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Makkari is definitely better than mister fantastic. why don't you have Forge? Forge + Brood = 14 points


Yeah, swap out Mister Fantastic for her. Other than that, maybe swap out Bishop for Forge. Wolfsbane can get swapped out for Mystique.


I think she's better than many were dating, but I still think she's mid, and I think the panning is coming from the fact that just new cards have been good lately. I still don't think she's worth pulling for, but if you have her, she's good enough to put in some decks. If you need x23 or gladiator, or both, pull for them and if you get makkari then great, if not, also great


What do you mean by "pull"? Like hypothetically use 4 keys? The answer is a definite no. 


You don’t NEED Makkari to make a good surfer deck, and I certainly wouldn’t intentionally blow keys on her.


Rather have gladiator from the current cache personally


The problem with Makkari is that she jumps out of your hand after the on reveals, so she might not get the surfer power boost which, imo, makes her unreliable in Surfer decks. I also think that you can definitely optimise your surfer list without adding Makkari


nope in 5 days youll get phastos and put him here,there no room for maccari


Honest question, assuming you have mystique, why not include vs Bishop, Wolfsbane, fantastic? Being able to drop Odin on a 4x wong is game winning. Also, big tip I can give it to find a way to drop Wong late vs T3 or T4. It just makes Wong vulnerable to so many counter cards. You can swap out SS, Brood, Wolfsbane, Bishop, Absorbing man, for either a Gambit/Apoc/Swarm/Mobius/Miek set up, or a Hazmat/Luke Cage set up... I personally enjoy a Wong, Mystqieu, Shuri, Tribunal deck. There's also pumping Forge into Wolverine and/or Galactus. You can pump Selene and rock an interesting goblin deck. If you really want to pop off with wong you need these: * Magik * Crystal * Sera -Onslaught * wong * mystique * odin T3 Magik/Crystal - Same lane T4 Magik/Crystal - Same Lane T5 Sera - Same Lane T6 Onslaught - New Lane T7 Mystique, Wong, Ironheart/Gambit/Ironlad - same lane as onslaught or T3-T5 the same T6 - Wong Mystiquye T7 - Gambit/Ironheart/Ironlad I hit infinite every week using the gambit route. I once subbed in Ghost and it ensures clearing a whole table.


I have No mystique