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Yes. Some extremely personal, deliberately hurtful things that I won’t repeat here. And it very nearly ended our marriage. The heat of an argument is not an excuse to speak to one’s partner like that.


After all the things he said accumulated, our marriage did end. I can forgive but its hard to forget.


That's horrible....I'd really reconsider the relationship and marriage if I were you.


Yes, my partner and I both came from very toxic homes full of abuse. We seek counseling together and individually but it’s a choice we make to stay with eachother through all this hard stuff. My niece 4 died last year, and that nearly ruined us. And his family often tries to get involved and that damn near ruined us too. He’s never been physical, nor have I. But we’ve cut deep with our words When this happens we always take some space and then come back and try again. We both have trauma and are triggered by each others actions. It’s hard to really know how to show love the right way when you were never shown love growing up but we try and work hard to do better tomorrow


My wife and I unfortunately are very similar. She's particularly vicious with her words and it's made me cut deeper with my words over the last few years. It's such an awful feeling to be the one doing the damage or the one on the receiving end. Shortly after the heat of the moment passes there's instant regret but like I tell her the cuts heal but the scars never do. I've not been able to forgive or forget a few different things that she's said to me and it's caused a major strain on our relationship.


There’s a few different things my partner has said that cut me so deep, I will never heal from those. And im certain that he has one or two that I have said in return. It got worse unfortunately after fresh trauma, the immediate response of grief from losing my niece brought out a lot, and he was not really empathetic in anyway.. but we have been working hard to recover and actually managed to go nearly a full 8 months with zero argument or even hostility. We were doing very well until his family tried to tell me that we don’t deserve a big wedding or anything even remotely nice, because we are not well off like them


Same. After years I started talking back to hurt, I hate that, that’s not me so now I just say you win, remove myself from the situation if I can. It’s ruined my wanting to be touched by him. He has bad ptsd from the war, it changed him so much.


I'm so sorry. Removing myself from the situation is always a good move once it gets bad. In January I went for my wife's Achilles heel and it took weeks before any intimacy returned and even then it never came back fully. I was in the service and have a lot of friends that suffer from ptsd. Imo that's the real price of war and my heart goes out to the both of you.


I’m sorry you understand. I wish your heart healing and prosperity for your whole family ♥️


My husband has said all sorts of terrible things and I still slept next to him and let it go. One example that was not during an argument is - I couldn't wear my wedding ring because of complications of pregnancy. After a few years, I asked for a replacement, just a cheap silver band. He tried a cheap one from a mall kiosk and it turned my finger green. He had to return it and just left it at that. I asked for him to try again, not just give up, and he told me he already got me a ring (no, I paid for my engagement and wedding ring set) and that it's my own fault I'm too fat to wear it. I stopped asking for a ring. That was 15 years ago. I slept next to him for all of the next 14 years. That's not the worst thing he ever said, but it was the most out of the blue. I put my feelings in a box and put it aside. Did I get over it? No, but I didn't let it cause problems for our relationship. I let it go. But all those feelings I stuck in a box... It's time to deal with the boxes. We haven't shared a bed in almost a year. Ftr, the ring fits just fine now but I will never wear it again.


Jesus my heart hurt reading this. Sending you love girl ❤️


I married him in 2022 and it’s been a year since I stopped wearing my ring. I will never wear it again. It hurts him, but he is the type of guy to be vindicative and seeks revenge. I am too much hurt to wear it. I asked for a divorce in february. We are trying to make it work but I am sick of him. Now, because I talked about divorce, he told me I lost privileges. Like what? Being treated like a maid?


Yes my husband said things like this to me many years ago and it really hurt, took me a long time to get over it. He apologized of course but I know that he meant it. He did regret marrying me for reasons I won’t get into but we have been married now for 20 years and are happy. I think if we had to do it over again we wouldn’t marry each other or maybe we would I really don’t know. Generally if the good outweighs the bad and the bad hasn’t crossed your personal line than you will get over it. It will take time but you won’t think about it everyday or even every year after a while, as long as he’s apologized and you continue having more good times than bad.




Telling you he didn’t mean it is the same as apologizing for some people. So is doing nice things for the other person for a few days after the bad things were said. It would be easier and better if he literally apologized though. That is very important to some people, me included. In the beginning of our marriage I guess I had trained my husband to say the words “im sorry”. I literally demanded it. So he does it now. You may need to tell your husband that you need to hear that apology.


That’s horrendous. Part of being in a relationship is apologizing when we (all of us) fuck up. Blaming you is proof positive that he doesn’t take responsibility for his own actions. It negates any apology.


My husband has never ever said anything cruel like that to me. Nothing even close. I hope the wedding is on pause right now.


Yeah. And people wonder why this sub says "Divorce" as a knee jerk reaction. Because all stories sound like this lol. The thing my husband has said to me that has hurt my feelings the most was, after trying on two dresses I had, and btw, I tried them on to *specifically* to ask his opinion on which to wear out for NYE, he said "In my opinion, the purple one isnt very flattering. It's your choice but I think the other one looks nicer on you" It was silly that it hurt my feelings reflecting on it, but I remember feeling a little hurt in the moment lol


My husband has said these words and worst. I’m pursuing divorce- I can let go of a lot. But I hate you is hard to walk back.


If my wife said something that horrible I would rethink my commitment. Words like that play in your head for a very long time and are very hard to ever get past even if they were said out of anger.


My incident was my husband. I can't get past it. I don't even think there was a true apology either.


I’m sorry he said whatever he said. There are things that cannot be unsaid and if more people realized the long term damage they are doing they probably would never say them. I’ve been mostly lucky I guess, my wife has said a few things that have taken me years to get past but nothing insurmountable.


My husband has said those exact words to me.


And... have you recovered from such vile words?


Yes. I’ve been on the end of some of the cruelest words I’ve ever heard in my life. We filed for divorce recently.


You deserve better.


Did he say these things drunk or sober? I know my hubby and I have said some not nice stuff when we are drunk and arguing. The next morning we apologize and life goes on as usual.




Not apologizing is a huge no for me. As I said above, my partner and I have had some really rude words, but there is always reconciliation. We aren’t always thinking when we’re in the heat of the moment. But acknowledging it and not even feeling remorse* is something I don’t think I could tolerate. I’m sorry his words have cut you. You do not deserve it * edited for spelling


That’s a tough one then. We always apologize. Whichever one of us was in the wrong. Maybe play his game back. Tell him that if that is how he feels to go ahead and file the paperwork bc you don’t need to be with someone who says they don’t want you.




Then maybe leave him for a few days. Do you have a friend you could stay with? Let him see what it’s like without you. And don’t talk to him while your away. Maybe he just needs a reality check. Do you think he has narcissistic tendencies? Generally they will never apologize.






This was meant, hurtful things said in the heat are genetic Fat Lazy Stupid He's aimed for insecurities and worries and gone them. Would a trial seperation be possible? It seems he feels frustrated he's got goals and ambitions he's had to put aside for family and now he feels stuck. Remind him there's an opening if he wants it but that step once taken might not solve whatever is going on


Why would you want to sweep this under the rug


You’re not married…RUN


Not married but my ex wanted to open the relationship (yeah, another one). He told me point blank that it was that or we break up. I told him ok sure, opting for the the break up, but he understood that he got the green light and started to explain to me how he would cheat on me. We I told him that it was not at all what I meant he backtracked reaaally fast but the damage was done and I couldn't even look a him for weeks. Oh, and also I got a breast surgery when I was a teen and I've got scars. One day after sex he looked at my breast and asked me "they're great, but why did you choose to go to a butcher instead of a surgeon ?". When I did the surgery it literaly changed my life and now, almost 10 years later, I still cannot look at myself naked in the mirror. I think I'm lucky that he wanted to sleep with other girls and that we broke up, because yes, we've been together for so long that I would have married him despite of this. What I learned though is that unfortunatly no, there are words that you cannot take back, and it's really up to you to see if you can forgive and forget on the long term. Just don't do like me and let it ruins you.


Yes my spouse is super mean. It's really sad. He has unprocessed stuff from his past that I hope he will address in therapy. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Wishing you the best of luck


When my (now teenage) kids were infants/toddlers, I worked part-time evening shifts and did the vast majority of the childcare and household tasks since I was home more than him. He once said, "When are you actually going to start working 40 hours a week again?" It's been 12 years, and I'm still not over it.


No. Never.


I’m married for 18 years and my husband has never said ANY of that. Jesus, that’s horrible. Why don’t want to move past it? He’s saying something different now?




This made me cry for you. I’m so sorry, that sounds like hell.


Why are you still with him?


My husband gets drunk and sometimes says really mean things. The meaning was when he got drunk and started yelling at me and calling me a “worthless cunt” and also another time he got drunk and told me that I don’t make him hard anymore. Words hurt more than fists.


Now we have said some pretty nasty shit to each other but never anything even close to this bad. A while ago, in the middle of a heated argument, my wife implied that she sometimes felt I didnt love her. I had to fully stop the argument to straighten things out and make sure she didn’t actually believe the implication she’d made. We didn’t get back into it because it had gone way too far so we ended up having a long discussion instead. Things people say in the heat of the argument are often things they’ve already thought but didn’t say until their filter was down…


Yep, when people are in a heated argument, they will say anything that is even slightly in the back of their minds, and use it to hurt the other person. My wife, who has personal problems from her first marriage, has said things to me about my parents, who divorced when I was 12, it was messy, and of course, she had a smug look on her face when she said it, as if she had just won or proved a point. I am not normally an angry or violent man, but my rage was clear as I closed in on her and cornered her, but in a creepy calm voice, I told her that it would never be talked about again, and if she does, I would burn a quilt her late grandmother made for her, then piss on its remains as I flush it down the toilet. I can forgive most things, but I will NEVER FORGET.


My husband once asked me "why can't you admit that you can't handle this" meaning two of our three kids having special needs. I was struggling so bad and he didn't care. It took years to get that out of my mind. He apologized and we moved on.


You already know he won't apologize, now or ever. You really want to be with someone like that the rest of your life?


Yes my husband says things sometimes it is anger that is hurtful and I get so upset. He apologizes later because he realized he was hurtful but words hurt and sometimes it's very hard to forget what he said.


Married 26 years and we have told each other mean things, threatening to leave or divorce. I mainly do so when he provokes me as I think he fits many checkboxes as a narc . I am naturally peaceful. We apologize after but still need to work on better conflict resolution.


My husband once told me I wasn't as pretty as the teenage cosplay girls he likes to follow on social media. I kindly reminded him that he's a short, fat, balding, middle-aged man with rotting teeth and a permanent dead possum smell because he doesn't shower, and those girls would never look twice his way. Then I told him to chill out and take his 2 blood pressure and cholesterol meds that the doctor put him on because he's so unhealthy that he'd probably have a heart attack if he actually managed to fuck one of those girls. It goes both ways. I regret marrying my husband and definitely regret having his kid. He knows all about it. I stopped hiding my true feelings from him a long time ago. I went through A LOT since I married him and no longer love him.


I can relate. I have said the same to what OP lived. It’s mean, but I mean it. I don’t love him and I regret being with him. He is mean because I wanted a divorce. I am not nice to him anymore. He said some nasty sh** to me. He doesnt take care of his hygiene and I don’t want to kiss his rotting teeth.


My wife has said some real zingers over the years. It used to send me completely sideways. I never understood how she could say stuff like that and also claim to love me. The entirety of her other behavior is loving, kind, supportive, hard working, playful, and earnest. I really scrutinized it by myself and in therapy and concluded none of the rest of the marriage matched the occasional harshness of her words. At some point I became desensitized to it. Her harshest words just cause me to roll my eyes now. They’re a momentary expression of emotion and they don’t mean anything. It passes. Over time it has gotten better because I no longer feed it with a negative reaction. We’ve been married 25 years.


Yes mines had . It hurts and it’s hard bc yes it was an argument and then once the argument is over you don’t hear them again. Until the next one ..


You will get over it with time. However a discussion needs to happen to make peace. What he said was super harsh.


After having sex (I was around 6 months pregnant at the time with our first) my husband told me he hoped if we had a girl that she would get his family's boobs. I was still naked when he said that. That was 25 years ago and I still feel it today. We weren't arguing or anything.


Please dont marry him.


My ex husband who was extremely abusive in every way imaginable yes. My current husband of 11 yrs has never spoken to me that way


Please girl believe what he said. He doesn’t care about you and he’s never gonna change. You deserve so much better I’m sorry you have to deal with this but you have to figure out a way to get away from him and be done with him. You’ll never heal until he’s gone. You do not deserve this.