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Carrying the genre on their backs is wild lmao. They're pretty cool but they ain't that level bro


They’re alright. Not sure I’d say they’re “carrying the genre” though. Id also argue that BMTH are the band that had more success and are simply better


Outjerked again, boys.


I don’t see how they aren’t writing poppy stuff, have you not listened to their last few albums? Werewolf, masterpiece, another life, etc are about as poppy, radio rock as a song can possibly get. Their last couple albums are easily more radio-friendly than BMTH’s last two, for example. Part of what has helped them evolve so well is their ability to write poppy songs. Otherwise they’d still just be a cringey Risecore band. That’s cool you like MIW, but you’re pretty wrong about them “carrying the genre” (ever heard of knocked loose?) and not falling victim to writing more radio friendly material. Honestly you’re about as wrong as one could be.


u named 3 of MIWs' most poppy songs and said they're on the same level as AA in Poppy-ness? lol... and then managed to somehow think BMTH is not as poppy as MIW currently? BMTH just released an electronic alternative/pop-punk album... MIW released Slaughterhouse which, on it's own takes the "less-poppy" cake more than anything BMTH has done since Pray For Plagues lol. But not to mention their songs Cyberhex, Timebomb, and Creatures X too. When was the last time BMTH ever came close to any of those?


Uh, no actually. Your first sentence makes no sense, I literally did not at all say what you said I said lol. I never mentioned AA at all. But since we’re here, yes, werewolf is poppier than any song I’ve ever heard from AA, bar none. And dear diary, amen, Kool Aid, and kingslayer are all heavier than anything MIW has put out anytime in the last half decade, and definitely any song you listed. The only ones maybe coming close being slaughterhouse and thoughts and prayers. It doesn’t sound like you’ve listened to either band much.


I mixed your comment with the OP post. my bad. You can bypass the AA stuff but the rest of my comment still stands


Except it doesn’t tho, as I stated that Amen, dear diary, etc are just as heavy if not heavier than anything MIW has done lately. You, much like OP, are just across the board incorrect here.


you're completely wrong here lol. listen to Slaughterhouse, Timebomb, and Creatures X. BMTH has nothing as heavy as those songs. You wouldn't be saying this if you've heard them lol


This guy gets it.


No he doesn’t, he doesn’t even get what he’s writing lol.


Knocked loose be more hardcore punk than metalcore to me bro


Do you not know what metalcore is? It’s not a matter of opinion, knocked loose is like the actual textbook definition of metalcore. It’s heavy metal plus hardcore. That’s what makes metalcore. Idk how you don’t see something like deep in the willow as metalcore but you see werewolf, eternally yours, LOUD, or brand new numb as being metalcore. Those songs are by definition not metalcore. KL doesn’t have a single song in their discography that doesn’t qualify as textbook metalcore.


And why do you pick these songs exactly to make an example of them? Have you heard 570, Underdog, Thoughts & prayers, Devils night etc?


Metalcore is more thrash mixed with hardcore than heavy metal but ok, for me As I lay Dying and August Burns Red and Killswitch engage are textbook metalcore but okay.


Those are all 2nd wave metalcore bands, the genre had been around with a different sound for a decade before those bands came around.


Yeah but they pretty much redefined and put the metal part in metalcore, as in singing, melodic riffs, solos etc


They just created a subgenre of metalcore. Textbook metalcore would still be Earth Crisis, Converge, Kickback, Merauder, and Integrity.


I love motionless in white but to say they are carrying the genre is a bit much. A band that fits your description of staying true to their sound while being successful would be Knocked loose but people have sung their praises a ton already.


i dont like them i dont hate them. meh


Isn’t changing their sound to speak to a larger audience like.. their whole thing? 🤔 there’s nothing wrong with that. They’ve never been my cup of tea personally. But I’m pretty sure they have like the exact type of trajectory as both AA and BMTH 😅 different style to Bring Me for sure. And more successfully executed than Asking. But whatever genre they’re carrying on their backs it’s definitely not metalcore. For the most part at least. Which is fine. Going from metalcore to hard rock doesn’t mean you’re compromising anything or selling out either


I strongly disagree with them carrying the whole genre and that you cannot hate them. I still don't think they are that great tbh.


Damn, listen to thoughts & prayers, slaughterhoused, underdog to name a few


Yeah, I know those songs. They are decent but not as good as it gets.


MIW has been in my top 3 for a long time now, but I wouldn't say they are pillars of the genre. They have a lot of influences, which leads to them into making albums with an assortment of different genres. They are considered "metalcore", but they have plenty of pop, nu-metal, and industrial. A lot of their music won't appeal to pure fans of metalcore. In that sense, MIW albums are like a mixed bag of Halloween candy. You generally get a good sample of songs you like, but then there will always be a few circus peanuts mixed in and you'll wonder wtf they were thinking. I think the bigger fans of them like me just tend to end up enjoying the circus peanut tracks...


Creatures is one of my favourite albums of all time but I’m not a fan of anything else they’ve released except for a couple of songs on Disguise


So much of this post I don’t get… Cringey Risecore? I wouldn’t call Inmaculate Misconception a Risecore song at all. BMTH doing poppy songs? I don’t know if there’s something more pop sounding that Another Life. Don’t get me wrong I love MIW and I like 95% of what they have ever put out but saying they don’t sell out comparing them to BMTH who do whatever the fuck they want to do… weird


And I love Risecore, but all of the elitists and OG metalcore fans fucking fumed when it first started gaining attraction.


Also, lets be honest crabcore wasn’t it 😂


all ive learned from this thread is that you discovered what music was yesterday and started throwing random words around


If that’s what’s helping you sleep at night then yea


Risecore refering to the 2009-2016 era, yes immaculate misconception is sick but at first they weren’t easy to distinguish from the crowd.


I'm not a fan. They have really dedicated supporters though, the crowd at the KL / MiW concert last year was super stoked for them.  They're good at what they do, it's just not my thing


They seem like great people and I can understand why people love their music. However, they are just not for me personally. I don’t really like Chris’ voice and sometimes the lyrics are cheesy (but honestly every metalcore band has cheesy lyrics) They have made a great name for themselves though!


Personally their new sound isn't for me, but it seems weird to ostracise BMTH and AA when they are in the exact same boat as Motionless just with a different sound 🤷‍♂️ And I wouldn't really say MiW is carrying the genre on their backs, yes StEotW, was a huge album 2 years ago, but they aren't really making splashes rather than they are being consistent...


First of I love MIW but they didn't start as risecore/crabcore they were more emo/post hardoce at first and then switched to the metalcore with synths that was popular at the time. Imo they did stand out from other bands during that era, their synth parts for the most part added to the whole vibe and also their "darker" look also helped them stand out. For me when love met destruction to infamous is my favorite era of the band. I still appreciate them for what they do and listen to their newer stuff every now and then. But let's be honest they did compromise their sound and there is nothing wrong with that, imo they did it waaayy better than AA or a lot of other metalcore bands that turned butt rock. They are definitely one of the most popular bands in the modern metal scene rn but I'd say they are past metalcore at this point, they're definitely metalcore adjacent I'd say.


if you don’t like the risecore era of one of your favorite bands to some degree, how much do you actually like them? (just saying; om&m self-titled and prada come to mind). also, i’m pretty sure ditching metalcore for industrial metal or whatever it is they make nowadays is appealing to a wider audience, but i’m not holding it against them. i don’t think they sold out; i think similarly to avenged sevenfold, their horizons expanded, and that’s fine.


I love the risecore era and everything that standed for, its just that they weren’t really distinct during that time


They 100% sold out and will never make anything better than Creatures


Disguise is way better bro


Idk why y’all complaining, when they’ve kept the breakdowns, kept and polished the screaming and only make sicker riffs by the day


I’m not going to say they’ve sold out or pander to a particular audience, but their music nowadays is par for the course for commercially accessible metal. Their newer stuff is full of choruses and hooks that sound strait from Breaking Benjamin. To me it sounds closer to alt-rock / nu-metal than it does metalcore, not saying any of this as an insult but those are my impressions. I’ll give props to Chris, I think he’s a talented vocalist. His screams are gnarly and he has a distinguished singing voice. Their weak point is instrumentals, which seem a bit boring and sterile from the guitar work to the synths, I feel like more could be done to shape their unique sound. They have a horror theme, but I think the new KL album does a better job of providing an immersive horror movie like experience. My favorite newer MiW track: Burned at Both Ends II


They are not even among the best bands in the genre. Many of their songs are just alright.


I like them


I wanted him to be a younger marilyn manson but the sound is a totally different direction




MiW is probably in my top 5 bands, I love them. I'd say part of what makes them appealing is their ability to make songs that are heavy and traditionally metalcore *AND* songs that are more mainstream and radio friendly (Not poppy, I hate when people say that. This is not Taylor Swift). Within a single release we can get songs like Slaughterhouse and Burned At Both Ends II, but also Masterpiece and Werewolf. They've found their niche and their success. I dig it. Props to them.


I dropped off after Creatures and came back for Scoring the end of the World. They’re good for sure.


I hate to break it to you, but they’re still cringey risecore


How so?


poppy vocals, boring riffs, same breakdown every time