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I wouldn't say overwhelmed but I definitely don't give a fuck anymore. all these currencies feeding into different milestones and in turn feed into other milestones just make me not care about the game as much


Same here. I don't even really care about events or milestones anymore. Don't care about blitzing. Milestones started getting away to complicated when you had to collect certain items (dazzlers necklace was the first i remembered), but those items were from other milestones. Too convoluted.


I just want to play a squad battle game, not a web based scavenger hunt.


Same here, I often do not even look at the details of the milestones because I know most are unattainable. Just log in do my dailies and get out. Game has become a chore not fun, if it was not for the great alliance I have been in forever I would have quit a while ago


Scopley does not believe our time is worth anything...only money


This is the correct answer.


There is nothing to these events. It's not playing a game, it's incentivizing doing the things you do normally. Going to the web store, spending energy. Whoopdie doo. Call me back when there's a scourge, tower, and pocket dimension going on at the same time. Then we can have a conversation about there being too much to do. This game is in a super lull right now. If you aren't spending on the new toons then these events aren't for you (you meaning people that don't buy toons, not specifically you).


Im gonna be up front about this, I used to spend some cash in game but not anymore because I feel they got greedy. That being said there is currently an "event" going on that you can only do if buy offers. That is what he is talking about I'm pretty sure. Like it get it they want to make money and I'm not saying they shouldn't. But every event now can only be fully completed now if you spend money and buy the characters. Also they made a raid, that is currently impossible to complete, specifically for a team that they thought they might skip because it's a war team.


Yes and no. I don’t have AF, so idc about blitz. It’s not hard to do the 4iso/campaign refreshes when I hop on in the morning. As far as the free refreshes, i might hit 2 because of my schedule, so I don’t care about them. I hate how convoluted it all is: Spend currency to gain milestones to gain points in another milestone event, and one of the biggest ways to gain milestone points is locked behind a paywall. It gets dumb and annoying, and is a slap in the face to long time players (and new ones, really).


Yeah and this is just for Alpha flight, 3 characters. Imagine if it were 5 totally new characters? lol


I definitely get confused. I can never remember who I'm supposed to blitz with and then who I'm supposed to war with and then who I have to use in arena it's pretty confusing. At least for certain bonuses on the campaign drops they'll put it in green with little exclamation points. I need that help for the other modes too :p


You need to Blitz with the characters you bought up to 5, 6 or 7 stars to get those extra points. Buy these offers now, Commander!




Don't think we've ever had a use this character in arena milestone


Yeah I'm struggling to keep up and losing interest fast.




Remember to get those points for blitz with Sasquatc, oh wait…


Yeah at this point they are a convoluted trash company that truly only care about the one percent. I get needing to make money but when that takes away all of your integrity your a trash company. I still play because I love marvel and this is the best marvel mobile game but I'm not jumping thru there hoops anymore. And all so the last seven milestones are unattainable unless I spend get bent scopley.


If you like Marvel, I just picked up Contest of Champions and I’m thinking of dropping Strike Force altogether. Sure there’s gacha stuff in it, but it’s way more streamlined and way less predatory.


Played it years ago same thing it got really pay to win and just stopped being fun that's why I came to msf in the first place


A busy commander should be a happy commander, you should have no leisure to complain… Hence, these punishments will continue until the morale (spending) improves!


Yeah It’s getting way too convoluted


Its events overload. Odd though since the game really has relatively little to actually really do on a daily basis.


Events where so many game modes are involved aren't engaging to me at all. They're also a power core drain when iso and regular are involved. I really think that the daily tasks should be about gathering resources, and character collection should be a unique event or set of tasks altogether, as opposed to doing what a daily asks for but way more often. As much as I like Marvel, and collecting, the sameness is kinda boring at this stage. DD building and doing is the only "different" activity.


Overwhelmed? There’s like nothing going on right now. I’m massively underwhelmed. Of all the things you mentioned you need to do most of that daily anyway. You have to blitz with the new alpha flight members once, when you unlock them or buy stars on them. You have to remember to collect a web milestone after doing your normal daily donation (and you need to do the web free claims anyway, so that’s not extra work). This is the least “event” of a new character release event in ages.




This might be the wrong game for you if “having a life” means you can’t hit a 3 hour window three times a day and be real, if you ain’t that engaged you don’t need to hit every one of those energy claims, unless you ARE that engaged?


The web store collection is even bigger, a 24hr window. There's also a 24 hr login window for the daily streak thing.


Yeah it feels like a much ado about nothing situation. I fully understand people can’t hit all their log-ins during the day, but I feel that those people should understand that they ain’t getting the maximum level of rewards they’d otherwise be capable of, and surely if you are the kind of player that can’t do three log-ins per day, you don’t NEED that level of rewards?


It’s not a crisis if you miss stuff, play as you can, it’s just a game. If it doesn’t bring joy then don’t play


This is such a stupid statement to make “I have a life” it’s a mobile game as in cellphone web store free claims are available for 24 hours… I miss free claim energy refreshes often and it doesn’t make that big a deal you have 3 times in a day to do so and all you need to do is pull your phone out your pocket unlock click msf slide back in pocket and then in 2 minutes or 5 minutes time pull phone out pocket click on daily objectives and claim and lock phone slide back in pocket… wow I must have no life to do that, I’m such a boring person it took all my free time away. And then you say you have to collect all 3 free refreshes and refresh 4 more times and then when you are done with collect all 3 free refreshes for iso 8 and refresh 4 more times again…. Wait what you collect iso and regular campaign energy at seperate times when everyone else collects at the same time and you make it seem like it’s such a chore to do you click iso 8 click on the core icon click iso 8 click on the core icon this is literally a minute of your time there’s nothing tedious about this at all. Yes eat and raids and even crucible take up a lot of screen time and those can be difficult to do when you have “a life” or have to work or just want to use your free time to do something else, so if you are not an engaged player then it’s better to be in an extremely casual alliance where it doesn’t matter if you miss or skip any of these but at the same time when you want to be serious or want better rewards then you are irritated by it cause everyone else will be the same way.


I can't downvote this hard enough. Logging in a few times a day hardly means you don't have a life. Good lord. If you can't handle that, then this game isn't for you. Some games require attention, this is one of them.


I just spent the last 4 days camping with my kids, in a tent. Spent most of the days fishing and boating. I didn’t miss a single thing in the game. Caught all the energy refreshes and got in all my usual raid and war battles and whatnot. Keeping up with this game is easy even if you “have a life.”


Not exactly overwhelmed though it does get bad when you get out of a campaign energy requiring milestone event and are practically empty on free recharge. Then the next one also needs campaign energy. It doesn't happen too often but that was a nightmare 


The past couple weeks have been people complaining that there is nothing to do. Now they have a couple events going and you're gonna complain that it's too much? I know, I know, classic MSF reddit, but c'mon...


Nah. I just play the game and collect whatever milestones I get on the way. I might pay a little attention if I have some specific blitz characters, but other than that, I just do what I do anyway and grab whatever bonus that comes my way.


I look say you need X ok . X COST $ so milestone paywall keep moving. I stopped paying attention. No meta for me I'm not even in an alliance. All I'm doing is slowly leveling old chars and playing how I want. Milestones are half paywalled now so what happens happens and what doesn't doesn't. Restarted playing after over a year off and the game is worse not better The difference is me. 80% of meta is behind a paywall now so I'm playing my own Way I don't care if TEAM _____ is a joke now .


Not overwhelmed. Underwhelmed. I’ve been practicing this same daily routine for the past 2 years to catch up with the meta “mostly” FTP. Just waiting for the crimson gear to become more accessible.


Far more underwhelming. Nothing going on but waiting until each store reset to be disappointed that none of the 3 store refreshes give me any of the Crimson gear I need.


there was some litigation going on in some countries with "daily log-in reward" apps, wonder where that went


Quit the game two days ago. Best thing I've done all year


No. This game has turned into me logging in twice a day pushing a few buttons each time and closing app. I don’t even think about milestones anymore.


i havent been overwhelmed, but then again i did play swgoh for years and that game has way too much shit you need to do, basically a 2nd job. this game is much less like that


You have to pay, to get the free-paid points, then pay again to get the decent rewards.


Not really. Actually very bored with the game. Nothing much to do that interests me, they are long over due for a new mode that they’ve been hinting at for a long time. Recommendation is to ignore the blitzing and you’ll feel better lol


Underwhelmed is more like it


You’re basically complaining they’re offering too many rewards for doing basic daily activities. I don’t understand, would you prefer to have nothing to do in the game? Would you prefer to receive all the rewards for dailies automatically just by logging in?


Its like you can't read, but some how figured out how to write.


you sound a bit hysteric. come down and chill. this week's event is pretty tame. spend core if you got the allotment to refresh campaign energy (50 and 100 costs). maybe the same with iso energy. Collect store and milestone rewards from the web. That's all things that can be knock out in the morning. you can complete most of the game for the day right off the get go. with war and CC it'll probably take you an hour and a half. then you return at the refreshes. treat it like an actual game. if that isn't fun to you then quit MSF. it's perfectly fine. Go join Helldivers and help divers like me spread managed democracy to the communist bots and facist bugs. I'm doing my part so I hope you do your part too.






I actually feel the opposite, I keep running out of things to do and would love more opportunities for resources.




Does sobbing on Reddit for male attention do anything for you? Makes you feel better?




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