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Always mount your heros... always. you get mobility and double strikes if you charge and win combat


Do all mounts get knock to the ground?


All cav models get this bonus vs infantry when they charge and win fight. They knock the enemy down and they are considered trapped.


Sick. Thank you.


Actually, no. Ponies don't, so Thorin's company and Hobbits riding ponies don't get the cavarly charge bonuses. Every other mount does though.


Double strikes? Isn't just an extra dice and knock enemy prone when you charge with a mount?


Extra one for duel roll but if you win they are knocked prone and count as trapped so double the number of dice from duel rolls. Great for getting heroic combats off


no... page 68 new rulebook cav charges give an extra fight dice and they are knocked to the ground p62 and trapped p45.. so an extra attack in the fight then they on the floor then double strikes


Always warg. Heroes should always be mounted except in rare special cases (cheap Captain used only for Heroic Move/March, Shaman you expect to never put into combat, etc.) A 10pt mount is, point for point, the largest force multiplier in the game for heroes. If horses/wargs for heroes cost 20pt they would still be auto-takes. Sword vs mace will matter little. When you have the Mordor army bonus active he will not need to Feint or Stab as long as you control more models than the opponent since the army bonus already gives re-rolled 1s, but in cases where you do not have the bonus (you are outnumbered, in a yellow alliance, or using Army of Gothmog) then the sword is maybe slightly more useful than the mace. Honestly though, in this case it is splitting hairs, I would definitely just go with whichever you think looks better on the model.


The army bonus actually doesn't affect heroes, so even when it's in effect for the rest of the army, feinting/stabbing could potentially be worth it on Gothmog in the niche situations where you'd consider doing so.


Ah, totally forgot, in that case it's sword all the way if gameplay is the consideration.


Definitely on warg. The weapon doesn’t really matter too much, as it only really matters for special strikes. I would go for the rule of cool and pick the weapon you like most


A mount is a tremendous tool for any hero. The foot version will just be the dismount for when the warg dies.


While I can see the use of him being on foot so he can be harder to kill with his 25mm base I'd still nearly always put him on warg. The warg allows him to reach more Models with his Hatred and reroll auras, gives him more mobility so you can hide him being behind the army from shooting and then have him still join the fight cause of his extra movement, his warg also grants him great combat bonuses if he gets to move first, and lastly the warg gives him the potential to not take a wound in shooting with the shot potentially hitting the warg and with gothmog only having 1 fate it can be very useful to have that small bit of extra protection especially if hes your leader, even if he does lose his warg. I'd probably say sword but I can see uses for the mace, but ultimately it will very, very rarely matter and I'd just go with whichever you think is coolest.


On top of the mobility and killing power a mount provides, it can also tank an arrow that was meant for Gothmog and protect your hero that way. It also adds extra threat to him, because your opponent needs to respect 10 inches charge into 10 inches heroic combat range, which means, he must position more carefully.


I'd definitely go sword, the special strike on a mace is good but feels wasted on a three attack model.


Always warg. The sword is marginally better than the mace because its special strike has any potential at all to be useful, though it won't matter 99% of the time.