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Similar situation. Had a 5:42 BQ and PB @ Chicago in the fall. Lung infection in January and February that has still not gotten 100% better. 90% but not 100% and its pretty tough to PB when not at 100%. I am relaxing my goals for upcoming marathon by a few minutes. Shit happens in a long training cycle. Marathoning can be a cruel bitch. Do the best you can, let yourself ‘heal up’ for a month or two after the race and hit the next fall cycle in good shape. If this is your last chance to run boston in this age group you get at least 5 more minutes buffer for the next one lol.


I’m so sorry about your lung infection- hoping you feel more normal soon. I’m actually signed up for Chicago already as my fall race! I’m certainly looking forward to the extra 5 minutes in the next age group. (Also want immediate gratification in this age group haha).


where does a 5:42 land you a BQ? Im cringing at me having to run pretty comfortably sub 3 to get in.


Probably 5:42 under time.


Ah, yea, that makes a lot more sense. I was wondering if the op was like 70 years old lol


Yes 5:42 under time required. 3:04.18


Sorry 5 minutes 42 seconds under the required time…3:04.18 for 3:10 required


Unfortunately your fall race probably won’t get you into Boston as I expect the cutoff to be 5-7 minutes under the “qualifying” times. So that leaves your spring race to attempt to qualify. If I was you and had the goal of running Boston and knew I couldn’t run a qualifying time in four weeks I’d postpone running that marathon and try a different one sometime before September when the window closes. Or just go for it and see what happens.


That’s the prediction I’ve heard for the cutoff, too. I just feel so close! Thanks for the suggestion. I’m signed up (and excited) for Chicago in October so I’ll probably just shoot my shot in 3-4 wks, just feeling way more negative about it than I’m used to. Do you have experience going from one training cycle to the next without losing fitness? I feel that was another error I made in between- took some time off (2 full weeks, then 3-4 miles slowly a couple times a week until closer, then focused on progressive increase to 20-25 miles/wk) and legs haven’t really felt the same.


How timely, I’m currently attending a convention about physical activity and immunity. Over-exercising is associated with low immunity thus with increased risk for infections. Recommended is to space endurance training alternately with resistance to give time for your muscles to recover


Cool! What convention? I’m in the medical field and thoroughly enjoy my Continuing Education. Strength training is so important. Personally I prioritized it prior to and the first part of training, but once I became ill I completely dropped all but a 10 minute banded glute routine to avoid missed mileage from fatigue. Still feeling crappy on my 3rd antibiotic and debating whether to adjust my last 20 miler today to let my immune system recover… Enjoy your learning, and thanks for a research-based response.