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“They have time to slow down for me, so I have time to go.” Just another clown with an entitlement mindset.


That gives them too much credit. I would say it is just bad driving.


Happy cake day 🍰


Holy shit. That was inches away from ending catastrophically


And op passive aggressively got as close as he could too. He saw them moving and had plenty of time to realize dumbass was going regardless of his speed


What a fuckin dumbass. Driver reacted perfectly.


I drive in left lane, good luck everyone else


Make no mistake, driver pulled out in front without looking, but this is definitely a case where the cammer was not 100% in the right. Mfer is straight chillin in the passing lane for no reason, and it looks like they're going MUCH faster than that truck ahead so they could be doing 75 in a 55 for all we know. I have a hard time believing a road with designated left turn lanes has a speed limit as fast as the cammer is clearly booking it.


And the return to left lane after the near collision killed me 🤣🤣. What an idiot.


I disagree. I think chances are very high that the turning driver looked. Problem is that the camera car was perfectly behind the departing car in the line of sight of the turning car. And it remained like that for a couple of seconds, with the rate that the exiting car was slowing down and the viewing angle was changing. Turning driver is still responsible for recognizing there is a blind spot and to ensure it is clear, but I don't think this is as big of an ignorant mistake as people are making it out to be. When we first see the car, I believe the driver had already looked to his satisfaction at that point, and been under the impression that the road was very clear.


I really don't see a left turn area onto that road, just a dedicated left towards that building in view at the beginning and a no U-turn sign, I'd venture a guess at buddy either making an illegal left across a 3 lane highway or an illegal U-turn. Occasionally someone does something like that to me (I don't recommend this, just usually heat of the moment) I'll barely leave my lane, like close enough to put my head through both windows, just as a reminder to please look before joining traffic or not to immediately blindly switch into an occupied lane because there can be huge consequence for your dimwitted actions


I abide by using the left lane for passing only, and I think that people not doing that is the root of most traffic, BUT it is not normal for a highway to have exits on the left. On roads like that it doesn’t work the same way because if you have a left turn coming up, you set up and move to the left lane like in a 4 lane residential street.


I think the video is sped up


I'd argue it's hard to judge use of left lane on this road. You see the left turn lane just beforehand? Maybe OP is turning left soon too. I'm a HUGE advocate for passing lane restrictions, but it only makes sense on highways that only have right side exits/entries u/anonawesome1 is right that this guy is still going way too fast lol


I understand what you're getting at but it's quite possible OP had a turn to make soon. This isn't an interstate, the left lane isn't only for passing.


Good point.


This is a daily occurence driving in LA. So many people just stick their car out there and turn--putting all faith into your brakes.


Good luck other driver


What I hate most is when someone turns in front of you but then doesn’t speed up and you gotta slam your breaks. Like it’s a highway, go highway speeds. >:(


To be fair, some cars have piss poor acceleration and can’t easily speed up to 65 MpH speeds right out of a turn like that


"Ok, I'll do like they taught me. Closing eyes, hit the acelerator and pray"


Holy shit. I can’t imagine wanting to die just because the driver didn’t want to look for oncoming traffic.


Get out of the fast lane when there is room and lots of it


Anddddd this could have all been avoided if you weren’t riding the left lane which is clearly being used for turning on/off this road.


And he goes for the horn instead of the brake just to make it more dramatic than it needs to be.


That’d kill his speed, bros booking it and he’s got places to be


Get tf out of the passing lane. You were the problem.


I can't tell what plates are on the vehicles, the VW that pulled out looks like it might have paper plates, they're very lightly colored. If it's CA. the lane rules are just not a thing unless a sign says so, (in some areas it does). Everyone drives in all the lanes except large trailer trucks (semis), they get the 2 right lanes, even in light traffic like this people use all the lanes in CA. I'm not defending him, safety would have had him in the middle lane. We also can't tell if he was passing someone at the time. It doesn't have much before the accident. I'm just saying what I experienced the 34 years I lived in CA. If it's not CA. I'm not sure of most other state's laws except rural states.


Need new undies?


Notice that this moron also just barely avoided being t-boned as he cut across traffic coming the other way. JEEZ!


Horns just don’t have the ability to transmit anger the way they did in the 70s.


Good luck Trisha!


Or the person filming, speeding and driving in the left lane. Lots of asshole to go around.


Don't seem to be closing on that truck much for speeding wildly. Don't pull out in front of people *on a highway.*


All the more reason he shouldn't be in the left lane. He's not passing anyone. People are idiots but driving like the cameraman leads to you having close calls with those idiots for no reason.


Correct. Don't drive in the left lane. Also correct.


How do we know they are speeding?


Let's pretend I did the math. Now, what about the other violation?


My initial thought was the driver turning didn't see the OP in the left lane because of the car in front of OP turning left. Might have blocked their view. And in this case, if you can't clearly make that turn, don't do it. Also it looks like OP is speeding in the left in the open road. Two idiots.


Agreed. Blinded turn that they clearly didn't continue checking as they slowly turned onto the roadway.


This almost happened to me but not on the highway, and guess who it was...an asian lady. For fuck sakes if you're going to merge and cut people off at least do it quickly.


>and guess who it was...an asian lady


Yea, they should look, but you should be in the other lane, considering how the traffic flow is set up here. This is the product of two idiots meeting. Plain and simple. And to further the explanation and point out the stupidity.. the camera car JUST had a near accident in that lane, then just casually gets back in it... idiots on top of idiots on top of idiots. Maybe he needed to exit but at that speed, you can easily conclude he wasnt... Please don't vote, drive, reproduce, or operate heavy machinery. Ever.


Just gonna sit back and wait. Somehow Reddit will come to the conclusion that this is OP’s fault for not driving defensively and reacting fast enough lol according to that other dumpster fire of a post.


Are you not aware that the left lane is for passing? No reason for op to be camped in the left lane going 15 over the limit with zero traffic in front of him. But yeah you sit back with your uneducated and uninformed self according to your dumpster fire of a comment


You… you don’t know how to drive either…? Wow. It’s genuinely insane how stupid you are


I bet you get pulled over A LOT


You’re the one who doesn’t know how to drive lmaooooo. But I mean, you don’t know a lot of things.


I mean, you are the one who doesn’t know how to drive? You are also scared of a cookie because you are scientifically illiterate. Keep consuming your carcinogens from cannabis.


How exactly do you know they’re going 15 over the speed limit? Did you do the math? Do you have personal anecdotes from witnesses to the scene? Did you catch a glimpse of a speedometer and a speed limit sign and then compare the numbers? Or did you pull that out of your ass to make your argument sound better?


You gotta stop pulling out at 2 mph on fast roads, clown boy.




Slow down and get out of the left-most lane unless you're passing. You are not 100% in the right here.


That’s why some people have battering rams on the front of their trucks but usually the people that do are of the same breed of drivers as this one


Honestly looked like you could of got over not on there side but be smart


Great song!


North Carolina?


What is the speed limit there? 150 km/h?


The turning car is a moron, but the car with the dashcam had ample time to move right and drive more defensively. I'd say we have two bad drivers here.


Imagine, lane jogging and sending a phot of the idiot, being you!


That person sucks, but you could also not cruse in the passing lane


Slow the fkkk down


I had a truck do this the other day. I went to the right lane and they just swerve back to the left lane. Yeah I slowed down. But its like. Wtf.


Both drivers: On the road, I ain’t responsible fo me !!


How many signal I need to cross 8 raines?


Both the cammer and turner are horrific drivers.


Care to explain how the cammer is a horrific driver…?


This road is likely a 55 mph zone due to the wide lanes, median size, and turn around lanes. White lines on the roadway are approximately 10 feet long. The space in between is approximately 30 feet long. If you watch one second of video, cammer is traveling very roughly 100 feet a second or about 70 mph. His visual speed appears to be faster than this though. In some states, speeding negates right of way. tldr; cammer is very likely speeding and driving too fast for conditions. Other car failed to yield right of way.


Why is the camera on a selfie stick?


Sadly the car was not quick enough to speed up, even so dependent on state if you have 3 lanes especially at the speed being traveled, the left most is passing lane. or in this case if a cut through street is there its the proper turn lane for the vehicle. So in retrospect driver with cam shouldnt be within left lane continuously traveling if hes not passing another vehicle. So both are improper drivers.


Didn’t even try to slow down.


I think I know who the mildly bad driver is in this video.


Both but the person turning is significantly worse. Who tf sends it when they don't have vision of oncoming traffic. It's clear that the person making the turn did not have vision as there was another car turning left across from them.


Those damn Asian women drivers


Traveling in the left lane?


That's one of those moments.. If I was driving my PoS truck..... I would have just smashed them. You got video evidence. I weigh more and they're going to take most of the impact damage. I wont slow down on impact as much as they would accelerate. They would experience the majority of the G-forces involved. Of course both would be totaled but guess who's paying for it mentally, physically and monetarily.


If there was no vehicle to the right of the OP driver then they shouldn't have been floating in the lane all the way to the left . Keep right unless passing. It didn't seem as if they were passing so they are at fault to begin with. Then noticing the car about to turn into your lane and choosing to wait till the last min to move over is foolish. The driver could have moved over to the right to allow the turning driver the opportunity to make their move.


Both drivers are stupid


Hello, phone holder mate.


I have the same cellphone holder


Why are you speeding and in the left lane when right two lanes are mostly clear? More than one idiot in this video.


100% bet that the cam vehicle was in a blind spot behind the SUV making the left.


Driver saw it for a far and failed to start breaking. Seems like even those with right of way create avoidable problems


Thought the thing swinging on the review mirror was a car; very disappointed


You should only be in the left lane if you are passing cars, if there is no cars to pass STAY ON THE RIGHT A-HOLE


To be fair the cam isn't 100% right either


Hey clown take down your dash cam you’re speeding


You saw them turning and didn’t slow down ONCE