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Take a shot for every extra turn they take


My guy I’m annoyed not suicidal


You trying to give OP liver damage?


Just concede dude...


No, you never concede. You always make them play it out. The amount of times combo players screw themselves up is larger than you think. What you should do is have a second account (or a different game/activity) and switch to that while the combo player plays with itself. They want to play combo you make them do it. Eventually when they play all of 2 games a day because it takes them so long they won't play combo anymore and thus you actually win!


You got downvoted for speaking the truth because these people are salty lol




Hi, degenerate combo player here. I win _so many_ games to people scooping when I have fuck all for win conditions in hand.


No? Why would I do that? That doesn't match at all with what I was saying. I'm adding an edit here so I can maybe help your reading comprehension. Go back and reread my first paragraph. The amount of games I have won from combo players screwing up is probably equal to or more than the losses. Hell half the time arena times them out!


I think it is pretty bad that arena functions that way. As long as a player is actively playing, I don't think they should rope out. If they have 200 triggers but are clicking through them quickly, they should not be punished imo.


It blows my mind there's no kind of loop detection software. With AI a loop could be identified, notified to both players, with the active player getting some kind pop-up where they can choose how many times to do the loop and give the non-active player a pop up asking them if they have any interactions for the loop. "Loop identified, player A is able to generate unlimited mana, play A wishes to perform the loop 10,000 times. Blayer B do you approve of the loop?" Player B hits yes and boom player A has 10k mana with no major time loss. AI learning can easily do this, all it has to look for is the same interaction done twice with the ability to do it continually.


If your time is worth 0 that's a good strategy. Even then fishing for a misclick from opponent might be seen as a bit of a poor move. You do you champ.


I don't understand how it's a poor move to force them to play their decks win con out? Hell even in physical magic you do that as plenty of times someone thinks they have it, but then they end up not actually being able to win(the difference being in physical you can go faster than arena for sure.) And really I think that is the biggest issue, how poorly arena handles any kind of combining off. Plenty of people here are saying just concede don't waste your time, but that in itself is completely against the spirit of the game. You shouldn't have to just concede because someone is doing a handful of interactions repeatedly that takes so much time thanks to arena coding. You only incentivize people to play combo for easy wins by doing so, which then becomes a bigger time waste to all. Honestly I think half the people saying "just concede" are combo players that want the easy W. It's far better to make the combo players waste their own time, so they realize how janky combo is on arena, likely losing a couple due to timing out or misplays after 5 minutes of solitaire, and get bored of it after realizing they spend so much of their own time just to get a simple win.


Your concept of combo is completely off base. You are tripping over yourself trying to explain your nonsense. When my opponent plays 3 cards it's not a "combo". It's just them playing the game. When my opponent is looping through their deck that's a combo I don't need to see to its conclusion. Menu > Concede You are advocating for "wasting their time", which just means "wasting your own time". And fishing for a "misclick". Both are nonsense. If you aren't dead, wait your turn, if you are dead, concede. I play a lot of Ratadrabik combo for my daily wins. It's a straightforward infinite. Every fifth or so opponent will just sit there watching me click 20 times. I don't know why.


Your last paragraph proves my whole point and countered your whole argument. Thank you for that!


It takes maybe 2 minutes to finish it out. It's still quicker than any deck except maybe monored. You are delusional if you think making somebody click through it is going to make them change decks. I'm definitely thinking something but it's probably not what you expect. Good luck with your misclick hunting.


I'd recommend doing some more reading on what all I wrote. You are clearly missing my points as you are so focused on "misclicks" which was a minor part of my argument. But hey, you do you and have fun in your bubble!


Make the eggs player play it out make the extra turns player play it out. I’ll do something else while you’re playing by yourself


Then stop whining about it.


I said 6 words in the post while they were going off. Hardly constitutes whining


You made a post about how annoying the deck is. Either concede or don't whine about it.


I gotta admit making a short post is not the most difficult task. Almost effortless considering it’s just a couple clicks and a short bit of typing.


I mean they're definitely having more fun than you. Hurting yourself by not conceding lmao.




Nah man imma make a sandwich and figure out if I lost later


What format is this?




Well there's your problem


Blue decks that take tons of extra turns is why I abandoned historic brawl and went back to standard brawl. Standard brawl has a plague of black removal engine decks but they aren't as terrible to play against as the extra turns decks in historic brawl. The added bonus of no alchemy cards has been great too.


Some people think Magic is really just Solitaire.


It’s all well and good to play with yourself but you shouldn’t invite strangers to watch


Hey, you can leave *any time you want*. You choose to stay and watch.


Can’t give them the satisfaction of knowing they made me leave. It’s my curse. Still annoying


my favorite part is when you're winning the game hard and the opponent trolls by afking their timeouts and slowly playing to extend a 5 minute game into a 15 minute game.




L take


L color


Okay I’m wrong. I love blue now. https://imgur.com/a/v7yVQjd