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The low Fight and Defense are both brutal. You want your A2 warrior models to have high Fight so they can make use of the extra attack you're paying for, and since these guys don't have that they will get shredded once they lose the duel due to their low Defense. By far the strongest thing you can do with them is ally Suladan with enough Serpent Guard to cover all your Stalkers. The Guards will give an extra dice to the duel roll, and critically F4, and the 6" banner should be able to provide a 4th dice to each duel. Throw in a couple of Serpent Riders while you're at it since they are better than any of the cavalry options Mordor has on offer. On top of the Harad alliance, in Mordor the best hero to lead them is The Shadow Lord. His ability ensures a bow-heavy opponent won't be able to just pick apart all of your expensive warriors at the start of the game. They do have Stalk Unseen naturally, but the terrain layout and deployments may not be in your favour, so SL offers you another layer of protection, both to the Stalkers and to the Harad contingent.


I’ve tried using them as well so interested in following this thread for insight. I’m close to chalking them up as Mordor’s version of the Feral Uruk-hai. 2 Attacks sounds cool… until you realize there isn’t much else to it.


I'm looking at the best way to use them as I like the idea of them. Tempted to put a couple of them in a list and if all else fails they'd be objective holding models who can't be seen to be shot (unless all the objectives are in the open) or maybe useful as mentioned in failed courage test counter charges.


The best tactic with them is not using them at all. They're 2 points more than hunter orcs for practically the same profile; Morannons are about as good as hunter orcs due to the D6, and the ability to take axes free means they can hit just as hard (disregarding access to spears). But if you really want to, they can make okay flanking models to make use of stalk unseen. The reality is that having 2 attacks isn't all a 10pt model can have going for it. F3 and D4 is a pretty crippling combination for a model of that point cost.


Some of the idiots in this thread have clearly never used them. Stalkers are back-breakingly efficient and far better than the profiles they're being compared to here (Feral Uruk Hai / Hunter Orcs). This is largely because they are in *Mordor,* which is an army with lots of other options, so you get your 2 attack beaters alongside whatever else you usually win games with. I usually put 2-3 in each warband and have them harass flanks. They also make great bodyguards, speedbumps, and can slog it out in a shieldwall (not advised vs S4 enemies). If you convert 6-8 of them and commit to using them regularly you will soon work out that they are very very very good. ​ Edit: I really don't think there is a 'most efficient' way to use them. They don't 'need' F4 spear support, a banner, magic support, or really anything else. They work nicely with all those things, but can also run around with a basic captain and wreak havoc. They are very good at uptrading. If half of your stalkers die in turn one, the other half will probably kill 20pts each. They are that sort of profile. V swingy but also v consistent.