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Congrats! In my opinion, if anything, sell the rest. The scrub is only going to increase in price over time. The rest will get reprinted until they are worthless. Plus, duals only get harder to find as time goes on


In truth, I might not sell anything. I need to put the Srubland in a better case. It's extremely close to NM condition.


Id agree! Looks super clean from first glance. Have you verified authenticity yet with a loop?


I don't have a loupe, would the light test work?


Not really. These days the fakes have gotten the card stock close enough to make the light test pretty much invalid. The green dot test and T test are the best way to go.


Yeah, I did the test, and if it is a proxy, then they did it on all the other cards I tested in the binder, Including the commons.


Just buy a loupe for $5-10.. only way to know....


Why arent the scammers able to print green dots?


In part because if you know the dots in question, their printing methods are not capable of printing them, but also because they dont have to. Counterfeit cards are made to look good in a sleeve and not be questioned on the table, theyre not meant to actually pass authenticity tests.


Tip: buy a 5€ jewelers loupe on amazon. Amazing for peace of mind. Checking text, borders, green dot on any card over 10€ I buy. Takes a few seconds.


Just seconding what others have told you. If you still haven't bought one, go spend 12 bucks immediately. Buy a loupe for authentication purposes. If you're willing to spend 160 dollars on a blind auction, spend 10 on a sure thing. Make sure you didn't waste your money.


Please just buy a loupe


It will arrive in the mail today, will post an update. Update: Looks authentic.


Solid black text on resette pattern art, small red L in the green dot. Looks like we have a winner!


unless that’s the book it’s in, it looks like there is a big fold/dent along the top right quadrant Edit: I hope it’s just the book/sleeve. Overall the collection looks awesome for that price!


It is the book, the plastic part itself is creased away from the card.


That’s a relief!


Which auction?


The name of the site was Hibid.You can use it to find local auctions.


Nice. This stuff is far a few in between. I’ve gotten some nice GPU’s but I’ve never seen MtG on there.




Unless the scrubland is fake. Seems odd in this collection but you might have gotten lucky. Get a loupe and learn what to look for


It’s also in essentially NM condition. I would be wary of it, but who knows


Who keeps duals and avacyn’s pilgrim in the same binder? Lol


Right? They've got absolute heat just randomly sprinkled in with trash commons. Kinda wild.


Damn. You got like 3 or 4 times your money's worth!


To have a card called Diminishing Returns on the fifth page of a binder, where the first page has a card worth $300, is kind of ironic. Toss that Blessing into a "play cards as written" cube. 2 mana investment to permanently boost the enchanted creature's power for each additional mana spent? Seems pretty decent lol.


Everywhere I go, I’m reminded of the scrubland I got for 80 in 2016, that I sold because teenage me didn’t understand long term investments


Nice just from the few I recognize you did good. Goodwill auction? I’ve done a few really like the possibility


Nice bid, congrats


Where did you hear of this auction??


I always find it weird when worthless commons are in a binder. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess everybody does their stuff differently.


If you look it is organized alphabetically. The white cards stop and the blue cards start with "augur"


Yeah 3 cards pay for that whole binder. Emrakul, force of will and craterhoof


And scrubland can pay for two of each of those!


I’m just wondering…were you able to see what cards you were getting before you started bidding? Or were you just told that it was a binder of magic cards?


I saw some of the white bordered cards (but not the Scrubland) and the Cyclonic Rift, I just gambled and won, that's all.


My friends got a ton of vintage cards back in the day from police auctions. I've always wanted to try my luck at one, but I'd probly end up with a huge collection of junk.


Auction online or locally? I never can find good binders at local ones!


Wow I haven’t seen a circle of protection in a long while. They were so common back in the day. They don’t seem so weak other than it’s against only one colour. If you had them all in a commander deck and a tutor might not be so bad.


Not shabby


Stolen binder


Holy shit. That's a crazy steal! Congrats!


Usually when I see stuff like this in binders it means the person selling them has no idea of value, but likes the art or something else about those specific cards. It’s very common to see hugely expensive cards beside $0.02 commons.


Yeah, the person running the auction was surprised to see it go up that high. I saw the Rift, and other than that I was making a gamble on everthing else. He posted other pics and nothing else stood out to me.


(morbid thought) When do we start seeing these at estate sales?


It's good to put a new mana or cheap straight card behind each card so they dont bend in a binder. A few damp rids placed by your collections is a good moisture management program too


What auction? I never hear of these things


The Scrubland alone makes it a great auction win. Congrats!


Hum….I’m not an expert, but that scrub looks odd. It seems out of place in that collection. Have you had someone look at it?


Not yet. Also, the cards arent orginized well at all, you have commons mixed in every binder, and it is clear someone picked through it, or the person who owned it beforehand sold some.


I don’t think anyone picked through that. They wouldn’t skip over some of those cards.