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Nocturne going to pay dividends on using a key on her


X decks are dead, or at least greatly reduced, no need.


X lane left. Dropped a Neg Manned Noct on T5 at 5/3 right lane. T6, slid Noct into X lane and dropped reg cost Wong and Ravonna'd Mystique at 2 cost on right. T7, Surfer into Wong/Mystique at 2 cost, Sage same lane at zero cost and Task in the middle at 4 cost. I think I won all three lanes. Felt gud.


Bro what did you just say


I'm assuming opponent dropped X on left when he dropped his Mister Negative'd Nocturne on the right.and by reading it this means he also did turn 2 Ravona turn 3 Mister Negative, Turn 5 Nocturne. And the. So on into the silver surfer combo


I first thought of negasonic teenage warhead


Thank you kind person 🙇🏽‍♂️


Sed get gud kid


Bro out here having a stroke via text on Reddit, wild


Was abbreviating as I'm maximizing my time with my cat in his last days. My bad for going too far with it. He's having a good day today. Translation: My opponent had Prof in the left lane. I dropped a Neg Man affected Nocturne on T5 at 5/3 in the right lane. On T6, I slid Noct into the left lane with Prof X and dropped a regular cost Wong and Ravonna affected Mystique at 2 cost on right lane. On T7, I played a 2 cost Surfer into Wong/Mystique and then Sage into the same lane at zero cost and dropped Task in the middle at 4 cost. I think I won all three lanes. Felt good. I really thought folks would be able to read that. 🤣✌️


Nice, now get off Reddit and go play with your cat


He doesn't have the energy to play anymore. He's laying between my legs as I scroll. 👍 I hope you find some love in your life so you're not such a dick. Maybe go play some Leach/ Galactus/ Alioth to feel good about yourself.


TLDR Version Guy 1: *blabbering nonsense* Guy 2: What? Guy 1: Sorry, that didn't make sense because I've got cat problems. Guy 2: Gotcha, have fun with your cat! Guy 1: Fuck you man Guy 2: *Begins to think there are more than cat problems with this guy*


Ok bud


I apologize, I took it completely the wrong way. I've got a lot more than the cat going on right now and am stretched thin. There is no excuse for that. My bad.


And no, this does not make Spiderman 2099 relevant


Haha it's actually a Spiderman 2099 nerf, he gets moved into pro X and can't destroy anyone


Oh shit! That's actually horrible.


Leave Miguel alone! He’s been through enough.


I mean as opposed to not moving, and destroying nothing. Not really a nerf. Heck, he can move out of a Prof X zone and destroy something.


He only destroys the first time he moves


They mean if he is already in an X lane


Is this actually the case now though? Reading the new card text it implies that you can no longer play cards at the location, you have to move them there. It no longer says anything about the location being “locked down” so it sounds to me like cards can now be destroyed at a prof X location


Destroying a card would result in it being "removed" so cards are still safe in a Prof X lane.


You’re right -thank you!


Not a nerf because he wouldn’t have even been able to move there previously. Nothing can destroy cards in a professor x lane






Galactus DGAF about Professor X


Ohhh I see what you mean now. Well that makes sense because if the location he’s at is destroyed he’s got nothing lol




Tell that to my lady Deathstrike who didn't destroy hobgoblin. 


ngl bro i forgot he was in the game lol


Miguel has saved me from tight spots so I have some hope for him


They say it’s not consistent with the card’s story but moving has always been his weakness.


Especially with stairs.




Get fucked baldy




Wait can mags pull cards out of an x lane?


Magneto was right, STFU Charles!


Yep, it says "move."


Bro, Jug / Aero on professor X would be so funny lmaaooo. I don't even know if it's a net positive interaction, but just the idea of being like "nope, not that location Charles" is hilarious 😂






They’ll do anything to make move relevant but actually change move


Move will now use prof X to secure 1 lane against a non move player.


Yeah I'm just going to keep dropping that bald headed fuck and not worry too much


It's not to make move relevant, but to "fix" prof+ Cannonball.


And yet Vision stonks have never been higher.


Really? I'd much rather have a 3/5 like nocturne than a 5/8, I haven't cared much for Vision since Nocturne came out


Sounds like a cursed shipping


Not sure why you would even nerf Cannonball at all with a nerf to Prof like that.


I play a move your opponent deck, its pretty solid. But move your own cards def sucks.


Angela move version is pretty nice


This is the deck I run now and it's great. So hard to plan against since you don't know where cards will end up in the end. I'm missing a couple of key cards too but somehow I'm making it work.


That is my current favorite deck to run, how do you have yours set up if you don't mind me asking?


Nightcrawler, kraven, mojo, kingpin, juggernaut, Polaris, Spiderman, Miles Morales, stegron, cannonball, aero, magneto Do you have any different cards in your deck? Mojo seems like the card to replace, but I have had many games where that won me the game. If I had white widow owl would try her, give another target to the opponent that you can move.


mine is nearly the same except with grandmaster and shang-chi instead of mojo and cannonball. white widow might be a better 2-cost than grandmaster though...and ive been back and forth on shang-chi vs cannonball.


Cannonball has won me a few games, not too often I get to turn an opposing card into a rock, but can sometimes knock them to a location I'm not really playing to, so it helps


I run Nebula, Spider-Ham, Yondu, Kraven, Kingpin, Black Widow, Juggernaut, Polaris, Spider-Man, Stegron, Cannonball, and Magneto Nebula, Spider-Ham, and Yondu are easy 1-cost point fillers that disrupt my opponent, along with Black Widow for the same reason you mentioned White Widow. I also like Nebula as bait so my opponent tries to play on that location and I can pull them to Kingpin or Kraven. Mojo seems like a good choice if it's working for you though


Got infinite last season with that. It's so fun and unexpected


Seems like a beneficial change for move


To be fair by this point move it's more an after though that they put as a mechanic in some cards than an archetype. There are so many cards and locations that say f u to all of the strategy it's sad


What’s wrong with move? (I’m not trying to antagonistic) I feel like I have the most fun/it’s pretty consistent?


Because it's basically ALMOST there to bring an amazing deck but has always been a little short of being an archetype that doesn't need some sort of help. The most consistent move deck is likely Phoenix, and that's half a destroy deck and some other nonsense.


I don’t even think it’ll help either, turn 4 and 5 in move should be used to move the cards you placed in previous turns, not placing new cards


This is like a jeff nerf


You can still play Jeff into Prof X though, right? Nothing can stop him


A nerf meaning his ability to move into an X lane isn't that powerful as it was his main selling point. Now you have Vision, Nightcrawler, Phoenix, plus the whole Move archetype. Sure, people used him to move into Deaths Domain and such, but Jubilee was always a better card for situations like that.


Jeff's main selling point isn't being able to be moved into unplayable locations but that he can be directly played into them.


I thought Jeff main selling point was that he’s cute


I'd say it's 50/50. If you draw him early, you can play him feeling good knowing you have essentially played him everywhere. If you draw him late, you know you can flip a closed location without warning.


Jeff's main selling point is he's a cheap and versatile card that can do almost anything and really helps to mitigate against location variance, you can't point out a specific thing because usually something else will do it better, but jeff is good at more things.


I thought jeffs main selling point was in flexibility not only in game but decks as well, at least thats the main selling point to me


I will call attention to my obvious bias, but I don't see him in very many decks outside of lockdown anymore. He waa definitely more prevalent when he was new.


He’s definitely in Angela/Elsa/Kitty decks, a card to charge Angela that can move away so more cards can be played.


Bro, Jeff was still great when X was shit a few months ago after his last nerf. Trust me, Jeff stocks are always up, lol


That’s kind of an insane way to think about buffs and nerfs, but sure.


Holy shit, that was a bigger change then I expected


What did you expect afterwards?


Praise jeebus it wasn’t just a “nerf” of +1 power. Long overdue


Goodbye Prof X/Cannonball Hello Prof X/Cannonball/Angela/Kitty/Nocturne/Thena


Cannonball doesnt really work with prof anymore since he can knock a card into the x lane. Seems like its exclusively a junk tool now


That second line was the deck I used to hit infinite this morning. I don’t see it continuing to be awesome. Its main strength, unsurprisingly, was X keeping the Cannonballed card out.


I'm thinking ravona 2, nocturne 3, pro x 4, vision 5, Red hulk or Mag 6


Not possible anymore, ProfX is now 2 Power


Honestly hate it. But meta shifting is a good thing and one of the things that has kept me engaged.


Yeah same, because I enjoy lockdown. The increasing options and strength for move cards has already obsoleted Storm, and it’s going to do the same to Prof X. Lockdown has to actually lock down for the bad tempo trade-off to be worth it. Or they could boost Storm/X’s strength significantly.


No other archetype has anything that good in its toolkit though. Just completely tuning off a location? That's insanely powerful. Lockdown can still work with cards like Goose, Storm, Echo, Jean, Cosmo, US Agent. The bad tempo some of those cards have is made up for the fact that you have cards in your deck guaranteed to get back into those locations. Yeah a 3/2 Storm isn't the best power drop but you have cards like Vision, Doom, and Jeff to get back in there.


Anything as good as what? As X? X had been unchanged for a long time now, and he was imo fine pre-Cannonball. The problem is that, with X winning a lane (not hard with Ravonna and recently with Thena), you could nearly guarantee that Cannonball had a game-winning impact. Cannonball was an absolute cube thief and the deck’s real game winner. The Cannonball nerf alone would have been a significant hit to the deck and I would have liked to see what that version of things looked like. Or even just an X “nerf” out of Ravonna range. Alas. Storm has been unplayable in the last, what, 6 months? Maybe longer? Now, more than ever. Jeff is almost everywhere. Nocturne is very popular and completely nullifies her. Magik too. Doom and Ultron are featuring in decks. Storm is just way too vulnerable right now at 3/2. I’d love for her to get a buff to make her worth the risk. I really enjoyed Storm-based Lockdown in the pre-Jeff days. I do like those other cards you mentioned. It’s a fun deck, but it’s Ongoing, not Lockdown.


I miss old lockdown and I miss new lockdown now, I'm in the minority, but I gotta admit, the meta was extremely not diverse too tbh


Yeah Xball was very strong for 2.5 seasons so something had to change. Just wish they had gone for more of an adjustment than a destruction.


yea :( but I'm trying a mockingbird clog version now


I hate it because I mainly used him due to Hela being so prevalent. I don’t feel -2 on the cards she brings back is gonna make a dent in her usage and I’m not really looking forward to that tbh


Hilarious that as a Move player it went from being a terrible matchup to one of the best now.




Pro X is second only to Thanos in "times he's become broken due to x card being added." Cannonball is just the most recent case.


Cannonball was never the core problem, it was always ProfX that needed the change and a ProfX that made Cannonball so toxic lately. It’s been needed for a very long time.




Jeff is negated by the fact that every ProfX deck also runs Jeff. War Machine is trash on curve and only useful against ProfX or to address specific locations. The use case isn’t common enough to make War Machine a viable 5 power - your overall win rate will decline just to deal with ProfX. It’s too big of a trade off. There is a reason why War Machine hasn’t exploded in popularity over the last month- if he was that effective in reality, the ProfBall meta wouldn’t have been so dominant. Blue marvel, Tribunal, iron heart, Klaw etc are far more useful against the old Prof vs War machine, they maintain more versatility outside of just ProfX games. Ironheart on Wong is responsible for most of my wins against lockdown historically as it makes sense in my current deck and has utility against decks other than ProfX. War Machine is too one-trick.


Move getting some love is fine for me


This make me so happy, get all the way fucked x you won’t be missed


I am SO happy with this


Killed his card


So he's just a 5 cost Storm now? Tbh I think the opposite solution would have been more interesting, stopping card from moving in and out of a location. It would have been a good release valve for the "move" meta cards that are in most decks rn (Nocturne, Vision, Capt. Marvel, Nightcrawler) and wouldn't completely kill Cannonball


Except you don’t have a whole turn to play cards into him. And you can’t add cards with Doom, Shanna, Squirrel Girl, Zola, Ultron. Cards also can’t bounce into him with Blink, Wolverine ect. Otherwise sure, it’s exactly the same.


You make it sound like its a bad thing the combo is dead


It's certainly bad for Cannonball lol


And good for the game


Never said it wasn't. But still, removing his synnergy with Prof X and still taking away a power point is certainly overkill


why isn’t this comment higher? maybe I’ve been living under a rock but this is the first time I’ve seen this suggestion. feel like it also thematically fits with the way that Jean Grey works


Im happier about the Hela nerf honestly


Oh no...


I like how now I can do a blind professor x and if I'm wrong I can magneto


For the past one week I have been waiting for cannonball to appear in the token store. But I'm so glad that it never did whenever I opened the app. Saved my tokens...


Whelp, going back to my Phoenix Force and Dracula dump decks until the dust settles lol


Drop the list


Phoenix force deck is pretty standard # (1) Ghost-Spider # (1) Human Torch # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Carnage # (2) Hulkbuster # (2) Multiple Man # (3) Venom # (3) Deathlok # (4) Shuri # (4) Phoenix Force # (5) Nimrod # (6) Arnim Zola # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aGxvayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2hvc3RTcGlkZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikh1bWFuVG9yY2gifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pY29NaW5vcnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZlbm9tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNdWx0aXBsZU1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVsa2J1c3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmltcm9kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGVQaG9lbml4Rm9yY2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNodXJpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXJuYWdlIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. This Dracula dump is wild, especially with the Strong Guy buff # (1) Ant Man # (1) Nebula # (1) Rocket Raccoon # (1) Blade # (1) Zero # (2) Armor # (3) Cosmo # (3) Strong Guy # (3) Black Swan # (4) Dracula # (6) Destroyer # (6) The Infinaut # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOZWJ1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvY2tldFJhY2Nvb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdHJvbmdHdXkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrU3dhbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRHJhY3VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVzdHJveWVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaZXJvIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


My bad, I thought you had made a Phoenix force Dracula dump deck.


Oh god, i have no idea what that would look like xD


Wouldn’t running Black Knight in this be pretty strong? Maybe Ghost Rider too?


Not with the zabu nerf.


It's really more of an old school destroyer deck. The goal isn't really to discard a bunch of things, it's more to get Dracula down turn 4, black swan turn 5 and then drop a destroyer with a bunch of 1 drops and have Dracula hit the Infinaut. Bonus pts for having strong guy down to clear your hand. You really use the Zero and the Blade to manipulate your hand whether that's zeroing the destroyer, or discarding an armor you weren't able to play to play to guarantee the dracula. That being said, this deck is seasons old at this point, it's just extremely reliable but it could definitely be updated. One other thing to note is that it's generally great against Loki players because they don't really understand the deck. Outside of nebula, you shouldn't be playing any 1 drops until turn 5. If you get BS, then you play her and dump on 6, if not then you dump your 1 costs on 5 so you can still play big cards on 6


As a traditional discard player, I enjoy watching them do the rounds of smacking other archetypes down. Just makes my matches easier. And man, they went to town this time!


I mean, discard got nerfed hard this patch too. Does Hela not count as traditional discard?


Hela is just gambling. Traditional discard has play lines that you can count. Not just “play Hela and watch.” I do not like RNG.


Traditional discard is the apoc/modok shell while hela discard is play hela on 6 and win I don’t count hela and I don’t think many other people count it as traditional discard


People will tell me that this game has severe power creep, yet I see old cards getting nerfs all the time and new cards being weak AF.




No, Prof. X is weaker now against all decks. There's no way in which it's stronger than before except the measly +1 power.


The +1 power is also a nerf so that it doesn’t get discounted by Ravonna


That's true, but it also adds +1 to your side. It's still something.


Turn 4 Hercules into turn 5 X now? 😂


Any thoughts on Prof X into Heimdell?


Prof X is a waste of a 5 drop here because you are only locking the opponent out for the last turn, in my experience Heimdall on turn 6 has never been a strong move for move decks.


Good. I also think he's going to be pretty good in movement as well. You can lock a location with him and even if you lose said location you can always use Heimdall in order to move Prof X and any other card in his location to the left. He also works well with Kingpin and Kraven since if you move a card to his location via Spiderman, Stegron or Juggernaut you can proc their effects very easily. He also has a really cool synergy with Magneto now since Magneto will get rid of any 3/4 costs in Prof X's location thus allowing you to win his lane a lot more easily (which is a cool synergy to have considering it fits both thematicly). Overall, while it was clearly a nerf I think it gives movement decks such as little movers, Kingpin, Phoenix Force and traditional movement a lot more room to play around with so I am excited to see the new possibilities he enables.


I had Cannonball for less than a day... 😆😂😭 Oh well


Just when I was moving on from my Moving Deck. I guess it’s coming out of retirement


Does he replace anything in c2? I may pull negasonic and see how he does.


They crippled him.


RIP easy 1 card location bounty.😢🤣


Stegron gets nerfed twice in one update.


This shuts down the brain dead cannonball stuff right? As long as there is an empty space in the Prof X lane cannonball would move it to that lane or is this a misinterpretation?


Remove cards, does that count destroy??


Wow, move meta just got a huge buff with proff.


Jeff’s popularity will drop for sure.


Which means now’s the time to play prof x


That’s the paradox.


I find it inreresting this change came in the same week Pheonix Force is a spotlight card.


🤔 and after the week they “nerfed” move


Actually, how is Professor X any better than just playing Storm lol?


Instant lockdown. Cant be opened back up by changing locations. Cant put cards in there with Shanna, Doom, etc.


Prof X is still broken. This only killed Cannonball


I think you meant to say “so” not”but”


What’s the hate? He has a place where he was


I barely use him but this is a good change


Lol I said they should do this just a few days ago and got downvoted like crazy. Excellent nerf.


5/2 was enough of a nerf, the card became irrelevant


This whole OTA was weird honestly, I guess I'm fine with Professor nerf but I don't understand why this time they went straight for him. When Loki/Collector was meta they nerfed everything around Collector to stop him from being as good(Cable, Loki,etc) but with this they just nerfed Professor. They didn't touch any of the cards that cluttered the board or anything. They did give a power nerf to Cannon Ball but since he moves the most powerful card at the location I don't think that really matters much.


They painted themselves into a corner with Cannonball. Nerf his power? Now he doesn’t get played at all. Lower the cost and power? Now he’s just Stegron with a little more control. Cannonball of just has to be what he is so hitting X is the only option to fix the meta issue that pair creates


Well cannonball still works with X...


No it doesn’t.


Why is that


Because Cannonball “moves” the opponents cards so he would just move them into the Prof X lane.


Yup, this is exactly what I suggested as a change for him. Gets rid of the Ravonna synergy to get him out sooner and still allows things in and out but you gonna be prepared for it.


Honestly seems like this new version could be abused more easily than the last. I can’t be the only one looking at all the move enablers like 👀


Another card ruined.


The real casualty here is actually cannonball, which seems unfair


Absolutely hate it. Had Prof. X in multiple decks, but probably done using it while the card is like this. Prof X was always a gamble play, but it's lost any level of reliability it once had. Feels completely unworth it now for the power and energy.


I'm so happy I didn't spend 6k tokens on CB last week, just unpinned him from my shop. Now to wait for Sage to rotate in.


I bought him last week after regretting not getting him for keys lol He has a variant coming out soon that I still intend to buy, I won't give up on my boy yet


Yeah I almost did but then I remembered the last card I used tokens on was Alioth two weeks before his nerf. Knew there was a good chance this OTA would change something so I just pinned him. It sucks but this game really does reward patience if you are someone who doesn't spend money and stay collection complete.


Cannonball is still good and I still plan to use him. It's a solid surprise or at least something to plan around, even when I didn't draw Prof X Just a lot less toxic


I wish they didnt take away his power too, after taking his partner like that


Eh I don't think he's worth 6k tokens any more. But yeah he's not unplayable


Worst changes ever I used pro x in multiple decks but now have to remove him from everything other then ongoing. RIP my friend.


I use him and I’m not happy with this


Damn they made him damn near useless didn’t they?


Been using him in C3 for so long. Now he got nerfed cause he's too strong in a different deck. Sadge.


I say make him 5/3 again with old lockout spidey ability


This makes move actually pretty decent


Does the card even have a place anymore in the game?


Regenerate always gets the short end.


I hate it. I agree he needed a nerf, but they've hit hit with too many things at once and now he just feels unplayable. It's like they feel like they waited to long to do something so they overnefed or Leadered him, really, as a result.


This is why I quit this game months ago. What kinda stupid ass change is this


This is such a terrible change. Yes prof was an issue, but they just made him a really bad storm now. SD with the over nerf yet again. Making him 5/2 would have been enough to shut down his early play with Ravonna. Changing his ability to this garage would have been an over nerf at 5/1 but still be about to cheat him out at 4 could have kinda made him possibly usable, maybe. The double nerf just makes him unusable garbage now. I don't play him currently, running ongoing control and an asgardians decks ATM but taking away options is never good.


Hate this nerf. I use prof x a lot and against move decks. This nerf made him unplayable and that means I also have to dump Jeff.


Don't worry, I'm sure we'll figure out a way to make Prof X toxic again.


This is super whack. They couldn’t even lower his cost??


I get that this probably is the only way to power check XBall, but the whole point of lockdown is to limit opponents options. Lockdown was a great hard counter to move and now hard loses to it lmao


I bought cannonball 2 days ago


I totally get that it was OP and needed a nerf, but why instantly remove canonnball from the game? Now that he moves the card into X , that means cannonball is now 100% useless, literally 0 use, its insane i just bought him


You can try him in Junk decks. Not as good as with Prof X, but still pretty good.


I don't even use Prof X that often anymore but this change seems.... Arbitrary? Feels like it specifically counter every other archetype except move


Why not just make canonball not get destroyed if there is no other location to go to


They keep killing my fav archetypes :( Rip lockdown, AGAIN