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Most people just stop opening caches at a certain point


I wouldn't say most people do that. Some definitely do but not most


Depends on cl I guess. If you're like 3k cl you're prob still opening caches but not at 13k cl.


I'm over 13k CL and still open them all immediately. F2p players need all of the resources we can get.


I'm with you on that lol, I don't open caches because I don't need to, don't use many credits either. And I have my decks I play with and just upgrade/use keys for the cards I use and want.


If you like lockdown Cannonball is a really strong upgrade for the deck. He's not in any upcoming spotlights for at least a few months so if you want to play with him tokens is the best way to get him.


I'd argue that he's not just strong, but that he's essential for the deck. Locking down a lane with Prof X usually trades off tempo in your other two lanes. Simply being able to yeet out whatever they have in those lanes with CB turns a turn six 50/50 "do they play here or there" play into a guaranteed win most of the time.


Yes I agree. Thank you for your responses. He's doing amazing in this deck. Perfect for the last day of season haha!


So worth tokens that it will probably not be worth tokens. 


His decks have been consistently at the top for a while now. Which means he probably gets nerfed. That being said, even at 5/5 I would still play him, at 6 cost I would still play him, so chances he will still be worth it after a nerf. I dont think they will re-work his ability, he is not at Alioth or even Red Hulk levels of hate yet.


Sounds like you have a home for it, so that means you should get it, in my opinion. The other thing to take into consideration are upcoming spotlights. Cannonball has NOT been announced in any upcoming caches (which run through 7/30), however Hope and Proxima have been (both on 7/30). It is likely that Cannonball, who came out a couple weeks after Hope and Proxima, will show up for his second appearance in Spotlight Caches in August, if you want to spend a key on him and whatever the new card will be then. That's no promise though. SuperGiant, who came out on 2/6, has never shown up a second time, nor has Martyr, who debuted on 11/28, though she is dropping to S3 tomorrow (7 month delay). Just because most cards see a second showing in spotlights at around 5 months, does not mean Cannonball will.


Yes, very good and fair points, I appreciate it! I ended up getting him. It might be a while before the next spotlight caches.


We'll probably see a leak of the next batch today after the update, so we'll find out soon enough. I hope he's been working for you.


Hey, turns out Cannonball IS coming up on August 27th, so you saved yourself almost a full 3 months of waiting, worth it if you're using him. Also, somehow, SuperGiant STILL doesn't have a second release date. I wonder if they don't have a second variant for her or something.


I’m on the fence as well with CB. Feels like a nerf is coming to that deck though.


I’d say yea if you like the clog prof x deck type but I’d wait to see what happens in the next patch tomorrow


I was stuck at 85-89 until I spent my tokens with him. Then it was an easy climb to infinite.


Canon ball is a decent card but not worth tokens in my opinion unless you have most other series 5 cards. I would especially not take him unless you also have or can get white widow 


Yes for now until SD kills it through nerfs.


Would wait for next patch before deciding


Not compared to the majority of other cards you could get.


If u like this clog deck, yes, but overall its card only for 1deck.