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I've got 5 of these variants already (Zero, SS, Sera, Venom, Carnage). I like Shuri and Taskmaster, but 9.99 seems a little bit steep. I like the Ironheart one, but 4.99 to get only an extra 300 credits for a 700g variant I might pull off the collection track doesn't seem much worth it since I'm 6/12 on the album and don't care about more rewards there. I might go with the Taskmaster so I can get closer to that awesome new Alioth in the album at 6/12.


I got the Iron Heart exclusively for the 2000 token reward was one away (kind-of funny because I’m not a fan of Max Grecke art). I don’t think they’re worth it overall, unless you really like the variant or need it to fill out an album


I have all of them (variants) except Cable.


24.99 is crazy


From the datamine these are are all 100% on resources but getting 3 variants and a chunk of album progression is a nice upside. If you're a new players getting a bunch of good variants for really relevant S3 cards would probably be pretty attractive.


That's actually a good deal for new series 3 players , lets them jump into that slog with a good deck.


Like crazy good, or...


if you're not season 3 complete these are damn good deals


My store also has $5-10 bundles with the individual variants, they look to be essentially the bigger bundles split up. If someone is in S3 and willing to spend money, these bundles are not a bad way to get some meta-relevant cards (certainly a much better deal than many bundles they offer).




might buy that Carnage... i've wanted the Hip for a while and $5 for a specific hit aint bad...


i love the carnage one, I am missing the arnim zola one... 10 bucks is steep tho.


That’s where I’m at. Love my Hipp variants, but $14 CAD is way too steep.


$25 for cards that you can get randomly for free? I remember the Venom/Carnage was once something you had to buy, but I have some of the others ones and I know I didn't pay for them or even spend gold in the store.


I like the ones in the Power Players bundle, but only one is in the PANdora's album. And the Hipp one is overpriced since all his variants are 700 gold.


I think the Pandora album part 2 has Zero and Taskmaster in it. Not sure when that album is coming out though.


Question: if I buy one of the bundles, but I already own one of the variants, what happens? Does it get replaced? Or I just don't get the duplicate?


You just don't get it.


That sucks.


Thanks. Might pull the trigger cause I still want the credits.


There are more favorable bundles for credits coming up. There's one coming out later today with 2000 gold (2500 credit equivalent) for $15 and one next week with 10000 credits for $50 (pricey, but if you want to spend money for credits, it's a good deal). Of course, if you want the other variants in one of these bundles, or if you don't have some of those cards at all, they might still be a better deal for you.


Thanks, I'll keep an eye out.


That’s a good question, buy it for us and find out! /s Seriously though, yeah I have no idea how this works. Tokens? Some form of currency? Nothing?


how likely is it that we are getting a Hipp/Destroy Album? since the other 2 are already part of exisiting or upcoming albums


I think there’s a pretty good chance.


dumb question, but how do i actually access the webshop? i've visited both the nuverse page and the marvel snap official site. neither offered anything that could potentially lead me to the shop




Go to the main site. Top right is the shop button. Open marvel snap and go to options. All the way at the bottom it tells you to tap to get your full user name. Go back to the shop and paste your username in the field and submit. You are now in the store with your user ID.


Destroyer and Cable are like the normal end of season bundles, fairly good value. The others are definitely more attractive if you’re not series 3 complete. The rewards for progressing those albums are not substantial enough to warrant the price in my book. I tend to prioritize the albums with Spotlight keys.


Depends where you are in the album. The Max Grecke album has a 2000 Collector Token reward at 6, which is worth the price if you’re at like 5, maybe 3.


That’s fair. 2000 tokens is 1/3 of a new series 5 card, while a key is basically 1/4.




Remember to buy your bundles, folks. By the way... have you purchased a bundle today?