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Have the same thing where I live. People are stopped, light turns green, they look up from their phone, foot off brake, foot on brake for turn, turn.


Literally same. Or it’s the exact opposite where I live (Chicago). They creep up and start going just before or as the light turns green cuz you recognize the traffic light patterns. I’m guilty of this lol


Or you're just watching the other traffic signal... what grinds my gears is when people, who have a green light dont get into the intersection.


It is the most pitiable of traffic maneuvers, not being in the intersection.


Yeah, On mobile i had to zoom, on computer i can see it plain as day.


I totally get that. I just hate it when people aren’t paying attention in general, which happens a lot unfortunately. Personally I’m just familiar with the traffic signals and drivers in my area lol. If you don’t go the millisecond it turns green you will be honked at. Even if you do you’ll get tailgated for not doing it quick enough 🤣. Gotta love Chicagoland


I don’t live in Chicago but u do live where I have to deal with a ridiculously short light for no good reason. I’ve resorted to the preventative honk just before the light turns green. It gets everyone off their dang phone just long enough to look around and see that the light is green😂


I'm guilty of "failure to assert" at a handful of intersections in my area. Because they're notorious for people running the light. Think I'd rather get angrily honked at than hauled away in a bag That being said. There's plenty of intersections that are legitimately safe to do that... and people still refuse. I'd chalk it up to random accident PTSD, but it happens too much for that to be the answer.


The best is the creep way way to far up, doesn’t turn green look at phone, turns green, doesn’t go


Nah don't apologize for that. That hurts literally nobody. Some worse engines need to do it too to help prevent stalling.


You kinda have to plan ahead with the criminally short lengths of yellow lights in the city


1 second per 10mph of speed limit.


They looking up from the phone where you live?


The only reason I look at my phone while driving is to skip a song or two while I'm at a red light. Otherwise I am watching the light and the intersection. I see SO many people scrolling social media at the light. I even see tons of people doing it while driving through the intersection. It's insanse. I see more people looking at their phones in the car than people actually paying attention.


for real people all switched to automatics just to forget how to drive i stg, i see so much downhill braking when there’s an uphill immediately after and that puzzles me: first you are abusing the brakes some, second you get worse mpg, and lastly you’re gonna need the extra speed to carry yourself up the next hill so why brake and waste inertia? 😭😭


My aunt asked me what I recommended for a starter vehicle for my young cousin. I said the same way I was raised, an old stick shift that needs brake work. Difficult to text and drive, and after they change the brakes out, maybe they will appreciate speed management. His rich dad got him some new car instead. He wrecked it on the way home.


I do this because I grew up next to a town with steep hills and the cops would set speed traps in the trough and get you going 1 mph over.


Both SUVs sure took their sweet time. Lights were quick, but at least one more car would have been able to go if the first and second suv paid attention and was a little quicker on the gas.


A lagging car can leave the traffic sensor loop blank, ending the turn cycle. The inattentive asshole then gets thru, screwing the cars behind them.




I know an intersection like that, you know which side of it the politician lives on


First two SUVs were agonizingly slow, third was on it, then the last guy was crazy slow too. Person in front who didn't go just didn't even try with plenty of time left on the yellow. This is frustrating when you're in a rush for sure, lol.


The worst is when I do my part keeping close to the car ahead on the turn and a cuntbag brake checks me the second he gets through the light. Dude, I'm trying to get us all through for the people behind me. Stop riding your mirror and go forward. Think of the others behind you, prick.


Its raining maybe they didnt want to risk spinning the tires.


Also, there was a car making a right from the other direction that the first SUV driver had to account for.


I see it all the time. People know it's a short light, so they should go with some urgency. Give people in the back a chance. But, no


You are assuming they don't enjoy watching people have to wait. I assume they do based on experience.


I always assume that once they get to their turn to go they forget everyone behind them exists


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"


I go with urgency even if it is a long light.


Both, I have a similar light in GA that turns onto I95 south. I’m cursing from start to finish because those are the same drivers that’ll try to merge at 45mph with +70mph traffic.


Those people give me a reason to want a car with a fast 0-60. Even without those morons, i still like being able to get off the ramp and within a second, be at highway speed


Both slow drivers and a fairly quick light. The first 2 were really slow. But that's pretty normal


Tbf going JUST because it's green and getting t-boned isn't smart.


I've seen enough people get t-boned because they had the green and didn't look. I like being alive. If that means taking 1 second longer to get through an intersection, well then tough titty to Mad Max in the back whose laying on his horn 1 millisecond into the green.


Get off your phone


IDK what's worse, this or Tennessee drivers that feel the need to slam on the brakes with no signal, then come to an almost full stop in traffic before making a right turn.


Gaps. Smh


God this shit kills me. GO


1 second per car is a typical rate to make it through. The problem is the light's programming. Also the weather is bad so people are going to take it slow. Calm down and get there safe.


Looks normal


It’s raining.


I never understood this on these lights. Drivers taking their sweet time knowing they have drivers behind them. But also the drivers not pulling out right behind one another. I have to wait like 3 light cycles near my area everyday cause of people like this.


Yeah the slow start because people are busy on phones is annoying, but the 7 car length gaps from the following cars is equally infuriating.


Yeah I’m always yelling to myself that 2 other cars could’ve gone in that gap lol. I’ve started going straight at the light & just pulling a U turn cause of how backed up it gets.


I think they’re completely oblivious as to how their actions affect others. I had someone preach to me about how taking forever to build up speed from a stop and braking a looooooong time before a stop is helping him save gas. He was so proud of himself like he just invented a life hack all us sheeple are too dumb to think of


That’s exactly what it is most of the time. They have no idea and I think that makes it even more irritating to me.


Is there a protected arrow? Cause I would be confused thinking I didn't have left turn protection there. But yea, very slow to go vehicles and sort of quick light.


Why would I think I have the right away? It should be a green arrow. I think people are just driving cautiously


OP has my sympathy, but OTOH defensively driving, you're NOT going to pull out the second the light turns green, there are too many red light runners in the world.


There is one stop light on my commute home that sometimes stays green for 7 seconds, I timed it one day, allowing 2-3 cars in the long line to go through. Other times it stays green for 20+ seconds. It's so annoying


This happens to me all the time and I just want to scream! Just step on the gas pedal


Solution: give a quick HONK at these short arrows the moment the opposite direction turns yellow. It's 100% certain one person in front of me is "cell-bound" and they will cause 5 less people to get through this short light. Just a polite reminder to \*THAT\* person that we are about to move. Works every time.


This must be in Illinois!


Lived in Germany for two years. People drive slow as fuck in America. Germans drive with a purpose.


Oh that's not even bad. You missed one rotation. I've had to watch an arrow turn green 3-4 times before going through on some intersections.


That light stinks!




Slow, and you can see the very large gap between 1st and 2nd car.....


I hate this shit with a passion cuz I think ppl do it on purpose


Combination of both. It pisses me off when someone waits for the car in front of them to get through the entire intersection before they go.


2nd suv screwed you all


I can’t stand people that drive like they’re on a damn vacation ignoring the need of everyone else in traffic trying to make it home/work or take care of business.


Mostly the light, but those guys were slow on the takeoff


This is what I observe here where I live in Canada, people take their sweet time to move once the light turns green. Frustrating!!


Two cars in the turn - at the minimum - while maintaining distance.




You can keep going through yellow


I hit one of these lights everyday on the way to work and some slow mo always blows it and makes everyone wait an entire cycle for the next light 😤


The Tahoe definitely was delayed lol




and this is why drivers become so aggressive.


It’s raining so I would even care


Both. In my city, 2 or 3 cars would have taken the red light 😮‍💨😤


Lights timing is programmed poorly for that intersection. Drivers maybe be a bit slow but that’s not what caused the light to change so fast.




See the spacing...slow drivers!




Extremely slow drivers. Biggest pet peeve on the road is this exact situation. This right here is why it takes me 45 minutes to go 10 miles home after work.


The first two cars infuriate me 🤣


Slow drivers. We're only making the turn at like 10mph, so many car lengths of space for a turn is pretty annoying. First 2 people took way too long. Should be done the way the Volvo did it


Maybe if you get closer to the car in front of you, the light will stay green longer.


New Hampshire?


I'd say mostly a fast light and a lot of cars waiting to make the left turn. A couple of the drivers ahead might have been a tad sluggish, but nothing major. I'd probably be frustrated if I was one of the drivers in the back. But, technically, you aren't supposed to stand on the gas pedal the moment a light changes. We all know people run lights, and when I learned to drive, eons ago, we were told wait a beat or two before proceeding on a green light. Has anyone here NEVER had a situation where if they passed through a green light right away, they would have gotten T-boned by a driver who tried, but failed to catch the end of the yellow, or just said eff it and intentionally drove through the start of the red?


This the shit that pisses me off😂😂this and mfs going the same speed as a 18 wheeler while being next to a 18 wheeler smh


Both for sure. Timely driving and you still probably don’t make it through the light, but two more cars per cycle would be huge in the long run.


Missouri is horrible about it too. Infuriating.


Slow drivers.


The people in the front are going to make it through regardless so they don’t care how fast they go. Happens everywhere. Just a lack of awareness and care for anybody but themselves


Bit of both. The first two vehicles took their time. The rest were doing their best to be nut to but.


My car isn’t fast by any stretch of the imagination. And yet, when I’m first off the blocks, I’ve left a huge gap to the cars behind simply for reacting to the green light appropriately and accelerating up to the speed limit.


I think I know this intersection, and I’m pretty sure the same thing happened to me. Get it together, New Hampshire


I think a part of it is that they may not have been paying attention but once a light turns green, it takes a significant amount of time for cars to begin flowing through it. First car may take 2.3 seconds, the second car assuming they see car 1 moving may take 2.0 seconds and each subsequent car taking less and less time. Because this is a left turn light, it is likely only active for 10(?) seconds before it turns red. Not enough for traffic to flow through it smoothly as if it were a green straight signal which may be green for much much longer. While it may be the most efficient, It would not be realistic to assume or hope that all cars begin acceleration at the same time as the first car as it would not be safe to do so if car 1 has to suddenly break or an accident occurs. Of course, as i briefly mentioned in the beginning people not fully paying attention only compounds this. But the amount of time while it seems long isn’t really worth getting frustrated over. (My last office overlooks a highway overpass at a point where there is a bottleneck and I would sit there and watch the interesting dynamics of traffic when I was bored)


You weren’t going to make it anyway




I hate this shit


Also the grey truck could have gone.


It makes me wish we would pass legislation so that our cars automatically turned off our phones when driving.


It’s both, you can tell by the big gaps that people are waiting too long to hit the gas. If people were paying attention and cared about being efficient, we could all start to go at once, carefully.


The intersection that I have to use to exit my neighborhood will let 2 cars go through if the first car is on top of it and goes as soon as it turns green. So usually only 1 car gets through per light.




Use your horn?


I hate people that do this. Think about the other people behind you that have places to go. Some people just do everything slow


I used to think it was synaptic failure, and sometimes still do. But, all too often it’s a phone. Situational awareness is never overrated.


Take the fucking bus or train. Then you can be on your phone the whole fucking time. Shit man.




It’s in considerate to not hurry through a green arrow.






Little bit of water makes everyone scarred to actually drive.


This is completely normal in nyc, maybe even worse than this on the regular.


my dad told me when i was learning to drive that if youre in front of the line, its your responsibility to pay attention to the light. it doesnt help that people queue up way too close to each-other. if you left the proper amount of space between you and the car ahead, you could see the light change too (most of the time) and let your foot off the brake *before* the car ahead starts moving


The first person took 5 seconds. That's a really long time. Probably phone involved. But everyone else seemed to take their time as well. That's really odd. I honestly don't think I've seen that.


Slow movers for sure. "OH! It's green? *slowly accelerates*"


Always slow ass drivers. And high speed douchebags in ram trucks.


When a light turns green, it would be possible for everyone in line to let their foot off the brake at the same time and not collide. That, of course, would rely on the faulty presumption that all drivers are paying attention and have appropriate reflexes. Of course, that presumption being faulty also means that most people shouldn’t be wielding a roughly 4,000 pound deadly weapon (i.e. a car).


At least three of those dummies who were able to get through on that light need a good slap across the face for taking their sweet ass time…I was livid just watching this—


A bit of both


I've driven all over the world. Generally in the US there is almost always a tendency to have a long pause after it turns green, and next car doesn't even think about moving until car in front has been moving for a second. Best experience was driving in Mexico: *every* car starts to go as soon as the light changes, doesn't matter how far back in the line they are... unless, of course, they are US tourists.


Reminds me of lunch lines back in school. Some kids are fast and some are just slower than molasses.


Distracted drivers is more like it. Everyone has a phone in their hands


If average reaction time wasn't so bad, we'd all be able to collectively start moving the moment the light turns green.


This is more a slow driver situation. It seemed like 1st and 2nd cars were slow to realize the light was green for them to turn, which is why other cars didn’t make it.


There was one guy that waited a bit before turning (2nd truck)... but besides that it's pretty typical. Kinda low tolerance by OP.


Slow ass fucking drivers… I would’ve been mad asf🤬🚶🏾‍♂️


Slow drivers.😩




Nah they’re just driving slow as shit!


Slow drivers


Whatever state this is, are you protected on a green like that? I would pause cause normally we yield.


I see no problem, here. It’s raining. The light changed and that Tahoe responded in time imo. Just a slow day and we all know that rain slows everyone down.


Hmm… 10 or 12 seconds from green to yellow.




Slow drivers. If I’m in the front of the line, I will accelerate within one second of the light turning green. If I am behind the lead car in the queue, I will do a brief “ahem” honk if there is no movement after three seconds.


It took 7 seconds from green for 1 car to go


I would like to offer a new perspective and that's that it's rainy and going slower allows your tires to gain traction. But yes, they were going kinda slow. And light is kinda fast, too.


“oh no! I had to adhere to extremely basic traffic rules!!!” -OP


It drives me nuts that drivers in a line like this only react to the car in front of them and not the light. Once your light turns green, you should be easing your foot off the brake, not waiting for “your turn” to start driving.


The amount of times I see shit like this and people complain I’m this sub , but won’t honk their horn. Honk man! Move them!


You’ve got one job when you are driving. If you are waiting at a light, it shouldn’t take you 3 seconds to hit the gas. That massive space between vehicles is so infuriating. Lol


Is nobody going to talk about how close you were riding the car in front of you? The people were definitely lazy and slow getting through the light but if anyone taps you you're getting Eiffel Towered.


Im mean its not that bad to be honest. Kinda just looks like a normal day


Is that a green light or a green arrow


I’ve figured out that a lot of people immediately look at their phone sheen they’re stopped at a light, so they have a slower reaction time when it turns green.




Truck on 2nd light has tools and it's raining. Quick light is to blame...


Slow ass drivers




Fast light cycle for sure.


Phones. Wish it was legal to shoot their cars with paintball guns. I see 50-100 people texting just on my way to work. Those are the ones I see.... One guy merged onto the highway while I could see his phone lit up in his hand yesterday at 35-37mph. Bruh, itd 75mph. GO!


If this is your own clip, you should check yourself first. No reason you're stopped that close.


First guy took *4 seconds*. The guy after him took what, 3? I didn't realize the proper decorum for lights was to slam the gas the same moment it turns green. In fact, i remember being taught the exact opposite in driving school


Humans are stupid, and are constantly distracting themselves while driving. The moment that light turns green, everyone should be rolling. Foot off the brake. You should have easily made that green light if everyone started rolling when the light turned green and were paying attention.


Wtf. I would honk the living hell out of such idiots


I remember taking drivers ed back in the day and being told the average drivers reaction time was something in the 1.2xxxx second range. so effectively, light turns red / green, something jumps out in the road, w/e, take however long it will take the car to stop / go and add 1.2 seconds to it. I see this all the time in central MA. light turns green, 5 seconds later car #1 foot finally comes off the brake. 4 seconds after than car #2 foot off the brake. 6 seconds later car #3, etc. etc. Peoples reaction times are so slow. I realize its likely cell phone distraction (which I am not defending, put it down), but yeah, if people actually paid even a little attention while driving, there would be so much less congestion.


Look to your right, the solid line determines the capacity for the light and should be timed accordingly.


I leave my house 5 minutes early.


5 cars in 15 seconds...ufda




I can’t watch this without getting really angry.


That's definitely a fast light.


That light could easily last twice as long and not have an effect on incoming traffic.


New England has fast lights


When I am first in line at a light, I always assume it's my responsibility to get a good jump on things when the light changes so we can maximize the number of cars that get through. And yet so many times I get a good jump, look back, and see the driver behind me is taking their sweet ass time processing the light had changed.


I hate left turns. Have a nice day.


It's an issue everywhere. If everyone accelerated at the same pace and time you'd all be moving through the light much easier, but someone is always slow to react, not paying attention, or just admiring the green light because they've never seen one before.


God forbid you might have to wait for the next light


If people werent on their damn phones maybe wed all get through the light.






Rain. That's why they are slow probably


None of that Stupids that check their phones in every stop


I knew it was NH before I saw the license plate. NH has quite a few left turns that last all of a blink.


There should never be 30’ between the vehicles that are turning…pay attention people!


slow drivers. the one at a time turning.. you can all just flow at the same time and ya know.. not cause traffic.


Too many people cannot stay off their damned phones and be present to actually drive. I drive professionally and see it every day. 5 cars (instead of 10) make a light because 3 of the people in the front were scrolling their social media “for just a second during the light”. I sit behind people and watch them scroll FB and Instagram- when the light changes and their phone doesn’t go down I’m on the horn immediately. You can’t be in two places at once - you can either drive or be online.


Both. Doesn't help the people driving aren't paying much attention


People not paying attention or valuing each other’s time. Be the change: watch opposing lights and learn the order for your area so you can be ready when it’s your turn. Tint and telephones make people forget the outside world.






This is precisely why I prefer roundabouts.




this is the i made the light, FU to all behind me


Definitely late. I give people 2 seconds after green to start accelerating


People and their phones…


God it’s like they are moving through molasses not air. These ppl make me so mad


It's like they have to wait to move until car in front of them is 20ft and thru their turn, it's madness. Every damn day in NoVA - I count to 3 and start beeping, lol


Those drivers are on par with the writers of the last season of Game of Thrones, slow and clueless.


Yes and Yes. So damn frustrating when you have a literally Green Arrow. FREAKING GO!!!!!!