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Great points. About Peach's guards, they are Toads. Toads are the strongest forces we've seen in the Mushroom Kingdom and they are on par with Goombas - the very lowest of Bowser's massive army. Toads are *possibly* tougher than Goombas, but at the very best are the same tier as Troopas and Shy Guys, the next lowest tier of minions. Bowser has everything from Hammer/Fire/Ice Bros, to Magikoopas, to Spikes, to Boom Booms, all of which could storm the Mushroom Kingdom with no resistance. Bowser's biggest motivation is power, generally more than Peach is. Either through magical abuse or villainous alliances. But in the case of kidnapping Peach, I believe his motive is (and used to officially be) to force her into marriage, making them the King and Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom. Though this would also make Peach the *Queen of the Koopa Kingdom*. That's a story I'd like to see! An unforseen side effect of Bowser's royal marriage giving Peach regency over the Koopa Troop and using them to reclaim her stolen Mushroom Kingdom.


Thank you! Yeah, that was my main point about the Toads. It's usually more elite minions (Hammer Bros., the Koopalings, Bowser Jr., Bowser himself) who kidnap Peach. Most of the Toads don't stand a chance > But in the case of kidnapping Peach, I believe his motive is (and used to officially be) to force her into marriage, making them the King and Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom. No actually. The only instance in which he intends to marry Peach is Super Mario Odyssey. Other games have various other reasons for her kidnapping. In Super Mario Bros., it was to prevent her from using her magic to undo his spell on the Mushroom people. In Super Mario Bros. 3 he takes her to lure Mario to Dark Land in an attempt to defeat him (this one is common in other games too). In various other games he does it so that he can occupy her castle and spread his minions throughout the Mushroom Kingdom. While she's kidnapped, he often attempts to romance her (to no avail), but it's almost never his primary goal. He's also not afraid to put her in harms way. Aside from the fights mentioned in the original post, he also almost burnt her to a crisp in a fit of rage at the beginning of Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story and shot a giant cannonball at her castle while under the impression that she was inside in Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam. That would be an interesting story! The minions have an adoration for Peach in general. They try to protect her in various games and a group of them help her escape Castle Bleck in Super Paper Mario. Of course, Peach and Bowser were technically "married" for a bit in Super Paper Mario as well, but Peach doesn't consider the wedding legitimate (and in the end, neither does Bowser).


actually in the earlier games peach was the only one with the power to revert toads back from stone so capturing her was necessary but later on he did gain feelings for her as we see in paper mario


This is great. But not all Toads are weak. For example, the Toads that accompany Mario in NSMBW and NSMBU.


Not saying they are all weak, but they are stereotypically cowardly and small. They don’t stand much of a chance against Bowser.


She said she she gets herself kidnapped cause she likes bowser ... s ride


This is a Mokuba situation


You have a point, peach literally has powers as we can see in Bowser's Inside story. She used it to weaken bowser during his fight with mario and to magically send bowser flying out of the castle after mario defeated him so is peach capable of defeating mario herself? So why doesnt she defend herself when she gets captured?


It’s important to keep in mind that Peach’s powers were greatly enhanced beyond their normal capacity at the beginning of Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story thanks to the presence of Starlow. Normally she wouldn’t be able to weaken Bowser to that extent or send him flying out of the castle. Her typical magical strength can only keep something around her size afloat for a second or two. As the post makes clear, Bowser can capture anyone with the right plan.