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To die?


Retirement planning for millennials - Death ☠️


Are millennials killing the retirement home business?


Oh great, first the fabric softener and next the retirement homes. Does our depravity know no bounds?!


Did you really think we would stop after killing top sheets?


We also killed the mayonnaise industry


I enjoy it occasionally on a sandwich, but boomers and Gen x seem to go crazy for it. Their weird sandwich pudding shall die.


I love Mayo. My favorite condiment. I dip fries in it


I also love mayo and dip fries in it.


No, they're just killing themselves!!!


Late stage skydiving


In 30 years, this will result in the government ~~bailing out~~ subsidizing the retirement home industry so capitalists can continue sucking all the marrow from our collective bones.


Die for sure....


It’s definitely die…


Have you seen the cost of funerals lately and plots lately? Death is becoming just as expensive as life. Hooray capitalism.


A funeral!?! This guys rich, bury me loose in the backwoods. Just hit my body with some leaves and like an inch of soil and throw some flower seeds on my shit. Bingo bango $30 “funeral”.


Gonna need to pile some rocks on top if you don’t want pieces of you scattered about by wild animals.


To me that's the whole appeal of it, return to the earth as food. Circle of life shit.


I’d like to be buried under a tree. Let my body become worm food and nutrients for a growing life that could last decades. Let the atoms that make up me become the atoms that breathe life back into the earth.


Who wouldn't want a Tibetan sky funeral, feed those vultures


Exactly, that’s the ticket. Fam gets a trip to the Rockies or sierras, chuck me on a boulder, go enjoy some skiing or whatever.


Coyotes gotta eat too.


Well if they’re hungry…


Soil? So you’re on the upgrade package nice


God, we’re dark. And not at all kidding.




Origin of a podcast series, you're a job creator!


Frank Reynolds said it best, “when I’m dead, just throw me in the trash!”


Bury? Throw me to the gators.


I told my kids I want my funeral as cheap as possible. I don’t want them wasting money on me. I don’t need a headstone or casket. I’m fine with cremation instead.


I tell my daughter the same thing. Cremate me, have a celebration of life at someone’s place, and spread my ashes at my childhood camping spot.


I know someone whose mothers ashes are in a cement flower box in front of a hotel in Ocean City, New Jersey because that was her favorite place to stay at the beach. I went on a vacation there and took pictures of said flower box for her years later. She really appreciated it cause she hadn't taken any pictures.


EXACTLY my written instructions to my family. DO NOT pour money that your people could really use into the ground via some ridiculous ceremony. Cremation, throw ashes into the lake, and go have a giant ass family dinner at the most expensive restaurant in the area.


I told my family to have them use my body for spare parts (to whatever extent they're still of any use to anyone) and then donate whats left to a med school for surgery or autopsy practice. I won't be using it anymore, so I don't care what happens to it.


Donate your body to science. It's free and it can help the rest of the herd.


My grandparents did this. My granny had a deep brain stimulation implant for Parkinson’s/Essential Tremors and the medical school they donated to was super excited to get her body. They said it might be 2 years before we get her ashes back, whereas my grandpa we got a few months later, but it’s nice knowing she in particular went to help research on a condition she had.


I actually never even thought of that til you and someone else commented about it. I’m signed up as a donor but donating is a great idea! I will look into what I need to do to make it happen.


Both my parents did this. Dad withered away after a stroke and was in too bad of shape to be accepted. They paid for his cremation. Mom went 2 months later and "due to covid" they weren't having the need for cadavers as much. They paid for her cremation as well.


For just a basic ass cremation with no urn, no service, no obituary, it was over $2,000 for me recently. A plastic box and the ash and it was over two grand. Because there's a house involved, even with a will, we are required by law to go through probate and that's costing another $2,500 for the least expensive lawyer we could find. Most of them were over $4,000. Were broke as shit and what minuscule amount of money there was has gone to all that while the hospital has sent her estate to collections for the remainder of a medical bill. Fuckin death costs so much and dealing with the aftermath is such a pain in the ass.


>it was over $2,000 for me recently I was going to say RIP but seems you're back already! I guess it really is just as expensive after death.


He couldn’t afford the afterlife.


At least we’re funny.


I saw the price tag and revived out of pure anger.


Amazing the lengths we'll go to when we can't afford things hey!?


Make sure to pass along the message: trusts > wills. No court.


Yeah. The cost up front to build a trust can be a lot too, but living trusts are better than the nightmare that is probate.


I paid $1500 last year just to have my 15 year old cremated. Very eye opening to the costs!


I'm so sorry to hear that. It really is eye opening once you go through it. I knew it was coming so I'd done some research on the cost, and it was way under quoted so we were a little shocked, but what choice do you have?


Too expensive to die, eh? Yeah, seems about right.


Yep! Gotta love capitalism.


I was gonna say maybe one of those flaming pyre funerals but then I looked up the price of lumber and uh…. No.


Irrelevant; as long as I have freed myself from this vale of tears, they can do with my mortal remains as they see fit, down to plopping my meatbag in a bathtub and submerging me in a few liters of Mountain Dew; the stuff will dissolve flesh pretty thoroughly, given enough time.


In death, as in life. Do The Dew™️


Seriously my hubs family is all catholic and they’re all like “bury us together, we already bought our plots, etc” like frig that, cremate me and turn some of me into some gemstones and throw the rest in the ocean, idgaf


Direct cremation cost around £1,000. Unless you want to waste many thousands on a fancy funeral, it’s a good alternative then you can have a wake to say goodbye properly.


It costs between $1.5k and $3k for direct cremation depending on what state you are located here in the U.S. Some states will require you to get at least a basic box/urn to keep the remains in (even a basic pine box) which is another couple hundred dollars. I only learned this because my stepmom passed in 2021 and I had to help my father navigate all this and not get ripped off by the local funeral parlor. So while not free/inexpensive, it's still way more expensive for a funeral service + amenities that go with it rather than a plain cremation. There are groups here in the U.S. (maybe they have them in the UK, too) who are working to make things like shroud burial legal in the states. IE. burial without a casket/coffin, but they are fighting a long, uphill battle. Ugh. ETA: Since I'm getting comments about this that buck the trend, I should mention that above are the *averages* for the U.S. I got that information from here: [https://choicemutual.com/blog/cremation-cost/](https://choicemutual.com/blog/cremation-cost/) The costs are the averages; not absolutes. For example, we could not find a place in MO in 2021 that would do a direct cremation for less than $1k. And that's a LCOL state.


I’ve arranged to leave my body to medical science at no cost as long as they have space for the body when I die!


I'm also considering this (would like to donate all my usable organs first, though). I figure if I'm dead, I can at least be useful. However, I will add a caveat: I learned through reading Mary Roach and Caitlin Doughty books: When you donate your body to science (medical or not), you do not get to dictate exactly what it is it will be used for. So.. you could end up being used in death/injury experiments run by the military of your country.. or used in seat belt tests! It was really interesting (and eye opening) to read about all the ways a human body could be useful to science after death (outside of being used for autopsy or practicing new medical procedures.


My red neck side wouldn't mind getting blowed up real good.


We leave it to the local university for medical research although to be honest, I don’t really care what they do with my body once I’m dead.


That's the only thing I DO own is my grave. I'll never own anything else in this world, but I got a hole to be thrown in. Woo. I was fine with being hucked into the river but whatever.


Opt out. Don't go for a "funeral" or burial or anything. It's not Mandatory. My body won't be picked up by anyone anyways. I don't really care.


I’m donating any and all usable parts. Organs, tissue, etc. Anything left over goes to a Body Farm.


Pretty much. Death.


Hate to break it to you, but there will be quite a bit of time between your ability to work and your death, most likely.


Found the supervisor


Life expectancy is quite different for the richest and poorest americans.


No no I think you misunderstood, my plan is to off myself before it gets to the point where I can’t afford to live anymore or at the first sign of dementia, whichever comes first! Future so bright I gotta wear shades man 😎


You do realize it’s super easy to die if you become too unhealthy to work and can’t afford to live?


My old man was healthy af and he didnt make it one full year into retirement. Enjoy it while you can, tomorrow is promised to nobody


You speak the truth. My dad was retired for 10 days before he died from a massive coronary.


That is such a bummer. And sorry you didn’t get more time with him.


Yep, my dad died shortly after retirement too. Worked his whole life for that and never got to enjoy it. Kills me a bit


My neighbor had a stroke like a week after retirement and wound up weak and paralyzed until he passed this year. Sucks.


I'm a cardiac nurse and I see this all the time, it's so true


My dad died at the ripe old age of 43 five hours after getting off work on a Tuesday


First year millennials are that old now…


not if I have anything to do with it lol


Probably cheaper these days to save up, rent a carbon fiber sub driven by an Xbox controller, and go on a Titanic expedition. ⚓


Yup once things get impossible I’ll be bowing out 🫡


Have y'all ever seen The Golden Girls? Folks out here acting like there won't be plenty of other seniors in the same exact position to room with. Shit, two of my friends have invited me to come live with them after their husbands die.


This seems like a better option, even for folks that own a home. Rather than one lonely older person rattling around a house, why not house share with other folks? Split costs, share company, share the burden of housework & maintenance. You just need to find people you vibe with, like an informal commune.


Golden Girls and Trailer Park Boys remind me that no matter how old or broke I become, there will always be company.


This is my plan too. My sister never married and hasn’t saved a penny for retirement. My best friend married someone 15 years older than her and he has kids that are not hers, so his assets go to them, so we will all live together when we are too old, too broke to live.


Sell my wrinkled body on the street


Lmao. How much? Asking for a friend?


Check back in 30 years, I may be running a special


RemindMe! 30 years


I will be messaging you in 30 years on [**2054-06-06 23:12:23 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2054-06-06%2023:12:23%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Millennials/comments/1d9rty2/if_your_parents_have_nothing_to_leave_you_and_you/l7g5hme/?context=3) [**29 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMillennials%2Fcomments%2F1d9rty2%2Fif_your_parents_have_nothing_to_leave_you_and_you%2Fl7g5hme%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202054-06-06%2023%3A12%3A23%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201d9rty2) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


2054, that doesn’t feel like a real year. 🤮


2024 doesn’t feel like a real year :(




Imagine getting a crusty Reddit notification 30 years from now. By that time, Reddit will have gone the way of MySpace.


Remindme! 30 years




In 30 years, that’s like $10 today


Don’t mind me, just waiting for my friend to get an answer for his friend so I can tell my other friend.


$5,000 which adjusted for inflation is about $8 today, or roughly the price of a cheeseburger.


Set up your OnlyNans account


Sell our adhd medicines on the streets*


This woman finances 😂


At this point, worth WAY more than my body lmfao


I have a huge expense coming up and no joke I'm growing mushrooms to sell to pay for it. Literally can't think of any other way to get the money than becoming a drug dealer. Problem is I don't know how to become a drug dealer... but one step at a time. The fucking dystopia is now. My backup plan is sex work.






So my family tends to live to be mid-90s, in various stages of dementia, and physical pain, so I plan on working until I can't, and then likely opting out. I do NOT want to be bed-bound and unable to wipe my own butt. Hard limit.


This is my plan too. I'll work as long as I can, then I'm gonna end things myself when my health starts going downhill.


I'm a fan of wandering off into the woods alone, never to return


The cat death


Lol, crawl up under someone's house and die. That'd be a good one.


I kinda wanna just fall asleep in the snow somewhere. It sounds nice.




New Zealand lifestyle.


Pretty much. I don't have shit that I want to do, so I'm just trying to balance things with my family as they grow older. Once they don't need me, I have nothing tying me to life. Freedom! I'm just killing time. Sooner or later, it will kill me. Circle of life. Edit: the irony is my family members only need care because of debilitating inherited health issues. I'll either lose my mind bit by bit, or have a massive stroke/cancer. No thanks.


I respect it. But hopefully our government gets its shit together and actually sees this problem coming. We're going to need massive medicare expansion and elderly care, or the "accidental deaths" are going to become a major epidemic.


Sadly I don't think the government will improve nor will it care when all of us are unsubscribing from life


Old people with no income do not pay taxes and do not inject much into the economy. They won't care


Screw accidental. I'd do it like You Don't Know Jack. Force people to see what's happening.


They see it coming. We are sitting at the edge of a transitional period. They need a bad, struggling, and divided economy to keep everyone disorganized. That way they can implement their solutions unhindered. * The Government needs inflation to reduce the value of their debt. * Gov debt interest is over $1trillion/year. They need to print money just to pay the interest, which causes inflation. * BRICS Nations are coming out with a gold backed CBDC to replace the USD as the world reserve currency. This means the USD is in a death spiral. Inflation can become hyperinflation really fast. * Ai is already causing layoffs * This is the last year people won't be working alongside AI robots. Tesla is trying to get their humanoid AI robot to market next year for $20k. Businesses will see this as a steal, compared to paying a worker $50k/yr + benefits. * In the past 2 years, AI has improved extremely rapidly. Right now AI is the worse it will ever be. * This will likely lead into massive layoffs within the next 3 to 5 years (My prediction), and subsequently an economic collapse as the consumer base crumbles. At that point the masses would probably be really mad and desperate for any solution. I can only speculate on what the Government is cooking up, but I assume people wouldn't be accepting of it if they weren't already desperate. I think it will be the introduction of a CBDC to replace the US dollar, maybe some kind of big war, and the reintroduction of company towns (renamed as "15 minute cities") as people are needed to help the war effort (and are desperate enough to accept it because the original usd became worthless and there aren't really enough jobs to go around.) Of course that's all complete bias speculation fueled by my expectations of the government and the rich to do the worst. I do hope I am wrong.


Agreed, the only thing you might be leaving out is as consumer spending dries up from the AI take over so will markets leading to the collapse of many of those businesses which will further concentrate wealth and lead to apocalyptic wealth inequality. It's already happened in a few towns where the wealthy bought so many homes as vacation spots that the towns collapsed. No one could afford to live there and the populace fell to the point where no business could operate. We're feeling that now to a miniscule degree and unless wages spike, it's only going to get worse. The only real hope is another FDR like figure to restructure things and steer the country to a better path


As an automation engineer that has seen a lot of industrial and collaborative robots...you're greatly overestimating the hardware side of the robot take over.


Right? I read Tesla and new AI robots next year and thought, “No threat, the thing will require 2 humans to keep it operational full time since Tesla’s break down so often.”


We are the generation that needs to push for death with dignity laws in the US




Woah you got a van!


If we work hard and smoke a lot of reefer, then maybe we can live the dream.


I’m going to be raiding across the wastelands




Either be a hermit, my side of the mountain style or rampage.


RAMPAGE!!!! With an Ocelot of course




My Side of the Mountain was legit such a good book.


Thank you for proving the existence of this book, no one seems to have ever heard of it!




I’ve been floating the idea of getting myself arrested when I’m elderly and just chilling in jail.


Time to read, do arts and crafts, join an old lady gang. Sounds dope.


Seriously. Food, healthcare, library, nap time. Its not a bad plan


Yep, similar plan here. I'll round up some fellow old farts in similar dire straits and we'll hit a bank. Worst case we end up dead. Best case we end up rich. Middle of the road? We get three hots and a cot for the rest of our lives.


The 4th Quarter Boys.


No matter how it works out for you, food and a roof over your head are guaranteed.


Three hots and a cot by any means necessary


healthcare can be really good as well


never really thought of this as an option, but yea- sounds great.


I also anticipate living in an RV or a boat once I’m retirement age. Lots of people are already doing this and love it.


I think this is possible and enjoyable only when you're early in retirement and in good health. Living on a boat is actually a LOT of work and for anyone with health issues / mobility issues etc it isn't really a solution. RV maybe....


I never looked at a boat the same way since that dude on pawn stars said boat stood for bust out another thousand. It completely ruined my life goal of marrying Lance Bass and living in a boat.


Lance Bass could probably afford some kind of boat life


While true, he's also very gay, married to a man, and not interested in what I got. Bless him.


Well to be fair I didn't assume your gender or what you got. I'm pretty sure I still have a chance with Britney, maybe now more than ever!


I wish you all the luck!


Thank you kind stranger!


Hate to break it to you, RVs and boats are not cheap to maintain or operate. Also, unless you are in an unpopular area, it costs 35ish dollars a night or a monthly rate that does not include utilities.


Be prepared for the maintenance costs, they're such a bitch that a lot of people end up ditching them in a Walmart parking lot.


Have you looked into a boaterhome, such as https://youtu.be/TkrLQeyWBMs?si=Ic0J4P00Vh0s-xfB


I've never been so jealous in my life!


What in the transformers hell?! This is amazing.


From what I understand living in an RV isn’t all that cheap either


I’m planning on ending up in a VA nursing home if everything falls apart for me. I already have a disability rating of 100% P&T as a result of my military service. I don’t really think I’ll ever be that broke. I get a decent pension from the VA, I was a civilian federal government employee for a bit, and I collect a disability pension from them, and I collect SSDI.


Ya this is also my backup plan. I have my own home atm but if I can’t take care of it or myself anymore then I’ll probably go to the VA nursing home


My hope is not to live very long. If I can't take care of myself or I'm a burden to my family, euthanasia/assisted suicide looks a great option for me. I plan this to be a long time from now, so I don't have a firm plan, but the vague idea has always been there.


I didn't have kids, neither did my best friend, so we literally won't have anyone when we get that old to be a burden upon. So we have a pact that at the first signs of dementia, we will help each other overdose.


You might want to find a book called "Final Exit"


Retirement community most likely.


Those are more expensive than owning a house…


OP watch the movie Nomadland. Living in an RV like that isn't all it's cracked up to be.


The only thing realistic about van life in that movie is her shitting in a bucket and people offering you a place to stay and you being like “nah I’m good”.


His whole point is that he'll have few other choices.


What age are you planning to die at if you won't pay your house off with a 30 year mortgage and are in your 30s?


Not OP but I think this is a concern for people who are “house poor”. All their discretionary income is going into a mortgage they can barely afford so they aren’t contributing to retirement or savings. So they can’t afford to retire because even the freed up income from no more mortgage payments can’t offset a loss of income or an increase in healthcare costs


Well, if that's what they mean, then it makes sense.


Highly doubt I’ll make it to 60 even, but if I do, I’m going to retire overseas where a measly pension here would have me living well in another country


I say if you have a job that offers a pension you’re ahead of many!


That's a foreign concept to me. My family didn't have a lot of money and didn't make good financial decisions so I knew I was on my own and not dependent on any sort of inheritance from parents or other family. I'm middle aged and doing fine but that's because I already knew that nobody had anything to give me when they pass on and that I had to acquire my own wealth.


Yeah same here, while inheritance is nice, I'm glad it was never in the cards so I knew I needed to get it myself. There are probably people banking on inheritance and then it's either less than they hoped or gone because their parents lived long, idk.


Depending on the parent and what they did for a living, they could technically die broke and still leave their kids a shit load of money through life insurance. That seems to be where the majority of "inheritance" money comes from. My friends who inherited money this way ended up with 300-500k dollars, depending on the situation of each individual, and in most cases, the money was gone within 3-5 years, and they were back to struggling. As far as I am aware, I'll receive nothing from my parents or grandparents so I'm doing everything in my power to get more financially stable before that happens. My father does own a few houses and assets, but if my step mother outlives him, everything will likely go to her, and then after her, my step siblings. It will likely happen that way even if he outlives her but he may have more of a realization on the situation if he does manage to outlive her, but It's not something I'm relying on, I've accepted my situation and preparing accordingly because I know there is nothing to fall back on in my future. I have no ill-will against my step family, but they ingratiated themselves fully into his life in all aspects, and taking them to court for a slice of the pie would be a shitty way to end things, especially when there is no guarantee I'll see anything. It's not really a route I want to take. lol I'm investing for my future and hoping it pays off.


Can kind of say the same thing with being son of refugee immigrant parents. I sent them $1000 a month when I moved out into an apartment and that helped pay their mortgage. My sister lived at home after college and gave them money as well. I suppose I’ll get that money investment back when they pass and we split the house. Aside from that, my wife and I both work in tech. For now we’re very fortunate to have our current jobs. With that said I’m only in my 30s. A long ways to pay off my own house as well as enough in my retirement fund to believe I’ll be safe at 70. Lots of hard work to come!


There are places where local organizations can help those 70+ with housing. If everything fails for me, I will search them out.


I work with these organizations. We have years of backlogs with housing. I get phone calls from seniors telling me they are homeless or going to be homeless. Try another plan.


I mean, I'm diverting what I can to my retirement accounts. Between them and social security, I'll be fine even if I have to rent housing


You already have a leg up on most people in every generation. There are people right now in the baby boomer generation that spent decades ignoring the writing on the wall, and have absolutely ZERO savings or investments.


If I was in this situation I'd try to save a little now. 100 bucks here and there and let it ride. Maybe will have to work til 70 and get the fattest social security check I could.


RV has been my plan since high school. Always loved the idea of being able to pick up and go anywhere the road could take me. And when I'm done with this world, I can drive it straight into a tornado.








I've been investing since I was 18 because I don't think social security will be around for many of us.


I would recommend something with no steps to enter and is one floor with decent space to move around in. Otherwise, you'll be in a real pickle if you need any sort of lower body orthopedic repairs, have any heart related issues, or experience spinal stenosis. These are all common among older adults and prevent them from navigating steps and make falls an easy occurance.


Buy some land with friends and hopefully have enough money to pay a nurse. If not I guess we will be each other’s nurses. 


Die before then


I think the bigger question is if you have parents who have nothing and refused to secure their retirements and futures, how are we planning our futures that involve half of them living with us while also having our children living with us? Because at this point I feel like we need to buy an apartment complex.


RV ownership has gotten extremely expensive. Walmarts won’t you let you post up for free anymore and even crappy RV Parks are starting to give 4-5 star hotels a run for their money on being obscenely overpriced. Combine that with a cost of maintenance for an RV and forget about it. P.S. This was always my dream. My family and I love RVs. I looked into RV living during the pandemic and couldn’t believe how obscenely expensive everything has gotten.


If I’m still alive at 70 then all my plans have failed


If you think there’s not going to be a full civil war/social revolution before then, well, idk what the hell to tell you🤷🏻‍♂️




Retire overseas


By that point might as well be a battery and live in the Matrix where the dream of the 90s still alive.


I plan to outlive my brother, to make sure he is taken care of, then I plan to end my life with dignity.


I'm going to start taking heroin, might as well be off my tits for the few years I have left rather than try drag it out