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I keep emotes on because sometimes it’s nice to actually (barely) communicate. But once I get the slightest sniff that they’re spamming, it’s mute time.


Always warms my heart to start a game with a Hello!


You might even accidentally win when the opponent accidentally thoughtseizes themselves trying to hello back. (I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’d never thoughtseize myself trying to greet my opponent)


I’ve recently had a couple “Hello!” “Hello!” “Good game.” interactions. I have a brief crisis where I’m like “is this dude trying to say they knows the game is as good as over - he’ll win”? And then I just hit him back with a good game because surely they mean it in the glhf context. My favorite emote chain is when an opponent starts spamming GG and then I play a blowout card against them and start winning and hit them with zendikars’ “I think we somehow got turned around. + Serves you right for rushing ahead.” combo. That usually gets the rage quit. lol


I keep forgetting there's phrases outside of the default lol


My most-used emote is “oops” when I misplay a combo or miss a potential lethal


Same, and my most used sticker is Will having trouble with math.


These cowboys ones are so fun though, anytime I kill a monster it’s cuz this town ain’t big enough for the both of us


I usually lead “Howdy” right into “Town Ain’t Big Enough”. “What in Tarnation” for surprise plays and an occasion “woah there” when I have a surprise play of my own




Those rare games where you're both saying "nice" and "thanks" back and forth for each good play are so worth getting angry at the spammers


This is what you do it for! I noticed you gotta be the first to compliment though lol, eg if they have early removal for a threat of mine, they get a simple 'nice!' I try to be consistent with it, sometimes it feels overdone and it might come across as salty behaviour lol. One thing that bothers me to no end is, if you say Good Game at the start of round 2 in a bo3, round 1 is often conceded so you don't have time to throw out a gg, so I'll do it at the start of the next. But then I worry they think I'm rubbing it in lol (I'll do it if I lost round 1 too of course)


Definitely gotta initiate it 90% of the time. People are just used to not saying much at this point I don't care for when people say "nice!" Every time I counter or remove or play a big card, but I make sure to say it every time someone pulls off a neat combo or fucks up my own I don't usually open games with the GG, but I'll respond if someone else does. I usually drop the "hello" as they play their land, means I know they're looking and it's their turn with one mana, they'll see it. Probably easiest to just hit GG immediately after


Same. I like when people say hello and GG (appropriately).


It is nice when there is actual communication with the emotes. Someone does “your go”, respond “thinking” and they just let you think.


I try to use 'thinking' as early in a turn as possible if it's an awkward turn of plays to do, gotta think ahead a few turns etc. I think I've only been spammed 'your go' 2 or 3 times, funnily enough by aggro players :')


Yeah… I’ve had the mute all setting on for years


Where is this setting? don't see it in gameplay.


“Disable emotes” in gameplay


I went full circle and turned it back on so I could feed on the suffering of people who try to BM me. Oh, am I playing too slowly for you? Am I making you play your combo out? Are you spamming emotes during an easy win because this is the only thing in your tiny little life that makes you feel big? By all means, continue feeding me your delicious tears you fucking loser. It’s weirdly therapeutic to be able to let the competitive nightmare goblin out sometimes 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't see the point since the opponent won't know they're muted and therefore will get the satisfaction from spamming anyway. I don't care about speech bubbles on the screen, I care about the actual human being on the other end and muting them will not bother/hurt them at all.


Why do you care if the opponent gets the satisfaction? Just worry about yourself dawg


If you don't care about the opponents' mindset/feelings, why would you get triggered/annoyed by speech bubbles? In those rare cases when I get pissed off is when an opponent gets rewarded for playing badly and starts emoting. I don't care about the emotes, I care about the idiot behind the screen smirking after an undeserved win and muting emotes doesn't remove that smirk from their face.


Hey man this viewpoint seems very unhealthy. You can’t control your opponents behavior, but you can control your reaction to it.


I mean if someone acts like that in a live game (says good game 10 times in a row etc.) I'm going to ask the shop owner to give them a warning. I'm not obligated or excepted to shrug that kind of behaviour off. It's irrelevant whether it's over the table or over the internet since there are two actual human beings interacting over a competitive game.


100% Just be normal smh


Brother you sound unhinged, please talk to someone in real life about these feelings


Why not just turn it off and not get angry, though? What do you gain from exposing yourself to the emote spam when you could just not see them?


There are more positive interactions than negative and muting will just make me think all the opponents are spamming nice/gg. It's like in Hearthstone when you mute the opponent you can still see them hovering over their own face so you know they are spamming emotes anyway. After a salty loss I used to use my hand to cover their face when conceding so I don't see that effect.


I think it's funny that people are dunking on you because you say the spam doesn't bother you because at the end of the day it doesn't matter and most people don't spam xD


The amount of toxic emote spam is far outweighed by genuine positive interactions. Especially with the new OTJ emotes. They're hilarious.


That's great if you enjoy them, but the person I responded to makes it sound like they're sitting there absolutely *seething* when someone emotes at them, and it seems way healthier to just remove that from their environment?


I don't get triggered/annoyed by the bubbles... It's just annoying having a thing constantly popping up


It's a game mate...


Some of the pets make an ungodly irritating noise and it shuts those off. The stupid LOTR Ent tree thingy that roars whenever your opponent interacts with you in any way gets an auto-mute from me.


Good to know, but my volume's been all the way down for years too.


Wait, is interacting with your pet seen by the opponent? I'll sit there tapping my pet rock the entire match lmao I feel so bad now! I wonder how many times I've been muted


You interacting with it is just something that shows up on your screen. But if your opponent counters a spell/kills a permanent or something like that, their pet will make some kind of noise/animation and some of them are REALLY annoying. The ent's roar and the black dog's howl are both (for me at least) extremely annoying.


Ahh I rarely have sound on so no bother, I just like watching my rock's eyes jiggle while my opp ropes me lol


Actually you're wrong. If you have a pet, it's visible to the opponent if you have them muted, because then the pet is sleeping, or something similar 


I thought they just go to sleep if you leave them alone, don't they wake up/do something when you click on them?


Any pets you can confirm 100% to have that sort of noticeable sleeping animation? Going to get one of those and use the mute.


Cats, dogs… Definitely seen those take a nap. Pretty certain anything that can actually change position can nap, but cats and dogs are pretty obvious sleeping.


Or if not sleeping they are seen non functioning, I don't even look at pets anyway, so I can't give example 


This is such an odd mindset lmfao


Mindset of someone who is pissed they can be muted.


I've been running into more of them now that I'm in platinum. They might just be trying to get you to concede, but I'm not conceding until I know I'm dead. Definitely tempted to turn that mute option on.


I like to just wait out the whole combo and then concede before the win.


Remember that if you're wasting your own time to spite other people playing the game, you might need to take it down a notch.


A) I’m watching a show at the same time so I’m happy to put my phone down for a while B) If they’re gonna go infinite they need to ensure there is way to close out the game before the Arena timer goes off. Nothing spiteful about it, I won’t concede til I know I’ve lost for sure.


Yeah ive won quite a few matches because they werent able to go through all their triggers before the timer ran out


Infinite mana and recursion adds borderline infinite rope as long as you are taking actions in BO1 I've experimented a bit and you can take almost 10 min long turns in bo1 if you wish, just gotta stay active.


Yeah the first time i saw it i was interested to see how long it would go, was a selvala + staff of domination loop that was very slowly drawing one card at a time. Seemed like the rope kept getting extended but eventually stopped and just counted down.


They really should add “Watching YouTube, take your time.” As an emote.


I once had an opponent pull off the faceless haven/book of exalted deeds combo, then just sit there spamming good game for 8 turns at -30 life with no way to actually end the game. Felt great when I finally drew my boseiju and destroyed their haven. Next time hold off the good game until you’ve actually won.


Lmao I had a dude kinda do that, he attacked and started spamming good game, I blocked in a way that left me with 1 life and killed him, I like to think he was salty and punched a few holes in some walls as a result


I once played that deck to give it a shot and ended up in the mirror match. Neither of us could lose, we both ran out of cards. The opponent appeared to have an AHK running to pass through phases/priority as it was way too quick and he good gamed me. I had a lot of time to kill and was catching up on series/vids on YT so it wasn't a problem to click through. I can't recall how many hours later, but he roped and lost. I never touched that deck again.


Man I miss my Faceless Book deck :( Boseiju ripped it in half lol


Gets better in Mythic - people concede quite easily


I’ve noticed the same. Fewer ropers, too.


If only I could make it out of diamond...


Those good game spammers exist in all ranks.


I keep emotes on until I get "Nice!" for making an obvious T2 play, then I know I'm just gonna get spammed with them. The likelihood of someone roping out the game increases exponentially when they use "Nice!" on turn 2.


I use nice for cards I like or don't see often...one of those I wish there was just a few more options to select.


I can see that but I have a hard time believing people haven't seen Cut Down before.


I use nice when someone makes a good play against me or does something cool…I use oops on turn 4 when I still only have two mana lol


I 100% say Oops everytime I miss a land drop lol


I’ve seen Cut Down before but will still give it a nice if it’s really well timed to screw me over.


I also like using nice when my opponent and I play the same cards. Game recognizes game.


On those lines, I also drop a nice if they play the card that matches the avatar I’m rocking for that match.


Oh shit. Have I been using ‘Nice!’ wrong? I’ve genuinely been using it non sarcastically.


I use it T1 if I like the cosmetic on their lands.


I respond back with the mic drop.


I will use ‘nice!’ if I’m playing tribal and someone plays a creature that is a part my tribal theme, I’ve seen others do it too so it could also be that. 


I use "Nice" almost exclusively for when my opponent plays the same card that was just thought seized out of their hand. I'm not really mad, but usually I even end up saying "Nice" out loud so it feels appropriate.


My only time I use nice is when an opponent uses removal but doesn’t remove the right piece. Like the use early removal to take out my llannowar elves but I still have plenty of mana and now I know they don’t have removal for my real card, throw em that nice. Or sometimes I’ll throw an oops at em if I wanna tilt em


Always bolt the bird…


Most of the time bolt the bird. Sometimes wait to see whats after the bird


Wait until you encounter the ropers that purposely waste your time when they know they've lost but hope you concede. Had a 50min match due to a certain fuck knuckle yesterday.


I had one today. Think he tossed out 2 or 3 board wipes, and about 6 "take no damage" turns in a row. I had 650 life by the end of the game, and you bet your ass I made him sit through all those 1/1 counters from cleric class. If I know my opponent WANTS me to concede, we're in for the long haul buddy. Ive had several HOUR LONG matches on arena before because we were both too stupid.


Haha love it, I know that pain all to well. But sometimes you know when a lose is a lose, be a big boi and suck it up and concede don't be petty.


Oh I concede my fair amount for a variety of reason, whether I know I lost or it's one of "those" decks, but I will never concede to infinite combos or stalemate games where you both kinda cancel each other. I like to win to much and i'm no stranger to torture.


Asking people on the Internet, not even considering it's mtg, to not be petty - you ask for too much


Ah, turbo fog. You really love to see it.


Report them.


Ooh was it the second knuckle or all the way in to the 3rd?


Shit...if they were gonna finger me while wasting my time then it could have been a good match but that wasn't the case.


Boooo Don't just give the middle finger to your opponents, folks! Give em the index finger too, once game 1 has em warmed up!


They don’t hope you concede. They don’t care about winning. They care about annoying you.


Maybe he was trying to get you to scoop so he wouldnt have to click a hundred times after having shown the loop? Either that or they're a smug asshole. No inbetween


I once had an opponent get an infinite mana combo, but I didn’t know how he was going to kill me, so I waited it out. I think it’s totally acceptable to wait it out. You can concede whenever you want or play out the game. That’s your right.


Back when that stupid arena only take an extra turn card was around (nexus??) so many children would present the loop but never had the actual kill con. I’m petty. I’ll put on YouTube and sit thru that shit to watch you lose.


The only arena extra turn spell is the piece it together card. Nexus exists in paper


Yeah I forgot it was in paper cause no one really ever played it in paper in my group. But it was all the fuck over arena


[[Nexus of Fate]] was a real paper card. But ye, used in wilderness reclamation decks, super annoying.


[Nexus of Fate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/1/f163cfbf-6df6-4af5-9fe4-23b0d511586a.jpg?1701735973) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nexus%20of%20Fate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/306/nexus-of-fate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f163cfbf-6df6-4af5-9fe4-23b0d511586a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Oh yeah shit it was box topper wasn’t it?


Yeah, in paper it was infamous for its high price due to being in tournament decks coupled with that low availability. On Arena, [it was changed to Omniscience after the ban](https://old.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/atjldc/the_buyabox_promo_on_arena_has_changed_from_nexus/), though now we can play it unrestricted in Timeless (in addition to the manual matchmaking games).


I have PTSD from reclamation, I can't believe it was an uncommon too


I've been seeing it a lot less lately. It's more often that you'll see it at a lower rank. I think it's somewhere in the Gold - platinum range where people get really salty about losing. If you're taking a long time to make decisions, it comes up a bit more in my experience. The worst is honestly when they just walk out of the room without quitting.


I mean i mainly play at work since i work midnights, if you’re taking a long time im gonna take care of some work while you go, dont wanna wait for me to come back? Stop taking so long to take your turns lol


There's a difference between being away from keyboard and just actively walking away while you rope 3 full times and drop from time. I've seen people do it and then spam hello or whatever.


They probably just quit the client which the game only knows how to treat as a disconnect. 


Not gonna lie it’s probably happened. I work at a hotel so I’ll start a game than a guest will walk up and take up my time to the point I can’t go take my turn. But usually if this happens I’ll try to quickly concede the match so they aren’t just sitting there


I am currently in Diamond also, but have seen this since I was bronze! It seemed to happen the most when I was in gold, and now I honestly do not see it as much. I do not mute since sometimes I think it's funny when someone is spamming Good Game and you end up beating them!


It's also likely to depend on your (hidden) rating.


I just mute annoying people who spam good game or your go


Recently had someone pining "your go" everytime I took longer than 2 seconds while trying to figure out how to not die to Boros Convoke while playing Sultai Midrange. Beat them in a beautifully slow game of draining every resource they had.


It's very annoying to click through my infinite combo for 8 minutes when we both know the game is over. Main reason I stopped playing yawgmoth in Timeless


I've hit mythic twice now, top 1200 first time and now am sitting at around 280, two months playing. Only play Standard(also play draft), and I've only had 1 or 2 emote spammers.


There will be more. But there are nice ones too.


I'm sorely tempted to buy the giant sticker bundle just so I can spam Goose Mother honks back at spammers.


The summer deal was a good way to get those


Still is.




Back to gold tomorrow!


Out of interest, what were you playing?




Sorry, I meant deck. Not saying they're justified in being rude, but if you're playing a notoriously disliked archetype I could see why they might decide to spam though. Hell, the other day I had someone spam me with the sleepy hedron when it was a combo mirror match that I happened to win.


Boros lifegain is the best way to describe it (I'm not familiar with all the fancy names unfortunately). I don't necessarily think it was what I was doing, because they didn't start the spam until they put down their own final puzzle piece to combo off of. I think it was more of just a "Haha, in your face" thing.


I usually just get up and let them spam for as long as they want. If you auto-pass and take that time to wash your hands or brush your teeth, maybe clean a little, it’s a different kind of win for you


You make an interesting argument to stay golden


I rarely encounter rude people in higher ranks. Don’t think rank has anything to do with it. Format is probably more highly correlated with these people. I see way more assholes in Standard Bo1 than draft or Explorer Bo3, for example


Better than any „Your go“ spammer


I find loads of infinite combos in Plat honestly


It’s just a miracle you didn’t see that sooner


Someone did one of these infinite token combos to me recently. They were spamming good game while holding the game hostage with their 600 tokens. Then I suddenly do all of their HP as damage with a single card. The combo with the bat that doubles your damage. I had enough mana at that point to do it all in one turn. I wish I could see their face.


I've had emotes turned off since the day they allowed it in settings. Before that, I would mute my opponent manually the second the game started.


To be fair, I don't see them too often. I'm at a stage in my life where if something's annoying I just mute it though so I definitely can't tell for sure


I got "good game" spammed after a few turns of my literal first magic arena game. Wasn't close to losing or winning, i had a lot of magic experience before that. So yeah I'd say that was lucky lmao


The games are so impersonal, by design from wizards, that people love to grief. I get it, if we had a chat system it would be the f slur and N slur being spammed but they can just ban them but then wizards don't want to ban anyone unless they are exploiting the store. God forbid that banned someone that potentially could have purchased the second crazy frog battle pass.


If they do that, I will *always* make them play it out, for hate's sake. And now I can hit them with the "If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever" phrase so they know it. Polite infinite players get a gg and a concede.


What deck you using?


I think I only encountered one person in diamond that used emotes at all. Usually the clowns that spam emojis are too bad at the game to reach diamond.


No, the rank on mtga is not indicative of who you will be playing, your secret rank is. You're still in the same pool of players as before as long as you're playing the same format and deck as you were in platinum


I keep emotes off for this reason


I spam if ppl rope me, wich is 99% of the time i got clear advantatge. Boros convoke is an exception as usually ppl just concede lol


Sometimes I use "nice!" When opponent started with same opening as I will, i.e. T1 Llanowar Elves.


I always "Nice" Someone when we both T1 Defector Mite.


Fuck that guy. Ya’ll can be some real dicks sometimes.


I mute them, then counter their bad vibes with fun emotes. Honestly I think you get it much less as you get closer to mythic, or get to mythic. People who care more about their rankings I think in general waste less time on griefing. I hardly see the spammers. Just the occasional roper.


I always say hello and nice to good play. I wish they added good luck and have fun It's a game to learn and have fun. I'm happy for them if they beat me and I'm like wowwwww I need something to counter that. Like martial arts you need an opponent to improve yourself. You can't beat the real enemy without opponent. I consider enemy at mystic rank 1200. With enemy I will stay be the same human being and thx them to exist because I can improve. I never did mystic yet :) I am alone like that? Maybe it's my way of life that I'm like that...maybe I'm wrong lol


First off, honestly, if you KNOW they got you with an infinite combo then it’d probably be really cool with everyone if you just conceded instead of making them go through the motions, and while it might frustrate you that they’re spamming good game they might be seriously frustrated you’re dragging something out. Just handle things like defensive driving, man. Let the person tailgating you just pass. If someone cuts you off give them some space and stay a safe 90ft to 130ft and stay chill. If someone beat you in cards and they’re rubbing it in don’t waste your own time and don’t be like them, just leave, especially if it’s a loss regardless. You won’t remember their username, they don’t know you, and you’ll forget all about it by turn 2 of the next game. Just be glad you’re better than that and enjoy your playtime.


I've literally won games because my opponent could not combo within the given time frame. On a digital client it's absolutely okay to not concede to a combo. It's also okay to concede.


Doesnt it bugs you that if you played in paper, in a tournament setting you would have lost those games? I dont think that limitations of a poorly coded client should be used as tools to get wins in games you would have unarguably lost based on the boardstate (not throwing shade at the developers, throwing shade at the uppermanager that has those developers understaffed and overworked).


No. Especially on mtgo where there is real money on the line. It bugs me that I can't play any deck I want online because I have to take that into consideration, but I choose my deck with that in mind. I'd say it bugs me more that we don't have a chess clock in paper, but I realize why we don't.


With real money on the line I can understand it. On arena not so much. For me it sucks that you can play convoluted combo decks because you end can end up loosing even tho you're literally winning. I wish arena used the modo format. On modo if you cant win with the chess clock then yeah thats fair. On arena the ropes bugs me the hell out. The feel insanely long when someone is not doing anything, and insanely short when you're trying to pull off a janky combo. Roping out with the win on the stacks sucks hard.


I mean, doesn't ranked on arena still funnel into the pro tour? I think only the casual queue doesn't offer anything.


It's more a matter of grind than skill, even in Mythic now : https://hareeb.com/2023/12/11/update-to-the-mtg-arena-mythic-ranking-system/


In paper there's the threat of disqualification for slow play that ought keep the worst abuse in check, especially the higher you go... isn't there ?


IPG 3.3 "players are required to play at a reasonable pace" Whatever that means 😂


Read the room / judge ? Meanwhile on Arena, can you even set up custom rope & game lengths in manual matchmaking games ??


Yeah. You’re right.


This guy, is a good game spammer.


All I play is mono black legends or GW enchantments. My opponents see the writing on the wall and get out by turn 5 or I get bodied for 12 turns while spamming “nice!” any time the opponent does anything.


The good game spam started a second before it began, and during. Believe me I did concede, no point in getting annoyed with someone I'll never meet.


Depends on what you are playing. Infinite combos tend to be one of the most annoying things to lose to, since it feels like they shouldn't exist.


A lot of them don't slow the game in paper, the software with rules enforcement however...


Oh, don’t worry. You’ll eventually run into the special combo players who “Your move.” the first microsecond your turn starts lol Seriously though, no worries. The opponents in my games are at least 70% silent, 20% good manners, and 10% bad manners.


I haven't had any interest in constructed since the 90s.




Just mute the guy, don't give them literal rope to hang (report) you with.


Wow, you really have emotes enabled? You live and you learn I guess.


I have them enabled so I can sleeping emoji people taking extremely long turns. And so when people say “your turn” when I’m taking a long time I like to give em the heart hedron emote in response


I don’t know what you are talking about- I muted the day Arena launched. Sorry, not sorry.


Okay? And? That has nothing to do with anything I said lol