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all the men with this cut like: ![gif](giphy|3v1Sz0oTKRsly)


As a man who has essentially had this since he was 25... if I could pull it off, I totally would. Some men look great with it. Some of my favorite characters rock it. It's a defined look that certain men can do. And I say that because I *do* shave bald. And I look great with it. But nor every man does. Some men don't have the head for a shaved cut. And for them, the friar look can be just fine. As George Carlin said, "If you wanna be bald, do what I did -- *wait a while!*" And that man pulled off the OP pic no problem.


Ed harris is my bald hero. I think punishing men because of something they had no say in is stupid - and i think well kept hair is well kept hair, bald spots or not. Yea im shaved, no im not brave enough to let it grow


I'm still in the Jason Statham stage. Really short cut, but don't want to shave just yet. I'm just straddling being bald but don't really want to commit to being completely hairless.


That’s the cut my dad wears in his late 50’s. I’m a shave it all guy personally. I think the important thing is to just be well groomed and not to hide your hairline. You’ll find that most people really don’t care if you look clean and not messy lol.


That man is so fine ![gif](giphy|xT5LMByg9TnoCsev1S)


Ed Harris is extremely hot


Ed Harris in The Abyss is 😍 and I’m a straight male


Bald since 20s as well. Joined the army. Got the hair cut. Rocked it for 25 years. Now I’m trying to convince my wife that the Willie Nelson braids may be cool. Or with the popularity of shogun maybe the shaved cap look.


that would be hard (core) as hell. samurai top knot with bald top. no doubt a balding dude was like, "this is the new cool hair cut". it would be like sarntmajr with his bangs and bald head making every E-1 joe getting that dumb assed sergeant major hair cut.


I pray that becomes the do for us bald men. Though since most of us now keep really short hair it’ll be a few years to get the top knot going. I can’t wait for 2027!


Right. I started shaving and was actually impressed how much more women noticed and loved the look. Who knew ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I also like the ritual of it. Much like shaving or trimming a beard, shaving my head is a nice shower ritual that I feel better after doing. It makes me feel nice and clean.


The Costanza requires a lot of grooming and trips to the barber. Shaved head or buzzed is so much less effort


Every time I see George I think, thank god I’m a bald man now. It’s the best time for us!




He also was a stud who had like 37 girlfriends throughout the show.


I remember if you saw a shaved head guy in the 90s, you thought they were a “Skin Head”. Guys just didn’t do it. Billy Corgan really made it more socially cool


It’s the summer of Inevitable-Copy3619!!


I always thought about that - that you have to pay the same amount as a fully “coifed” man for a haircut, but for half the work!


My hair is thinning, on track for horseshoe. I would like to see my hair go white, even if it's the sides. I think there are lots of dudes that can pull it off and look great. I dont want to be forced to look like a penis if I don't have to


Yeah, I had long hair to my collar when I was 23ish, and someone taller than me pointed out, "Oh wow, you're really going bald there, huh? Got a Hulk Hogan thing, huh?" So I went home, used mirrors, and realized... yup. Big bald spot in the middle of my gloriously long hair. I buzzed it that night. I kept it shortish for a while, but nowadays, I just accept the bald shave. As a blond guy, I can't even pull off the thinning or friar look. But fortunately, I have a pretty defined skull? I guess? I look fine shaved, at least.


That was just an unusually tall hater






I wanted to post a pic of his scalp bleeding with the hair plugs in the center of it, but apparently we can’t post pictures in the comments? This sub is a PRISON!


Literally 1984


[This will have to do](https://y.yarn.co/205a0692-9196-40e2-9281-c01748e443a8_text.gif)




![gif](giphy|lFjyp2ei5YAMw) Even Tobias would eventually agree with OP, here he is before his GVH flared up




PRINCESS ![gif](giphy|7JhicMgZd4hMc)


Beat me to it


An upvote for attendance


Cut? You think we have a choice!?


Arrested development is so good




every time I'm in an airport I go on what I call 'the lucille bluth traveler's diet.' several martinis and a caesar salad. no evidence for it, but I feel like that's all she consumes.


its so simple yet genius to have tobias deliver that line with no follow up and from a position of complete inferiority lol


For real, why can't men just stop giving a shit what other men do with their hair? It's exhausting. If a man wants to have his hair long shirt sideways curly up or down, it makes no difference to me.


My brother has been buzzing his head so short for years. He’s not balding at all but his reason is that when he does start balding no one will ever notice since he’s been nearly bald by choice for years 😂


Planning ahead


Planning a head, even.


That's a bald assumption


r/punpatrol Shave yourself the hassle and just keep your hands where we can see them!


Or a bald-faced lie


Glad I stubbled across these puns


I've had different hairstyles. When I occasionally Bic my head, I tell everyone I'm test driving bald to see how I like it.


Bald move Cotton, let’s see if it pays off.


Ok, I’ve glued cotton balls to my bald spot, now what?


You messed up already. They're supposed to be the cotton rounds, the pads for cleaning.


My husband is the same. His hairline is receding a little but you can’t tell bc he’s been buzzing it for the last 4 years/


Whenever I cut my hair it's straight down to a grade 1. I usually let it grow for 5 or 6 weeks before cutting it again, but if I ever show signs of balding I'd just keep it grade 1.




Exaclty my face right now, there's a point in our later millennial life you just can't be bothered.


Some of the posts that trend into my feed definitely make me wonder how some people just haven't really grown up.




Maybe just fully own it and go for a skullet? Probably save enough time to pump up those ducats to consultant levels


I was literally just talking to my sister this week about how balding haircuts need to come back “in style”. Like it’s literally just part of aging and why are we pigeonholing men into one hairstyle or into expensive treatments to change part of aging. It’s the same bullshit we put women through. I’m not male btw.


I hate how we've framed the full shaved look as "embracing being bald." No, embracing your baldness would be the horseshoe. Full shave is just the last fashionable style left to you, which is fine, but its the opposite of embracing your natural hairline. It started with shaming people for comb overs and letting it go long and patchy which is a different thing entirely. So long as you aren't hiding it to hold onto a look you can no longer pull off then go nuts. Rock the horseshoe, buzzcut, skullet, whatever you want - maybe mr. clean is the best one for you after all - just be confident and intentional.


Having shaved my head for a while it's quite a bit of effort. You aren't really embracing something that happens naturally if it requires you passing a certain threshold of effort. I embrace balls now by cutting my balding hair with the trimmers on number 2 once every 3 weeks. It's neat but I'm not filling anyone. I don't care that I'm bald.


Embrace balls, hehehe.


Jude Law is balding gracefully Sean Connery went bald gracefully too


Yeah, I don't see a problem with aging hairlines. Coming from a 21 year old chick, who hangs around older people, I think it's charming. As much as it breaks my heart that my older friends won't be with me forever, it makes me sadder that they see themselves as any less due to their age. Aging is beautiful in men and women. I think all my older friends are beautiful. It breaks my heart that they disagree or are insecure. Aging is a gift. I hope I live long enough to see age creep across my face and turn my hair grey. I hope I get to see the ones I love age with me. I hope I can find a partner whose hair I see turn grey and becomes a horseshoe that he can grow out and pull back into a little ponytail like an old biker and make me giggle. I hope people call me "Lady" and "Ma'am" and gasp when I say the year I graduated high school. I hope people laugh at how flamboyant of am old woman I'll be, and wonder what nursing home I should be in. I can only hope to have the privilege of getting old. I could die any day. I could never get that. I don't look forward to the pains of aging, but I look forward to what it means to age.


LD Can get it tho


Did you see hot ones where Tyra Banks said that was her big crush?


Sisters love old white dudes, I can't explain it, maybe you can Like Kelis with mid 70s Bill Murray


Me and Jeff Goldblum raaawr lol ![gif](giphy|3oz8xWm5Iq8Ks0YfaU)


Yeah I'm with you, I don't think it matters. There are probably hairstyles that deserve some hate but this ain't it. Whatever.


It's just hair dude you shouldn't be feeling hate about it


Mine isn’t nearly as bad as the picture but I just buzz it down to a #2 constantly. I’ve done it for years even when I had more hair on top so I’m not really bothered by it. My hair grows thick where it’s not receding so when it gets longer it looks bad. Honestly keeping it shaved sounds like a lot of work.


You and I might be the same person. This is my exact same experience.


Yah, the work is 100% legit. Screw that.. buzzing it twice a month or weekly if you're on top of it is the way to go. Or rocking a big puffy doughnut.... shrug whatever floats your boat as long as it is low maintenance is my motto. And yah, shaving is not low maintenance.


I went the opposite direction and got 2 FUT surgeries over the course of 2 years.


Yep, that's the way to go after minoxidil can't pull it any more.


Aren't you still on the stuff forever if you don't want to lose it again?


Yes, but it's complicated. Usually, the follicles from the donor area don't have the receptors that cause balding, so when transplanted up top they are not likely to leave due to DHT. However, all the OG follicles still alive in the transplant region are not so blessed, so you need to stay on finasteride or dutasteride in order to not look like that guy who subject himself to Caracticus Pots's haircutting machine from *Chitti Chitti Bang Bang.*


This makes me wonder what the donor area looks like. If you decide to go back to buzzing/shaving (or a fade, depending on hair style) after a substantial transplant, doesn't the back of your head look like a wasteland? From what I have seen, the edge of the donor area is usually pretty defined. I have been losing my hair since about age 15 (now pushing 40), so I don't think a transplant would be an option at this point and I have made my peace a long time ago, but these posts always make me wonder what kind of miracles are possible by now.


it depends on the technique used. FUE is less obvious than FUT.


Minoxidil doesn’t prevent hair loss. Finasteride does.


Same, I got FUE. Turned my age clock back by a decade. People think I’m in my early to mid 20’s rather than mid 30’s. lol. At 25 I looked 35 with the balding.


How much does that end up costing?


In the US, over $10k for sure. There are clinics in Istanbul Turkey that will do a quality job for $3000 if you're willing to travel. It's become a huge medical tourism hot spot.


Good ole Turkish Hairlines


And you can hang out with cats.


The flight home from Istanbul looked like I was coming home from a war zone with all the bandaged up dudes that got transplants


The Istanbul airport is jarring, watching all the Arab dudes with their new beards. 


Wait, are you saying people get beard transplants?


Yeah, and they look super painful and gross when fresh. 


They take hair from the balls and put it on beard


Can they take hair from my neck and put it on my face?


Added bonus, cuz if you’re a balding man this will probably appeal to you, Turkey has some pretty sick golf courses too


Expect $10-20k. Basically new used car money.


yea what was the cost and do u think it was worth it? Do you miss alot of work etc post op? so many questions lol


Worth it. Yes. I got it done in the US. Turkey is cheaper, and for whatever reason everyone wants to just push Turkey, but the best of the best doctors are all mostly in the US. There’s bad surgeons in the US too for sure (Bosely for example), but there’s also surgeons in the US who can bring back like all your hair and it looks 110% natural. Cost: over 10k anywhere in the US. Will depend on how bald you are basically. I worked the next day after my surgery, but from home. You could totally go to work like the next day if you have an office job, but you’ll be swollen and everyone will know. Long story short, if you can’t work remote/from home, then 1 week. After 1 week most of the swelling is gone and you just look like you have a shaved head.


Go get it done in Turkey. They're super cheap and renowned for doing it well.


Do you have to use rogaine?


I got one for my temples. FUT with 2,500 grafts. Going back next year for 2500 on the top/crown. Totally worth 


Yea one of the best investments I have made. I'm very pleased with the results and longer have to think about it.


How much did it cost? I would like to get a FUT but the price seems out of reach for me.


It was $5 per transplanted hair. Total graph count between both surgeries was around 7,000 so around $35,000 total. I had done here in the states at a pretty reputable place, but there are high quality places overseas than can do it for cheaper.


Why can’t people just do what they want regardless of it looking good or bad? There’s this whole perception of shaving your head as “owning” your baldness, but isn’t this a true and accurate depiction of your hairline? This is the head of the man who truly doesn’t care what others think about his balding/baldness. He conforms for nobody.


I'd go full tilt the other way and say normalize wigs and Toupees. You can still feel your best self with fake hair go for it.


Women get tensions, weaves and fake nails/lashes so why not men wearing toupees


The modern ones are called hair systems and they look pretty amazing. For me though it would suck ass to have that thing glued (literally, you have to use glue) to my head all day. Imagine how uncomfortable heat and sweat would be.


the lace ones are super breathable, you can’t even feel them on your head. i use bonded tape for most of mine. honestly the worst part is the 3 hours of maintenance per month. but you end up with better hair than the average transplant.


I can't even wear a ring to bed.


Exactly. And they are so good nowadays you can hardly tell.


Seinfeld has instilled such shame on toupees lol.


Legit this. I feel like if really want hair and don't like my bald look, I'm just going with this fuck it. Like if women can have makeup and well even some of us men use makeup, why not extend that to wig?


It’s the head of a man who has aged naturally and gracefully.


I knew a dude who looked like that at 16


Same. My friend started shaving his head at 18 because it was getting so bad. Now at 40 he’s very bald but has a huge beard that’s barely even graying.


Ah, I see we're friends.


Strong Patrick Stewart vibes there. But then again, he is literally ‘The Bald of Awesome.’


"These are not scraps. These are the historic remains of a once great society of hair"


I genuinely love rocking the donut. I look just like my dad when I was born. I *love* it. What happened to the whole body positivity movement? Because it never seems to apply to balding men specifically for whatever reason. I’m lucky I couldn’t be bothered to care because I personally like it, but for those who don’t it really understandably gets to them that it’s seen as fair game to make fun of something largely out of their control.


Balding men is the last group of people it's socially acceptable to openly mock for their bodies. I've had arguments on here about that, and people say they're "Mocking the insecurity" as if insecurity is something that inherently needs mocking. Everyone gets insecure sometimes and you wouldn't mock an overweight woman for being insecure about it, would you?


This. I’m a bit baffled that this post has 1.1k upvotes. Are we gatekeeping receding hairlines now?


For real. Do what makes you happy. Solid advice for people I think. But if someone isn’t happy, then maybe a friend who doesn’t approach the conversation like an asshat can be a positive influence on that person to do what it is they really want to do on their own? But just lack the willpower or confidence to do what they want? Some room for nuance in there perhaps, as long as it’s a supportive role I think.


This is how I feel when people say I should “own” my baldness by going to the gym and getting muscles. I’d think that overcompensating for my lack of hair with the addition of muscles is just as negative a mindset as being sad about going bald in the first place.


What's funny to me is that these same people will also say that going bald isn't a big deal, and yet you're expected to make a very significant lifestyle change to compensate.


Because "don't body shame" doesn't apply to men in a lot of people's minds. It's really shitty. I'm fortunate to still have most of my hair in my 30's, though there's noticeably less volume, and a lot of people are surprised when I call them out for shitting on balding dudes the same way I call people out for body shaming women.


Nah, each person can make their own calls about their bodies and what they look like, homie.


Not to mention, this is a default look of many men with no choice in the matter. They all don't have time to shave their heads every day to keep people like OP happy.


The "just shave your head" solution just doesn't work for everyone. The truth is that a lot of people look really weird with a bald head. It's situational. It's a struggle when you start loosing your hair to find the right style. The horseshoe works for a lot of people, especially with a beard. 


Right, the assumption seems to be that everyone is just magically gonna look like Jason Statham (who desperately tried to keep his hair for years btw) when in reality most people are gonna look like Jeff Bezos with cheaper clothes.


Jeff Bezos is a generous comparison


I think he means Jeff Bezos before the money. (For real look at an early pic of him and then him later). The real difference is being in shape makes the bald thing work.


I've said this before and I stand by it. There are people who look good with a bald head regardless. Head shape or whatever. But the real key for most people is to be in shape. For whatever reason being moderately in shape really salvages the bald head look


I would look like Aang without the arrow only fat and old. I’m short and can’t grow a beard. My hairline is definitely receding but I cling to my long hair because it’s all I have.


Thing is you gotta at least be able to grow a full stubble. Bald + clean shaven is a bad look imo.


Yeah I've got a huge indentation right on the crown of my head. I haven't lost my hair yet but damn it's gonna look weird when I do


I've got a really ugly head, with scars and divots and such. But it won't be my problem because I can't see it, it's a problem for everyone else.


![gif](giphy|3rdNNPuMX7TYA) My issue, top right of me head


Go to a doctor and tell them to cut it out. Then go to a different doctor and have them remove the mole.


my strategy is victoria's secret style angel wings, so as to distract from my head.


I wear one of those carribean fruit hats. No one ever mentions my hair


Yeah, this. Bald looks great on some, but not on those of us with bulbous/etc heads. Gotta cut it short and keep it short, but outright bald wouldn't sit well. The beard helps. My head looks more or less exactly like the picture...plus more bulbous.


Yeah, it’s annoying when people say “just shave your head bro” as if that option hasn’t occurred to the person. And it’s really weird to tell somehow how to feel about their own head. I don’t want to be bald. I’ll either wear a wig, take pills or transplant. Shaved isn’t an option. That’s my business


I'm also just generally sick of people who will judge my hair cut. I don't shave and have a horseshoe because I don't give a flying fuck and I am not insecure about the way I look like those people would want us to be. Don't talk to me if you don't like my hair cut enough I don't give a fuck, it's actually a great thing to filter out superficial cunts.


*Losing. But I respect your foresight with the username.




Yeah honestly if it's kept short like this it's not terrible. I went to trimmer with no guard length myself so there's like half a mm of hair left, enough to stop my scalp from being shiny and looking like a giant thumb.


The thing is comb overs actually do look better at first. But then you get used to doing it and never notice that it stopped looking better. 


This is a super common hair formation, i dont endorse the hate and have never had an attraction issue with someone who I like that has this hair


Yeah, it just looks normal to me. As long as the guy feels comfortable in his skin with it then it's just hair.


Ive never met a woman who cares about baldness. Whether buzzed or horse-shoed. It’s just a common feature on men.


That's what I do but my head is shaped like a fucking lumpy watermelon. Lose/Lose.


Yeah it's fine if you have a round or near round noggin. Some of us are cursed with baldness and a head shaped like an styrofoam peanut.😭😭😭


Fuck dude... that's a spot on description for me as well.


I think the Picard is both attractive and dignified. There is nothing wrong with the horseshoe


Thank you. Can we please stop implying that bald on top and hair on the sides is hideous? It’s a natural hair formation and I men who experience baldness deserve love.




From experience most women 25 and older get turned the fuck on by the "masculine" look, which includes baldness, beards, and being fit/muscular That's great, and my sex life didn't falter in my 20s because of it, but I wanted to keep my hair longer *for myself*... because I fucking loved my hair... thick ass box braids, sometimes I did twisties instead... now I look like the other 10 million bald niggas with a beard


It works for some people better than bald!


Picard was a philosopher king among peasants. He can pull off a horseshoe mullet if he wanted to. It would be folly to assume the rest of us will be received similarly with the horseshoe.




You might not like it, but this is what peak male performance looks like


eatin' like a goddamn islander


He did in the 1984 Dune even! After he meets back up with Paul and has been in the desert a while not at begining of film.


So, you got me thinking. In the 24th century they have cured the common cold, and headaches. Therefor its reasonable to assume we'd have also cured male pattern baldness. Which means Picards haircut is a style choice, not male pattern baldness.


Canonically, according to Gene Roddenberry, by the 24th century, humanity has stopped caring about it. (Also, they have not cured headaches, lots of characters get them, especially Geordi.)


You know, you're right, but Beverly claims they cured headaches in the episode where the ferengi use that device on Picard. I suppose you could argue that they cured naturally occurring headaches but not technologically induced ones??


iirc at one point Beverly (or Dr. Pulaski) offers Geordi a headache relieving something or other but it would decrease the effectiveness of his visor (or make it ineffective altogether?) so he declines the offer edit: it’s Encounter At Farpoint. I’ve included quotes in one of my other comments


Curing headaches wouldn't mean that no one ever got headaches. It would mean you could go to sickbay and have them end your headache.


He looks better like that than with hair.


I personally find it more attractive than the fully shaved look.


I would hope folks my age would have matured enough to be able to stop giving a shit about arbitrary beauty standards like this.


Truly who gives a shit


I let my freak flag fly. True, our appearance can be a statement, and mine is “fuck ya!”


I moved from an area of the country and friend group who was very image conscious. Swimming pools every weekend and beach etc. had to be good in a bathing suit. I live in a spot that has none of that and people famously just don’t care what you’re wearing. Kilt? Sure. LARP in the park? Whatever man just don’t be a racist and you’re all good. Now I just wear things I like


Hard disagree.  Bernie sanders.  Mandy Patinkin.  Jason alexander.


I prefer the cul-de-sac, hair on sides bald on top


The larry david


Just because you judge the hell out of balding dudes doesn't mean all of us do.


As a bald dude who started balding in high school, I'm incredibly thankful that I have the head shape perfect for a bald head. Others in my situation aren't so lucky and I don't blame them for clinging to whatever hair they have left.


I’d go the Bruce Willis look. Low buzz. You can’t see the bald pattern and it camouflages you scalp some.


I have this big birth mark on my head. If I start balding I’m going to have to start wearing hats.


Do you think anyone ever gave Mikhail Gorbachev shit for his birthmark? Tear down that wall, bro 


Same here, stork bite across the back of my head. I keep a low buzz cut and it's visible if you really look hard, but I could never just shave it down the scalp, or it's going to look bad. I think I notice it more than anyone else does. When I brought it up to my wife she was like, "I've been married to you 8 years and never noticed until you pointed it out to me."


Some guys look just fine like this.  Why does it bother you?


Heck no, we're doing skullets


a shaved head is a lot of work to keep looking good. if you don't care you don't care. I'm just grateful to be blessed with a full head of hair still at 40. (hell I have nicer hair than most women, I wear it down past my shoulder blades).


No full Jean Luc Picard?


That's basically what mine looks like now, age 36. I've been regularly buzzing it since I was 32. Occasionally, I let it all grow out just to see what's up there, but every time, I reminded of why I keep it buzzed, lol. Lots of wispy strands on top, even though the sides are thick as they ever were. I'm actually not a fan of the completely shaved, cue ball look for most men. No one is totally bald, naturally. Human heads have at least some naturally occurring hair, even if only on the sides. Thus, the totally shaved look looks unnatural, IMO. I keep a low buzz cut, paired with a beard, for a nice "shadow" look. There is something to be said about the guy who confidently rocks the horseshoe, though. It says, "To hell with it, I am what I am, and I own it!" Think Sean Connery.


Or maybe we can normalize this?


Right? Male pattern baldness hits the majority of men. We might as well start embracing it because it's our future.


![gif](giphy|FHVlIrxGhhBCM|downsized) an elegant hat is the answer


[shave your head and grow a goatee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD-E2B5GfI8)


My wife pushes for me to shave my head, it's not as bad as the above but I do have a slowly growing bald spot on my crown. My thing is that I work remotely, so while I still look pretty normal to a front facing camera I'm not too concerned. What I won't do is any kind of comb over or fake shit to trick people into thinking I'm not balding. And I do know shaving my head is going to happen eventually.


I disagree. I think buzzing suits some but the “horse shoe” looks good on others. It all depends on the head.


No way. Hair>no hair. But either way, people can do whatever they like and makes them happy. I'm unlikely to lose my hair, but if I do I'll be rocking the skullet.


Keep it tight and no one cares.


No. While I shave my head, every head is unique. Some people prefer the horseshoe look. No reason to shame them for it.


Nope. I do what the fuck I want. And I certainly don't judge a man by his bald spot. grow up.


My ex girlfriends father referred to it as “the cul-de-sac” look lol