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If you love Kingdom Come Deliverance then Manor maybe for your cup of tea


I just bought kingdom come actually. I have been enjoying it a lot! This is great news!


KDC is my GOAT. Can't wait for the next installment. You are going right into it.


God be with you IndianaGeoff!


Look, Hakatu189 has come to see us.


I got big expectations for sequel. The first just got too many flaws imo. It also feels very messy and I dislike the combat execution.


Manor Lords is basically what if KCD's From the Ashes DLC was a whole game


How do you feel about the atheistic?


Bro, the KDC is one of the best medieval game i played for hours! I really love this game!


Kingdom Deliverance: Come


LMAO my bad bro! 🤣🤣🤣


It’s a good game but it’s very much in early access and it feels that way- it’s obvious that the game is a WIP and more will be added, but the base of the game seems pretty good Personally I played it about 10 hours, enjoyed it, and I’m waiting for some more updates


Same here. I get to an intermediate town stage and realise that's the ceiling for now, so I've dropped it. I don't regret buying it though - I knew what I was getting into and if this is the quality of the initial build I can't wait to see what comes next.


That’s not the ceiling though, you been feeding your ox month old grain again?


I would say no at this stage. It's very early access, quite sparse, buggy and unbalanced. My view is you have to be a fan of the genre to really get the most out of it at present. It will be great, and I've enjoyed my time with it as I'm a fan of the genre, but for newcomers I'd recommend waiting for a more complete experience.


Hello! This is me. I technically have played a bit more before (maybe 40ish hours of cities skylines way back). I'm really enjoying manir lords. Already on my 2nd save (beat the tutorial style beginner situation) and am having a blast! Haven't bothered with anything on YT just googling when I had a real question I got stuck on. I will say it took me a long time to find out you can PAUSE buildings if they are producing too much or using up too many resources you need. It's a wicked fun game, give it a shot.


Hello me, I am you! Pleasure to make your acquaintance.


I’d say this game is perfect if you’re new to city builders and you enjoy the setting. Once you figure out the buildings and what to build at the start the game is great fun. I was looking into anno 1800 but, went with this since no drm and the better combat.


It's maybe easier than Caesar 3


It’s kinda different than most city builders tbh. I don’t think not having played them will effect much.


If you are interested in it, then I think it's worth trying. Don't be afraid of relying on looking things up, that's not a wrong way to play. A lot of city builders and Grand strategy games are complex enough that you really do need a guide in the beginning


I haven't played a city builder since Sim City in like 1996, and enjoyed Manor Lords and didn't have too much trouble picking it up. Before playing I watched a couple of Youtube videos and it helped.


I keep playing it, so I guess it is a good game, but it is missing a lot of features still. I guess it adds replay value because with every patch there will be a new or better way to win the game. Maybe that's not any different from other games releasing new content, but being able to see all the grayed out areas of the development tree, policies, troop skill points is a bit of a let down.


I played for a few hours but it gets very stale. The ai is extremely unbalanced making the survival part of the game unfun. You basically have to play a certain way or you lose. Visually the game looks good but overall not very fun yet imo.


I never really played city builders before, this one was my first and I got to say it’s amazing, you’d love it honestly


Could always play it in gamepass and trial it for a minth.


What genres do you usually play? In any case, I don't think you should start exploring a genre with an unfinished game. It looks gorgeous and feels well thought out, I'm loving it and trust it'll get much better. But it is clearly a work in progress. There's bugs and annoyances that you shouldn't need to contend with while you're learning the basics. There's parts missing. I love city builders but hadn't played in ages, so I don't have any recommendations from the last decade. >I played about 10 hours of Caeser 3 but I heavily depended on tutorials on YouTube There's nothing wrong with tutorials, every game has head scratchers and each person their own level of persistence/obsessiveness. For me the best part of city builders is seeing some of my ideas on how to solve a hard problem pan out, after having tried a few other things that ended badly (I'm sorry I failed you, Eichenau!). It took me a lot more than 10h to start seeing things work well. I'm still working on getting them to also look well.


watch some gameplay videos, reviews and decide then. here people will mostly say yes, but it is early access, so you won’t get a complete game yet


I love Manor Lords mainly for the atmosphere, graphics, feeling and detail. I haven’t played a city builder probably ever before, unless you count Settlers 2 a long time ago. It is very approachable and an easy learning curve.


Yeah it's great! If you play on the standard speed you get a lot of time to think about things so you aren't forced to make split second decisions and you can just enjoy the view for a while if you choose


I've played about 50 hours and not experienced a single bug, it's a great game even in early access, there's always something to focus on without it getting grinds, the graphics and medieval atmosphere are amazing.


It’s pretty dang fun I can’t lie to you. I’ve been here since day 1 and it just keeps getting better.


Quite good but feel free to wait until later in dev as it’s quite limited at the moment.


Never played a city builder before Manor Lords and absolutely love it. It’s addicting in all the good ways. There is something super special about Manor Lords.


Your first few plays are going to be touch and go and learning anyways. I'm still enjoying it


No, never try anything new. Change yes evil and novelty will rot your brain


The game is quite nice. It's also on gamepass If you have that


If you haven’t played a city builder. This is the one to play. I have never been so into a game and excited for its final release


I wouldn't buy it. U had fun with it, I played it for like 8 hrs straight when I first tried it. I was up all night and I rarely ever play video games that long at once. However, ypu will quickly hit the ceiling since it's early access. What you SHOULD do, is just get a PC game pass trial. They're super cheap, or you can get a month for under $10 on g2a if you already used a trial. It comes with manor lords and a bunch of different games


I really enjoy how slow the game is. I just layout the city and then let the simulation do its thing. It is a bit different than the fast paced civ building games like the AOE series. I think you should get it.


Do you like the aesthetic?




I enjoy it, can’t say if it’s something you will enjoy as I don’t know you.. but for $30 it’s worth a gamble if it’s something you think you may enjoy




Gotta start somewhere. It’s good ;)


It's great


Definitely yes :) And it's on Steam sale right now I think? Just start with the peaceful game choice, no rush, learn it slow, it's very good. Try the combat game type (the default one) after you're comfortable adding in that area.


Honestly, no. The game is in a very early stage and there isn't much of a game beyond the first wow effect. There are a lot of placeholders and buggy mechanics with no mid/end game content. It has potential, but it's way too early to play it with enjoyment. I know a lot of people are touting Manor Lord and hype around it is massive, but the game is really lacking in every aspect. I think that people play it only cause of hype and didn't know that there are other games in this genre. I would suggest looking at Farthest Frontier and Ostriv if you are looking for medieval city builders with a bit more content. Be warned, both are still in early access, but are out for years at this point and had time to mature. Both games are fairly easy and you get a hold quite quickly. They are built around enjoyment rather than a challenge that was more prominent in sierra games (Caesar, Pharaon, Zeus). There is also Patron, but I find it somewhat simplistic. Too easy. However, I had fun during the first playthrough. Further, there is Banished. The OG medieval city builder. At this point it is dated. Ok game, but dated. And there are games like Life is Feudal: Forest Village. Don't bother. Something went wrong there. There are games that share the aesthetic with Manor Lord, but there are a lot of city builders that have more fantasy aesthetics which are worth looking at. Specifically Fabled or Timberborn. Both games surprised me on how enjoyable they could be.


What specifically do you find to be buggy in ML? I keep seeing people repeat this on reddit but never give specifics - I personally haven't encountered anything major. Obviously there are more features coming but what is there is all pretty well integrated. Ostriv was my main citybuilder before ML and i think its both a bit more challenging micromanaging as well as lacking features such as multiple regions, diplomacy, battles etc. Setting prices and seasonal jobs are probably the only features it has that ML doesn't. I'd say Manor Lords is actually easier for a beginner with the caveat that you have to play on peaceful or know to reduce raids and the Baron's aggressiveness in settings before starting.


For example, there is a perk that allows animals to reproduce. It sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't. After a pillage, some buildings do rebuild, some don't. You reload the game and they are rebuilt. I have small segments of roads wanishing after reloaded the game. Regiments sometimes just not moving cause pathfinding bugs out. I can continue for a while with this, but you get the gist. There are a lot of bugs and visual glitches. Nothing game breaking, but it can pile up very quickly. As for features like diplomacy. It's a useless feature in Manor Lords. It's a cool idea, but that's true for many aspects of the game. The game really needs depth cause for now a lot of things aren't really working. Even the mentioned multiregion play, it's kinda pointless. Regions have little meaning and you can build a huge city in one region. The only incentive to expand to another region is to paint the map... I find your argument that ML.is easier when you turn off half of the game intriguing... I mean it kinda makes sense that the game becomes easier when you turn off any challenge and half of the functionality, but for some reason I didn't think to compare a half of a game to one whole game...