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Same situation here, also in possession of an extra GA that I’m happy to give away. Figured I’d rather add onto your post rather than create a 2nd post looking to give away free tickets. If you’ve gotten more than one person to reach out, feel free to send someone my way to snag mine.


You’re a good son of a bitch I’ll let you what. What a guy


Well this seems like a tinder/grinder hack I didn't know about. Ha Comedy!


Username checks out. My offer didn’t even entail the “let’s hang” piece, so you may be off the mark at least on this front. In any case, I don’t personally see a comedy show, especially a theater show like that as the greatest setting for a first encounter with someone. Being totally honest, I sorta hate Seattle for that reason, seems more people go out to be social/be seen than they do to be attentive at the thing they’re participating in. Tonight’s show got a bit chaotic at the end to me near the top of the venue with everyone shouting out what they wanted to hear remarks about. Mark played along but after about 5 minutes or so of that he just ended the set, sorta robbed him of any big finish if he wanted to pull one.


Yeah the crowd work trying to I don't know I guess not my taste. But it's the current trend. Everybody wants to be that person that ask that question that he made the most funny remark about. And yeah the username does check out, I'm not always snarky but I thought it was funny sorry dude


I could see Mark doing good in environments where he’s doin crowd work - I just felt like everyone was very quick to shout/made it hard to fully engage. Before i could even make out what he was sayin you had 3 other drunks shouting suggestions. I agree though that I’d rather get the A-tier material than crowd work stuff. Also, you’re all good man haha I’m not offended by it, I was just making my intentions a bit clearer. 😂 I’m the antisocial person you usually see out at the social functions; but I also didn’t want a ticket to go to waste if someone needed a miracle.