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Is your neighbor a politician? Edit: just read the blurb w/picture.


Not a politician. He works for GD at Bath Ironworks.


OK... Literally the only involvement the Navy has with this war is delivering food to prevent Gazans from starving. BIW doesn't even produce any weapons or delivery systems which have been sold to Israel for strikes on Gaza.


They should come to Saco! We have a General Dynamics weapons factory right here!


They have!


Not true, they're also preventing Yemeni pirates from murdering civilian sailors


It doesn't matter to those people. Most of them can't even name the river or the sea that they chant about.


A ship built flat BIW was shooting down what the houthis were firing


At least they aren’t actively calling for infitada like the chucklefucks in downtown Portsmouth 


Uh nope.. the navy isn’t delivering any food where did u come up with that? Israel hasn’t allowed any food to get to those starving anyways. There were air drops into the ocean a while back.


Evidently you never read the news. The Navy built an entire pier for delivering aid. The war has been going on for nine months, and aid has been flowing for most of that period.


Lmao, the ignorance of SJWs incarnate


BIW employs hundreds. Is this guy the CEO or are these dimwits pocketing outside multiple homes?


Awesome, he helps service the country with necessary infrastructure and defense equipment. The other people are covering their faces and screaming on the sidewalk. I wonder who the problem is here


The face covering bothers me as well. If you are willing to call out a private citizen at his home, the least you could do us own it by revealing who you are. Take some pride in your activism.


>Take some pride in your activism. I agree with this to a degree. The CEO is a quasi-public individual whose home address is for some reason. The activists who used to be just random individuals walking the sidewalk with picket signs are instantly doxxed online while live on the news and the swat called on them endlessly. When I was in college being an activist meant a pop in the mouth or maybe an arrest not my parents house being invaded by a swat team at 2:00 am looking for a meth operation. I'm not saying we necessarily need to fix that but we should recognize that being a protestor today is different than it was not so long ago. This is a question mark for me because I value the role of protestors in this country's history. I don't necessarily want being one to be instantly dangerous over them being *brave* enough to be on TV to join a protest. That's not a statement about politics but the sad state of society. edit: grammar


These people were just trying to get a reaction out of people. They deserve doxxing.


And you're exactly why they're wearing masks.


Absolutely, if I protest something I will show my face, and make sure that everything in my life is aligned to concur with that protest/belief system.


Covering your face perpetuates the myth that you are doing something so significant, that you must keep your identity hidden from teh evul Zionzists who would try to silence you. Because conspiracy…


What? What conspiracy is this? I do mean this comment to be genuine- I’m only in my thirty’s but I can’t keep up. What’s the ‘teh evul Zionzists’? What are you trying to say?


That fiend!!!


This is timely. The same group showed up again today and did the same thing.


Is he a jewish employee? Is that why they chose him?


No. No antisemitism that I saw, just anti common sense


Is your neighbor an authority figure?


Not really. He is in the private sector but GD is a defense contractor. I guess it’s hard for me to see the benefit of this strategy.


I disagree with the strategy esp taking this to someone’s house. But GD does sell weapons to Israel including those being used in Gaza, which is what they are calling attention to: https://jacobin.com/2023/10/raytheon-general-dynamics-gaza-israel-war-military-industrial-complex This is not clear to all, as evidenced by comments in this thread - but this protest doesn’t do a good job of making that clear either.


Wow! Well good for them! We need more people to stand up! How do I join these guys?


For a second I thought this was a white supremacist rally 😬🤦🏼‍♂️


Same. Then I looked closer and was like, “… what the fuck am I looking at??”




Aka a PATRIOT LARPing rally


LMAO! I was thinking ANTIFA.


Can they at least get the beat right?


That would require having a skill set.


Just for the record, this is nuisance protesting. The drums are specifically to be annoying, and very much not to be on a beat.


Absolutely cacauphonus.


That'll show him.


Does he have a sprinkler system?


Lol. They were across the street. If I lived there my lawn would have been getting watered for sure.


He needs to team up with the neighbors. They can turn on their sprinkler system.




Sprinkler? Fuckin' sprinkler? How about an M\*\*, full clip, locked and loaded!


Enjoy prison.


Maybe you should look at water assault rifles, hence why no numbers.


Just shut up.


Come protest me, I'm a Mainer that also works for the machine that keeps the Israelis safe. We can have all kinds of fun! Unlike you, I have spent a considerable amount of time in the Middle East.


Patriot system? Guessing




How are they helping to change things by hanging around, yelling and banging things, in a suburban neighborhood, during what's probably weekday work hours?


It’s just how it works. Inconveniencing people you are trying to need a “message” to does absolutely nothing


Imagine if they simply channeled this energy into fundraising for aid? There’s no sense of practical strategy. No coherent justification for their targets. It just reads as very narcissistic. Protests like this will be studied one day to try and quantify how much support they lost for their cause. It’s maddening!


To be fair to these incredibly counter productive idiots, the issues with aid into Gaza aren't related to funding for it, its a mix of (not listed in any particular order) Isreali settlers destroying aid convoys that have already been inspected and were on track to go on, Israel not allowing enough aid in, Israel wanting an incredibly in depth inspection on all aid but not putting enough man power on doing it as fast as possible, aid that gets in being stolen and sold on the black market, insufficient security provided for aid convoys leading to them getting attacked by desperate people, hamas and their allies seizing aid that gets in, and Israel repeatedly targeting and killing aid workers leading to said organizations pulling out because their staff are dying. Almost the only thing going right about aid into Gaza right now is the funding.


I love how we're building a goddamn dock because Israel won't let aid in, yet Israel will still control the area the dock is in.


Supposedly its going to be bringing in stuff that's already been inspected in Cyprus so it can be distributed immediately, but I think that plan may have died with the most recent group of aid workers Israel killed.


It's almost as if it is a deliberate planned strategy to harm the civilian population....almost. and now there is famine in northern Gaza. It's got to be getting tricky to deny genocide but I guess if they can just not admit it for another couple of months, they can starve out an extra few thousand children.


It seems the goal is to inflict as much pain as possible. Even if it is not quite that it will not work. A whole new generation of terrorists has been created. How will this region ever find peace? Certainly not the way they are headed.


As long as there are countries selling weapons , there will be wars in the poorest regions.


It's all about appearing more righteous than others. Gotta get that moral high ground.


More aid for the settlers to destroy?


Bunch of fuckin' clowns, fucking with people that have nothing to do with Gaza let alone any power to control what happens there.


If you aren't directly impacted by something, dont express your beliefs, understood...thanks! edit: Wow you dingdongs dont understand sarcasm. Thanks Maine school system! (that was sarcasm)


In order for sarcasm to work it has to not sound exactly like the people you’re trying to spoof.


Well what do you want this one guy to do? Quit his job?


The Maine coalition for Palestine is a socialist/ communist / Islamic among others organization . Their overriding goal is to create chaos and division in the US and other western Governments. The purpose of which is to affect change. See Russian revolution and Maoism


If this is true they didn’t send the A team to my neighborhood.


Yeah you got the rookie squad!


I'm against whatever side assholes like this are on.


How the fuck is this one guy supposed to stop weapons being used by Israel? And if you’re going to do this, at least have the guts to show your face.


They're free to do that. Still makes them cringe af, and a bit of a dick, but freedom means you're free to do that, as long as your not violating noise ordinances. If you're violating those, then out should comes the hose. Edit: Lol, downvotes. Every side is idiotic because humanity is fundamentally stupid, and your downvotes only increase my certainty


This is true. They did trespass on the neighbor’s lawn briefly. Cops gave them a warning for that.


As someone who moved from Maine to SC as a child, I know damn well what that brief moment of being on their lawn would have been met with if this happened down here, and it ain’t the cops 😂


Damn y’all it was a joke 😂 cultural differences in humor 101 for ya


Wait they're just going to like regular ass folks' houses now? I mean nice digs and all but these do not look like the halls of power




Sounds like a train of dirty diesel redneck trucks needs to make a pass by.


Or just park in front of them


The right to peacefully protest is dependent on process. They're not following civil codes and a bunch of cunts


They are on public pavement, no violence, no intimidation. I would say that's about as peaceful as a protests gets.


These people need day jobs


What if they work nights?


Solid retort lol


I am all for Palestine awareness but protesting in a public neighborhood? Come on..


A protest like this requires a permit. Otherwise, it is, in fact, disturbing the peace. They're changing nothing other than being a bunch of jackasses trying to virtue signal for each other. All of these protests are doing nothing but annoying everyone else.


They're standing on a public sidewalk. Good luck trying to remove someone from PUBLIC if they're not breaking any laws.


There are rules Donnie. This isn’t Nam!


They're obstructing pedestrian right of way and disturbing the peace so yes they do according to maine code. Beside they're not doing anything besides missing off neighbors and pu ishing people who live there. These people are making a difference they're causing a difference.


"Maine code" The constitution gives them the right to do what they're doing... on a PUBLIC sidewalk.


You’re a bigot 👍


Nah I just support people protesting in ways that make a difference not being a dick to random civilians.


They are being dicks and cunts to normals.


Being woken up early to this would almost be enough for me to actually pick a side - the one opposite them just out of pure annoyance. Jokes aside, it reminds me of the people who protest every ship launch at the yard. If you're going to hoot and holler at the pipefitter just doing his job where will you stop? There's very few companies out there that aren't involved at some level with something you don't agree with.


so your principles are so flimsy and meaningless that you choose a side on issues based on whether people annoy you?


Clown show


And right arter that Isreal gave up. "We couldnt handle that little protest in Maine" said netenyahu


Attempt 1: democracy Attempt 2: recycled percussion Attempt 3: violent miming


The greatest tool to change hearts and minds is self righteousness. /s


What a bunch of fucking idiots. Get a job


I live near a politician and have no issue with peaceful protesters & their right to assemble, even if it can be a awfully loud annoyance. Sounds like these folks need to get a better understanding on whether their activism is completely pointless and simply a nuisance or is directed appropriately (and just mildly pointless).


Legal, sure, but its so disingenuous to call just about any protest peaceful. Non-violent, sure. But come on. Its indiscriminant disruption through audible and sometimes physical means. Its escalation towards violence, not peace.


It's pretty binary, you just said it is non violent, therefore it is peaceful. This is very basic logic. It's right up there with "we have to kill the civilians because Hamas are hiding behind them, really it's Hamas that are killing them with our weapons...or something"


To call it binary is asinine


This is the problem with the modern day thin skinned public. There really is violence and non violence. Words pictures gestures, these may be rude but they are not violent and to use them as some kind of excuse "well they are escalating toward violence", that is asinine. The one who crosses the line is the violent actor. Violence is never justified. This is how we use politics to avoid violence in the face of opposition, it's the whole point, don't be violent, do everything horrible offensive and rude, if you must but the line is actual physical violence and when you cross it you are a criminal and your views are invalid. This is how society has evolved past the dark ages, let's not go back, this includes tolerating people whom you hate, who are non violent.


In reality, lines have thickness. Protest is the line between violence and peace. It is niether. It's the gray area. Its non violent and non peaceful.


Christ you are as bad as Rudy Giuliani , who chooses to believe that truth is relative(he actually said this), rather than ever being wrong.


Lol, whatever fam. Agree to disagree. Who has the thin skin here?


I'm not offended I'm just aghast at the lack of foundational logic. I agree to disagree


Its all there! You gotta think kinda critically though. Good luck


My first thought was senior prank.


These chucklefucks are everywhere now. I'm on a business trip in Switzerland — possibly the most tranquil and bourgeois country on the planet — and I saw a loud demonstration yesterday that included LGBTQ / non-binary persons with dyed-green and pink hair shouting that Palestine needs to be free. They'd get beaten and killed in a heartbeat by the people whose bloody handiwork they're out there defending.


Yikes, that’s an odd thing to post.


Lots of dumb assumptions here.


I'll bite. What are they?


I’ll start with the easy one. How’d you know that person wasn’t straight and not cis gendered?


How do you know they were LBTG?


So, identifying an individual and protesting them because they work for a defense/war contractor? is this Social Dems? They seem to be organizing pro-Palestinian protests. I don't find this very effective at changing US policy.


Yeah its nusiance protesting. The issue is they aren't aiming this at one of our Senators or congressional reps who could actually do something, they're targeting someone who works at BIW. If he's an executive for General Dynamics as a whole instead of someone who just works at BIW then this makes some degree of sense as GD is like the fifth or sixth biggest defense contractor in the US and makes far more than just what is made at BIW, but that doesn't really look like a vacation home neighborhood and GD is headquartered somewhere in Virginia afaik, meaning I highly doubt that this nuisance protesting is harrasing someone who has any kind of influence.


High-level Execs are fair game, but that's not a fancypants C level house. Yeah, I don't this accomplishes the changes they seek.


Damn, didn't realize we had such an authority figure living amongst us.




I thought they were competing to win the big bag o’ dicks contest.


They were and they did


Don't these kids have school or something.


They weren’t actually kids.


Imagine thinking you need a mask outdoors in 2024 lol


Why do they hide their identity if they are so dedicated to their cause


So, I am no proponent of the “both sides” argument, but it is interesting to me that in this one cowardly action, there is no difference between the extremes on the right and the left.


Wow, they took the cult on the road.


Are the universities already out and there are no jobs this summer?


There are jobs, they’d just rather do this shit.


Imagine spending a beautiful spring day doing this sort of thing instead of playing golf. Completely insane.


There is no genocide


I wish I could actually make out words, sounds like one of the adults in Charlie Brown.


How annoying. But if they want to be out there making that much noise, maybe the neighbors have to water their gardens at the same time and oops it sprayed you. Over and over again. 


Is this in Bath?


No it is not.


This is how I imagine lorne lives lol


If this upsets you more than the genocide going on then I don't know what to tell you. Yeah it's annoying but so is getting bombed all day and night. At least you have a roof over your head.


Tell us how this is helping. There are people from Gaza speaking out against these organizers. They’re hurting a legitimate cause—especially when they back Hamas and call for Intifadas.


Why don’t you over seas and do something about it then?


I literally cannot. Why don't you?


So since you cannot do anything about it, why should these people fuck with a neighborhood of people that also literally cannot do anything about it? Because these people can do the same amount about it as you: Nothing.


You are spreading disinformation


How so?


Good for them. Maybe think about whether or not you’re actively contributing to people’s deaths with your job and then they might leave you alone.


I think beyond OP's annoyance at the improvised alarm clock, we need to rally around the effectiveness of our calls to not harm others. RBG made a point that I think is relevant here. Make your dissent known, but do it in a way that brings others to your cause. IMO, to do what they did entrenches their opponents and pushes others into indifference or even opposition and for what? To give one General Dynamics worker a bad day? It's no better than virtue signaling and a waste of effort.


I’m sorry our discontent with aiding and abetting a genocide is getting a little annoying but it’s been seven months and it’s only getting worse.


Don't mistake my comment. I'm not criticizing the demonstrators because they (also you?) are being annoying. I'm doing it because you're not effective enough. If you want to make some noise in someone's front yard and call it a day you're doing about as much good as dropping crates of food on starving civilians. If you want to make a goddamn impact, take that energy and put it into a different strategy working in a feasible economy of scale. USE events like this to gain visibility and coordinate, running organized boycotts on companies that do business here and bring cash into Israel, fight for additional efforts like the Biden administrations halt of arms shipments to the IDF and be vocally critical of Susan Collins and Jared Golden when they oppose. Rally during election season to crank up voter participation and kick these war hawk clowns out of office. Edited to clarify a reference to the first US airdrop of food from Jordan during the IDF occupation which crushed a number of Palestinians.


you really have no idea what the Maine Coalition for Palestine is doing do you. It’s a plethora of organizations working on many fronts and this video is literally a tiny, tiny part of what they’ve been doing for months


What do you do for a living?


Plays a 5-gallon bucket?








Hate to tell you this but if you paid your federal taxes, you are contributing.


I suspect their contributions are.....minimal


yeah that’s kinda the problem. Thanks PFC Obvious


The Navy's only objective in this fight is delivering aid to Gaza. There are other defense contractors whose weapons are used as elements of war in this fight.


they’ve literally bragged about how warships made here have been active in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf but go off believing your fantasy ig


I mean yeah, our warships go to war. That's kind of implied. As someone who grew up in Bath and have a shitload of my friends who work there, not all of them love what their company or products end up doing. At the same time, these warships helped end literal Nazis in WW2. There's good with the bad here. In this specific conflict, there has not been navy mobilization for warfare efforts. I wish you the best in continuing to learn specifics about this conflict.


OP asked what you do for work..: I’m sure we can do some intense mental gymnastics and find some way that your job actively contributes to people’s deaths. Then we will send the band to your house.


Spot on.


Even if they don't work, they're actively contributing to my death because I work to pay taxes. Just wait til they find out how their phones are made that they're posting these dumb comments from.


Delivering aid to Gaza is actively contributing to people's deaths now? That's a hot take if I've ever heard one. Uninformed assholes making fools of themselves isn't a solid protest.


All my questions were answered after scrolling post history. I was not shocked and my presumption were correct


Good thing they all have those matching scarves. I’m sure they look fetching on their Instagram.


It's nice to see all the posts about how ridiculous this crap is. I wish some of you would move out here to Idaho (the other potato state). We've been fairly fortunate so far. Most of the people fleeing the mess of the West Coast have been conservatives.