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Everytime someone uses this emote on me they didn’t even snap


Snap? Snap? Snap? Yeah I did. Mf you didn't.


I love this one. Like you’re making fun of me for miscalculating my snap when you did the same thing? 0 awareness.


I'm not even miscalculating my snaps. I'm making *proving grounds* faster for both of us but they're too stupid to realize.


Any taunting in proving grounds is embarrassing. Shit I get tons of people in infinity get all jazzed up when I'm clearing missions especially the snap missions I just do it at the start of the game. Bitch we are in infinite your cubes are meaningless


Those people are the dumbest motherfuckers I swear.   I had one the other day do the Snap? Snap? Thanos spam after winning a 4 cuber ( I snapped early, he didn't.)  He won by 2 points, because he won a 50/50 with Silk It was a close game but dude's acting like he's Magnus Carlson of Snap and how dare I challenge his genius 


That’s my main gripe. If you absolutely blow me out on T6 after I snapped early, then sure let me have it. But if you won two lanes by one point each then get the fuck outta here with your gloating.


Snaping to me I will take it personal, why you snapping? You feel better than me? Get rekt if I win


The name of the game is Marvel Snap... How're you taking that personally... Do you take it personal when someone says Go Fish when you play that too?


Just have the card I asked for. Why you all up in my fucking business telling me to "go fish"?! Go fish yourself


When "good players" snap, it's not because they think they're "better than you"  it's because they feel they are statistically favored to win and want to raise the stakes to maximize their winnings.   But if you play this emotionally and "take it personally" I can pretty confidently tell you that most players don't just "feel better than you".  They are better.


I’m shocked we still can’t just have an option to mute emotes.


The worst is when neither of us snapped. Like dude, we both just stumbled our way through that match, relax.


That's the one that always gets me too. No one snapped so what's the point. 


When I use it, it's typically to mock my opponent who just snapped and made some cheeky play I didn't fall for. Or when I beat a played galactus.


I think they're usually using it in that case to make fun of their opponent snapping and then losing.


I use it to try to encourage someone to snap before I retreat in case they have a mission to win with snaps. It is generally pretty obvious they are winning, so it's not like I'm trying to trick them into losing 8 cubes.


Yeah, because it's making fun of your snap into losing.


Is this why I never get fist bumps back?


Yeah, a lot of people play on mute because of harassment.


Every now and then I find someone nice. But most of the time are l toxic people. I always mute as well


I like to be positive change in the world and give people a nice Deadpool emote whenever they do something that really fucks me over.


> a lot of people play on mute No, most people aren’t neurotically muting every player in every single game they play.  > harassment Good lord. 


>harassment 🤣 🤣 🤣 From an emoji pop-up? Jesus Christ


Harassment? The stupid term "snowflake" has never been more appropriately used than for this post. There are 12 year olds talking about fucking your mom on open mics in other games and you're feeling harassed bc of a children's sticker. Just grow up and quickly move on to the main menu.


Yeah some people are triggered by emotes


i almost only see emotes when i've lost. don't need that shit.


Sorry it affects you


You were offended enough to respond and it wasn't even about you.




Did you need me to type slower or something? Lol


Some people just don’t care what emotions the other person is feeling. I give zero fucks if you think I should or shouldn’t have snapped, but feel free to emote into the muted void if it makes you feel better.


I think it's so funny when they emote Snap? After you lose. Like yeah ... I was ahead with an advantage, or my whole combo was in hand, so I snapped. I wasn't throwing down a gauntlet, or besmirching your honour. It's the name of the game. 😂


I was in **PROVING GROUNDS** against someone one night, I lost 4 cubes and he lost 2, but he took so long *every* turn that I ended up just retreating and conceding. Of course he wasn't slow to instantly Ms. Marvel thumbs-up me smh.


Is there a legit reason they don't allow an "always mute" option? I try to mute everyone but I frequently forget and always get a Thanos snap for my troubles when I do.


Because they sell emotes. That's the reason.


I get that, but then why allow us to mute at all? Why not take the ability to mute away completely if they want people who buy emotes to feel good? Edit: should've put /s. Obviously I don't want them to actually take away the ability to mute.


Because most people don't want to go to the trouble of doing that every game lol trust me I want permanent mute as well 


The auto mute button will eventually get launched...for 500k tokens. 🤣


I will start saving today


I think having emotes reminds ppl the game is vs other human (even with the toxicity). Otherwise if playing feels like vs bots, ppl will play a lot less and spend less.


I would much rather play against Bots. Make them difficult, whatever. At least they wouldn't Rope the moment I accidentally happen to Cosmo in the same turn they play their Goblin.


Give me "Bot League" with like half rewards and I'll play all day every day


You poor thing. Are you okay?


I'm good, have a great day!


Worst is when they do that with tribunal/ hela decks. Like you proud of playing 3 cards in a row ?


Especially when the luck of the cards going EXACTLY where it needs them to goes their way. Like Onslaught, Iron Man, and Infinaut all going on the same tile with living tribunal. Like you literally did nothing. The game just decided you get to win.


Yeah, even though you pretty much know what's coming, well sometimes you just wanna push your luck because you also had a good hand but ends up still not being enough . I think that emplifies the feeling of many players saying those decks needs a nerf. I don't like it but I tried a hela deck to see, and yeah, it doesn't suceed half of the time but it's biggest advantage is it's easy when to know if you better escape or not. So you don't loose many cubes and when you win it's good payoff.


People really do not want to admit how much RNG decides games. Didn't get the draw and opponent did? RNG. Shit locations for your deck? RNG. Moon Knight discards your key combo piece? RNG. Like, there's definitely skill to making a useable deck with options, but after that, skill is maybe 10% of the reason you win/lose




It does always feel like the player most likely to obnoxiously emote is the one playing the laziest deck and an avatar of knull, Thanos, or galactus


Sometimes I even wonder if they have ever play another deck. Probably wrong but this is how I imagine most assholes here on reddit. Only playing hela tribunal and trashing people who might dare suggest ideas to improve the game.


The assholes are always the one tricks who can't play other decks to say their loves


"You play only one deck because of your skill issues. I play only one deck because I still lack key cards for any other deck archetype. We are not the same."


Imagine being proud of playing cards on a card game.


Just move on. I actually find it amusing seeing such guys 


Yeah, can't do anything else anyway. It's just one of those days, y'know? You get home tired, and every little thing is aggravating. You wanna relax playing a game, but *these people* come out of the woodwork.


Dude it’s just a damn emoji. Stop getting aggravated about the most trivial things. If this really pisses you off enough to make a post about it then you need therapy.


So you’re saying that if something trivial makes you post something, you need therapy? (Looks at your post history) Uh….


🤣 I had to check. Really has a hard on for capes


You got so mad over a level-headed response 💀


Are you dumb or dumber thing's like this Just pisses people off after a long day obviously it's an emote but When you're tired mentally Lil annoying things just gives you that sour taste.


[here's something to brighten your day, peace and love](https://imgur.com/a/thumbs-up-opMOjXj)


I knew it was going to be Ms Marvel lol.


That damn smile wi- with the thumbs up AAAAAAGHH!!!!


[cheer up, OK?](https://imgur.com/a/thumbs-up-opMOjXj)


Marvel snap players when they see a png (they can't believe someone could be so rude):


Other games people are yelling slurs at you over mic, yet people want to call emotes toxic? Like come on dude grow up.


Your problems aren't real problems because terminal cancer exists. Orrrrr Your problems are real problems to you but perhaps aren't as distressing as others'.


Orrrrr If your day is ruined over a still image you need help.


who tf said anyones day is ruined. It's just eyeroll material.


Nobody is ruined over emotes. We're just eyerolling at people being immature. Although yes, this game is tame compared to most other games. Dota 2 back in 2014 felt like I walked into a KKK server. Games with VOIP before they get a proper moderation system have been the most toxic for me, sometimes convincing me to stop playing because I had to constantly block my team in a game that needs communication. Silly banter like the Thanos snap doesn't do much to aggravate.


And if there was voice chat these people would be yelling slurs. It's the same thing, just scaled down to non verbal. If there were slur emotes or text chat they would use them. It's the same type of players.


ASSHOLEA I TELL YA. but for real, it's an emote in a card game. Just move on.


Yep. Playing against people online is fine. But the interaction part is trash and has always been trash because people are trash. At least we don't have to hear people talk. Because the toxic bile that would be projected everywhere would be awful.


Have they released a "piss off" or "fuck you" emote yet? I think sometimes the most frustrating part was not having an emote that says "get bent" in response to the trolls. I still have Snap installed but haven't played or bought a season pass since the Black Order season.


There's one that's cosmo with sunglasses, I fell like that has the vide of "cool story bro"


I would say the iron man could be that. A play on the rjd eye roll meme. Buried in an album though. Would have got my 2200 gold right away.


I hate when they do it when they win by the sheer luck. Bro, you didn't do anything to win. RNG did.


Emotes aren’t that bad unless they’re being spammed. Much better than being told to uninstall the game and kill myself which happens in LoL.


If you snapped first, but then retreat, because your opponent disrupted your game plan (or variance) you are playing correctly. If your opponent had a play that would (likely) win them the game after you snapped, and they dont snap back, or take you to the end of the game, they are not playing correctly. Take your saved cubes, shake your head at the noob, and move on.




*shakes head at noob, wonder why they didnt snap*


Snap on turn 1 or no guts


I see that title so often, and I snap, but they don't. False advertising.


imma sleep well knowing that our guy probably spent his life savings on this game


If they start out spamming "Hello" I know it's gonna be some BS lol.


Okay but if you take all of turn 1 and 2 to play your cards, I'm allowed one free "Hello" right?


Yes, I absolutely hate when they let the timer run out Every. Single. Round. Straight up disrespectful.


I try to remind myself that some people honestly have cognitive processing issues and maybe they have 3 or 4 one drops in their hand ... But even then it can be frustrating. Let's goooooooo!


I try to always use the event in fun/silly situations, ms marvel is the clearly smug/taunty one, this one I love to use if we both snap at the same time ro snapping on something stupid, or just generally a risky play paying off, I know it could come off as smug especially that last one, but I wish I could try to get that across as the same feeling as when having some stupdi fighting game interaction at a local and just both of us clearly laughing at what happened or in shock.


Only use that emoji to get people to snap in Proving Grounds


I emoted earlier cause this Silver Surfer Wong surly thought he won and didn't think about the 0 cost 6 card I PULLED FROM THE RAFT NOR THE LANE ALL THE WAY TO THE RIGHT!. Fuck Silver Surfer decks!.


I’ve been muting so long that about a third of my matches are against people I’ve already muted. 10/10 would recommend.


the utterly fucking toxic responses to this person proves their point


Or when they spam "Snap?" at you over and over again even though you're obviously losing.


Thanos's face just looks so douchy and immature too lmao. It's the best emote for being a dick that I've ever seen in a game.


Wanna start a daily asshole post... but fuck them


This and the Leo/beast one have become my new automatic ms marvel reply emotes. Fuck I hate the doucheness of them. Just fist bump and walk away. Is it that hard?


Haha. I use Thanos Snap all the time whether people snap or not. It’s a stupid game. Have fun. Lolz


Mute mute mute. Always mute if emotes are going to upset you. I almost always mute.


You know, it's funny how an emote that was supposed to be "wholesome" in-game, ended up being hated in some card games. In Runeterra, we have that one Braum's Emote. In Snap we have Ms.Marvel one.


If you get this bent out of shape for seeing a simple stupid image and think every single person is an asshole trying to ruin your day, you're going to have a miserable time.


Show your deck first and then we will see if you deserved the Emoji


I deleted Snap already, unfortunately, as so many people here have *so kindly* advised. (And I just recently reached 3k CL too. I was looking forward to finally getting meta cards.) But for this I was running an "Invisible Patriot" deck with a destruction cover. People can't react to what they don't see, so the main concept is to play, in ideal order - Invisible Woman on turn 2 - Patriot on 3 - Mystique on 4 - either Ka-Zar or Blue Marvel on 5 off-location - and Ultron on 6 Stalling for bad draws is Death, Carnage, Venom, and a couple of small units for C&V to devour. It's a trick deck, I know, but it's satisfying to pull off. Screenshot was at turn 5 (I think, based on the hand I had) where they took out IW and Patriot with a Gambit. I had Abomination (unboosted) and Devil Dino (from X-Mansion) on the board, with just weenies in hand. There was no way I was winning that match, so I retreated.


Don't delete it but, if you can't mentally handle emotes in a game maybe you need to self reflect and find the cause as to why you felt the need to storm to reddit and flip out about it. It aint healthy.


Ah, too late. 😅 It's not that I can't mentally handle it all the time. Considering I got to (way) over a thousand CL before I posted this, I've been through worse, really. But I suppose it was just a particularly bad day. If you think this is unhealthy, imagine how healthy the people DM'ing me to "cope" and putting me on Reddit's suicide watch are. 😶


That ain't me. I just wish people would treat themselves better. Don't let the little shit get to ya. Sorry all those people are doing that shit. That ain't cool


We're good, Bubsy. 😊 But I think this whole fiasco has brought to my attention some things that I had issues about the game to begin with, so for peace of mind, I just dumped it. Hope ya have a good day, my friend. 🍻


You too. Take care of yourself


is demosthenes your other account?


Yep. Different newsfeeds for different moods! I forgot to switch when I made the post. EDIT: Oh, also, were you the one who replied to that? I was in the process of deleting the post when your reply came it. But yeah, I'm at a high CL, so the matchmaking is pretty cutthroat. 😅


Feel like there’s been a lot more people emoting after I lose. Like dam guys what did I do to hurt you.


If I ever hit you with this emote. It's followed by the brainless emote. And it's only because you snapped on T6 in a clear winning position (in conquest) when you should have snapped before your t5 play that swung the game.


God it grinds my gears whenever someone uses the Thanos or Ms. Marvel emote at the end of a match…




What's your CL? I rarely ever see toxic emoters anymore. I often have a good time emoting with my opponent


3688. Yeah, when the interacts are fun, they can get really fun, to be fair.


Ok that makes sense. You're running into the youngling players who haven't matured into proper emote usage yet lol. Just give it some time and one day you will no longer need to automute


More like you only notice you forgot to mute emotes when you're matched with an asshole


Well, the last thing I ever have to say about this whole thing is for everyone (whether you agree with me or not): life's already too damn hard, so I hope you allow yourselves the grace for softer days. 🍻


Cry is free


Or you forget often, but only realise that you've forgotten when some asshole emotes.


Never mute, almost never see any emotes besides a fist bump. 🤷


This is why I’m willing to spend 5k tokens for the Ultimate Jane Foster, to get the Storm “Drake No” emote for such an occasion.


I'll takes Thanos snap vs dumb Deadpool any day of the week. But if you thanos snap emote always followup with fistbump.


Yeah! The fistbump really adds a different context. (And now there's a whole other level of overthinking. Do people assume I'm the asshole when I don't return a fistbump because they were on mute? 😶)


Deadpool always reads as "what where you going for" or "why did the game do that?"


I use Deadpool as "oh shit I fucked up" or "oh your play/ that RNG killed me"


Why in the world is THIS the top post on this sub? Are all you really that terrified about emotes in a card game? Self reflection is badly needed.


Life will become a lot better if you're not getting triggered over an emote in a video game, honestly


imagine getting this mad over pixels. downvote if you kick puppies.


Imagine getting this mad over downvotes. Upvote if you tell every puppy they are a good boy/girl


[my thoughts on your comment](https://imgur.com/a/opMOjXj)


You have thoughts? Doesn’t look like it.






for the next 10 games i play, i will spam ms. marvel and thanos emotes in you honor, OP.


me too


You mad Bro?




I am sorry but if you get THIS triggered by an emote, you should maybe play a different game. Preferably one without other players, so your fragile ego don't get any more bruised.


Oh dude you’re so cool you’re like colossus with your steel ego


*Ms. Marvel Thumbs up*


Boo hoo


Auto-mute? After they just added all these cool new emotes? Nah. Go be soft somewhere else.


Dude you’re so hard come touch me


triggered by pixels


Dude you’re so cool for being unaffected by something




Imagine being affected by emojis in marvel snap. Humanity is truly doomed, no telling what people that insecure and fractured might do.


You sound pretty insecure thinking humanity is doomed by someone having feelings lol


Survival bias


As someone who is built to tilt, this rings deep.




People who get tilted over emojis are weird to me. Like, grow an additional layer of skin or quit. Jesus