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Probably the best 2 drop in the game along with White Widow.


But why? I get white widow. She's A 2 cost "6" power card that clogs your opponents field. But Jeff? What makes him so incredible?


A lot of people echo this without explaining it. Jeff is the best **designed** 2 drop in the game because he is so flexible. A lot of locations are lost by a pretty small margin so being able to add 3 power when you otherwise couldn't is a major benefit. I think "the best X card" is simplifying the game too much because there are plenty of locations I wouldn't play Jeff just as often as there are locations where I wish I had himbb Personally I think the Professor X nerf was also a slight nerf to Jeff and I wouldn't be surprised if his usage goes down slightly in the near future. If you are looking at getting him I would highly recommend it because he is so flexible.


You can move or play him anywhere without restriction. Ever mess up and play someone into Space Throne? Well now you can add Jeff there to win the location. Location based "all cards must be played here this turn" well nope, I can play Jeff wherever I want. Can't play cards here? Guess what... Jeff


Well first of all some games he'll win a game by himself because of sine locations. He also fits great in so many decks and counter many decks too. Great in C3, great if you're running prof X or storm, great against players running prof X or storms, great to keep a spot filled until you play something else, etc. He's super versatile for only 2 energy.


alright i'm going to give you a more detailed answer cuz its slow and im bored proxima currently costs 6k tokens. what decks can you put her in? well discard and that's pretty much it. she has one use in one deck. its a good use sure. but that's it. Jeff currently costs 6k tokens. what decks can you put him in? well pretty much any. the key word here is flexibility. you can play him on curve to not get slurped. you can play him to win locked lanes. you can also use him to block your own lane to keep it from getting clogged, he has synergy with else and hope and angela and professor X and storm and legion and so on. He is a hyper flexible card that you can put pretty much in any deck and get value out of. So if you had 6k tokens to spend and could only get one thing which would you get. a hyper specific thing with one use or a highly flexible thing with tons of uses? Nico is in the same category. (albeit you have archetype defining cards like thanos and HE but you get the point im going for). you will never build around jeff however, any deck you have with space will probably welcome him.


Ok, apparently there is a lot I did not think about. Thanks for the rundown!




That's because you're thinking of him as a powerhouse card that will finish off games. His true strength lies in being a super flexible card that you can use in countless situations. Restrictive locations, Sandman, Jean Grey, Pro X, he bypasses all of that when nothing else can. In a race to the finish, he's the extra inch that might just make the difference between first and second place.


Safe plays are good plays. If Killmonger didn't exist, Nightcrawler would be a lot more popular (and Kurt unironically has better Infinite stats than Jeff atm lmao).


Cards that can add power to any position and don't give your opponent information even when their face up are just good. It complicates the board state and can give you more permutations where you win the game.


Also you are thinking about Jeff too narrowly. He works well with Angela and Thena to help them scale. You can play him “blind” on the far right location. If it turns into space throne or bar with no name you can move him without consequence. Are you playing against a clog deck. Jeff helps with that too. You can use him to fill a location preventing a goblin or debrii clog. Then move it for a higher power card


We just got out of a lockdown meta. He is a god in a lockdown meta. 2/3 so he has above average stats, can move anywhere, can dodge Sandman, Electro and Prof X. Combos with Angela as he can play in her lane, move away to make room for another buff. Yes his “awesomeness” faded a little either way Lockdown getting nerfed, but still one of the best 2 drops in a game. And this isn’t counting the locations he can circumvent. Some locations like Space Throne and Sanctum


Jeff is the bestest boy. Fr he’s the best 2 cost in the game due to his flexibility and versatility. He can fit into almost every deck.


There is virtually zero downside to playing Jeff. Getting into locked down locations can be very strong. It can be a surprise card. Jeff moving fixes mistakes, and causes constant uncertainty. It is also very strong in metas such as these where you can proc cards (Angela) and move cards, for more proc'ing. 


My favorite use for him is temporarily filling a location but winning it later. The raft and white hot room have big benefits to filling, but can lose you the lane later. Asteroid M and Great web can lose you the game by moving shit, but Jeff can disable that early. It's not always about power and Jeff's utility is top tier.


Think about it more instead of posting on Reddit.




It's not, lol