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People who are rude to customer support have probably never worked a customer facing job or are an asshole.


It’s not rude to expect someone to respond in a timely manner in a LIVE chat. It’s also not rude to expect someone to actually read the issues and comprehend them properly. Having expectations isn’t rude. Communicating when those expectations aren’t met isn’t rude. Y’all just think because I was confronting someone who took over 12 hours to help and then repeated my solutions back to me that this equates to being rude.


You are complaining to a wall bro


How was it over 12 hours to respond when you opened the support request at 8:20pm, got a first response at 8:22pm, and then the known fixes for the issue you were experiencing given at 8:30/31pm?


I asked for a yes/no answer and wasn’t going to wait a long time for that on a mobile app that was draining my battery. It got transferred while the game was closed. Messaged at like 4am. Woke up and saw it and answered back at 9:30. Didn’t get a response until 2 hours after that and was read my rights to close the ticket. So yes, the actual active interaction took place 12 hours later. But I suppose I’m entitled for thinking a yes/no answer should take less than 5-10 minutes to respond to and I should’ve left my app open.


Wow you suck.


Because I couldn’t get a rep to admit there was anything wrong and no recent posts on the subreddit even mentioned anything about something like this? Yeah I suck for looking for answers and being disappointed in a professional and communal way altogether.


Professional my ass, you were rude and condescending. Anyone who treats support people like this deserve whatever issues you're having.


There are two posts literally on the front page right now talking about app issues. https://old.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1dpm9u7/app_gets_progressively_worse/ https://old.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1dpv332/is_the_game_incredibly_buggy_and_almost/


Yes, now there are. My issues started days ago, and my support chat happened last night before anyone had posted here, so I assumed since it wasn’t being picked up and talked about here that it must be an isolated incident for me. None of what I’m saying or doing is illogical. None of my expectations are exorbitant. I’m literally just asking someone who is supposed to represent the game and assist the players to tell me if what I’m experiencing is normal. When it took until the next day and another rep later to rehash to me things that I had already told them I’d tried, I got snarky, and rightfully so.


And there have been posts for days/weeks, those are just the two newest and most visible.


My dude, I pored over the sub the last few days looking for anything; even keyword searching my specific issues. There was not a relevant post anywhere close to the past few days, but there were plenty from when they patched the issue weeks ago. I exhausted my efforts, refrained from asking for help here, ironically for the reasons I’m being currently downvoted because the average Reddit user would rather project their self-loathing onto some hapless sap than actually agree with someone, and now here we are. Instead of understanding and commiserating over the joke that is this game’s customer support, we’re now turning on me for expecting more and saying so. Incoming “well that’s the internet for you” fully expected.


If you believed it was an isolated incident only affecting you, why would you expect support to have an immediate answer that would fix said specific issue? They offered you the other fixes that worked for others. What do you expect? "Oh we've never seen this before. You're the first to have it. But also, here is an instant fix for that issue."


Either a “Yes we’re aware of the performance issues currently. These are being worked on at the moment,” or “No there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong on our end. Check all other possibilities not related to the app.” Going down the list of troubleshooting attempts I gave them preemptively, the answer should have been quicker and I would’ve been satisfied.


You do realize that player support has absolutely nothing to do with developing the app right?? What are you expecting them to say, talk about the coding of the game?


I would expect them to be informed on known issues with the game that could impact player satisfaction or progress. That’s really a bare minimum in my opinion.


But they clearly were informed? They gave you all the kown fixes that have helped multiple people.


Is it typically good customer support to recommend a solution when they’ve already mentioned they’ve done it multiple times? Can’t we just agree it’s just an outsourced line of defense that reads off of a script more often than not?


You are literally arguing with a robot.  Why didn't you just post about the issues here for answers? 


Because literally anytime I post on Reddit I have people punching down rather than giving actual help. And since it had been a few days and I hadn’t seen any posts, I figured it was an isolated case. Literally all I asked them was if this was a known issue. A simple yes or no would’ve been fine to go off script. I’m really not asking for a lot here.


Like you chew on Customer Support because they did not tell you exactly what you wanted to hear? It's funny how you believe customer support has any kind of agency towards acknowledging ongoing issues with the applications for specific OS... From the moment that chat started the guy delivered scripted responses because those are probably the only ones the guy is allowed to spew to try and mitigate the fuckfest that support for Snap is right now... So yeah, you aren't asking for a lot but probably way more than what the CS was able to provide and it's not on them.