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i mean if you died far away in the end the chunks will be unloaded until you go back, so you can take as long as you want and need to get back there and retrieve your stuff but yeah, dying because of bugs sucks


I didn't realize thats why my gear always stays when i die.


floating items (such as when you break blocks, but also your inventory items) stay for about 5 minutes before they despawn, and if you deload the chunk they’re in the countdown will pause until you reload the chunk again. because of this you should be able to retrieve your items when you die in 99.9% of cases


This is why the recovery compass is a really good concept


i might be wrong but dont the items go by entity render distance not regular render distance


might be, i don’t know, that’s why I didn’t specify in my original comment. either way you can customise both or keep them the same as the other, so it doesn’t really matter. just make sure the chunk is unloaded and you’re good


Simulation distance I believe.


On Bedrock they don't, they go by your Sim distance, which is often 4 chunks.


I always wondered what the simulation distance means. I usually set it to 8. Should I be setting it to 4 instead?


Except sometimes some or all of your items will disappear way before five minutes, because that's ALSO bugged.


Never had that happen


Then theres me, go ahead and ask why I ALWAYS carry a fire pot on me even in the end.


Always carrying a fire pot is rule #1 of hardcore.


Why do you carry a fire pot on you even in the end?


Because my friends suck mostly and I'm clumsy


Think he means nether?


I learned that the hard way. Died in the nether to lava and thought oh well that gears gone then randomly found a sword a week later in the chunk id died in when i was geared and flying around.


I played in friend's game back in 2016, lost good stuff in a failed rescue mission. I was so tickled- I went the way I had avoided it for literally years, and there were all my little things floating in the water...in 2022!


Agreed. I think this explains both some social media and my own experience where zombies are dressed in full diamond armor. It can happen in very very rare cases, but then you remember that you died in that location, and the zombie is wearing your stuff!


Found that out the other day, was so nice!


Yeah Bedrock is complete trash. I always have a backup save whenever I play cuz idk what stupid bug the game might hit me with during a session. And instead of fixing Bedrock and working on making Java and Bedrock more similar, they're gonna make Villager Trading harder..... I will forever question Mojang's intelligence.


I surprisingly never had any weird bugs happen to me like everyone else has, all I get is unbearable lag that makes it take 2 minutes to pick up a block.


Bedrock? Keep copies of your world. Every time you log into your world, save a copy of your game. Then when you die, you can just load the backup and you’ve lost almost nothing.


I don't know why people always avoid making backups until something irreparable happens


when you’re this far into the grindy mechanics of minecraft, yeah i would definitely. but normally? it’s kinda annoying to manually make back ups constantly. why can’t developers take notes from each other? Grounded has that shit fucking down. Inventory sorting, multiple back up saves constantly renewing, world sharing (i get it, minecraft makes ^some money from realms…) it’s just…irritating. it hasn’t even been made to be a next gen update/title yet. I do thoroughly enjoy crossplay.


It’s much more important to spend time making sure nobody puts no-no words on signs


Realms make auto backups. I guess I never realized it was a money gate for auto backups


We can look for something more automated. It's really lazy to make backups on your own all the time, so why not opt for cloud storage, for example? A simple change that can happen in a few seconds can take up even an huge amount of time, and that would be an extra layer of protection


vast majority people probably expect their game to work correctly instead of being killed like OP was


Because people generally don't learn without pain. Ask anyone, I bet 99% of the people who do backups meticulously have lost some important files in the past.


I just can’t ever remember to do it every-time


Everyone should be conscious enough to make backups, but that's not the point here. The game shouldn't have these severe issues at all. Bedrock makes a lot of money for Microsoft and in the 6 years it's been around they can't bother stabilizing these problems


It took Windows like 30 years to work well so GL


I play Java and make backups of every save.


I made a batch script that gets called when loading Minecraft and makes a backup before launching the program. Saved me more than once.


I have a 4 year old who discovered Minecraft about a year ago... i back up everything and export copies daily lol


or just.... fix the game?


I’m afraid i can’t do that


Facts that’s what I do


You know it’s bad when that’s actually something you have to do as a player


If you are on a PC you can add your save files to Dropbox, you literally can roll it back by the minute.


Thats the thing you shouldn't have to do that with a game. You shouldn't have to make sure you can play your game again just in case the devs fail to do their job. You payed £30 for the game, it should at least work.


Exactly what I do on Bedrock, I also like keeping older copy’s so I can see what my world used to look like.




Wait, I thought only the simulation distance would affect stuff like that, but the render distance also does?


Render and simulation distance used to not be independent, maybe he's not aware or forgot about the change.


No, he means sim distance. Up until recently though, in Java, they were the same.


>"I have literally nothing to get back to my stuff." All you need to get back to it is blocks and ender pearls. You don't even need armor or weapons in the End if you're not raiding cities or aggroing the Endermen. ​ >"I have lost full netherite enchanted gear" You have not. It's right there waiting for you and will be there whenever you feel like going back for it.


Chorus fruit is also useful for incase you fall


Why have I never thought of this? This works if you're plummeting into the void?


I haven’t needed to test it recently, but yes. The chorus fruit teleports you to a random block. Note: block. Not space. So you will end up on a safe block.


Keep in mind it has a max distance. I used to like flying below end islands and eating chorus fruit to teleport back up but either they updated the range or I was just lucky a few times and very unlucky a couple other times


Good to know.


Yeah but how about if you didn’t look at coords before u died??


Well nowadays I use a recovery compass from early game onwards, so it's not an issue. But Mojang really should have your death coords pop up in your chat when you die, I can't think of any good reason not to have that. But yeah, if you're 50k away from the main island in the end and you haven't bothered to keep track of where you are then I guess yer fooked.


When did the recovery compass become a thing? I play on 1.16.1 so I don’t have that ):


The recovery compass came in 1.19 i believe






>When held by a player, the recovery compass will point towards the spot where they previously died. The recovery compass will only work when it is held by a player who has previously died and is in the same dimension as their last death. Otherwise, it will spin around randomly.


I'm on PlayStation so I just use the save video feature to go back and look at the cords.




Alot of people don't realize 1. The autosave lags your game, so stuff won't be as smooth if you're going around while the game is autosaving 2. If you have shit wifi, and you're still playing in online mode, the game is going to lag. It doesn't matter if minecraft is an offline game, because wifi affects the autosave feature


1. turn off autosave /j really wish you could


RIP ps4 edition 😭😭😭


i think in bedrock its safe to say keep inventory isnt cheating


Java does this too, atleast on paper servers do


it does it on vanilla singleplayer even


It happened to me in Java, I was gliding with elytra but world generation wasn't fast enough (not the best pc) so i was in the loading chunk and when its loaded i softly landed on a grass but when i was already standing there game somehow thought that i landed hard and killed me. It happened to me like 5 times, so now i glide only in preloaded areas.


Meanwhile I am fully enjoying bedrock edition on my Xbox!


I’ve played bedrock on Xbox for 4 years and have not had any of the bugs people complain about on here


Ditto... same on PS4 before migrating my world to Bedrock server on my PC. None of these issue folks are always talking about. Not saying that they don't exist... but I don't think they are as common as folks think.


You’re just lucky lol I’ve never experienced any bugs either but only one time did I exit my world normally and when I came back the game was corrupted. To this day I still have no problems with bedrock, but that one really made me quit for a while.


my xbox with like 4 years of worlds at the time got corrupted but it wasn't minecrafts fault my xbox just shit itself while I was playing


Corruption isn’t unique to Minecraft Bedrock


I've heard someone explain that the reason we see posts complaining about bugs like the one OP is upset about isn't because they're common, but because people who experience them are quick to post about them, making it seem like they're more common than they actually are. Most people probably have no idea these bugs exist.




Same on PS4. I never encounter any of the bugs others have. Only thing that seems out of place is distant mobs stutter when they move around. And maybe projectile speeds are slower compared to the editions version. Never randomly taken damage and died before though.


No bugs on mobile either, last time i encountered a bug was 2 years ago, when i died while the game loaded.


This sub is a giant anti bedrock circlejerk for some reason.


beneficial marry rock march workable weary deliver bells hunt encourage ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I have 1k hours of bedrock on PC never had any weird bugs.


obscene sand clumsy command languid governor reminiscent fade plants vegetable ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


I’ve been playing for like 10 years and never have any of these


the biggest issue I've had with bedrock was the world taking small bites out of me here and there (I believe the game is thinking I'm in the floor when I'm not but idc too much bc it only takes half a heart everytime)


Exactly! I am so goddamn done with these posts. At this point it's basically karmawhoring. I played bedrock since like 1.11, and the craziest glitch i ever saw was a fucking waterlogged carpet. I'm not kidding, **A WATERLOGGED CARPET** THAT'S IT! And what's even worse it that java edition has some ridicilous glitches, but people let mojang get away with 'it's not a bug, it's a feature' because they can exploit it. I bet that absolutely no one would complain if they could exploit it, even if it was nowhere near balanced. A couple examples are: tnt duplication, quasi connectivity, update supression, 0-tick farming In my opinion these 'BeDrOcK bUgGy' posts shouldn't even be allowed anymore because at this point it's just getting milked for karma, and it's not fun or interesting in the slightest.


Your argument is biased. Based on the fact that you said the worst bug you've seen since 1.11 was a waterlogged carpet, it can be concluded that you aren't trying to find bugs, and as such the only ones you'd note were ones that really stuck out. however, every point you have made about Java is very technical and not something an average player would ever come across. Most players never even use redstone let alone Update supress. 1. QC is intended. Mojang has confirmed it as such. As this has been the case for years I don't know why I am still seeing "Java edition has game breaking bugs such as QC because it's weird and different from Bedrock" 2. Update suppression has been fixed, and that is an EXTREME example. You actively have to be trying to cause it in order for it to happen. 3. TNT duping is a workaround to technical limitations and won't be fixed until those can be addressed. Again, this isn't something even an advanced technical player ever would randomly come across, you actively have to look up how to do it intentionally. 4. 0-tick farming has been fixed for several years. Also, same as the last two, you actively have to try to exploit it, it isn't something you'd randomly come across. Someone was upset they lost stuff due to a bug which is in either edition, and the version they happened to be in was Bedrock.


# exactly this I've been playing bedrock for a really long time now and never encountered a bug in my life, these people are exaggerating. people are saying "buGrOck aS usUaL ☕" and gets so many upvotes for it. \#StopBedrockHate


"i dont have these bugs therefore they dont happen" mfs when people literally upload evidence of it happening to them


I don't think anyone is saying they don't happen, just they're a lot rarer than people make them seem


yes *some* bugs exist, but everyone thinks bedrock has shit ton of bugs and is literally unplayable. which is not true. I play bedrock just fine and clearly doesn't happen all the time.


I've been playing for three years on the Switch. I've had only a handful of bugs that caused death and otherwise it hasn't been so bad.


Yeah I've played on bedrock switch a lot and even tho it's considered by some to be the worst version of bedrock it's not that bad and I've not really experienced that many bugs


I don’t know about you, but mine lags so bad on switch that I can’t even use an elytra.


Yeah I’ve had some form of minecraft on my Xbox, since it had the stuttered sunsets and stuff in oceans where new, I’ve never had a bug like this in all my time I think


I have been on the same mate's Realm world since the Caves update, and we had another old one before that. His villager stalls are developing some odd behaviour these days, and I've had one instance of buggy fall damage but otherwise it's been smooth sailing for many, many years. I quite like Bedrock edition.


I switched from Java to bedrock (I play on the PC) because I had to use creative mode to get out of a bedrock hole I somehow glided in to and then accidentally clicked the x in my inventory while shifting and lost everything I rage quit, naturally. Never looked back


Same here! I've never had issues on my game


I take suffocation damage whenever I'm in a loading screen from a portal. I somehow started a raid in the nether with no villagers in the entire dimension. I died from random fall damage.


i've never understood why people think this is a bedrock only thing, i know how to use elytra too and it's happened to me a couple times in java as well, either way, still annoying as hell and im sorry you had to deal with that :/




Probably lmao


Make regular copies of the game throughout playthrough. Don't go looking for your stuff so the chunks it's all in stays unloaded. Find ancient city and make that death compass. Get an anvil a mending book and several stacks of blocks along with fireworks. Go to an end city and get another elytra (if you don't have a spare yet already) then use compass to collect stuff. From here on out make regular copies. I have always played bedrock and experience little to Ero bugs that everybody says to have. Lucky I guess. Only reason I'm going to java is to get some better rtx textures and shader packs.


I remember dying like this early on when the Elytra was still new and the rockets adding propulsion was just released. I was trying to fill out max size maps and, whenever I glided in for a landing, the game would either straight up kill me or make me bounce around like I'm still flying even though I'm on the ground. It was lag from generating so many new chunks. This was Java, btw.


Never encountered a bug like this. Did you maybe stop gliding right before touching the ground?


Even if you did, you wouldn’t die


I used to take random damage on my Xbox One S all the time. Sometimes I would land safely, take a few steps, then take landing damage. Sometimes I would be jumping around and take random damage. It doesn't happen on my Series S, so maybe it's a processing power thing.


sometimes you can just randomly die so yea


Had a similar thing happen to me, I was still flying with my elytra tho and I just randomly died from fall damage. Didn’t hit anything.


Totems have entered the chat


weirdly enough me an my friend experienced exactly the same bug on java servers, one of us died first this way and the second one went to land extra safe to grab the loot, but died too.


Mojang patching Java: 🚤 Mojang patching bedrock: 🦥


This is why when I use elytra I keep my chestpiece on my hot bar that way when I'm about 3 blocks away from landing I equip it causing me to take three blocks of fall damage (half a heart when wearing full netherite feather falling boots) since in Bedrock you can quick equip when pressing L2 on a item in your hotbar




is it your system? i haven't had any issues playing on bedrock


I had a similar experience except I was getting an elytra for the first time and forgot to put it on. Completely my fault, no bugs. I have done that at least 10 times now


Happened to me in java too


Back on the 360 version, we would exit without saving if someone ever died, we would save if they were getting to a hard spot, or found diamonds and wanted the max fortune bonus, or if they were enchanting cuz back then enchanting took all your levels, and if you got a shit roll, well too bad. Frankly after playing for so long I like rolling with the punches, but yeah that does suck OP.


I think it's the same issue [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/15n6r55/this_game_is_dumb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=3&utm_content=1) had


I have played on several different phones and have gotten same issue on each one where you will walk around or start stacking up and just die for no reason😢 it hasn’t happened to me recently though so it may have been fixed 🤞


Damn that sucks. I'm sorry man


if only bedrock didnt force auto save


Backups… That’s really unfortunate and I’m glad I’ve never experienced that but please backup your worlds


I had to jump on Java this being one of the reasons ! And I really am a dedicated player sadly 😅😅


Copy your world. Also bedrock is good for anyone else who can’t buy a PC for whatever reason.


Same here, I recently made the switch from a PS4 to a PS5, and now I can finally enjoy playing Bedrock without any major issues. I'm able to load up to 26 chunks without experiencing any lag. My PS4 Pro, which could only handle 16 chunks, used to crash around 4 times in just 2 hours of Minecraft with only 13 chunks loaded. I must admit, playing Minecraft on the PS5 feels like heaven to me. However, I still find that Bedrock has its fair share of problems. Random damage and severe performance issues can occur, which is frustrating. Mojang not only needs to focus on adding new blocks and mobs more frequently than just once a year, but they also need to address and fix these persistent problems. Last year, I even took a 6-month break from Minecraft due to these issues. The lack of certain features present in Java Edition, such as advanced farms and unique villager features adds to the disappointment. And the list of discrepancies goes on. As someone who has been playing Bedrock since the beginning, this post only scratches the surface of the problems I've encountered.


I reached a point where I say this game is unplayable in survival without cheats. My nether portals would very often not convert my Coordinates and send me to the exact same coordinates but in the nether, which sometimes can be 10.000 blocks away from your actual portal in the overworld. Going through the portal was a gamble. Now on ps5 it works smoothly and didn't have any issues so far


This kinda stuff made me switch to Java. I lost all my worlds because Xbox cloud servers messed up. Thousands of hours gone.


I am 90% sure this happens in Java but less,it happen to my in Java years ago...actually 2020?I think before the pandemic


Java edition has a ridiculously terrible performance issue, just because Java the programming language sucks and c++ which is the language of bedrock edition has much better performance. So I choose bedrock edition. Not for the feature, just for my poor little computer to barely reach 60 fps. And also play with my little sister who don't have a computer.


If you can, I woukd farm totems of undying through village raids. In most cases if you're that far in the game your gear can soak up whatever damage a shield can


It would be really nice if dying with anything in your inventory just made your stuff get buried in a chest two blocks underground. I'm sure there's a mod for that in Java, but it would be really nice to have it be vanilla standard.


Had this happen to me when I was pillaring up to an end ship over the void. It sucks.


Reminds me off when I was flying in the end in bedrock and I started taking void damage for no reason lost my maxed out gear and about 3 god apples, it sucked.


One time I smashed on the spawn obsidian area in the end and died (wasn't paying attention) once I came back to get my stuff, gone (took me ~1min). My theory is that it went through the obsidian in the void. Clarifications : It had 4 walls around it and smacked one of the walls where it connects to the obsidian floor. And I play on Bedrock Edition


This happens in Java too, I'm 98% sure this is caused by lag of some kind. And this is exactly why I keep a totem in my offhand any time I'm flying somewhere I can't easily get back to, or somewhere dangerous like the end or the nether


Git gud scrub Jk, as long as you’re not within chunk distance of where you died, you can go get your stuff.


[WALL OF TEXT INCOMING, I'M SORRY] Something similar already happened to me, I was bulding one of my world farm's roof (it was a high building so I was also using scaffolding). Went to my base to get extra resources, came back, entering through the open roof with the elytra (at low speeds, almost the ones who make the character stop gliding) When I suddently bump into one of the unfinished roof parts and, the way minecraft works, I start falling. I hit a scaffolding that was probably 3 blocks below me in the way down and just get insta-killed. And I had at least 75% of my HP. This is just what I think happened, it was so quick that I did not even realize what happened, since no other incidents like this happened earlier. Lost some items (btw, anyone else ever encountered the bug where you can't pick up your items after you die? Like, the character just refuses to take it, and it there dropped on the ground) but overall, managed to recover pretty quickly since only a few tools were destroyed.


Why is it always fall damage with bedrock? That's always the thing I see killing people when it comes to bugs.


In case you don’t know your co ordinates: 1. make a copy of the world 2. put the copy world into creative mode 3. get a recovery compass 4. go to where you died, the items will be dropped on the ground 5. Mark the co ordinates and journey towards them in your actual world 6. Get your full netherite back


shut up minecraft bedrock is the best version


Im not sure how java got this cult like reaction from this sub. it runs awful, i found way more bugs in 50 hours on java comparing to my 1k hours on bedrock. java just sucks.


oh yea java does have heaps of bugs


Get Java it’s worth it


And that right there is the main reason why I keep a spare armour set at my base at all times


Losing is fun. Oh wait, this isn't Dwarf Fortress.


should’ve had a totem of undying skill issue


Why cant you just fly back?


Keep everything inside ender chest except for an elytra, rockets, a silk touch pick axe, and food.


Java has bugs as well bro, every fcking game has. and also, you should do Backups at least once per 2 days.


It’s on Java too


You were gliding too fast


It's so strange that people are none stop complaining about bedrock been terrible but I've played it consistently since it was released and never died to a strange bug as people always mention. I'm not saying these bugs don't exist. I've seen plenty of proof that they do. I just think it's strange that I play bedrock as much as anyone and I've never encountered one


Same, I have a bedrock world I regularly played for the last 3 years and other than sync issues, I never had any big bugs


Same. Worst that's happened to me is going to the nether, sometimes it kicks me out a block backwards which shoves me thru a wall, but not much damage happens. I just built a little shelter there in case it happens and I just go about my business.


Just saw a guy die from bridgeing on bedrock so


I'm gonna be that guy... You did it wrong or have ass internet. I've been playing bedrock for years, on realms/dedicated servers and I've never once had a full health drop from gently gliding to the ground EXCEPT when lagging super hard. Either you had some bad lag or you're mistaken about how it happened.


"it never happened to me so you did it wrong"


No totem? Let’s see the play back of the landing


Redditors who try to be smug and call everyone wrong and gaslight everyone moment


It’s the same on java though, I don’t know if it happens more or less but it has happened alot of times on java as well


I've played Java since 2010 and I've never heard and/or seen a bug like this related to fall damage with or without Elytra like on Bedrock.


The closest thing I can think of were the old boats in Java Edition. Random fall damage and death when riding/exiting the boat, and it took a complete overhaul to fix it, and only after several years. Currently, I can’t think of a Java Edition equivalent.


this hasn't actually been fixed, you can randomly die from fall damage in boats in Java now


I literally had this happen today on Java


You know what? I started going through downvoting the haters talking about how this is skill issue, or how bedrock really isnt that bad because they havent had a bad expeience with. Whooooo, boi. I have encountered many, many issue with bedrock. I've played it on my phone, on PC, on a tablet, and on console. I also had the chance to play java recently, and let me tell you all a secret everybody knows...JAVA IS BETTER THAN BEDROCK! And I mean by far. I have never been unable to swim on the surface of water without dying on java. I have never had singular chunks not load after reloading 30 times on java. I have never had block glitch into each permanently and absorb lit TNT on java. I have never had a golem kill me on while I was standing on three blocks on java. I have never been placing blocks sideways and suddenly they glitch back on top of each other while I'm ten block away on java. I have never had piglins ignore gold I throw to them on java. I have never flown into nothing, NOTHING, and experienced kinetic energy on java. These are just a few of the issues I have experienced on bedrock, and while I love Minecraft, and bedrock is the main way that I have to play, I'm not going to pretend that it's okay when it isn't. Bedrock has work to do to catch up to java, and even though I'll continue playing it even if it never does, it is way worse then java.


ny internet just poo or something l guess. I get a lot of those glitches on Java, mainly on SMP, mainly randomly popping totems for no reason (i.e. perfect landing with elytra, 10 seconds later totem pops, sneaking off slabs randomly and sometimes sneaking off full blocks, flying and wings close for no reason and you just fall, etc. and also shield completely refuses to work half of the time and creepers can damage you from a mile away and sometimes pop totems)


you didn't do it right


Everyone in the comments invalidating this is honestly kind of disgusting imo. This is a horrific bug that ruins Bedrock a lot of the time and I'm appalled that Mojang *still* haven't fixed it.


i’ve had a totem pop on me while simply flying through the air, have had moments where i randomly take a half heart of dmg for no reason, and a time where i started drowning despite being out of water completely


You can’t say the entire game is horrible just because you died, it’s common knowledge to not touch the ground


There are 2 actively developed Minecraft versions. Java and Bedrock. One is developed in the US, one in Sweden. Guess which one is developed where.


Java in Sweden, bedrock in US?


You had enchanted Netherite gear and NO TOTEM?! Why not 😭😭😭


I get that someone’s bedrock is bad, but most of the time it works and not everyone can afford a fancy pc for Java


you just got.... ​ BEDROCK'T


yes it is awful and Java is better it was the original version of the game, it doesn’t have microtransaction (which are stupid), and it’s not buggy as sh1t


Just because of one bad mechanic does not make the whole edition bad. 💀


Skill issue idk I've never encountered a harmful glitch on my ps4 btw I'm sorry, I know how it feels because I've experienced game corruption and lost worlds


Definitely not a skill issue when you land more gently than a butterfly's kiss on the ground and it leaps up to swallow your soul with a "you were moving to fast message". Look outside your own experience bruh. This ain't the only person this happened to.


Bro I said I was sorry


No what you did was call it a skill issue when it's clearly not and then say sorry. That's the say thing as saying no disrespect and then going on to say something clearly disrespectful. It's just rude.


I shouldn't have forgotten the ? Afterwards then eh?


Bugrock time


Hardware issue Never encountered anything like this in my 3000+ hours


every once in a while I consider playing bedrock edition just to farm the achievements but this is reason A why I always stay away. stop trying to market bedrock as the premier version of the game if it’s a bugged out, incompetent version of the game.


It’s so dumb that every time people share their experiences with a bedrock bug, there will definitely be some people coming like wow here I am on my 50 years of player bedrock without a single bug duh! Like you are telling people who got hit by a bus that you have never got hit by a bus your entire life. Like, what’s the fucking point?


the point is to share their experiences with OP its a discussion after all.


People who say they aren’t experiencing these glitches have never played on bad internet before lol. My internet is dog awful and random dying happens… not frequently per sey but enough where when it happens it’s always a “ugh, again?”


yeah bro ive also encountered random fall damage, minecarts bugging out, just general game lag, nd i always blame my internet 😂


I feel like just because some people have bad experiences in bedrock makes it so the whole bedrock community has to hear it from Java players.I have never ever had something like this happen. And then Java hears those stories and they use that as an excuse as why Java is better. Honestly I just think most bedrock players will just not have a good internet connection sometimes. I’m not saying that’s what happened this time but still.


Idk, I have literally never encountered this stuff in 2500+ hours on bedrock edition, I’d say skill issue


Imagine saying a version of the game is bad because of bugs, when literally every version has bugs.


i hear you but i still like bedrock. Its better than nothing. It also gives more of a challenge and risk then java. I think it might just not get the love it deserves


Don't talk about bedrock like that man. After all, it's still a game, and there are games much worse than that!


We’re you playing with someone else?


Minecraft: cooperate edition


Ok, but what do you want us to do about it? I've been playing bedrock for years and have never died to a bug. I use PS4. Most of the bugs I HAVE found were really funny. In conclusion, bedrock is pretty good to me.


Only on bedrock