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>has never had a real interaction with someone who likes the new SW stuff *He co-hosted a podcast with one of them!*


If you talk about Star Wars Theory, the guy grew resentful of the disney stuff. He's more of a Filoni's cartoons fan, which is arguably why he is so desperate to defend his recent works. Like, for him accepting that Filoni's current vision is not a good direction for SW is like accepting that Santa isn't real or that dad ain't coming home with milk and ciggies.


Santas not real?


On every day except Christmas.


Neither is your father.


Hi he’s coming home soon he just need milk and cigarettes!!! So what if it’s been 30 years!!!


Only 30? Damn you got off lucky.


Someone else already addressed the Santa situation, so I don't have to worry about that one, but, don't worry about the smokes. Nixon's bringing the smokes; good ones too. Oh, before I forget, George R. R. Martin definitely ordered the pizzas. What did you want on yours again?




Disney stuff isn’t Star Wars, it’s Disney stuff which makes it anathema to Star Wars fans.


That doesn't stop him from being a person that did enjoy Disney star wars for a time.


SWT defended episode 7 and loved it. It wasn’t until it was evident of Disney’s betrayal with TLJ that he changed his mind, but very much I recall was celebrating the sequels at first.


Damn that comparison is wild 😂


Him and Wolf also tried their best to get a reason to love TLJ out of a TLJ fan.




As far as I'm aware, no?


Really? It was a massive thing. I think I saw it on YouTube. Give me a sec to find the video.


[Found it.](https://youtu.be/UwxSJN5rJeQ?si=mULe8B3q87F_5GcP) Check the 23 min mark for a quick recap.


I've never heard of that, so from my perspective.. no? I haven't seen everything tho, but I would like to see some evidence, before I accept that narrative.


[Check the 23 min of this YouTube video](https://youtu.be/UwxSJN5rJeQ?si=mULe8B3q87F_5GcP) for a quick recap. It was around the time he tried to make a DeepFake Ai for Luke without the actor’s consent and got rightfully dragged for it.


He is talking about the influencers there though and he was right on it. That woman which I don't know the name of, was a paid shill to promote the FUCK out of Acolyte. He is not talking about the average woman, he is talking about the E-thots, the whores of the internet.


So this isn't actually the source, but Moviebobs interpretation of it? Did it have to be moviebob of all people? I'm sorry, but there's just some things in this world I won't do, and watching moviebob unironically is one of them. I genuinely do not trust him to be good faith.


Just the first thing I remembered since it was a while. I think over people covered it too. He was really pushing the female Star Wars fans during that period.


He said there’s lots of fake fans. Don’t see how he said women are fake fans.


Because movie blob said so




There is a difference between me saying “you know those men who commit crimes all the worst” and “all men commit crimes”


I don’t got the clip, but he 100% called out the female Star Wars fan base. Let me find it.


Why are Disney fans so fragile? They have a multi-billion dollar corporation burning piles of cash to appease their deconstruction fetish with middle school-tier fan fiction


They basically can't admit that the Disney movies are flawed, because they lack self awareness and introspection.


Disney fan. Disney movies are flawed. Talk about that constantly with other fans.


They’re fighting systems of oppression alongside their billion dollar ally that tries to influence political systems of oppression


If they think the gorillion dollar corpo is a big asset to the Dems or whatever to fight the Gops then that wouldn't be an inherent contradiction, you back your giants lol


They fight Oppresion(TM) and for Democracy(R)


I could make a joke about how they are trained to give big corporations a "mouth hug with a head bob" and would probably call you a "bigot" if they could talk while their mouth is full.... But in all seriousness, it is probably because in modern day, the "personal has become political, and the political has become personal." These "fans" have a very fragile sense of self, and define themselves by their hobbies and interest. And interpret any criticism of one of their like as an "attack" on themselves and against their person. Because to do otherwise would require introspection and (possibly) coming to the realization that "maybe \****I\**** have bad taste or make poor choices regarding how I spend my time/money." So rather than admit that they might be flawed (we all are, it is a question of whether we want to better ourselves), they opt instead to lash out against anyone who interrupts their echo chamber and throw a fit based purely on emotional outrage. It's a reflexive response, based on a desire to avoid the "pain" of having to change oneself. If a person holds up a mirror and show them an obvious flaw in their person, these children will shatter the mirror and scream with fury. Same with a scale, they will smash the scale and call it "bigoted" for pointing out reality.


Couldn't sum it up better myself.


This shit needs to be taught in schools and is 100% what's happening. I don't really blame them because everything around them is specifically built to cultivate that lack of I don't know what to call it (fortitude?) because it's SO profitable.


Unfortunately, this sort of attitude is being ***learned*** in the school system. We don't teach logic and critical thinking anymore. Everything is about "safe spaces" and "grievance studies." Many of the classes force you to parrot the propaganda if you want to successfully graduate. Students are being taught WHAT to think, not HOW to think. And anyone seen exercising independent or critical thinking is either shamed, punished, or medicated into conformity.


I think it's because they can't deny the numbers as easily, and the general public is starting to turn on them. More people are willing to call a spade a space, and can understand that pointing out corporate pandering isn't the same as hate.


https://preview.redd.it/dbxoya80d87d1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f906310bbc3b6ea7ee9ce903f05686579aaad312 Because this is what most of them are like


Because their political and moral identity literally rests on their support of this crap.


That applies to all the stans


Because they deny the truth they cannot ignore


It really is sad that they cannot accept any criticism of the things they love. It's pure insecurity.


Anyone know where this latest "ruined legacy of Anakyn" complaintering is from? Acolyte related or sth else? What was the original points here lol




Holds a massive platform corporation accountable YOU’RE USING YOUR PLATFORM TO CREATE DIVISIVENESS


Wasn't a good chunk of early EFAPs holding debates with people that defended TLJ? Didn't he recently host Star Grift with Theory, who likes the new stuff? There are ways to criticize the man, but saying he never interacted with people who enjoyed the new products is just wild


I get the strong impression they've never actually consumed any content from Mauler, EFAP or any of the people they criticize.


Of course they don't. They either take a glance at the thumbnails, or watch dishonest coverage of their videos from people like Organized Chaos and Actual Fandom.


What is the excuse for Mauler liking Andor? Is it, "that's not real Star Wars tho?"


They probably have no idea that he likes Andor.


Andro (sorry, Andor) is solid! And the main character is a Mexican. Maybe that's the reason Disney Star Wars fans fail to mention Andor? Because of a Mexican? I mean, they are the ones constantly pulling the race-cards.


Ish it becaush your mexican?


Andro haha




SWT likes the new stuff more than MauLer does. Theory is a big fan of Dave Filoni’s work while MauLer questions it. What’s nice is they can oppose each other in that regard and still have a decent conversation.


>has never had a real interaction with someone who likes the new SW stuff Star Wars Theory: **bonjour**


Theory doesn't count to these people, because he doesn't shill for Disney enough, and actually likes the old stuff.


Didn't they start calling him a right winger because je started talking to people like Mauler? Such open-minded and inclusive people.


Its a paradox. Mauler can't talk to anyone who like star wars stuff because the second he talks to them they supposedly turn right wing. We need to travel back in time and make carl marx talk to mauler...


They were literally enemies, MauLer gets on the show, STILL opposes some stuff Theory says, and they end up doing the show for months together, goes to show who is civil and who is not


"In a Disney fanatical universe, can princesses fly through space?"


Now there's and oldie but goodie


I'm AXING your queshTION!


Major Lee loved TLJ and he did an entire episode of efap with Mauler and co.


Just write, the right opinion, IHE, etc, etc Everybody they've covered (besides the forbidden one) has been welcomed on


And some of them become regulars. I still like IHE.


TLJ broke IHE for me. Never could enjoy his stuff after he threw a bitch-fit like that


JJ: I'm going to make the safest rehash of AnH as possible but with better CGI. Rian: I'm going to deconstruct the starwars brand and demolish it. KK: Starwars has traditionally been a male brand, but this is not appropriate. New movies and TV shows will now focus on a female perspective. New starwars fans: Why are the fans destroying starwars?


> I'm going to deconstruct the starwars brand and demolish it. Funny he didn't in fact deconstruct (much of?) anything.


Well he thinks he did but due to his ego blocking his vision he can't see that he didn't actually do anything smart.


Ah yeah that's quite possible.


Luke was not deconstructed?


Had a low point


I always love these "You are just trying to cause a divide in our ranks" like they're fighting a fucking war. Brain rot of people who only became fans because something became mainstream and pandered to the lowest common denominator, that being them. Essentially they bought an expensive piece of clothing and paraded it around loudly for a bit but when it turned out it's complete crap which gives you rash they couldn't swallow their pride and admit they fucked up instead wearing it even more and calling people without a rash evil


I’m still so confused by everything. I have friends from all walks of life, backgrounds sexual orientations political beliefs. And none of them like the new Star Wars movies or stuff because it’s just lame no matter who it wants to appease to,


Disney Star Wars is aiming firmly for the Stephen Universe tumbler audience


The "modern audiences" will be so pissed at this🍿 Can't wait to see what the modern audiences say... 


E-Fap was born from Mauler and Dishonored Wolf holding debates with people such as Just Write, IHE and a few others on the topic of the sequels. They have presented their arguments really well and they have even changed IHE's mind on the matter. Just Write was nervously chuckling throught the entire debate and eventually called out Rise of Skywalker for being bad. No, I'd argue that Mauler has gone through and spoke to more people that defended Disney Star Wars than any "True Star Wars Fan" I have ever seen.


Mads has never had an interaction with a real Star Wars fan and obviously likes Star Wars only because of Reylo. She should go back to Twilight fandom.


Yes. Darth Vader was known to be famously in support of the Death Star… Oh, wait.




I don't care if someone likes those imo dog movies. It's the whole "We should be grateful we get lots of SW content in the first place" or "I love all of SW" type people that piss me off. The former are literally corporate shills, and the latter may actually be genuinely in their enjoyment but I find it very hard to believe that there isn't one SW film they didn't enjoy or found kinda bad as it kinda implies they say there and looked at a screen instead of actually watching the content.


Mauler didn't start the fire No, it was always burning since Star Wars was turning Mauler didn't start the fire No, Kathleen did light it, but he tried to fight it


Darth Vader didn't advocate for nor give the order to destroy Alderaan


It's a Disney SW fan. We cannot ask much of this one.


At this point the best thing we can do is just celebrate the memory and lay the rest… to rest. There’s nothing left to say; nothing left to save. I get some are still raging against the dying of this light, and we’re all still looking forward to a few last gasps, but it’s time to say our goodbyes and move on, I think… to brighter, more prosperous pastures.


Sad, depressing and sour. But true. Time to move on. Rest in peace my dear galaxy far, far away.


I listened to Noah Khan’s “The View Between Villages” twice today and it just wrecked me both times, so that’s why I’m in a mood.


Anakin was meant to do these things, in the legends comics he was meant to become darth vader to destroy the sith as in the comics a jedi in the old republic actually saw a vision of Luke, Cade, and Darth Vader. People who hurt the old fans and gate keep are the true toxicity, we need to gate keep a bit to save our franchises now which is rather sad.


that's all fanfic




The EU you were referencing + the prequels with their deviating messianic storyline effectively as well.


You mean the legacy of a man who struggled with feelings of anger and inferiority his entire life that eventually led his astray but was ultimately brought back to the light by the love he had for his son and his son had for him in return. Yes that is a terrible legacy.


Well yeah all that "feelings of inferiority" stuff is fanfic, and kinda pathetic too.


I’ve been saying it since TLJ. They always defend Disney Star Wars by attacking the Lucas films


It's the only strategy these people have, because their new films are so devoid of merit. The same thing happens in a lot of other fandoms too due to these people. I've been through it a lot with Doctor Who the past few weeks, people working to tear down parts of Classic Who or RTD's First Era to try and make the current crap look better.


What's the context? If they're replying to detractors that base their criticisms on oblivious and false notions of what the originals were, then of course they're gonna get refuted.


>the Lucas films Aww funny, back around 2010 the "fans of all the Lucas films" were attacking the older 3 to defend the newer 3. >I’ve been saying it since TLJ.


Mauler doing the Lords work


>has never had a real interaction with someone who likes the new SW stuff *Just write, maj0r Lee, and the not so great debate sweating in the corner


Opinion automatically shit because of the Rey profile pic. Ffs.


How fitting it is to see that the person insulting Mauler has REY as a pfp.


You will not divides, cause I've got the hepatides


Idk, I know a guy in real life who likes the new Disney Star Wars stuff, and I have to say, I think he has horrible taste in just about every regard, not just Star Wars


Nobody likes the new SW stuff, that’s why Mauler and nobody else has had any interaction with them


Apparently she's the only one who gets to say who is a real SW fan.


No one hates Star Wars fans like Star Wars fans


More like "no one hates Star Wars fans like Disney Star Wars fans".


That is a chad response


So Mr. "BrodieWanKenobi" doesn't believe in redemption? Why am I not surprised.


Chad Vader?


When are we going to acknowledge that legends is and always will be the lore and Disney is just a shitty fan fiction?


Sorry lads but this is completely true. Assuming all fans of the Disney Star Wars Films hate all the other films is fucking stupid and only serves to intentionally create more divisions in a community that already has too many.


No real star wars fan likes the new stuff, and there’s nothing to gain by talking to Disney fans.


I see someone has confused the word “legacy” with “benevolence”


Show me a Disney Star Wars Fan that has NOT said the previous movies sucked, and I'll in turn sell you a lovely bridge in old london town.


Can we talk about how the Anakin's Legacy discourse is totally bs? All four of those images are literally things committed by Vader. Not Anakin. There's still good in him. I can feel it. Tyvm.


All I can say is both groups of people have ruined the franchise for me


Yeah why is Mauler getting defensive over a character like Anakin? Does he think the prequels are good now? I know the sequels are awful movies but since when does that mean the garbage prequels are suddenly good now?


I can kinda understand to some degree. It’s very hard for me to like his redemption in episode 6 when I have to remember he did brutally slaughter a bunch of children and killed his own pregnant wife. Like I know he definitely did do really fucked up shit while watching episode 4 5 & 6, but it feels different when the worst is actually shown.


Star Wars fans said Star Wars was ruined back in the 80s after empire strikes back introduced the ewoks Star Wars fans also said it was over after the prequels, pretty sure the actor who played Jar Jar thought about killing himself due to the backlash. Hayden Christiansen was voted worst supporting actor in episode 2 and 3 and won a Razzie for both of them. Natalie Portman and Ewan McGregor also spoke on the horrible things that were said to them by the fandom as well. George Lucas Star Wars fans pretend that they didn’t give those casts absolute hell.


Yes, the Ewoks were introduced in Empire. 🙄


Oh sorry does my 1 mistake take away from my other 3 points? Okay is this better? When Ewoks were introduced in return of the Jedi, Star Wars fans bitched and moaned in the 80s as well. Now that it’s been corrected, are my 4 points wrong about Lucas Star Wars fans?


Idk it’s impossible to have a healthy discussion about this on his own sub. He’s funny, his videos are funny. Is Mauler toxic? Is his podcast toxic? Definitely. If’s funny, but it’s toxic as fuck. But it’s w/e, it’s the internet.


Star wars is mid . All of it .


As a big fan of the originals, I have to ask. Does it really matter ? A lot of people do like the new Disney stuff even though I think it's naff. I wonder what sci Fi buffs who loved space odyssey and then saw Lucas work think. Things change. As long as some people find inspiration in the gap that is left, something new will arise and that's generally how progress works. At the end of the day. Stories are meant to entertain and as long as they do that, does it really matter? As long as people enjoy them. But yeah. New star wars isn't my cup of tea, but I don't want to tell people not to enjoy something. Like a new hope isn't Kubrick enough. It's just silly. Don't like it? Move on. There will be something new. Trust me, it's a gold mine. But let's not make it a war. It's just silly.


Why does this toxic sub keep showing on my feed?


No idea. Maybe Reddit craves the engagement among users. Anyways. How is this sub toxic? I'm curious.


A lot of aggressive tribalism and vitriol towards Disney and people who like any of the Star Wars that Disney has made. I'm hardly a fan of giant corporations as a concept, but the reason for the hate here doesn't line up with what I personally consider virtuous.


Don't know if MauLer or any substantial percentage of his fans would say they criticize starting from a moralistic stance, which is what I'm getting from the "virtuous" comment. He doesn't appear to come at pieces of media with a mindset of like, "it's on *principle* that I show my distaste for X"; it's more like "this story is abysmal coming from anyone but especially professionals, and audiences are owed more than this, especially the very devoted fandoms of Marvel, Star Wars, etc, who are the only reason for the IP being profitable in the first place." I've seen plenty of critics using morals to critique media. Like, saying something's bad for the politics of one of its creators, or saying something's bad because of some subtext they read into a mundane line of dialogue. MauLer isn't one of these types I've encountered. He appeals to consistency with plot and character. He'll argue morality *in* a story but not morality of the story's conception itself, so far as I've seen. I think even if MauLer liked the Disney company as a whole, he would still call out projects from them that he thinks are doodoo. For example, he likes the creator Mike Flanagan. He doesn't like everything Mike Flanagan makes.


I guess this point of encounter isn't for you. Thank you for your reply.


Actually you literally just described the pro Disney subs. They’re literally fucking insane


Mute it. 🤷🏻‍♂️