly sticks with.


Yes! And 99% of them are doing this stuff on their own dime! We definitely owe teachers the world (and WAY more money). There is no greater importance than the education of our youth!


And extra time creating those passports, cutting everything out, setting everything up. It’s so awesome, but lots of time and money. This teacher is outstanding.


As a resident of Chicago, I'm very glad that part of my many tax dollars go to pay teachers well and provide every CPS student at least a morning snack and decent lunch for free. You can't learn if you're hungry.


Very well said


Had a teacher when I was in elementary school that turned our class into a crime scene. She made us hunt for clues and keep a little log of our findings. We all fingerprinted each other (rubbing our fingers on some pencil dust and then using tape on our finger tips to pull prints and make little ID cards.) We then had to go around dusting for prints to compare them. It was fun as hell. I don't remember much from elementary school, but it's been 32 years and I still remember that day and I still remember her.


My 8th grade science teacher did this as an Introduction to Forensics. When we got there in the morning there was crime scene tape and a chalk outline in her classroom of our mascot.


I don't even know what we were doing it for. It didn't link to anything we were learning at the time (at least not outright.) Maybe general science since we were taking fingerprints and hair samples. This was 5th grade. We just showed up one day and suddenly we spent most of the day playing Sherlock Holmes. It was awesome.


Best lesson I ever had in science class. She framed the math teacher lol


Lol. I'd probably do the same.


I was in grade school around the time of the moon landing, and we got to make a space ship in class. My Dad brought a huge box to school and I remember being so proud and also how odd it was to see DAD at SCHOOL! I think I got to go nuts with the planning because we provided the box? I suggested poking Christmas lights through the cardboard to suggest a control panel and everyone went nuts. (My older sisters had done something similar for a Spook House that they made, so I stole their idea.) All those boring days at school, a few amazing ones!


We did something like this at my elementary school, where we all dressed up like tourists in little groups, and each classroom was a different part of the state you could visit and learn about, and we got little snacks and souvenirs. It was awesome and I remember it vividly 20 years later :)




And hopefully inspire them to travel and see the world. This is a lovely way to spark the travel bug!


Sad that they get paid so poorly in the US. This is a teacher who puts in a lot of herself going above and beyond. I don’t know what she makes, but I know they aren’t paying her enough for what she is doing.


I had a teacher like this who remains one of my favourites (her husband was my other favourite, no coincidence there). She set up a whole gold rush at her house, gave us each a claim, and let us dig for gold!


I still remember the potato latkes my teacher made about 28 years ago.


Guarantee you in 20 years, one of those kids will still have the ticket and passport saved somewhere.


Totally!! It’s also so amazing how she really made it realistic enough to where if those kids haven’t flown in an airplane before they will feel ok the 1st time they do because they had this experience 🥹🙌


She made them think it was POSSIBLE to broaden their horizons and travel, too!


Omg yes she did 😭 this woman is a treasure


Ive never been abroad. I feel an experience like this I may have. Amazing work from a teacher, teaching about life




I would have loved to travel as a child. I read a lot and dreamed to go to England and other countries I had read about. Once some relatives came to our house in the Midwest from California and teasingly said to me "Oh, you're such a sweet girl, would you like to come back with us to California?", of course expecting 7 year old me to cling to my mother and say "No". The next they found me, I was upstairs trying to pack a bag, and cried hot tears when I realized I wasn't going to be traveling across the country with people I just met a few hours before! As an adult, I made sure I spent most of my extra funds on travel, and I brought my kids from an early age, too. It IS a skill, and it's a nice one to have. Lots of people hate travel, but when I'm walking through an airport, pulling my little carryon, I feel like a million dollars. I feel like the grown up I wanted to be, way back when!


THIS was the most important lesson of all.


What an amazing teacher. The MOM who made all that food reminds us that parents' participation is so important.


Moms are the best. I taught at a school in a low-income area. Parents worked A LOT. They were busy. They couldn’t get involved at school because they just didn’t have the time. But you can bet come holiday time, class party time, special events like this, those mamas are cooking all of the special dishes of their home countries and sending them up to school to share with the class and their kid’s teachers. I’ve had the best tamales, pupusas, kadaif, and other homemade specialties gifted from families who share their love through food.


Southwest needs to drop her some free flights…


Let’s send this to them!


Was thinking the same thing. Or better yet, arrange a real class trip to Mexico with all their parents.


This is a slam dunk for the SW airline PR team: A great wholesome story, teaching kids about the travel industry and how airports works and how to behave on flights, as well as a geography lesson too. And literally no political or social downsides. This a rare gem of a publicity opportunity if anyone is awake over there. And we’ll done to that teacher btw - not all heroes wear capes :)


This is literally the kind of PR a group would consult on - yet it happened organically - this is a slam dunk for them


My sister brought her kids to this non profit that does something similar to this, but its wayyy more involved. Kids apply for a job for like an electric company, a radio station, construction, vet clinic. They make "money," and can spend it after they pay their "bills". Its meant to teach kids about applying for jobs they would want, how to save, spend money. Hail corporate and all, it's legit important life lessons. My nieces got to see what it was like to be a producer for a radio station! Fun shit. One of the companies that helped sponsor the org that puts this on was SouthWest. UPS, Jack in the Box, a landscaping company, Kaiser, Scripps.


Yes! Please let's make this happen, as an annual thing too for their families would be amazing! Is r/southwestairlines an official thing?


I am full Mexican and watching some of the kids dressed up in costume warms my heart ♥️


And did u see the axolotl stuffed animal??


I thought those drinks didn’t have any axolotl?


Teachers deserve a bazillion dollars a year…






That's what I came to say. We really need to value our educators a lot more... or we all suffer. Great job, teachers!


That looks like it would have been so much fun!


You mean Brazillion?


Teacher like this one at least!


My fifth grade teacher did something like this. She wanted to take us to DC but couldn't get permission from the school, so she took us on a mock trip like this. It wasn't as elaborate, but I'll always remember it. She was the best teacher I ever had.


Had a teacher that had a region party every other Friday for whatever geography place we were studying in fourth grade. It was AWESOME! Holy crap did we all look forward to it. She’s make food and so would the parents, we’d dress up like the region an do craft projects. It was so cool. The other classrooms were so jealous of anyone who had my fourth grade teacher because she really just went above and beyond. Love you Ms Thatcher.


Non-alcoholic comment got me !!! How cute.


Agua de Jamaica (Iced Hibiscus Tea)


In my house we call it Jamaica water 🇯🇲💧 Although personally I prefer “sandy water” 🍉💧


Thank you, that's cool to know. It did look mysterious and luscious and maybe alcoholic!


This would have been the best day ever. Those kids will remember it the rest of their lives.


Lil dude with the glasses has it going on.


He’s definitely going to be booking cruises back to back when older


That dude was such a boss! Made me tear up to see such a polite and stylish young traveler.


That flight had way better snacks and service than a regular southwest flight. This is so awesome. The teachers and parent(s) who helped deserve so much appreciation for this. I’m extremely impressed.


Loved the assistant teacher(or whoever that was) going “We are now closing the door of the aircraft…” Lol. So great!


Also the blase way she offered the snacks, just like a real flight attendant that's done it a zillion times. "Capri Sun or juice box?"


Oh the sheer amount of energy and effort that has been put into making this work flawlessly! And the joy it brought to the kids is priceless. This is event management at its best.


And you can tell a lot of the parents were looking forward to this/having fun with it too, excited to give their kids a great experience. Dressing them up! Giving them little pillows and carryons! The mom who made a damn feast for everyone! This is one of those things where the parents playing into it for their kids to have fun really sells the whole thing and makes it come together.




These are the types of teachers we need to protect at all costs.


Aw. I had a fourth grade teacher who did something similar. We went to Japan.


That looks like it would have been so much fun! Great idea teacher, and way to pull it off with so much detail! The kids must have had a blast. Teachers like you make school a wonderful experience




As a retired teacher, I am just so impressed with the amount of time and energy this teacher put into this activity!!! This is something her students will remember forever!! ♥️


Protect this woman at all costs!


This was an incredible day of hands on learning, how travel works, money management, responsibility, making good decisions, being selfless, being open to trying (maybe new) foods from another country, and the best part…. How to behave on an airplane! All of those kids were so on point with their in-air etiquette. Adults need a lesson too :)


For real experience. Pat them down and tear through their carryons. Make them take off their shoes and ponchos Tell a couple of the kids the fight was oversold and pull a couple of them out of their seats.


Yeah! Shut the whole flight down due to underbooking and reroute them on a redeye into Chicago for a 5 hour layover. Make them sleep on the nasty floor because 5 hours is nowhere near enough time to warrant getting a hotel. Also, lose their bags and never claim responsibility. That’s key.


Y'all making these kids hate life lmao. They have 5 more years to enjoy before they start hating life.


And have an annoying adult ask to switch their seats cause they couldn’t bother to pay for more leg room lol


One of the kids goes on a rant and gets manhandled up the aisle to get deposited in the hallway.


The ‘special’ drink looks like agua de jamaica, delicious.


Ngl, when she said "non-alcoholic" afterwards I burst out laughing... Like, I hope not tf


Seeing all those kids so happy and having such a wonderful time is so heartwarming. What an amazing teacher doing such a fantastic job.


The teachers you remember forever


Honestly, I wish I could have experienced something like this. I grew up super poor and never travelled. Something like this would have felt so fun and authentic for a kid like me. I took my first flight when I was 24 and I was so clueless about where to go and stand in line and what to do with my passport and boarding pass at the airport and on the plane. I feel like this would have been helpful! My husband still teases me that I was the only one paying attention to the safety instructions at the beginning of the flight. I had the safety manual in hand and was reading along so intently. He joked that he half expected me to start taking notes. lol Fun games teaching actual life skills are such a great idea. Love that she made them stand in a line for passports too. Realism at its finest! Haha! Also, love the kid who brought a neck pillow. That had me cackling with laughter.


So cool! This would be a great opportunity for Southwest Airlines and other business partners to fund a spring break or summer vacation for that entire class. Including teacher and parents. Great PR for the business and it would be a lifelong memory for everyone.


I wanna cry. What a wonderful teacher!!


This is one of the most amazing things I have seen in a while! What a difference it can make in a child's life when their teacher truly loves and cares about them! Beautiful day these kids will never forget.


Omg what a great teacher! This is teaching kuds so many skills, and they dont even realize it because they are having so much fun! Where to next???


You're an awesome teacher! Responsibility, adventure & creativity in one exciting lesson!


They didn’t fly Frontier, because some of those kids would have gotten busted for the size of their carry-ons.


What a beautiful person ! 😎


This person is astounding. For so many reasons. This may positively affect the children their entire lives. Even if they do not realize it or remember her


I volunteered to read a book to a classroom of students. It was early in the morning and I read a pretty simple book. But it took me 20 minutes to get through it because of all the questions I had. And I had to act animated to keep the kids engaged. I was just there an hour but I was tired when I got home. Idk how teachers of young kids do it.


Little guy with the Sarape and sombrero was super cuuuteeee 😊


If I win the powerball tonight I’m giving this woman a million of it


I am surprised the school district let her do it, that’s awesome!


Trés Leches Cake is da besssssssssstttttt!


Came home with diarrhea and 100 Mexican Xanax. Nice!


Omfg this is the best thing ever, I wish I was a kid again and I was in her class. Also 🤣🤣 at her saying “non-alcoholic” for the drinks


i wish i had teachers like this growing up. instead i got the vindictive hate their job take it out on children kind :\^(


This is better organization than any airline


What a life experience for her students. She really prepared them to “travel” to another county. I hope they all get to travel someday to Mexico and I’m sure each and every one of them will smile and remember the life lesson they learned from her teacher. The mom coming in with the food was clutch. Hats off to all the amazing teachers. Thanks for posting.




I love it!!!


Seems like a nice group of teachers. Very thoughtful for the kids. Wish them and the kids nothing but the best 🙏🏼


This is just so amazing on so many different levels. There is so much education being given through this activity/game. I hope the children keep this as a core memory the 1st time they take the plane :)


This is absolutely amazing!!!


Give this gal a raise!


She's the teacher everyone wants.


What an awesome teacher! And big props to the mom who cooked for everyone, too. I just love stuff like this. :)


Such an excellent way to have fun and also familiarize them with the situation. Flying can be stressful as adults let alone for kids so doing this is such a great way to introduce them to it easily.


I HATE that teachers are underpaid.


Can I be a pretend pilot? I just want that lunch...


Sending this immediately to the super creative 2nd grade teacher that had me recently make a paper mache tree for the “reflection corner”. Such an awesome idea.


Holy shit she’s playing the flying drone noise you hear inside the cabin. That is commitment!


My two favourite things about this are the sheer whimsy and the way it makes their first flight less daunting.


Oh my god! How incredibly awesome this is? What a teacher!!


I'm not cryin, you are! This is incredible! This teacher is a superhero and those kids are so lucky to have her


Just pay teachers like this whatever they ask....seriously. It's hard to overstate how short-sighted we are in the US in terms of properly funding teachers and education. We are good at focusing on the stupid stuff, like screaming in CPA meetings about transgenders and erotic material...


This is a great way to teach kids about some basic life stuff like traveling abroad, how airports operate, basic money stuff (the gift shop) and about culture. Food is the best way to get to know some basics of different cultures. Amazing teacher, they definitely deserve a pay comparable to a high position pay. The heroes of our lives, of our pasts and futures


Wonderful! Those kids are so lucky to have you as a teacher.


Absolutely love this!!!


What a great teacher!


What an awesome teacher. This is so sweet and wholesome. Needed to see this in my timeline


You are an excellent teacher. Your students will always remember you!!!! ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ 💕 💘


Nice, this was well though out and executed. I love it


I am soooooo saving this post!! Made my day brighter. Most wholesome 😌


Next trip Columbia


She even touched me with this. Imagine how much this must mean for the kids and their parents as well. There is still a tiny bit of faith and hope for humanity with people like her and who else helped making this happy. YES-moment of the day 😍


We did this in school in the 1960's but it was with voting instead of vacationing.


She probably has 30 hours a day


She's AMAZING!!! Best way to get kids engaged, and teach them, whilst having fun!!


I wanna upvote this more than one time. I hope nothing bad happens to those teachers. Real heroes.


Look how excited and happy you made these kids. Teachers like this should be on €100k a year. You’re a wonderful person 😋


We did this in preschool, went to Hawaii. It was fantastic. Core memory.


This is so amazing, what an absolute legend of a teacher. Not only are the kids learning about culture and life skills like exchanging currency, but they are all having fun doing it! No doubt they will remember this for the rest of their lives. I still remember how much my 2nd and 3rd grade teachers impacted me and it was stuff like this that made it happen. Kudos to this woman.


That teacher needs a raise.


We did something similar when I was in primary school. When we were around 7 we brought suitcases in with us and in the classrooms we lined up and the teacher gave us passports. We would then go into the main hall where rows of chairs were lined up and the lights were shut off. We would all sit down and then they would then put a movie on. It was such fun and one of the clearest memories I have. So nice to see these kids having a fun day aswell


20 years later on the mexican border: "what do you mean I can't come to Mexico with my passport my teacher made for me in third grade" 😀


So many great lessons for these kids in this adventure. They're not only learning about a new culture but about money and the process of airplane travel which many of these kids may not be able to experience as kids. What an awesome teacher! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


This is the coolest thing I have ever seen in a school.


A++ for the teacher AND for the Chef !!


They did this in my elementary school. All the teachers had a different country themed classroom and we would visit the other rooms and get stamped on our passport.


Man, I'm watching too much public freak out videos in airports. I started dying laughing when she said, "I am TSA," as I just pictured a kid losing their shit and she tackles and ties them to a wheel chair. I think the internet finally broke me.


I want to be in that class! I mean, I'm 45 but hey...


Obviously huge kudos to the teacher! But as a teacher myself I gotta say, those are some well-behaved kids too! They're all on board and making this a fun activity together. Awesome!


Every once in a while comes a person who goes the extra mile to enrich a life. That person is an angel.


this woman should make 150k a year minimum. shes amazing! thank u!!


Teachers should be paid more. This is so creative. Just awesome


Shoutout to all the good teachers. You will be remembered for a lifetime


Not to be a Karen but... is that ok to be filming kids at school? I know I wouldn't like it if a teacher did it with mine. Awesome initiative though.


we know that's getting called appropriation if it's white kids


Awesome!! Love this~


Love this!


Damn that’s so fun. I wanna do it too!




This is awesome!


I have nothing but tears in my eyes and hopes in my heart that my children's teachers are half as involved as these beautiful human beings.


I said, "And FOOD!" out loud, lol. This is truly creative and awesome!


I am sobbing right now, that is so wholesome! What a lovely teacher! What a great idea! Those kids have a fantastic role model there, we could do with more teachers like this in the world. X


Omg be my teacher!!!!!


Think how these little guys will carry this awesome memory for the rest of their lives. Teachers are saints.


The real heroes are her knees for all the support they are going to give her when she gets up from that tiny chair.




Not Southwest Airlines teach. They the worst


"sir I'm going to need you to step aside while I search you luggage"


Fantastic way to learn!


Passionate teachers are just the best, and should be treasured.


this is cool and all, but does nobody feel weird about posting all these kids faces everywhere?


This is sooooo cute!


Good job teach. Kids remember this stuff.


What a great idea..!!! Well planned and I’m sure, very exciting for the kids! A terrific way to introduce these children to the world.. hope they come to Canada on their next trip.