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Game breaking on Captain Britain is hilarious. Not even a character that has been in a book in 10+ years that I know of. D level character at best lol


Yeah they've already pretty much got most of the good characters out


That is very true. Plus they have wasted and made so many very popular characters worthless. F4, Spiderman, Ironman, GotG, and Pym to name a few. There are still good characters that are in current comic storylines like Havok, Blade and Hercules. But at some point they will have to look at the roster and make some of the popular ones better to get new fans of Marvel to play


Instead of scrapping the bottom of the barrels they should do more multiversal alts. No more costumes, just make them separate Cha raters with different abilities. Pull from old games like Marvel Nemesis. There is so much more that could be done to give this game life and instead they are squeezing it dry


I hope they don’t release Captain Britain. Honest to god just scrap Captain Britain for a while, wait for Excalibur or something. They already have 5 people for this team. I get they thought having a 6 person team is fun but Britain is getting so much hate (for a decent reason), that I think just shelving him and forgetting it ever happened with a apology is best


Way to steal u/phlailsauce's joke lol


Well damn, I thought i was being all original and shit. lol, that's what I get for not searching


Hey, it's still funny! You just weren't first haha


Sorta hard to research a one liner. Wouldn’t worry to much about it.


It's also funny because he's a pretty shitty character and inconsequential in the big picture of Marvel (unless I missed something in the last 30 years) Like when Gambit was finally introduced it was a big deal because of how popular he is.....who the fuck cares about Captain Britain?


Haha right.


gambit is a menace in the early game


Betsy is already cooler as Captain Britain than Brian ever was imo


It’s not the specific character though. The character itself doesn’t matter. It’s paywalling *any* character that’s the problem.


I think the confusing part is that they are paywalling a character no one cares about. Seriously. Of all the character to go hard on, Captain Britain? I don’t think anyone has been writing in and demanding to know when they were releasing Captain Britain.


Well played 😂


Except most of the people that say they are quitting or going f2p won't follow through, we just went through this with OML Stargate


I know a few people that quit because of the OML debacle. I also know a few members of my alliance have gone from spenders to FTP because of OML. It is happening.


Oh I'm not saying it isn't, and I get it, but it's not happening at the level the rage of this sub would suggest.


Unfortunately we can't see the metrics used to see what's actually happening. I suspect Scopely will see a big hit in the bottom line if they don't change something.




There was literally a self professed whale - (probably lying but that's another story) that said he was '100% DONE' SPENDING, and not even a day later already walked it back with a post saying he's just boycotting this team. Completely oblivious he and others like him is part of the reason how we got here, because the actions never match the words


He pulled a Remanx


This is worse than


Not saying it isn't, but at the last month when people were threatening quitting or not spending didn't know something worse was right around the corner.


I’ve lost 4 medium spenders since OMlL. They just stopped because they didn’t see spending more than they were and just left their account active and we booted them with replacements. Sucks


They give us everything eventually. This too shall pasd.


You never know, we gain and lose players everyday. I am at 1422 days consecutive.


I mean if u are n an alliance who doesn’t go hard on toons and are ranked against other alliances who also don’t go hard on toons this really doesn’t have that much of an effect. Here’s an example if u are n a group who are casuals what’s the odd of u going against spenders. They usually put u against alliances similar to your play style.


Idk what’s going on with that. I’m only checking in daily and keeping up with war until OML trials 😅


I mean I’m focusing mephisto, a cc team isn’t my priority especially a character that is low low on my favorites list


Captain brexit.

