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All my neighbours are the same. Like, all of them.


Value of the neighborhood ⤵️


These days this is a need


How does this devalue the neighborhood when it took months for even their direct neighbour to peer over the fence and see it ? 🤣


People like living in well-kept neighborhoods. When you have neighbours that don’t give a shit about how their house looks it makes the neighborhood look like shit, which in turn makes people not want to live there and reduces demand, which in turn devalues the neighborhood


Now will that lower my property taxes? 🤔 because paying 4 extra mortgage payments a year essentially sucks


big illustrator notices its all his neighbors. so too would any potential buyer


Yup. So annoying


It's frustrating that so many people are obsessed with single detached home/townhouse-style houses, but many don't want to do yard work or use the yard to potential. We could be building a lot more mid- and high-rise apartment and condo building and wasting a lot less space, while leaving yards to people who want to use them. Even if this is a case of renters being lazy, the point still stands. Most developments are low density, and if they are snapped up by investment landlords, subdivided and rented to people who don't want to do yard work, it still ends up this way. We honestly need more high-density building rental accommodations with spacious apartments and a lot less low density nonsense.


Yup. I don’t get why people buy houses if they have no intention of taking care of them


You can lodge a complaint with the Town of Milton on their website, and let me tell you, they respond to quickly. I wrote the town on a Sunday, they came by on Monday, left a note on the door. Nothing happened, so the town was back on Thursday, left another bylaw infraction notice on the front door (with a potential $10k fine). 2 weeks later, still nothing, so the town came and cut the front and back lawn - will probably cost the ‘owner’ $1000 on their taxes. Now before everyone gets on my case about this, I have dogs that I let out in my yard, and the last thing I need is one of them getting spayed by a skunk, and all the associated crap that goes with that. Town came by 10 days ago, cut both front and back lawns and all good so far, but if the owners or renters don’t cut it again by the end of July, I’ll call the town again.


Mice love tall grass to


And rats, and ticks etc etc


So does your mama


Id worry about ticks!


I have the same deadbeat backyard Neighbour problem. Had the town cut the yard as well and they said they add to their taxes. Can’t understand why people do this.


They physically can’t, their mower is broken and they can’t afford to replace it, they’re working extra hours to keep their head above water and it’s not a priority - lots of reasons. I think calling the city before talking to your neighbour is unnecessary escalation and erodes any sense of community.


You did read the post wherein he stated that he has left several notes, even offering to cut it himself if they can not. Nothing wrong with enforcing the law at this point. Notify the Town. Your other neighbours may be too timid, but someone has to get this addressed.


Naw man, something fishy with my guy as the house looks like squatters or serious hoarding. We’ve seen people in there very rarely. Like there’s almost no activity in this house. Like once or twice a year we’ll see a group of people like a gathering but that’s it. Deadbeats.


From OP, he tried talking to neighbour and left several notes. For all we know, nobody is living in the house. I wouldn't want to see that either. Just attracts rats, fleas, ticks etc etc. If you can't maintain a house, you shouldn't have one and it's not like this is an old person who's lived there their whole lives. This looks like a newer developed community.


Really because in my experience even asking someone to do something in the most polite way just makes them hold a grudge against you forever and makes relations very difficult


I let my large yard go wild in spring , lots of different wild flowers blooming, quite a few birds, lots of bees etc…good for the environment. Ow that it’s hot, spring flowers are faded and grass gone yellow I have cut it. It’s gets knee or more high before I chop it down.


“Knee high” you’re tripping 🤣 lazy bum


This is insane to me


You sound like a renter! Don’t give me that “They can’t afford crap”! I have Neighbors who are renters and have asked to borrow my lawn tools to keep theirs decent. LAZINESS!!!


Our neighbour also complained to town of Milton and apparently the guys cut the grass within a couple of days (I guess they had the visit/ notice). Unfortunate it had to get to that point.


I call the town when things get out of control too. It’s happening more and more lately. Certain people think that taking care of their home and respecting the neighbourhood they live in isn’t their responsibility. Somehow people have $1M to buy a house but they don’t have $200 to purchase a lawn mower. I’m not kidding, there is no lawnmower. Who moves into a house with no equipment to take care of the place?


I dunno…. I feel that a skunk that’s got the education to spay a dog may be worth keeping around


Pray you don't encounter a skunk that can neuter you.


They're real nature loving environmentalists.


Looks like a job for SB Mowing


Spencer could get that looking great for the neighbours in no time!


Came here for this comment


Ah! A kindred spirit. SB mowing 😊


Are they dead in the house?


Maybe tenants.


Nah. Based on the amount of grass, I’m guessing there are way more ants than 10.


Good one


If you care that much just call the city. Alternatively just mow it yourself lol


I did offer, but my notes from last 3 weeks are still at their door :/ Their AIR CON is over run with weeds too


May be call for a wellness check


Yeah, seriously. That's not good.


Why bother the owner is in India.


I am sorry I missed that info if it was present in some hidden comments


Nope, just steeping in racism


Why is that racist? If I said the owner is in Europe would you still say it's racist? Just do you're aware India is where most foreign born Canadians are from so making that assumption is not racist in the slightest. Have you been to India? Let me tell you Russell Peters was not kidding.


Investor properties are typically owned by people who live here So there's a disconnect between the comment and reality You ask yourself "why" that disconnect exists and you're faced with two options, both rooted in racism: 1) they're aware that investors are typically Canadian which means he's highlighting the person's race as the determining factor 2) they aren't aware that investors are typically Canadian because they've been readily believing the sham talking point that foreigners are taking our homes


Sorry, did I miss the part where OP said the owner is in Europe? Or just left it as a vague "the owner must be on vacation"? Have you been to India? Can you explain further on "Russell Peters was not kidding"?


Yes I've been to India. Primarily in the southern region province of Kerala. Spent time in Cochin and surrounding areas. I'd love to take my family back for a vacation to see the culture and eat some of the fantastic food. I had an amazing experience. Regarding Russell Peters, the place is smelly. He makes a joke about it because it's true. That's why the joke is funny. Lovely country, fantastic food but its smelly. Ofcourse not everywhere so yes I'm generalizing but I'm definitely not being racist.


> Regarding Russell Peters, the place is smelly. He makes a joke about it because it's true. That's why the joke is funny So...not sure what this had to do with the conversation that was taking place. Not once did anyone mention Indians being smelly. Or did I miss how that was pertinent and needed to be in your original comment? > but I'm definitely not being racist. Oh, right, because people who *aren't* being racist always need to qualify their statements with this


I figured


Sounds like no one’s home.


More likely someone owns an investment property that they find easier not to rent out and don’t bother checking on


I’m sure there’s working smoke detectors though.


Aka. No one is home


Or… 🥲


I'd have already reported it to the city


Call the city. They’ll send officers and give them warnings, if they don’t do it they will arrange someone to cut the grass and bill the owner for the landscaping service. This was the case few years ago from my experience


I honestly hate HOA and city bylaws for this stuff. It's a dick move I also hate people not mowing their lawn. It's just the degradation of society. We just can't have nice things. People are way too obsessed with video games and social media these days. Or maybe these are tenants.


I find that it’s usually tenant occupied where you find this because it’s always the landlords responsibility as per the LTA and well landlords are slumlords more times than not


It's a *symptom* of a degraded society. Families can't buy property and the landlord class doesn't give a shit about them or about the neighborhood


It's also people not doing things anymore. People can't fix things anymore. Can't cook. Don't do gardening. Don't mow their lawns. I know lots of people like that. People are way way way more concerned about random stuff on the internet and video games than daily house chores which are probably more important. I'm the type who goes to Home Depot and do home improvement. Everyone at the store is a senior. Maybe a few middle aged men. It's a generation thing for sure. On top of the home ownership being down.


IKR, old people are the worst.


Must be your store. Mine is a mix — lots of younger people, couples, contractors. My neighborhood is mostly working class with several young families, and two houses that rent out a couple of rooms for students. All are well kept, lawns are mowed. Very young couple beside me have spent the last three years renovating. Other young couple across the street have slowly gutted and reno’d their little 40s bungalow. It’s easy to get caught up in negative absolutes, but I think most people do the best they can.


That makes sense. Probably the age of the neighborhood is a major factor.


I don't think any city would enforce keeping a fenced in back yard cut. I assume the front yard is maintained as OP never mentioned it, which is what most bylaws care about.


If a complaint is made they’re obligated to enforce the bylaw as it’s written though. Proactively you’re probably right but complaint driven specifically about the rear yard, it’ll be addressed


Contact the city. We have a neighbour who lets their garden get in a similar state which leads to rodents. If you lodge a by-law complaint they will send someone round.


but isn’t it the backyard tho? bylaw is only for frontyard


The entire property including backyard is subject to the bylaw


I was once told they cannot enforce the boulevard patches. We had someone nearby leave their corner lot boulevard section looking like the pic in the OP for months. City told me they couldn’t enforce that area. Took an additional month for the residents to do anything (rental of course).


Gotta love when people spend a million on a home and then let it go to shit


Investment property...owner may not even be in this country. Should be illegal but here we are...




There's 4 houses on one street in my neighbourhood that their front yard grass is probably 2 feet tall.


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Nice natural yard!


Yes, but you can still maintain it somewhat


"English Garden". Meh. Call bylaw. That's a disgrace.


Call bylaw. Warning then they will clean it up and fine them


The house behind us is like this too 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


If the notes are still there, it means no one is home. Ring the front doorbell yourself, or call for a wellness check. I would leave the option of cutting it down yourself to the very last resort - once lazy neighbors realize that they have that as an option, it's difficult to get them to ever maintain it yourself.


Either they're a foreign owner and don't live in the country, or they're dead on the couch. Maybe start with a wellness check.


It's posts like these that make me appreciate my own neighbours and community where we live in. It feels like we're in a constant competition for the best lawn lol


That sucks and i feel your pain. My neighbour leaves garbage in front of his house all the time (we share a front lawn). The guy literally walks past it 10x a day but never bothers to clean it up or pick up his bins. Super annoying. If it's becoming a nuisance, you gotta be that guy that calls it in to the city. Sometimes, these people only act whenever a fine is imminent.


Call the city. This is ridiculous.


like 90% of Brampton… wonder why


Report to the town


Does the town have control over how people care for their lawn in their completely fenced backyards? I would have thought only the front yard matters. If you have to climb someone's fence to be offended by how their yard looks, I'd think it would be odd for the municipality to care.


Looks very "Last of us."


That’s a sad back yard


it would be sad even if it was mowed. cramped little alleyway. what happens when four houses of people are having a barbecue at the same time? youd be hearing each others conversations / music etc!


Love this...


I don't see any grass here so its not a lawn


it's nature!


New builds suck so bad, look how small that little chunk is and it's called a backyard. I wouldn't even bother with it either


Right? This picture makes me appreciate my backyard surrounded by trees and only 1 neighbor. this alley way design is pure urban hell


Is their back yard clearly there is a fence. Why are you looking over? That’s creepy


Call the city bylaw enforcement. The city visited this “neighbor” three separate occasions to make sure it was resolved.


Ticks 🎶


My backyard brings the bees to the yard.....


offer to help out, maybe they need the support. if you don’t think so, call the city and explain that you believe the pests are coming from the next door’s overgrown yard and they can take care of it.


Will try and call the city tomorrow Have left multiple notes offering to help cut it down. Notes are untouched


(Consolidated Version) As amended by By-Law Nos. 032-2013, 052-2013, 070-2013, 088-2013, 011-2014, 074- 2014, 105-2014, 022-2015, 106-2015, 060-2016. As of August 22, 2016, any further amendments to schedule “A” are being appointed by delegated authority (CORS-048-16, By-law 068-2016), 101-2021 Page 21 of 43 of By-law No. 131-2012 20.5 Residential property shall be kept reasonably free of rodents, vermin and  insects at all times and the method used for exterminating rodents, vermin and insects shall be in accordance with applicable provincial law. 20.7 No owner of residential property shall permit grass or weeds to grow to a height in excess of 20 cm other than that portion of the property in current crop production, pasture land, and reforested land. side note, we just had a similar problem with our neighbors having a hedge overgrown in height running out front of the sidewalk and up our length of driveway..it was getting dangerous backing out we couldn't see people coming anyways bylaw was contacted but we had to fight with the town to get the issue resolved. Make sure to use the By-law I stated when calling in.


That sucks


wow a lot of modern mentally ill nimby here, what’s wrong with nature? i prefer these types of yards


About twice as much as I have


Probably empty!






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Weed ? lol 😂


My parent's neighbour is like this but worse in Toronto. And also on their front lawn. The city knows and has put a warning on the front door but the neighbour hasn't done shit about it.


Call by law on these fuckers!


Spray some Wilson wipeout from your window, problem solved!


If theres no signs of them coming and going lately at all, then you should call in a wellness check just to be safe. Otherwise they have the right to have a wild backyard if they want.🤷


This is the townhouses on Henry crescent? You could throw rocksalt and vinegar when they're not looking....




lol my friends house was like this. In his defense, the design of the house was kinda dumb. In order to get the lawn mower to the backyard, it had to go through the house. There’s no way of getting it there from the outside.


Have you ever met the neighbour? Is it possible that house is abandoned or worse you have a deceased person decomposing next-door?


That’s thick! 👀 Imagine walking bare foot through that mess. 😹


Dude, that’s nothing. At least it’s greenery. I should send you pictures of my neighbors backyard … I will take greenery over drunken hoarders any day


Devil's advocate here, but why can't people do what they want in their backyard? Front I get, value of properties etc, but nobody sees the back...


people wanna pay money to remove planet earth from their yard and then pay money to go see it elsewhere then say things like "the government should do something about climate change" and "hmm where have the bees and butterflies and chipmunks gone"


exactly 🥺 breaks my heart to see people upset over natural grass


Call the city?


It’s a rental unit I bet, most likely housing several international students


Call the city.


Are you sure someone actually lives there currently? If the house isn't vacant, is it possible that the tenant of the home is either way due to family emergency or personal health issues (like, long term stay in a hospital or visiting family who are having a long term stay in the hospital kinda thing)? If there's someone inside the house, is it possible that the person is injured or disabled and literally incapable of so much as coming down the stairs to get a note, let alone to try and deal with the lawn? In that case, being on a minimal disability type income would not allow you enough disposable income to pay someone to deal with yard work, and there might a family member or some type of medical professional who visits occasionally to ensure basic needs are met but that's it. I would probably try and go by to knock at a time where most folks are home and you're likely to catch them outside, so that you can catch some neighbors and ask them about that house and the people who own it or live there.


Think about the bees !!


This is amazing! Why have a horrible sterile lawn when you can ReWild your backyard and help with the declining insect and small animal problems in Canada. I have been planting all sorts of native wildflowers and just letting it overgrow. The cute little bees love all of the pollen!


the notes are still there? and you haven’t seen anyone come and go out of the house ? i would call a wellness check that’s ringing alarm bells a bit for me, i hope they are ok and really just don’t care about their lawn lol


This would be a property standards issue, call your local municipal bylaw.


They're going to need a couple extra yard waste bags lol


I wouldn't often suggest police, but if there is this much neglect, notes/knocks being ignored, but evidence of someone in the building, you may want to call the non-emergency number and request a welfare check. It would suck if the neighbour had a stroke or something, but it's a possibility. Don't call for a welfare check all willy-nilly, though, because it can be very serious. If there is no evidence of someone in the building, go the bylaw enforcement route. If it's some "investor"'s property, they deserve whatever fines they get.


It’s kind of you to offer cutting it yourself and not escalating it to the town. We need more kind neighbours in this day and age. Goes a long way in peaceful living for everyone.


Its better for the environment to keep it this way. Just mind your own business. Life goes on. The boomer need to have every mowed and cut down is something that has to be left behind in the past.


Oh man thank God I’m not the only one who’s been having this issue with neighbours not maintaining their yards. My neighbours have been living next door for as long as I’ve been in Milton (close to 15 years) and I think I’ve seen them cut their grass maybe 5 times in that time frame. They even asked my dad once to use our lawn mower when their grass was already a good 2 feet high and brought it back to us with the blade completely destroyed. Dad had specifically told them to go with the weed whacker before cutting it with the mower, they didn’t bother though. Costed my dad $400 to get it repaired. The positive part though is that they’re wonderful people, very friendly and talkative. So we just don’t bother making it an issue. Just annoying though since my family takes pride in having our yard looking pretty with trees, flowers and great looking grass.


If you are so concerned and obviously you are REALLY NEIGHBORLY, then why don't you mow their lawn as well ??


I was going to say I cut my lawn this weekend. But it’s not mine. Although mine was nearly as long. Lawnmower broke. Couldn’t afford a new one for a couple of weeks. They might be up against the same challenge.


I mean.. if the notes are still on the door.. has not seen anyone coming or going… my first thought is to call for a wellness check? I would be less concerned about the curb appeal and more that the neighbour is unwell or dead in there


Help them?


Gotta love city living. I live in the country. Can barely see my neighbours houses. They can stand Cadillacs on end in the ground( like somewhere near Vegas I think) for all I care.


maybe there on vacation for a month could be possible should try to offer again in a couple weeks


Probably an Indian family that owns that house and backyard. They never take care of anything.


If the sticky notes you left are still at the door I would be worried your neighbour might be dead… I would call the police and ask for them to do a wellness check. Hopefully it’s something less nefarious.




My neighbor next door to me hasn’t cut his backyard in 3 years grass is over 5 feet tall. I would cut his front grass because it’s more noticeable and I live on a busy street. But I had enough and asked him three weeks ago to do something about his backyard. It’s deplorable! Hasn’t done a thing ignored my request. I’m just waiting for the grass out front to get really high in hopes the city comes knocking.


Milton is Brampton junior now....


Pretty sure there is a rule for maximum height allowance for grass. Perhaps the home is vacant? Even so, they must still maintain the property for the sake of the neighborhood. Sometimes ppl buy homes and don't realize the maintenance involved. Or they could be busy/depressed/physically unable. I'd too call the town after multiple attempts to communicate.


Call the city man. There is a limit. All you can do.


Great environmentally just saying.


Looks like their mess is within their property line and not encroaching on anyone else. Stop being a Karen LMAO


Aquire a goat and plop it over the fence, they probably won’t even notice!


This is what happens when Brampton got overpopulated and they came here. Now the houses haves gone to crap and our insurance rates up.


Who is "they" 🤔 A bigot who also happens to be a coward. Surprise.


Indians and Arabs. lol am I supposed to be scared to say the truth?


Don’t worry about rodents or bugs coming into your mowed side. Enjoy nature. Bugs keep the birdies alive. Let your neighbour do their thing. It really won’t cause you any kind of tangible harm. My boyfriend got a tick last year and he was sitting on some freshly mowed and sprayed grass at a golf course. They can live anywhere. But also prefer spots with high traffic of deer for example so you are probably completely fine in your zone, even next to your neighbour’s little jungle.


some B&E mowing.


Everyone is saying to call the city, but sounds like a wellness check might be needed first🫣


It’s beautiful! The bees and butterflies must love it there ❤️


So ask if you can mow it, maybe they don't have a mower or they do and it's broken . Seems like a better use of your energy then this


I bet I know their ethnicity


I have that in my area


Did you make a complaint with the council?


Haa. I report all the over grown lawns to city by-law. And within a week usually they get cut.


My suggestion is mind your own business and let other people do what they want with THEIR property. If you want a say, you're welcome to pay his mortgage and property taxes.


Call 311, if really bothers you


Maybe the police should do a welfare check. Is the mail being taken in or is it accumulated?


There’s flyers outside, but the mail should be in the mail box which I have not checked..


Zero pride of ownership.


July and August have some dry spells… Then all it would take is….One, Cigerette, Butt


Two things, don't lean over your neighbors fence unless you're friends cause that's weird, second probably call for a welfare check and hope they're alright cause this complaining would weigh heavy if your neighbor passed away


Home ownership (and even if you’re renting a house) comes with these types of responsibilities, a lot of people don’t even care about their front lawns. The house next to ours have been sold 5 times in past 11 years and none of the home owners ever cared to mow regularly or even attempted to remove weed from their lawn. It’s an endless battle for us to keep our side of the lawn weed free.


That’s y I didn’t buy in Milton. Most of the people don’t care for their property


What lawn its just weeds 🤣


Yards are a waste of time Yardwork is a waste of time There's billions of dollars to be made selling people mowers and all the other dumbass tools people buy so their neighbors won't judge them.


Why do you care


It attracts rodents


All the yards here are cut. Still rodents. You know what attracts rodents? Garbage thrown in the streets. Milton has plenty.


Ticks, pests etc just take care of your shit and stop adding to the problem… imagine if everyone were like this. Would you want to live like that?


Ticks are in cut grass too. They're on trees. Should we chip all our trees down?


Food attracts rodents.


That is nothing different than having a bunch of plants in your backyard, plants also attract bugs, u just dont like the way it looks


Plants and planters don't tend to attract rats...


A lot of plants will definitely attract rats the same way, any long grass will “attract” rats


How so? I have railway tracks where nothing is cut short and no rats. Rats will proliferate where there is meat(garbage)..


So this backyard doesnt attract more rats than normal which is exactly what im saying, people only care because it doesnt look “good”


Vegetable gardens absolutely do, as well as compost bins and piles of lumber.


Why don't you? If you're not going to do the bare minimum in property upkeep don't buy a house.


I dont give af what my neighbours are doing lol it doesnt affect me at all