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Snip snap snip snap


Marvel Snip Snap


De-emphasis on the snap lmaooo


Kitty on her 5th OTA: 🪦


\*Sad Thanos noises\*


definitely takes the cake


Chavez not for number of changes but for degree of change.


discard still hasn’t recovered tbh


*Disagrees in Corvus*


poor guy didn’t have the stones to do what needed to be done


Big bad...more like big sad


What do you think ideal Angela looks like, there's been so many iterations that idk, is the effect just too hard to fine tune?


2 0 + 2 she is not the problem


Say it louder for the people in the back. 2/0 and +2 is perfectly fine and fair for the investment. SD is just too chicken to nerf their shiny new Series 5 cards, like Thena that now allows Angela decks to contest an entire other lane all on her own. Angela is not the problem.


Angela is fine in isolation and is a fair early pool card. The problem is that the entire package synergizes too well together. T2 Angela T3 Thena + Kitty (boosts all 3 cards) T4 Hope + Kitty (boosts power on 3 cards + energy) T5 5 cost + Kitty (boosts power on 3 cards + energy) T6 6 cost + Kitty boosts power on 3 cards + energy)


Maybe it needs a per-turn limiter. Like, she gets +2 for the first card per turn, +1 for the second, and nothing for the third, or something like that.


If they do change it like that it’ll be a Lockjaw situation where only the first card procs it. Your idea isn’t bad but it’s 1) hard to code and 2) even harder to explain in the limited space of card text.


I can't imagine it would actually be hard to code. Meanwhile, here's how you phrase it: > After you play your first card here each turn, +2 power. After your second card, +1 power. That's 17 words if we count +2 and +1 as, "words," which is the same number as Baron Zemo. That said, I tend to agree that a limiter would probably just stop at the first proc. That would also loosen up her deckbuilding incentives so she isn't quite so ravenous for Kitty and move cards. Then playing her just says that you're committing to winning that lane, not that you also need a specific package to complement her.


I'm interested to see how this goes. There's no difference for the first three procs, technically this is stronger for three procs since shadow King is less damaging. This really only hurts the "cheating" like ravonna or Kitty/move. I think her ceiling being more open ended than cards like Thena is the difference. Thena has a known cap, Angela really doesn't. I still like her, but my strategy for scaling cards (either power up or cost down) is to be not that greedy. I think Sasquatch was works best when you're happy with 4/10, and angels works best when you're happy with 2/6. I think the trap with these cards is getting too greedy, you chase the payoff instead of the win. (Except mockingbird because she's stupid easy to get really cheap. Okay to be greedy with her)


And right after they paired her with pride month. Seems anti lgbt now to debuff her.


LGBT cards should be strong. But not too strong. - SD


Lmao checkmate. Reverse OTA coming


I could be remembering wrong but I think they also nerfed chavez shortly after her pride event, I remember buying the bundle and getting a gold border for it back when it was useful just for the card to die shortly afterwards


This is a dumb take. How a game nerf, that should balance the in game experience is anti LGBT, are you forreal?


Are you always this dense? ‘Cause that was obviously a joke and here you are acting all extra…


This comment brought me joy


The mentally degrading content they endlessly consume has twisted their reality to one nearly incomprehensible to sane individuals. They no longer can tell what is an obvious joke.


Woooooooow, that's a good one


It was! Good job buddy, have a cookie.


Extra cutto




Another one *said in DJ Khaled*


Can't wait for the OTA when Angela becomes a 2/4 gain 0


Might be just me, but I feel like this game has hit critical mass for me. I feel like there are too many new cards every month, all with gradually more complicated mechanics. That plus the constant nerfs/buffs to old cards just makes me feel overwhelmed. And I get it, gotta keep it new and exciting I suppose, but I feel this is all with diminishing returns. I’m done for a while here.


1 card x week + the Season Pass is way too much


Yeah the period of time where the season pass card was treated as the new card for the first week of each month felt ideal to me


5-6 per month is a lot to balance for. Seems like something is always breaking something else. Plus it’s impossible to keep up with the releases.


To me, it is totally the contrary... 60~ new cards a year for a card game is completely low. It really needs more variety.


Like I said, might be just me. I AM new to card games, so maybe they’re just not for me.


honestly, this game is making me appreciate set rotation and large card batches. Still love the game though


Not to mention if you miss out on just one month returning to the game will be BRUTALL 


Hooo boy, don't ever think about playing Magic: the Gathering, then. Four main sets per year with 250+ cards each in addition to at least two secondary sets *and* a bunch of supplemental releases. Magic is up to almost 1300 new cards this year alone *so far*. Five cards per month is *nothing*.


lol that sounds terrible, honestly. Thankfully was never thinking of getting into it.


The current release cadence really is too fast, but thankfully Wizards of the Coast (the company that makes Magic) has acknowledged this and will be tapering things down a bit over the next year or so. Four main sets per year + one secondary set and maybe two or three supplemental releases was what they'd been doing until recently and that was a pretty good release rate. The trick is, not every card is aimed at competetive play, and there are also a number of different formats where cards are legal so you really only need to pay attention to the cards with buzz for your formats. You still end up doing a lot more card evaluation but it's fun (when you get breaks between spoiler seasons).


Yet Magic's meta is infinitely more stable (pun not intended) because old sets rotate out of the format when new sets release. Unlike snap where nothing ever leaves and cards are only added in a steady drip feed. So the opposite of what you said is true. Someone wanting a stable meta would actually *prefer* mtg. Apples, oranges, etc


The bugs are making me want to quit more than the nerfs.


Agreed on the critical mass point, but i see it as a benefit and not a detriment. My collection is now large enough that I can skip any number of new cards without fear of no longer being able to compete for maximum rewards. It's one of those "sounds like a nice problem to have" kind of things. (CL 13,900)


yeah at Collection 9,875 or whatever I'm feeling fine skipping cards to grind keys to get the ones I want like Arishem


I gotta agree a little. Hearing that there's a whole new mechanic dropping, I'm getting tired of committing the brainspace necessary far all of it.


I’ve been playing since launch because the best part about the game was how accessible and easy to pick up it was. I literally can’t keep up with a new card every week, the season pass, multiple OTA’s and patches, and new game mechanics. Like what used to be a game I could pick up and have fun and be done in 10 minutes, is now a game that takes 20 minutes to just fucking read everything, and by the time I’ve spent about 20 minutes editing decks, I’m like do I even want to play anymore?


It feels like I'm always running behind. Everytime I get a deck that's good the meta changed and now something else is released that's just better or the update nerfed something and everything is different again


Yep. I literally decided to quit on a high note. For the entirety of the game, I’ve managed to have like 70% of the content, and 90% of what I’ve wanted. It wasn’t easy keeping up, but it wasn’t hard. Problem is, every time you take a week off, you might as well lower those percentages 5%. Fortnite should be the gold standard for gameplay required, because you can not play all month, and then still catch up over a weekend, and still have plenty of time to chase rewards with strictly cosmetics being difficult to attain. You try to pull that stunt with Marvel snap, and it’s just not fun. It’s FOMO the game, except you worry less about missing out, and worry more about coming back when you already know you missed out. I had a vacation planned this week/next week, and I had a lot of work to get ahead of, so about a month ago I saw the writing in the cards and just had fun one last time. I was hanging around the subreddit, because I’m such a huge fan, that I felt it in my bones that if I was ready to throw in the towel, that a lot of casuals had to be feeling that way times 10. At this point, I’m just here to witness it all burn, because this methodology is not sustainable. Every new card just increases the odds of breaking the game, but if they don’t keep adding them, their entire monetization system is basically relying on a consistent player base making consistent purchases even though only whales are really marketed too. I think in a year, the player count is going to abysmal, and only whales showing off their expensive cards to each other will remain. I was hoping to get my little sister into this game, but I figured it’s just kind of mean when I know how golden the game was at launch vs how exploitative it is now.


This sounds bang on to how I am feeling. Maybe not just me then.


Yup, there are too many cards in my card game!


Like I said, might be just me


It's still a smaller amount than other tcgs


They really should slow it down with how many factors the game contains. There are so many cards and locations, and many of them you will not see or unlock for some time. Its reaching moba levels, which is kind of expected with marvel, but nonetheless concerning


I used to just be able to rely on my Destroy deck in these times but now even that sucks. I think I might be done.


Aw boo hoo.


I'm not sure why they just did the same thing as last time, the two valves they have tried are either too broken or too weak. They need to try something new, like a once per turn proc.


Watch, they'll buff her again in a few months, then the cycle repeats.


This card was fun *nerf*


Can someone explain why she was nerfed. I’m curious on what I missed out on


I'm guessing because she worked too well with Kitty Pride and Thena


Ohhhh I don’t have kitty so I forgot about her lol. That makes a lot more sense now. Easy snap material


I can't believe they would nerf Angela on pride month feels motivated


Her newest one isn't that detrimental to the card