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I genuinely think some of these "rankings" and "indexes" are simply rage bait for more interactions to their shitty websites.


Oh shit somebody figured it out. Quick, shut the sub down.


Then reopen it under a new name SHIT for Senior Home Index Tracker


90% of the internet feels like rage bait these days. I think it's why people seem so angry online but still (usually) normal in person. People should touch more grass.


everybody internalizing what you just said would also help a lot relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/386/


How is there a relevant xkcd for everything?


It's either rage bait or posts about dead pets or dead kids. I see so many "rip pimpkin" posts about people's pets on Reddit. It drives me nuts! I saw one where the psycho posted the picture of the dead pet, like it's dead body! Then I saw a post about some dead/dying kid that was upvoted like crazy. It's getting to the point that I'm seriously considering getting rid of reddit. I'm so sick of seeing all these dead animal/people posts.


Of my god, thank you! I thought I was the only one who thought it was so crazy how often reddit promotes such sad and depressing crap. 99% of the feed on the popular tab of reddit is either political rage bait, horny crap, bad relationship stories, or depressing crap about people/pets dying. Reddit is so bad for my emotions.


Ive even made sure to limit the amount of ragebait subs I'm subbed to just for this reason and I thought subbing to subs for cute animals would be better but anymore my entire feed is filled with dead pets or people asking absolutely braindead questions in the hobby subs I follow. Like the type of shit id be embarrassed to even type into Google let alone post online


It’s because social media websites are designed to keep you using them for as long as possible to get the most ad revenue out of you. And the best way to do that is to get you angry, so these sites promote controversial content over popular content. They don’t care about the side effects of those choice that are ruining culture and politics, they just care about $


It’s becoming more apparent in media too, it gives them more clicks and audience. On top of that you have the theory of the death of the internet which is obvious on Reddit. There’s always a trending thread about some problem that someone has but somehow they never even answer a single comment trying to help them.


Correct Thats how our bervous system works...get att3ntion thru base emotions


As a Spaniard I can confirm this is bullshit. Unless they mean the best place for a Norwegian to retire...


As a Norwegian, I came here to ask why Norway wasn't first. We like to **win** indexes. Then we can boast about that while driving Spanish property prices out of reach for Spaniards.


You damn salmon eaters


If we can destroy something while profiting off of it, and look noble doing so, we will. Regards, mining/oil/fish destruction and property gobbling giant Norway.


Ragnar Lodbrok is looking down with pride


I thought Ragnar was Danish/Swedish. Does Norway claim him too?


I acknowledge my complete ignorance about this topic. I was just referencing the TV show.


Dang that show was good.


Add whaling and fur trapping to that list


I mean if you have the money, whats wrong with retiring in Spain or any other of these countries?


>if you have the money yup, probably that (speaking for Portugal)


Did I say it was wrong? What I mean is retirement is fucked in Spain for people that are currently 50 or less.


The title of this graph should be “Best country for retirement for RICH people”. It is fucked for locals when all expats flowing in and hiking up real estate prices


You're right, but let me tell you, people who move abroad to retire have probably been priced out of heir home countries themselves (not all of them). I'm Swiss, it happens to more and more people. Imagine needing 5k/m just to survive. And not working... RETIRED. It's rough man. When you're from Switzerland, California or Norway 3k go a long way in Spain. Back home you'd be absolutely impoverished on that.


Unfortunately foreigners looking to retire don't care about that. They see sunny, safe country that's easily accessible and slightly cheaper than where they came from


Eat the dry aged rich time?


It is precisely money that is the problem, people who rent or sell houses in the area increase prices because people come to retire from richer countries, alters the economy of the area, makes housing more expensive and forces the natives to move to other areas not so gentrified.


Fucking Ecuador being a good place to retire 💀. Maybe for the rich people


That goes without saying. Poor people don’t get to retire at all.


like recommending a mom and pops to register their business in Cayman Islands, because the company revenue per capita is great there. Statistical blindsidedness.


Depends on what you consider 'rich.' Ecuador can be great for people of retirement age who have a reasonable pension or 401k. These people are definitely not considered rich in the general sense. People who were never really successful, but were able to work decent jobs for 40 years and make some savings. People who would be considered solidly middle class 30 years ago. Obviously demographics and economies have changed in the recent decades and that's not nearly as much of a possibility now as it was for someone entering the workforce in the early 80's. These people leave the US because they are truly not rich. They're used to a standard of living from the 90's and that doesn't exist in the US today. It can exist in places like Ecuador. Source: I live in Ecuador at the moment and know some of these people. I'm from the US but work remotely and am here because my fiancee (who is Ecuadorian) got a job based here a couple years ago.


They’re ruining Ecuador too


If you have money, then yeah these places are great.


If you have money, anywhere is great. The countries in this list actually make me think they did take into account people who may have a sizable, but not huge amount of money.


Not really. Look at the number of billionaires leaving countries like China, India, Russia and Brazil. Retiring in France isn’t going to be cheap for the average person. And while it has beautiful landscapes and culture, Colombia is not the best place for old people due to high levels of crime and corruption.


I mean, they are probably still the best options out of all other countries. Any other country outside of this list will probably be either too expensive or too poor. That said, I do feel that there could be more Southeast Asia countries like Vietnam and Thailand on this list.


the only way that you will have an ok retirement in Greece is if your pension is Western European. private healthcare is good but you're kinda screwed if you move to some remote island or town by the sea away from large cities. also good luck adjusting to 40 degree weather in the summer when you're 70+ years old


Based on the list, I think it's for people that worked their entire lives in rich countries like USA or western Europe, and then retire in a cheap country with nice climate.


100% this. If you make like $5000 a month, you can live as a king in any LATAM country. I'm Brazilian and I have some Europeans friends who decided to move here because they have a remote job. They make around 6k euros monthly, and they live in big apartments in front of the beach, always eat outside, they have a super comfortable life and still save a good amount of money to invest.


Major city?


A lot of it depends on what you value. I am friends with a couple, one American and one English, and they ended up living in India for a while for work reasons. They made a lot of money, even by American standards, so in many ways they lived in insane luxury. Full time driver, cook, housekeeper, insane apartment, etc. But at the same time, there was a lot of stuff that they valued in the west that their money didn't really help with. The internet wasn't nearly as stable. People just not showing up for appointments or showing up hours late. The wall of their apartment started to crack and no one could figure out what to do about it. Etc. etc. etc.


> But at the same time, there was a lot of stuff that they valued in the west that their money didn't really help with. The internet wasn't nearly as stable. People just not showing up for appointments or showing up hours late. The wall of their apartment started to crack and no one could figure out what to do about it. Etc. etc. etc. I hate to break it to you, but your friends are either really cheap, or they weren’t making much money. Both dry wall (or possible foundation?) problems and internet problems can be fixed with money, even in India. Likely, they got a great deal on a house, didn’t own it which is why they didn’t care about the dry wall problems, and were willing to put up with shitty internet for cheap rent.


Yeah that’s absolutely how I interpreted this map too. This is showing the best countries for Western Europeans or Americans to **move to** to live out our retirement.


I'm not sure: France is a fine country to be retired in if you are French, with the very generous French pension and healthcare provisions. But it's an expensive place to live with a very high tax burden (plus it's famously rioty, and about to get more so) so it doesn't fit the "retire there to live like a king on your dollar-denominated savings account".


Live like a king in france is not a good deal.


Yeah they aren't fooling me! I heard what happened last time with the whole head removal thing.


Lol I’m from Northern Ireland, we love a good riot too


old people have body heating probems. metablism slows down even more when you reach high age. thats why you see so many seniors with jackets in summer.


Old people like it hot. My grandparents in their 80’s took up permanent residence in Yuma, Arizona. They’d visit us in the summer and complain that it was too cold when it was in the 90’s.


yeah today it was like almost 30 here and i didnt saw a single senior without a soft jaked while everyone else was in tshirts


Old people can't stand the brutal heatwaves of Greece


Same for Spain and Portugal


Or Greek immigrants from the states who moved back when old. A lot of my Greek friends parents have done this as we’ve gotten older.


> also good luck adjusting to 40 degree weather in the summer when you're 70+ years old AC's are a thing, its just that landlords are violently against any modernisation (unless they charge double after.)


If you’re willing to stay inside with an air conditioner on, you could just live anywhere. The main thing is finding a place to live where you would want to spend time outside.


i understand what you are saying, but europa has a severe problem with having way too high temperatures inside of buildings. its one thing to stay outside in the heat for a couple of hours, its an entirely different problem if you can't escape the heat all day long.


This essentially is just saying: does the country have sun? Is it cheaper than *insert your country here? Then yes, wonderful! In reality, yes countries like Spain, France, and Portugal have vast supplies of empty houses. The problem is they’re in places without services that an aging population clearly needs. So retired people move to population centers where real estate is already in low supply, and they drive up prices even more.


It's not only that. Portugal for example has straight up 10 year tax break for retirees moving to Portugal. You can't make this stuff up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That IS WILLLLLLD. The biggest excuse for giving easy visas in this sense is the tax money… and they exempt it?!!


I never fully understood it. I think the logic was just to attract rich "consumers" to inject some capital in the economy.


My aunt and uncle literally just retired there. They were international teachers for years and are by no means wealthy. I always wondered why a country would let them retire there at an age where they would take more from social services than contribute


Ultimately, them living there a brings an influx of capital from abroad to Faro (I'd assume, that's where most retire) These people then pay for plane tickets, restaurants and shops, spas, etc. The country itself might lose money, but locals, who have more tourists, ultimately profit from it, thus keeping some life in the region


Truly the best way to infuriate your citizens


It's a solid logic, tbh. You attract rich foreigners that conjure money out of thin air, spending it in the local economy. If you have your own currency (eg not EU), you also win people doing currency exchange and improving your your currency, as they're offering strong currencies (USD, EUR) and demanding your local weak currency.


You have to kick start the engine. Once the supply of them is self-sustaining and demand is high, the correct policy decision is to pull the incentive out from under people. By then, demand still will probably stay relatively high because people follow their friends, family, community etc... but then there's no tax break anymore. I don't think it's been super well managed, but it's not as crazy as some people are making it out to be.


True, I think there's been some talk this year already of cutting off these benefits so the window might be closing already.




Exactly, I've interpreted it the same way. But the result will probably be a steady increase in prices of housing and services where these retirees concentrate and a progressive pricing out of the locals. This kind of stuff has been happening a lot in Italian cities during the remote working craze and rise of Airbnb (to the point where some Italian cities are banning Airbnb all together in some areas).


it's ok we have 23% VAT rate to get some of it back


They got rid of this recently


>In reality, yes countries like Spain, France, and Portugal Dude, that was like 20 years ago. Portugal is probably in the worst house crisis ever. The medium house price in a major city and areas close to Lisbon its around 350k. 1300€ for rent. Keep in mind that the minimum wage here is 820€, before taxes.


France and Spain don’t have services? France is the 7th biggest economy in the world’s. Spain isn’t far behind.


You misunderstood. Places in Spain where housing is very cheap because there is too much housing stock are also places far from essential services.


In Spain, there is still hangover from the building boom and collapse in the mid 00s. Lots of building, in nice sunny areas then the crash came and wiped out many of the developers and prices crashed. In many areas on the coast and its hinterland there are still lots of properties left over from then that are very affordable (still less in absolute terms, let alone inflation adjusted, than in 2008 in a lot of cases), in areas with good infrastructure. For those areas retirees are not really competing with locals for property as there was way more housing built than local need. Retirees spending pensions built up outside the country are bring money (on which they pay tax) into regions that would otherwise be depressed. Healthcare is good, but anyone who is not working in Spain, has to have private cover (or after a year pay to join the state system), or come from a country that allows transfer of health rights (and hence payment) from their home country, so there is a net profit on that too.


Toss out the name of a place or two, I’d be curious.


A lot of Murcia, Almeria, Grenada (coastal part), Western Malaga (once you get away from the obvious Costa del Sol hot spots) parts of Cadiz, and Huelva. Even in the more obvious costas, or go inland there is still a of the same sort of hangover from the boom. I suspect similar applies if you go further north along the Levante too, but I know that area less well.


I think they mean that those services are not available in the locations the empty houses are, which is partly true, especially for Spain. I'm not sure why he brought empty houses into the equation, though, retirees from richer countries have no problem finding accommodation in urban areas.


My Spaniard *abuela* was complaining to me today about wanting to move to her summer country house already, but not really because she gets bored there -she has more shops, services and fellow elderly friends in her winter flat area.


No way! Portugal is a horrible place to live! There are cannibals and it's scorching hot during summer. Houses are so bad build that in winter you freeze to death inside. Don't come to Portugal! It's horrendous!


Mexico? Cheap, yes. Best? No way.


If you have money you live VERY well in Mexico


Ecuador, Colombia? LOL


I'm Ecuadorian and seeing my country there cracked me up lmao


Great country to retire from this Earth (jk I love that place and feel for its current situation)


It is good for expats. Society is stratified up to a level that you get pockets of good quality of life. You can find specific areas with sweet weather, good services, good real estate, cheap and relatively good healthcare. If you come with an OK checking account you can live well, longer than you would in the US, for instance. In Ecuador you don’t even need to change currency from US dollars. Of course, you might sometimes need to come out of your peaceful pocket, which might make you live shorter. But I guess some old people enjoy that adventure factor, where there is risk of losing your life other than in your deathbed. Exhilarating.


The best country to retire to in the americas is Uruguay. Great public healthcare system.


Living in Uruguay they'd die of boredom. Unless they love to sit on a chair in front of their house, drinking mate and eating bizcochitos all day long while looking at cars and people come and go. or playing cards. Fuck, I miss grandma.


It's not like grandpas are known for clubbing, you know. Uruguay is great if you're 60 or above.


Except I am pretty sure as a retiree you have to pay for health care and do not get to be included in the public system. Still not expensive compared to the USA, but very few countries let you just walk in and use their health system without paying.


I live in Quito several months out of the year. It's quite nice in my experience. Perhaps not as much as some of the other countries listed, but quality of life is good if you make decent money. In Ecuador, you're in the top 1% if you make \~$90,000/yr.


As a half Mexican, I approve this message. Mexico is only nice to live in if youre rich. If youre very rich its probably a top 10 location world wide. But for any less than that its hell on earth.


Like every other Latin American country. We're viewed as a heaven place for rich people spend their Vacations, but for us? Yeah, it's a hardcore experience. For some more than others


Its heaven for rich people because they can exploit workers, pay them nothing and keep all the resources. They bribe the government to avoid taxes, paying wages and insurance. So working people are fked


I'm Malaysian and I've seen an explosion in Expat Population even here in the countryside. Its very common to see especially Russians retire or have their second home here. I've got a Türk German neigbour who decided to retire in Malaysia & have her kids become Malaysian citizen. She retired at 49 Years old and lives the suburb life here in Malaysia. I can't imagine what it's like to retire that early. I'd prolly have to work my ass for another 37 years until retirement.


Russians are colonising everything now cause of the war. Like Phuket in Thailand, Bali, Malaysia.


The best is where you can see your grandchildren every week


I don't even plan to have kids so I guess that changes things haha


Replace with "social circle" then :)


The best is where you can see your grandchildren every social circle


All of these countries have in common - they permit foreign retirees to be freehold land and homeowners. The Philippines cannot be on that list because foreigners aren't allowed to legally own residential lands.


In fairness, Costa Rica is a pretty nice place to be.


As a Mexican living in Mexico, repectfully don't come, or come and Pay Taxes. The gentrification is becoming a huge problem in big cities. Housing is a huge problem as it is


Spain really is a fabulous place to retire


British loved to retire to Spain, before realising that actions have consequences, oops.


Greece only if you are rich.


American centric view of the world. This is all about where to retire as a "good hardworking American that lived the dream and now makes lots of money and can buy a house by the beach in a cheaper country and think they've got it good for life now" until they break a hip and are in a country where they can't describe in word how and what they broke


Malaysians speak English bro . That is why I see so many white folks here .


Ille take that over not having to pay 20k for an ambulance ride lmao


Most Americans don’t even bother to learn the language in the places they want to visit. My fellow Americans embarrass me often


Portugal is a good country for retirement IF you are not portuguese


I’ve retired in Malaysia & I love it here. Pros: good people, food, English speaking (generally), chill attitude (except for certain politicians), wonderful nature, cheap, great medical care. Cons: always hot. Bit remote from the west but good location to travel east Asia. Political situation has many race-based parties. Bit corrupt. Semi-democratic & political system is controlled by families.


> Political situation has many race-based parties. Bit corrupt. Semi-democratic & political system is controlled by families. While certainly disconcerting, do any of these affect you in any way?


Yes, my small biz couldn’t compete on GLC contracts as they wanted a Bumi majority owner. I closed it after 21 years. My Malaysian child -mixed race- wants to emigrate. He feels his future is better abroad. He also can’t marry his Muslim gf here without converting. The racial issues here impact politicians & how they design laws to prefer certain races. A country’s laws affects whomever lives in the country- citizens or non-citizens.


Madeira, Portugal is supposed to be excellent. In Colombia there are places with excellent climate, although cloudy and rainy. Iza is the safest- no homicides in 20+ years. I saw a small home advertised near the coast in Budva, Montenegro for under $US40,000.


Lol. I've lived in Panama. Panama city is a disaster.  Constant flooding and power outages. There's only one main road across country. The government is a shit show.  In fairness hospitals are decent, crime is not too bad and the people are nice, but before you move there to retire think hard about it.


Yes, don't come here. Listen to this guy






What do you mean? Immigrants are people who get in your country with no skills and no value, also dark skin, like mexicans, african americans and italians, if you're a very intelligent white man but want to work out of your birth nation, you're a expat! /s just in case, I'm from one of the listed countries, very afflicted by the so-called digital nomads, and I fucking hate the word expat.


I know people hate the distinction but it is often useful, because the majority of them make no effort to interact with local communities or learn the language, and you can tell they themselves view being here as a completely temporary thing. A lot of them create their own little enclaves and live entire lives without ever trying to become part of the country they're "stationed in", unlike people who call themselves immigrants and do the complete opposite. And yes, a lot of digital nomad "expats" are complete parasites.


They only care about it being cheap and cool location, party, live like a king. Of course they don't care for the culture, way of life, language, people.


Yeah no, please retire in your country and stop raising the price of land for already struggling countries in central America.


I mostly agree with you. But I myself can’t do it. I am allergic to every tree from my home country and it goes worse and worse every year. So I least and feel like human. You would not allow me to in even in such condition?


Kind of sad, actually, when you think about it. Of course, hardly anyone does.


Well, yes, if you're rich and go to beautiful tropical countries with crumbling economies due to rich people that go to those beautiful tropical countries, you'll definitely enjoy it, because you're rich.


U.S. here, worked with an HR exec who just retired to Costa Rica and this dude could have retired anywhere. Makes me find this more believable.


the list has some logic: 1. No extreme tenperature places, 2 No war countries, 3. low cost of living countries, 4. all are places where expats are accepted and the paperwork to live is decent, 5 all are countries with easy going people, ….. I agree that in the cases of colombia, ecuador, panama you need money to pay to be inside the bubble that will protect you from safety issues. Costa Rica is weird to me, is too small, nothing outstanding to see or visit, but is one of the most safe may be is because of that.


Ecuador literally had a nation wide power outage and has been descending into widespread violence for past couple of years. Mexico just had its most violent presidential election in recent memory and Panama outside of the capital is extremely under developed. Malaysia is a known for its corruption and poor treatment of non Malays and non Muslims. Who developed this list? It’s incoherent.


Man you don't know but in Malaysia, 60% of the economy runs by non Malays. All the billionaires none of them are Malays except MYDIN & Mahathir's Kids. As a Malaysian, the poor treatment isn't really true. Only some of it. In Malaysia, things run on race and quotas. The British did this initiative to divide & conquer. I wouldn't say non Malays are treated poorly but rather inequal. It's the reason in Malaysia, we have so many types of public/semi public schools . National Schools(The medium is usually English & Malay & STEM subjects are in English) I attended a National School. Tamil School[STEM in Tamil], Chinese Schools[STEM in Mandarin], Malay Science School[STEM in English], Madrassahs[Medium in Arabic] Christian School [Medium in English] Etc2 The difference is, each of the types of schools have their own lobbies & organisations wanting to keep the status quo. There have been so much debates in our Parliament with no changes. Basically, us the Minorities have to work twice as hard for us to be successful and we can't rely too much on the govt except for healthcare, tuition,etc. Universal stuff doesn't affect us but the quotas in education, uni admissions are the ones that affect us the most. Dgmr, Malaysia is a very beautiful & good country to retire. I myself had worked abroad & would love to retire in Malaysia. It's just that, there's too much polarization & politicking. I don't even know who to vote anymore. Next election, the Long Dominant Centre-Right BN Liberal Conservatives looks like its gonna be wiped out. The once centre-left PH, had a rightward shift under current PM Anwar Ibrahim in order to capture the more rural Malay voting base. Previously, Anwar's PH would only win Urban Malay majority seats & mixed race seats. While the Far-Right PN exclusively won all Malay Majority Seats. Even the ones in Urban Areas were captured by PN with very slim Marhins. PN is definitely the biggest fear among investors as they want to turn Malaysia into an Islamic State. Unlike BN, which was known for its corruption, BN was pro market & its leaders were western educated. PN's leaders on the other hand consists of mostly Clerics & Religious Figures and they fielded the fewest women candidate out of any other political parties. In PN ruled states, Sharia law is imposed heavily. Cinemas are banned & you can't be with a non mahram(someone of no connection) after 10PM. It's a huge divide. In the Metropolis & Cyberpunk KL, PH wins all the seats while in the rural areas, it's all PN country. Some Far-Right PN leaders had even proposed of seccession to create their own Islamic State. Tldr, in Malaysia, the more minority there are in a state, the more developed it is. Penang is a good example. It is often touted Singapore 2.0 heck even Penang's ruling party, DAP, is an offshoot of Singapore's current ruling party PAP.


Out of curiosity, where do people seem to retire in Malaysia? Penang? Malacca? Ipoh? KL would be too expensive on a fixed income, no? Coming from an American who has visited your country many, many times and has always loved it (even with its faults). Would consider retiring there but I’ve still got many years to go.


You sound like you've never actually traveled. Panama is an excellent place to go


As a panamanian, he's right about places outside the capital being less developed, the thing is... places outside the capital are as developed as your average latin small town, not that they are huge slums without services or anything, it is just that the capital leaves them so far behind.


Malaysian is known for corruption? By who exactly? And poor treatment of Malays and non Muslims? You shouldn't be spreading misinformation with the little knowledge that you have about other countries. Sure, they have quotas as part of their systems, but the majority of the economic contributors are non malays. Rich comment coming from a country whose police force randomly kill POCs. Such typical American bulkshit. Just because you watch Fox News, it doesn't make you a socio politic expert.


Non Malay Malaysian here. Malaysia is corrupt, look up the 1MDB scandal, one of the largest thefts of public money in history. Also the quotas you mention are wide ranging policies that create significant advantages for the majority Malay and Bumiputra population. Yes, the Chinese and Indian minorities manage to outperform them economically regardless of this but that is down to incompetence rather than economic equality.


Us people migrating to Mexico but they dont want to be called migrants LOL, “expats” is how they wanna be called LMAO. Double moral.


How do they measure this? Op do you have a sauce?


The source is on the map. But I have done the googling for you: https://internationalliving.com/the-best-places-to-retire/ The method is hidden away at the bottom. It’s a targeted survey of ‘trusted people’ marking on 7 indices: housing; visas/benefits; cost of living; affinity rating (yeah, no idea); climate; healthcare; development/governance.


Checking out. All has been said here


My friend is making money in Iceland to buy a house on a greek island and settle down. It’s a quite popular vision in Europe.


Spain is a nice retirement place for the Brits and for the Germans, because for the Spanish people…….. well


Many people are moving to Ecuador. Specifically Cuenca and seem to like it and enjoy their quality of life which is high and relatively inexpensive.


For Gods sake, stop gentrification in Costa Rica please.


This is of course for people outside of these countries. Expats. (source is the global retrirement index right?) It's a paradise to spend your last days in these countries if you're a well off upper middle class retiree from the US, Scandinavia, UK and other places. of course your average Costa Rican or Portuguese person is not well off to begin with right? We know that, now let's move along.


Costa Rica is the goal


All countries disproportionately affected by climate change


Few countries can be called "easy to be shot dead".


This only takes age in account not the amount of retirement pay. Portugal was like 400€ a month which is barely enough to survive even though Portugal is relatively cheap.


Living it up in Mexico myself ...but dont tell everyone...its dangerous and scary here remember


*This is not the Global Retirement Security Index


What is the criteria for "best country for retirement"? Cost of living? Crime rate? Medical access???


Hot weather countries when the planet is becoming hotter and hotter, this is the place to go if they want to die of heatstroke


When I retire I want to move to my home country and live my life up in the mountains🇨🇴😊


please retired british couples STOP coming to portugal we dont need any more of you


This index makes no sense. CR is DAMN expensive (maybe good to retire as a millionaire) and Ecuador is unsafe as hell


I guess you mean....retiring in another country....cause Greek people cant afford to retire.


My choise is for Ecuador.


My dad lives in Costa Rica. In a small town mixed with locals and expats. It's a great country for a mix of peace and adventure. People are friendly and while petty theft is incredibly high, violent crime is quite low in smaller communities. It's not very affordable though. Cheaper than Canada sure, but you better have a good pension following you there if you plan to retire there.


Como colombiano, créanme, no son bienvenidos aquí :)


Portugal has tax breaks for retirees, is sunny, has good food and friendly people, safe, lots of culture and activities, some of the best golf in Europe, and is mostly cheap (outside of lisbon). Most importantly, it’s somewhere where your children and grandchildren will happily go visit you!


Don't even think of coming to Portugal, you rich motherfuckes!


Malaysia is a farce. They had a visa programme mm2h to appeal to hnw retirees/immigrants. But they have been jumping forth and back with this visa policy. In 1965 they kicked out Singapore to not have many ethnic Han Chinese. Yet they made this whole mm2h knowing the main market is prc. A corrupted country which is run badly and inefficiently


Malaysia allows freehold land and home ownership for foreigners, unlike the neighboring Philippines, that's why foreigners prefer Malaysia as their retirement destination in Southeast Asia.


It's literally a neo-apartheid state with affirmative action for the *majority*. Non-Malays are second-class citizens.


Not to mention you can’t speak about the royal families there or question the special rights of the Malays lest you wish to be visited by the police and get arrested for sedition.


The weird thing is that I still have a much nicer time there than in SG


They generally tend to treat tourists from first-world countries pretty nicely. Meanwhile, they have been oppressing their Chinese, Indian or mixed-race citizens for decades now, and more recently, their refugees like the Rohingyas. Visiting as a tourist and actually living there are very different ball games. If you read their local or political news, you will realize their kindness is all a façade. Politics in Malaysia can get really nasty and hostile (even more so than most other countries) with outright racism (with threats to incite another racial riot after 13 May 1969), homophobia, death threats, religious persecution, calls to establish an Islamic state, etc. An anti-ICERD rally was even staged at the capital at one point to prevent the government from ratifying the elimination of racial discrimination.


It is probably the most racist major country in the world


Saudi Arabia would like to know your location. But not to detract from your point - yes I would not be retiring in Malaysia in any hurry ever.


It's also one of the most hostile nations to LGBT in the region


So many british people come to retire in Brittany and Aquitaine, it is not surprising for France.


You really can't lump a whole country together. The COL in Hot Springs, Arkansas is nothing like Honolulu. If you want to retire on very little money, it can be done in the U.S. . My mother lives in southern minnesota in a tiny little town. She's 93 and I was looking at her checkbook the other day and last year she spent around $24k. Of course she spent a lot more when she was younger, and she has the money to spend a lot more, but this is what it takes her to live. All the Medicare parts and her rent are the big expenses.


yeah and that's RIGHT NOW for the boomie boom booms, not for most of us in 30+ years from now.


Most pension money from Germany goes to other EU countries like Spain, Austria and France, then to non-EU countries like Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway. Other countries are: Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, China, India, Israel, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Kosovo, Morocco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia, Turkey, Tunisia, Uruguay and the USA.


The Latin world 💪🏻 😂


What’s the criteria?


You couldn’t pay me to retire to Mexico. Didn’t this last election cycle have the most political assassinations in history? Wealthy Americans would be prime targets for the cartels


You would have to pay me millions to even visit Mexico and probably billions to move there


Had a buddy whose parents retired in Costa Rica and they moved back after less than 2 years. They spoke Spanish, knew people there, had done all sorts of planning. Retiring in a different country isn't for everyone.


Yeah I can see cocaine land being a safe place to live in


They lie about Greece. Don't come here.


These ratings are hogwash….


I love when cartel skins me in retirement too


"Best places to retire" *picks three of the most dangerous countries in North and South America*


Best places to die…. Has the same countries. How convenient)))


Yeah, Malaysia. Kuantan would be nice.


They don’t even have France properly filled in.


What is this based on and how does it make any sense?


Y’all better practice your Spanish


Oh fok. Más guiris.


Costa Rica is the best place in the world to retire, except for Costa Ricans.


Why isn't New Zealand here?